Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1955, p. 8

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rao sight theacton free press acton ontario thursday september i 1055 farm news halton juniors plartplowmatch september 10 the annual hulton junior plow ing match la scheduled for the farm of harvey nurv asngrove onsalurday september 10 states john w picket president of thu halton juniors inasmuch as this annual event features coaching as well as comp etition in plowing for juniors ar rangements have been made to have winfred timbers of york county as their chief coach and judge the event on september jf is sponsored jointly by the tlulton juntos farmers and ihe hulton plowmens association we under stand from president pickot that the halton juniors will award a pedal to the junior farmer group jch gets out the most entries will be recalled that at the international at broslau hai ti won the intercouhty tractor event in the intersecondary school competition the oakvilletrafalgar high school team placed second with the north halton high school team in fifth place the teams to represent halton and high school areas at the 19s6 international at leamington will we expect be selected at this junior event on soptembci 10 this should be a convenience from ihe standpoint of transport ationfurthermore if present plans materialize hnlton farm operators will have a rare opportunity of obtaining the most uptodate in formation on such timely subjects as j l cart i afford to farm in hul ton 2i the economics of irrig- tttion hi ge fa -3- drought periods and forage crop 4 solu and fertilizers 5 the economics of mechanization 1 weed control 7 zero pasturing and the future of the dairy indust ry in hulton 8 markets and marketing schemes 9 health of the dairy herd 10 analyzing the farm business ii correcting weaknesses revealed 12 the farm outlook from haltons farm lands note interest in tetrapeflcus lye organize milton night school an open meeting held in the milton high school on tuesduy ev ening of inst week decided unan imously to proceed with the organ ization of night school classes for milton and district this coming fall and winter principal c a wood of milton high school chiired the initial por tion of the meeting suggestions were received for clnsses whih might be offered ind the follow ink committee was uppointed t pro ceed with the necesar organiz ation work chairman mrs velma norris milton ri 2 secreliirytrensiirei mrs ma johnson milton mem bers mrs frank mcnlven milton mrs russell king- hornby mrs 6tanley randall milton mrs chas johnson milton gordon rnynei milton r r 4 edward fish ouk- vllle rr 1 the committee is meeting during the current week following which an announcement will be made of the courses to be offered the dates fees etc soil crop tests planned for 56 during the past ten years rates of commercial fertilizer applicat ion on such crops as potatoes and grain corn have been economically stepped up materially in order to determine the economic and pract ical aspects of increased amounts of commercial fertilizer with win ter wheat we understand from mr e r segsworth president of the halton soil and crop improvement association that his i organization has already made plans to lay down such a test this fall the site for this lest will be or the farm of brock harris near lowvillc it is our understanding hut acre blocks will be luid down with fertilizer rotes of iso pound 200 pounds 280 pounds and 300 pounds per acre during the mist summer mr harris has renovated his creek flats and inst week tins was seeded to u longtime pasture mixture soil and crop lenders expect tli it these two projects along with such features is the harris pole loafing barn a pit silo etc will serve as a basis for an interesting soil and crop tour in th 1 it jinn of i95i the new german or tetraploid fall rye has created a great deal of interest during the past season in conversation with dr don huntley of the department of field husbandry o ac we ieurnd that this new variety of ryewlir outyleld winter wheat at the brampton seed farm of the department of agriculture they had a yield of 00 bushels to the acre we also learned from alex m stewart of ailsa craig that this past season they harvested 10 acres that yielded over 74 bush els per acre and 140 bales of straw per acre this states mr stewart wiis sown in 14 inch rows at one bushel per acre to quote mr stewart further we think that this rye is the most outstanding thing in cer eals that has happened in the last so years in order to get some firsthand knowledge of this socalled won der variety the halton soil and crop improvement association has just completed arrangements to lay down three testa with the tetra petkus rye this fall brides first need is good cook book ottawa cr young brides facing the kitchen stove for the first time neednt set- punieky says the agriculture departments con sumer section very few women are born cooks but anyone can become one ohe section says in lis weekly bulletin the fi s is to collect good recipes a good cook book is es sential but no doubt the bride will want to include some nandme downs from inoihei in her col lee tloir then she must ketip in mind that cooking for two persons only rep resents some s problems must tecinesmrerwrfltbn to serve four or six so she has to cut them in half or by third to avoid large quanti ties of leftovers she should provide herself with a good set of measuring spoons and a measuring cup and stock her kitch en with a good supply of staples dairy products incuts fish fruits and vegetables shopping is another hurdle which cun be solved by careful planning to be a thrifty shopper in todays serve yourself food stores it is im portant to decide what is to be bought and to prepare a listbefore starting out to shop buy foods in quantinty if there is storage space for them and shop around various stores for the host quality and best prices the section adds georgetown refuses taxi restrictions la request by taxi 0eralora to limit licences to those presently in business was turned down by council in georgetown when coun cil decided not to alter the present bylaw a licence will be grunted to william booth providing he meets qualifications of the byluw three tuxi operators formed delegation at the meeting to ask restrictions coum ii contacted six neighboring towns in the mean time mid found that oiangeville milton nrnmptnn and hurllngton have no restrictions oukvllli urn its it to four taxi companies tlintiiih not suiting how many cubs an operating uud acton limits iiiisim issue to 10 bears raid camps in search of food port arthur ont op lack of berries in this north western ontario district has sent bears on the rampage raiding catnps fo food and treeing citiz ens the ontario department of lunds and forests reports several campers huve repot ted encountering hungry bears in ns ent weeks a department employee bert shore said two bears invaded his lake nlplgon cabin and lite ul dible groceries hi- watched help lessly from n fire tower two pulpwood company mp loyees were kept treed by an oj gresslvr bear fo si veil hours at kamlnlstlqutu longer anton sund herg looked up from his table to see u large black bear omiiik through tin door hi giabbed 1 rifle and shot the mtiuder todays athletes not better men the athletes of today are no bet- tei than the spoilsmen of u eentuiy ugo is the opinion of sit adolphe abiuhums medunl udviser to the international athletic board he says that the modem athlete is nelthei physically stionger not has he any greater fortitude and cour- uge thun the competitor of yester day howevei sil adolphe does not explain why it cords are being broken evel y year othei uuthoiltles have atti united these improvements in performance to the great change that have been made in uthutic equipment train ing techniques and conditioning methods and dr roget bannister the fiist man cvei to run a mile in less than four minutes has been quoted as saying that the most im- poitant element in setting a new record is competition versatile nurses work with indians amols que op paillette la- lunde of monti eal and carmen giilllnt of quebec have found ad venture in northwestern quebec as registered nurses employed by the fedeial department of indian affairs they travel by canoe dog sled plane car train and afoot to care foi 2700 indians living in the vast bleak abitlbl region their duties vaiy from teaching indian children how to brush tsfelr teeth to treating patients for pneumonia the nurses act as doctors in minor surgical cases in mujoi cuses the patients ar sent to the nearest hospital the nurses devote part of their time to teaching indians the elemen tary i ules of hygiene it is not un common they say foi them to have to teach the nutlven how to take a bath they hiiv found that a bit of ap plied pyschology ean go u long way with iiil goodnatured indian at each visit the y give points to the neutest and tidiest famllli s a fi it ndly rlvuliy is created among indians tiylng to g t the most points km n t xc hiding its seasonal woods uoikiis pulp and pap i is by far tlu laieist industi la i mployer in tb land acton fall fair friday and saturday september 1617 special prizes horse specials no ms- special meetings for farmers at the meeting held on august 23 agricultural representative j e whitclock announced that ho hopes to hold a series of meetings for farm operators at the same time as thpntght school classes while not connected with the night school program the meetings will hkel be held on the same evenings as the night school classes 2s as 4s ss os 7s as os i os 118 12s 13s 14s 158 10s 17s ibs clearing auction sale farm stock implements furniture etc the undersigned have received instructions from allen dixon to sell bv public auction at his farm lot 10 con i township of trafalgar 1 mile southwest of milton on wkdnehd 8k 14 commencing at 130 o clock sharp the following cows 3 durham cows with calves atitot 1 durham coy due sept 12 i durham cow milking not bred 1 holstein cow due nov 3 1 holstein heifer due oct 1 1 holstein heifer calf hogs hay grain and straw 1 mature york sow due time of sale 4 mature york sows just bred 46 york shoats 350 bus fall wheat 200 bus mixed gram 1500 bus oats beaver 80 tpn mixed hay 3 ton second crop lucerne 12 ton oat straw 8 ton wheat straw furniture kitchen stove coal or wood kitchen table 6 kit chen chairs odd chairs 8das clock bab bed ironing board no of empt jars full size dres jud and other small household effects farm implements etc j d lime spreader side rake bissell tractor disc 16 plate dump rake tedder truck wagon like new flat hay rack clover table wind- rower emery stone stock rack 50 ft tractor 7 endless belt mjh grain grinder 10 m h grain grinder 12 speed jack and car riage 2 i chicken shelters brooder house electric brooder coal brood er fountains feeders tractor trailer milk cart 90 gal gas tank oil barrels 24 cedar posts 25 steel fence posts electric fencer and spools wide teeth for spring cultivator feed carrier for ford tractor 100 cotton grain bags 200 ft threequarter inch wafer pipe 1 square asphalt roofing 2 bundles cedar shingles cutter 2 sets steel haines hog crate odd horse col lars and other small farm equip ment terms- cash settlement with clerk on 4y- of sale no reserve as farm is sold and the proprietor is moving to town tt hjndley annd elliott m auctioneers fred harbotue cleric b82 p high stepping h 1st woo c 2nd woo c rest single tin mint- int valiio ikloo by klklna clothes guelph 2nd value 3 00 by pudd sloie guelph beat span high steppet fn llainenslst value 0 00 tiy ross fuinltuie guelph 2nd value 5 00 by plnneei furniture and furnishings guelph best span heavy horses any breed 1st 7 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 2 00 cash rest 1ady dilvei 1st value 100 by john aimhlrong guelph 2nd value 3 00 by daymond home furnish ings guelph best heavy horse on grounds mare or gelding any brood lit 0 00 2nd m00 cash best pony foal 1st value 000 ackers furnituie guelph beslsingle dehveiy horse 1st cash 00 2nd bag of pio neer horse fitting by j a kerr 3 00 rest showmanship of foul open to boy or gill 1st value 4 00 canadian tire coi notation guelph 2nd value 2 00 by pioneer equipment guelph rent group of not less than five heavy hoi sea owned by one exhlbltoi 1st value 7 00 2nd hiud 500 3rd cash 2 00 group of not less limn 5 light hoises owned by one exhlhl tor 1st value 7 00 2nd value 5 00 3id cash 3 00 cattle specials best holstein get of sire group of three animals either sex any family having won a t eaton co limited prize in this cjasa at a fait in 1011 not eligible to com pete by t eaton co limited a sheffield reproduction serving tray value best two reef breeding purpose calves 4 300 200 2 00 cash beat two dairy calves 1st 1 bag of master calf starter doaated by j p kiikwood 2nd cash 2 3rd cash 1 junior herd any beef breed consisting of bull and 3 fe males previously shown in individual claasea all under two years of age 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 41h 2 00 cash best guernsey cow in milk any age 1st cash 1000 2nd 5 00 rdkl jersey cow in milk any age ut cash 10 00 2nd 5 00 best llolslein cow in milk any uge 1st cash 10 a 2nd 5 00 t0 a 00 11 m mod a 00 10 00 a oo 12 oo a 00 ib 00 15 00 14 00 ib 00 15 00 is 00 iioa specials ids best pan weanllnj pigs itacon type 1 hag pin ina pig start r value 5 20 donated by acton fai m supply 5 20 hiifep hpkiaik best flo k of sheep consisting of i hani 2 kw s and 2 iw lumlis any breed 1st value 3110 2nd valut 2 00 5 00 best pair marketable lambs value 2 50 2nd value 2 00 not shown other class including commercial feature 4 50 best five ewe lambs cash 4 00 best fleece fine wool shorn cash 2 v 2 00 1 00 5 80 best fleece medium wool shorn cash 2 50 2 00 100 5 80 best fleece long wool shorn cash 2 50 2 00 100 5 80 i poultry specials 27s best pair barred rock cockerel and pullet 1 bag purina feed by acton farm supply 5 15 283 best dressed chicken over 8 lbs donor to receive same by h mainprise 4 00 z9s second best dressed chlcki n over 0 lbs donor to receive same by sam holmes 3 00 home department spflials best loaf of homernadi bread madi from high i oaf flour by i h lindsay 911 lbs high loaf flour value 5 50 sales slip from acton flour mill must accompany each entry best light cake made from lxcuaior flour by d h lindsay 411 lbs exc lsior flour value 2 80 sales fcllpfrjm alton fan each entry donor to r c ive same by best chocolate layi r cake acton auto body cash best cherry pie donor rec ivi same by a c patterson best orange- layer oik donor to receive same by mil dred bills ladies and children s wear voucher value grain roots and vegetable specials 43s best collection of farm produce including grain roots vegetables and flowers gardem rs not llglhli 1st 5 00 value by la vogui indies wear guelph 2nd cash s300 44s best six quart basket of onions value 1 00 4bs best three samples of grain consisting of wheat oats and barley half bushel of each 1st value 200 2nd value 130 47s best bushel basket of mixed vegetables not open to market gardeners by lakevlew greenhouses bedding stock value 48s best bushel shipping turnips 1st cash 200 2nd cash 1 00 tj 49s best bag of potatoes donor to receive same by family outfitters 1 pair work pants sos best basket of potatoes ill quarts any variety lit 100 2nd 50c 3 00 2 00 3 00 8 00 i 00 3 00 400 00 4 95 1 90 fruit specials best bushel northern spy apples donor o receive same by masales dairy cash best bushel mcintosh apples donor to receive same by benton s meat market best bushel delic out apples donor to rece ve tame by highway garage plant and flower specials best 12 white gladioli 1st cash 1 00 2nd cash 7sc ibest living room bouquet 1st cash 100 2nd cash 50c centre piece of assorted flowers on tray for dinner table seating twelve 1st cash 2 00 2nd cash 75c best basket wild flowers arranged for effect 1st cash 200 2nd cash 50e homecraft specials best collection of fancy work not more than 15 pieces not shown before best babys layette best 5 novelty articles collection of 5 articles suitable for christmas gifts each article to be valued at not more than 1 best collection fancy work by new canadians at least 10 pieces for new exhibitor best collection of 1 tea towel 2 pot holders 1 apron 1 tea cosy 3 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 miscellaneous specials to couple married greatest number of years attending the fair registration to be made with gatekeepers or secretary second day of fair 3he acton free press one year alue i to the person attending acton fair from the greatest distance report to secretary for computation of dis tance the acton free press on year value boy with the most freckled face 1st cash 300 2nd cash 2u 3rd cash 100 girl wfc the most freckled face 1st cash 300 2nd cash 200 3rd cash 100 j aaakiwscst s 00 4 00 4 jo 1 ib i so 27 280 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 so 8 00 oft

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