Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1955, p. 1

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f press actenrenta0rthurspayrseptember8thr ten pages six cents com said cause s g smallwood ltd to leave acton at a meeting late tuesday after- the company was busy and did not lavetime t tcn tire various operations it was also said a- group of employeespf the com pany w a kni field repre sentative of theme radio and machine workers cio and may or e tyler r f bean secretary of the chamber of commerce and g a dills editor of the free press that the acton plant of the company would terminate operations the end of this month following is the text of the an nouncement which mr smallwood read copies were supplied to all present text of statement i have invited you to be present today in order to convey personally an announcement to you and to your community because of the severe competi tive conditions which exist within our industry we find ourselves un able to continue manufacturing operations in acton as a result this plant will be closed on or about september 30 1955 arid the building and land will be offered for sale every effort will be made to ter minate operations in an orderly and an equitable manner consistent with the problems with which we must contond we will endeavor to lay off employees in accordance with their seniority in so far as is practicable i would like to express sincere thanks on behalf of myself and my colleagues to those who have en deavored to make our stay in acton an enjoyable one we are deeply grateful or your kindness and we shall carry with us pleasant memo ries of our association not fault of town or union questioned by the group follow ing the announcement mr small- wood assured them that the move had not been precipitated by any action of the union or citizens of acton or their representative he said the relationship with union of ficials and in acton generally had been all that was desired he had secured more space in kitchener in the building and planned to resume operations there for some months operations had been carried op jn bath jcitchener and acton the trained help in kit chener for this type of industry was available and had not come to ac ton with the plant as anticipated acid new subjects for night school subjects to be offered at this years night school in acton have been tentatively decided on thev are elementary art intermediae art english grammar and literat ure typewriting shop work mil- linery ceramics leather emboss ing leather carving upholstering childrens clothing elementary there had been a large turnover in the work h mrkhippel drew it to the atten tion of mr smallwood that the un ion he represented had certification only in acton and that the uje un ion has certification in kitchener he said he would give attention to the workers here in seniority and other matters incidental to the change the union was certified in acton the first of june and has had five meetings to arrive at an agreement for the acton plant mr d allan page industrial relations consultant of burlington has acted on behalf of the company in the negotiations mr knippel said a meeting of the acton employees had been called for thursday when the matter will be discussed asked if he- had made any ar rangements for sale offfie building smallwood sur the declst had been made so quickly that this phase had not been yet considered there had been no time to evaluate the building and the renovations which had been made since moving in he said when this had been done he agreed to advise the mayor of the decision mayor tyler said this information was desired so that employment could be provided for residents of acton and district the company purchased the building and started to move to ac ton in february at present there are 75 on the payroll which includes the plant personnel from kitchener regret was expressed that the plant here was being left the three storey and basement structure is admirably suited for light manu facture it was owned formerly by the storey glove co which had car ried on business here for over 60 years ii3ri j3 boards argue school sale consider splitting district clothing advanced clothing and al uminum tray etching final decision will depend on ieu- istration numbers again this year there will be one class a week for 12 weeks beginning the first of november the committee has been meeting to arrange for the instruction ana enrolment sits for short session milton public school board mem bers agreed to study a proposal sub mitted to them several months ago on the terms at which milton high school could be purchased for pub lic school use from the north hal- ton high school district board when members of the north halton board pointed out no answer had been recei ved the action was taken at a meet ing of the municipalities of the north halton area members of the north halton board and milton public school board on wednesday evening in milton town hall the meeting called by milton public school board was not at tended by esquesing or nassaga- wcya township representatives both townships had earlier indicat ed their disapproval of any sale of the milton high school forpiiblic school purposes jj talk lack of action discussions- at the meeting rang ed over the possibility of splitting the area future needs and the lack of action on the terms submitted chairman of the meeting public school trustee a deakin explained the board had to provide facilities for pupils next year the board public school has been patient for six months and has tried to get an answer the chairman pointed out he referred briefly to a resolution sent to the high school board that the public school board was not in terested in the high school any more and explained that was simply to try to obtain some action following a minimum of comment on the situation from the members present ernest forgrave of the north halton high school board maintained the north halton board had acted in good faith and it seems we are being put in an un favorable light at this meeting said not interested in sale as discussion evolved on the ac tion public school members had taken on the resolution from the high school board setting out terms of the possible sale the chairman a ju suggested the resolution must have been sent to milton council col brown secretary of the north halton board emphasized the mo tion had definitely been sent to the public school board and shortly af ter that the public school board had sent the letter to the high school board that it was not interested in sale of the school the motion setting out possible terms of sale was then located and membcis of the public school board explained that immediately follow ing receipt of that the press had re ported the action of esquesing coun cil opposing any sale mr deakin suggested the board thought that would preclude the effect of the motion and no action had been tak- efc on it trustee deakin suggested that the public school board seemed to owe the high school board an apology for not having replied to the pro posal immediate study of it was promised would discontinue board at the outset of the meeting the splitting of the area was discussed continued on pige fouri order now with the instalment in this is- ne mrs gwen clarkes popular series pares of the past con cludes with some corrections and additions these articles about different areas jn the bounty will shortly be published in book form since copies will be strictly limited orders are being taken well in advance to ensure inter ested readers of a copy many orders have already been receiv ed the cost of the books will be 5 each advance orders re questing lis to hold a copy for you may be mailed or brought to the newspaper office payment is not needed yet jjjsi-c- ttst 1 friday night open bylaw first step at council questions raised on designation of retailers in some classifications a bvlaw which would shift saturday night opening hours to fri day night for at least 18 acton mot chant was lead a first time in council monday night aftoi membei cic prea ntcd with a petition claiming 79 per cent suppoi i foi the new homs in seven classifications of business listed although the bylaw repealing award honors aksytudent althoufihrieither jinice baker youngsters congregated outside the stone school doors waitlnq for ror her family has heard anything u s z i il i i ii about it a list of winners of ad- the five to nine to sound although t s no worry to these public m to the unvcr- sitall pik the school bell has rung and this group of junior graders are the last in tuesday morning when a band of squealing impatient schools filled the high school l jammed this week iwlth an enrolment of iks puplls and the new wing still not ready for occupancy it is ex pected that the new classrooms will be ready by next week fur the overflow crowds in the school enrolment and accom modation will then just match according to the principal k hansen in the public school enrolment was just about what won ex pected by the principal g w mckenzle 651 or these 45 pup- ila are new to acton the old school new school and old for mer high school are all well filled with the youngsters school pupils a record roompacking enrolment of 651 is causing concern to board officials who envision a new school necessary 3esbsim333su county approves service rates at one of the shjjrtest meetings members approved a recom- of the year halton county coun- irendation of the finance commit- cil in regular session approved an tee to grant the halton baseball agreement with the town of mil- j association 500 to assist in fm toflrt ion setting forth tke charges st sewer rental and water rates at halton centennial manor sewe- ancing the provincial convention being held at oakvllle next vear the association had asked for 750 rentil was based at five mills on a request for a si 000 grant to he an agreed 203600 assessment the low villle parks b in iki account will be 101800 per an- building proper washroom facilities mim the county agreed to a 15 j was denied the county ownershrp cent per thousand gallon water of this park is purely nominal and r wc have never made a practice oi very little discussion followed i giving grant for park purposes when it was explained that it cost the report stated the town of milton five mills to warden r h shannon reeve a carry the debenture and operate r service and r f smith count the sewer system and industry out- engineer wore appointed as dele- sidcjhe town had agreed to a sim ilar rate in a communication from d coughlan director of probation service he announced richard 1 honev ray been appointed a- pro bation officer for the counties of halton and peel puc is not bourjd by schedule on local subdivision services acton public utilities commission wont on recoi d last week as being bound by no schedule for installa tion of sci vices particularly hydro lines at the glenlea subdivision members declared the subdividers occupancy dates to future residents do not guarantee the house will be serviced by that time this stand was made after secre tary j mcgeachie reported several new glenlea householders had been in the office reportedly directed there by the subdividers demanding immediate hydro and water service the builders thomas a- thomas have apparently no regard for the commissions service installation difficulties in the subdivision mr mcgtaehio indicated and seem to expect that a promised occupancy date to the house buyer compels the commission to have services in by the same date vv c hat no schedule chairman f g oakes stressed that the commission has no agree ment schedule with thomas a thomas for the house servicing of hydro mayor e tyler affirmed this and agreed a letter should be sent to thomas v thomas making the commission s position clear hydro superintendent d mason reviewed the glenlea area whicn has been served and pointed out on a mop the section yet to be serv- trd wittrhydro another difficulty which is also to be mentioned in the letter to the subdividers is with transformers which art not located off rightsof county buildings was accepted without comment members ap proved a resolution sponsored by reeve haroldadkins and deputy reeve fred walker in view of the absence of a vacatiofl policv with respect to halton county salaried employees the finance mirmteeaaeismattesomtq ls t0 be emphaslzed that e study m the light of vacations witn hvdlo d part must have access full pay granted salaried employees k a transformors and hnes j in commerce and industry throug a tnt rt 0 houses out our county as well as the var- gates t attend the annua canad ian good roads association con vention being held at banff sept ember 13 to 18 each delegate wss jmnted s300 for their expense- r s adams ltd of milton ws tlir sa cessful bidder uher tender for supplying coaf at hi thi uius municipalities and halton count health unit and submit their recommendation to this coun cil for appiova of a generat pol- icy the reeve explained thete seemed to be discrepancies in the length of holiday s in varu us de partments he felt employee- should all bnjov the same privileges aceouits totalling s73 661 99 we j authorized to be paid sity of toronto includes her name the lengthy list of awards released this niik indicated that evelyn janice baker of acton high school had won a ffrth jiw ard contacted yesterday mr- baker said they had rec ived no nllfl- ation of the award and she knew janice working in toronto hadn t cither acton s top student is due to enter univerity college of the un iversity of toronto in modern lan guages and literatures in about two weeks the phone call from the free pres wa- the first word the bak ers had received of the honor the family planned to discover more about the firth awards just as soon as the could ltbksdgksis2s23s2asal 3sejl35ks residential growth spirals 480000 building in august residential growth in acton continues to spiral upward in august byilderi were issued home building permits totallinij 480000 in value bringing th ears construction figure to date to 1 397150 bradley and houghton builders who have bought 66 lots from glenlea subdividers thomas and thomas took out 43 permits al- permanent pumpi ot the warren i ued at 10000 each in the middle whcie this has not yet been done eailier secretary mcgeachie re ported the h e p c has increased the interim power rate charge from 44 50 to 46 25 per kilowatt the increase is effective on the commis sion s wholesale power bill after september 1 permission for the acton puc to issue a debenture issue of 35000 for system extension and rehabilita tion was received from the he pc a notice from the department of health about a weeklong course in toronto next month fcr senior watt rworks operators developed a discussion on the possible need for another man in the waterworks de partment no action was taken however read own meters superintendent mason urged the commission again adopt use of the card system to replace back calls for people w ho ar not at home when the meters an regularly read it was agreed to make use of the cards again with a notation made on each card left of the date of call and when the card is due there has beenno sign yet of the grove auxiliary well superinten dent mason noted i he also reported that there are 50 i new domestic power meters on or- i der and that nevded 35foot poles i areavailable in truck load lots at i costs little higher than the carload i price j of august the bank of montreal took out a permit for a 40000 structure and other individual house permits and miscellaneous building brdught the month total up to 480000 in august 1954 total building value was only 3450 sis mas- s stv icfzifv in vi another recordlaaguslwater pumped to tune of 8216000 gals foimer store liouis bylaws got thiough the fust stage council con- sideied it was still not satisfied of the accuiac of some of the designa tions members questioned par ticularly the food mai ket classi fication the following stoles weie listed in the petition 5c to 1 stores hm- tons km inline electucal ap pliances radio and tv and music stores manning s acton lome fur- nisjimgs watsons music store klniii mid feid stoies acton farm supph supei nun kels ahd food mukets iedgii s iga bradleys maiks can oils dry cleaners- custom clcineis the tops clean ers clotlneis mens boys ladies girls and childiens wear family outfitters bob ridsdale mildred bell hinton dept store eiscns cord mccutcheon s with stipula tion by g mccutcheon that all day wednesday be open when holiday is in latter part of the week itvilness hours in mesa thei e wei e no signatures by opeiators of butcher shops barber shops jewelleiy storesf- hardware stores or bakeiies several members commented that the missing names would indicate those merchants intended to stay open saturday night this could make a mess of busi ness hours bin one councillor uh served that s no concern of ours the presenfe store closing petitions before coun cil this year and twice had the peti tion turned down after council held they were improperly prepared clerk mcgeachie said the petition and bylaw form was given to him by lawyer c f leatherland urgent need for water at the close of monday nights six hour sitting mayor tyler read a copy of a prepared statement by s g smallwood made earlier in the day announcing the intention ofhia firm to leave acton this story is reported fully elsewhere on this page where is he going from here was the only question asked back to kitchener i under stand mayor tyler said a few minutes before mayor ty ler again stressed the urgency for acton to get more water storage space with consumption nearly eight and a half million gallons in august he emphasized it was also imperative to find new sources of supply while discussing possible sources clerk mcgeachie revealed that the department of health is anxious about the adequacy of the towns water supplies water figured n another problerrt worked over by council following receipt of approval from the de partment of health for the 50600 water main installation into the lakeview subdivision the question of type of pipe caused spme hefldl scratching silly to sit and decide councillor irwin recommended transit pipe be used but reeve j hargr ye and mayor tyler ex laiajs about the suitability of pipe another grievance is to be includ ed in the letter the secretary said that plumbers working on the hous- i es an evidently turning on water at the curb cocks befofe the houses occupied and meters installed h h domestlc industrial to test fixtures in many cases the uwv mer juu and ju had toppled june s retord wiur ts being left on increase on interim rate actonans consumed some 8216 it was later agreed by all com- 000 gallons of attr during august s mission members thai immediate 31 days sups should be taken to install fnuts supplied by waterworks water miters in occupied houses superintendent j lambert show i ed d this dont you think its silly for us to sit here and decide on something month by month actons water that during last month the main wt know nothing about councillor consumption records are falling jikt spring pumped 5216 000 gallons the brunck asked many many dro6 off the duck s north well pumped some 2280000 1 after an exchange of views on back gallons and tht well at warren thi pros and cons of transit vs cast august it was revealed at last groe pumping about 40 gallons weeks puc meetng scored a new per minute for 10 hours each day suppled an estimated 720000 gal lons in noting this ni w gallonage re- cid i julys tom was 7100000 junts 6 500 000 puc chairmn iron pipe a motion carnid that transit pipe bt used subject to the approval of the engineer main argument ur the use of the transit material was because it was believ ed cheaper than cast iron at the outset of the meeting a oakes said it lays more stress on the mason and b kamsdh appeared on nod for increased water storage i space i continued on page fouri mmiia subdivision with ovpr 20 homes occupied and that many more near completion is expanding further south as construction forges ahead recently 66 lots were purchased by another builder f torn the original subdividers thomas thomas and work will shortly start on 43 housesat the far end the above group is at the southern end- lakeview subdivision where fraleigh construction co of hamilton is developing well up ndmore foundations ready for walls and interior structure this summer the 28 permits the group of houses shown above are hei miri ii 240 lots has about subdividers took out 15 houses a block of j i r sv

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