Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1955, p. 1

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rl x editor accepts cup foir6est ailround paper and plaque for best front page at convention the acton free press was awarded the charles clark cup si the most outstanding newspaper in its class this week when repres entatives of the nations 523 week ly newspapers gathered in van couver for the 1955 canadian weekly newspapers association convention y the free press entered in class imrthttorrrriflsxr won the james memorial shield for first place in the best front page competition the honors accepted by editor g a dills in vancouver bring the total of awards to 13 garnered by this newspaper since 1940 the prizes are offered annually as part of the cwjtas bettefnewspapers competitions editor dills accepted the charles clark cup and the james memorial shield at the tuesday evening banr quct in vancouver he commented winning awards for newspaper excellence is a tribute not to any one individual but to the whole team who put thought and effort into producing a newspaper repre sentative and worthy of the com munity- we serve we are naturally pleased that actons newspaper team has this year won these fine trophies as editor and coach of the team i am very happy in the place the free press has taken in weekly at left is the charles clark cup awarded to the best allround canadian weekly in the 1000 to 2000 circulation class contest news acrosscanadar in the freepress circulation class other awards presented were best allround paper clinton newsre cord and renfrew advance tied for second ladner bc optimist third best front page competition ladner optimist second clinton newsrecord and high river alta times tied for third best editorial page port elgin times first ren frew advance second clinton news record third a complete list of the awards to weeklies in other circulation classes and results of the special contests will be found elsewhere in this is sue last year the free press won three awards in the cwna better newspapers competitions they were the printer and publisher special for best front page the hugh sav age shield for second place in best allround paper competition the john w edy memorial trophy for third place in the best editorial page competition jnthe 195051 competitions uie free press placed third for the best front page in the 1000 to 2000 class at the 1953 convention the local paper was awarded the hugh sav- age shield as the best allround paper in its circulation class in 194243 contests the free press won third in the best allround paper division in 194142 the paper plac ed first foiv the best allround weekly first for the best front page and third for the best editorial page in 500 to 1000 class in 193940 the free press won first for the best front page and third for the best editorial page in competing in the 1955 contests the free press entered the 1000 to 2000 circulation class on basis of distribution figures verified by the audit bureau of circulations at rightis the james memorial plaque emblematic of first place in the cwna better news papers front page competition 1jt8q eightyfirst yearno 10 acton ontario thursday september 15th 1955 twelve pages six cents s surprise celebration on 25th anniversary mr arid mrs john mclaughlin of rr 1 limehouse observed their 25th wedding anniversary on tuesday september 6 friends and neighbor from acton george town and limehouse numbering about 50 came for a surprise cel ebration during the evening after cards and singing delicious re freshments were served mrs stan matthews read the address to mr and mrs mc laughlin and kathleen timbers and joan knight made the present ation to them of a set of steel cooking ware urban board urges study of three north hs areas discuss soed plans speakers idetailed plans for the soed ses sions were discussed at a meet ing of the committee on tuesday evening in the y speakers already secured- and contacted were n j ported on the meeting on womens sty will be addressed by mr frank cook and mr cohen mr csolc brother of mrs hotchen and a for mer acton resident isn comptrol ler at tip top tailors mr cohen is a designer there groups planned for include gen eral interest current events square dancing homemaking photography doityourself and en tertainment the soed group will be meeting tuesdays in october and novem ber chapter recalls formertashions a fashion show of fashions of former years a thc highlight of the september meeting of the lakeside chapter iode in the legion hall oh tuesday eveninc dre suits- hjats nightgowns and even highbutton shoes carefully preserved from years ago were worn again mr rae wcst acted as com mentator for the fashion show telling some of the facts known about each outfit they ranged from demure full length black gowns of over 50 years ago to typ- itsljlajmtticcidxciicsaercudl the north halton urban board will request the three councils it represents milton acton and georgetown to pass resolutions to county council asking the format ion of a fact finding committee o investigate the possibility of three hijrfh school areas rather than tho present north halton hirh scho 1 board that governs the three schools the action at the meeting on wednesday night n milton follow ed discussion on the eventual un wieldy size the present high school board would probably reach mayor armstrong georgetown led the support for such ltjori stressing that the municipalities would then a least know the econ omic factors and other problems concerning establishment of three boards- initially opposed he reviewed that georgetown had initially opposed entrance to the district and had been forced in for economic factors only may record response j the scouts and cubs garnered their best amount of waste pacr j ever in their almost daylong col- lection last saturday altogether nine tons 900 pounds were loaded j on a large truck to be taken to guelph i the boys and their leaders worked with trucks loaned by j tylers gov transport thompson motors and dills glenlea residents hold wiener roast residents of genlea subdivision enjoyed a corn wiener and marsh- mallow roast on saturday evening despite heavy downpours of rain the even was held outdoors under the car port of mr and mrs bob lacebys new home with a huge bonfire built nearby the outing afforded an oppor tunity for the new home owners to get acquainted some 30 families are now rciding in the subdivision deputyreeve norton jceirge- town suggested the establishment of the investigating committee would be well worth the time anil trouble to gjefojujj answers or a point tnrt depart ment of education officials at a meeting last week in milton had said 600 elementary school pupils made an area possible and the three towns already qualified mayor tyler actori- questioned what was to be gained by estab lishing three areas rather than the present one mayor armstrong suggested he was not exactly sure but a fact finding committee could present the amwws if a rnn- sultlng committee is set up by county council it would still be two years before any action could be taken the georgetown mayor commented details on the division of the area brought to light the problems that might be encountered mayor tyle pointed out georgetown itu- x j i jvj ii m wtj i ytvui k mw qui dents could be served from stew jarttown glen williams and norval while in acton extensive bus routes would be required to pick up scattered students in the north section of nassagaweya and es- quesing that did no have a high assessment mayor tyler pointed out acton was quite happy with the preent operation since the per pupil cost was lower than in the present piib- ic school or than it was under th old high school system momhors tgreeh it leoiil htial night school plans exhibit at fall fair at a meeting of the night school committee on monday evening ir the high school further plans for this winters courses were discuss ed several of the teachers are al ready secured and others have been contacted it was agreed to have some ofi those whoattendcd courses in past years handing out information j and application forms at the fair some of the items for last years classes are to be displayed prize money entries displays all up for fall fair predict record attendance with good weather the attend ance at acton fall fair tomorrow and saturday will probably be the highest ever to add to several oilier best overs scheduled for the event the prize money is the most ever the number of specials is the most ever there are more classes than ever the hall is overcrowdod with displays nnd exhibits and ad vertising booths committee members have been working steadily this vcek prepar ing the grounds and buildings for the annual highlight of the season both for district farm people and town residents many visitors are expected on the weekend reports on lastminute prepara tions were given at the meeting of the fair board in the town hall i thursday oi last week but board members have seen plenty of each other since then enthusiastic mem bers are down to the fair grounds regularly the hardworking secretary mrs irene swackhamer reported this week that entries were arriving by the dozens in every mail they are particularly heavy she pointed out in the s12 cake cemtest she was glad to report she had noticed many new exhibitors among the names on her books prizes have been offered for de- vantageous to have all the acts and figures prepared for con structive discussion discuss pipe representatives of the tritown board also discussed the exper- 1 ience of the towns in the installat- ion of transite type pipe as oppos ed to the fast iron pipe george- town representatives indicated they used tnansite pipe for water lines under eight inches in size but the courses ottered this year are shop work elementary oi painting advanced oil painting typewriting childrens clothing el ementary clothing advanced cloth ing leather carving leather em- bossing millinery aluminum tray etching english grammar and lit erature ceramics and upholster ing holding of the classes will de pend upon the advance registrat ion preferred cast iron pipe over that size milton representatives indic ated the cost variance in the two types of pipe did not appear to warrant the use of transite since it had not been proven over long periods of time as had cast iron pipe just five cases five cases of poliomyelitis have been reported op to the present three of these have been in the burlington area and two in the milton area they have all school for retarded children sets opening date for next week en rated floats bicycles and tricycles in the parade on saturday the band will lead the school children and floats to tin- park as the fair begins its second days program j stan hall m pp will officially open the fair in front of the grand- stand i two entertainers are having a twoday stand at the fair here mrs lightle nnd her trained pony will be at both the friday evening show i and saturday grandstand show blinkum the clown will also appear both days fridays arena show is well plan ned on the program nicklin bros acrobatics two acrobatic dancers a dancer an xylophonist a musical comedian and a magician a dance will be held saturday at a meeting on thursday september 8 the milton and dis trict association for retarded children set the opening date for the school for wednesday sept ember 21 only two students have been enrolled but more are ex pected the school is to be held in the firemens room of the town hall it was noted that last year oakville had opened a school with two students and this year 12 are enrolled a grant of 200 has been offer ed by he town council and mrs ellenton reported that the lime stone farm forum has oftefecl 25 the committee expressed their ap preciation for these offers on the- ba nf a finanrfail val- been in yo a and no no name has been picked fot the school as of yet although several names have been submitted to the secretary a prize is to be given to the person submitting the best name mrs buckner of acton has vol unteered to teach musical therapy at the school she explained how health highlighted by acton institute the september meeting of the a w institut v m h at the home of mrs earl lambert brock ave with mrs george fry er presiding and welcoming mem bers and visitors business included plans for the bus tour acton fair display the booth and hot dinners served atthe fair and a donation was voted to evening in ihe town hall seriousness fan while judging and inspecting of livestock and all the hundreds of other items will induce seriousness in pulls of the giounij land motion of the midway will pro- lvjdesharp contrast this year le- gion members will be operating booths including a bingo and child rens fish pond with the profits for minor sports activities the gray club will be having a parking lot to raise money for their contribution to ymca world ser vice flowers and food and fowl are entered the midw and ent uation presented by clerk j mc geachie members agreed to pay georgetown 350 as their onethird share of equipment purchased lat year for the engineer in three towns the equipment is now used by the engineer serving acton ad milton only paralysis has been reported there have been- u cases in children who hid the polio vac cine dr a f ball medical officer of health reports thar thi number of cases is considerabl below the number anticipated ner work hvlps the children learn coordination ihe iolloviabmemberit wer el- ectcd to the education committee rs galloway h willis p mc- williams and mrs w r johnson l skuce and mrs brant are ex officioy members of the committee th diabetic fund the roll call was answered by household hints the area convent ion is to be held at the 6ac later this month mrs sam holmes was appointed ers are all contracted and practically on their way the judges are sharp ening their pencils attractive ex hibits are being hammered together personnel from whos to sell draw tickets to whos to take tickets at the gate have been arranged re freshments jjkre ordered for the booths thosv luscious pies and cakes are bein freshly baked it sounds l the perfect setup for a perfec wonde two days whats missing in the plans juat marionette doll over 100 years old now owned by mary lou croigh- ton was also much admired in- terestmg item wj that the dolls petticoat was made of what wnis i thought to be a ih glazed cotv regent mrs s norton was in the chain for the business portion of i the meeting when the bazaar uu school presentations and the booth at the fair were among the item under discussion mrs george wal lace read an informative article on theopening of legislature arm others of current interest george drew wires his congratulations among the congratulations re ceived yesterday by the free press following announcement of its 1956 cwna better newspapers competitions wins was the follow ing telegram sent to editor g a dills by the hon george drew leader of the opposition my heartiest congratulations on your success in winning the top ward of your group i am delight ed to see that the paper has been recognized this way minor bail champions for this seasonyare the muckers one of t f teems in the t l sp thi ye b th fnor sports association and the local branch of the canadian legion the winning nine are front left to right don lindsay wayne ridley dale woodburn don tirrison terry waterhousey gary walker rear waynemacshalf peter lawson bob cose coach bill waterhouse jim lindsay bob marshall treddy graham the muckers put down thejhot shots in the finajs to take the series one thing as everyone who comes the delegate to attend the moito to acton fair knows the meteoro- of the month a nations health is logical society hasnt sent in its en- a nations wealthowas presented tr saying it wtll be bringing won derful weather wecan only hope anitarium the cummitltte nents and a acia postpone plans foh45t moving ijo new wing by mrs h l bennie it was a pleasureto have present mrs gambly who entertained with j vocal and instrumental numbers dick bean was introduced by mrs fryer and gave some inform- stion in regardtothework of the tb association as it functions he showed a fine film on rehabilitit- j ion of patient- returning from sanitarium erved refre-h- hopes- that overcrowded hign al half hour as i school classes would be- able to enjoyed a vote of thanks ivj l settle down in the tendered the hastes and the visw llow monday were disap- orswhn entertained with the pointed as work on several items 1 continued i final polihing of the terrazzo floors was yet to be d tne class rooms were sii being painted and the hall paint was stih not comp- tefety apptieati tile floors were finished tues day but there were no lockers in stalled although the ceilings were- completed there was no lighting in the hallway side blackboards were still missing with the trim to go around them after they were installed announcements that plans for moving to the new section or the school were temporarily cancelled were reluctantly pasted on bullet in boards monday large packing cases blocked off the new corridor as the high school was filled with two types of labor b m and tiianualnihe nearlyflnisfiect new wing program problems vary for distant race iast saturday was no day for a 15 mile road race in sharp con trast to the difficulties facing dis tance swimmers in the new rec ently the problem at this race in dundas was running in tfie ex treme heat of 90 degrees on the long hilly course although 30 started the race not many finished eddie mchugh of acton went a gruelling id miles before dropping out brownie ross who won the event last year was again the winner although his time waslo minutey slow than l year lome white of guelph plac ed second v iw- ta afvyjr

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