Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1955, p. 2

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f jnlob the acton free press acton ontario i ft fridaycrrsaturclay g5pening acton council last week gave firs reading to a bylaw which would allow some downtown businessmen to stay open friday night- and permit those same merchants to jclose on sjturday njght eighteen businessmen petitioned for this new opening hours bylaw but what of the remainder of downtown ac tons nearly 40 places of business will they stay open saturday night or wiiyhey string along with friday night opening should tlie bylaw fin ally pass acton shoppers whose weekend commercial habits stand most to be affected are wondering these same question in the past two years there have been stirrings to change the evening hours of business from saturday to friday but apparent indecision or disagreement within the rnerchants ranks has repeatedly brought the movemvnt to nothing now a petition having the endorsement of roughly half the downtown sections retail and service establishments has instrumented first reading of a new store hours bylaw how much farthf the bylaw will get depends a good deal oa council which reportedly isnt quite satisfied over the way the petition was drawn up perhaps the slow course the friday night opening movement in acton is taking is a fortun ate thing many likesized municipalities some not too far from here who hopped quickly on to the friday night opening bandwagon ran hard in to a lot of illwill not only between merchants and shoppers btt between merchants and other merchants the average person who spends his money in acton wed wager would rnuch sooner come downtown on an evening when all the stores are open not come down two nights in a row to shop at half the stores one night and the other half the next night if he had to do that he might just want to go somewhere else to shop that have been rielct elsewhere under billy gra ham r reports of the value of the effects of the cru sades have been encouraging since they empha size the lasting value obviously crusades are not anevythingbut the importance attached to the lasting value of the work done was not always emphasized in these days when the main topics of con versation are developments new industries and other symbols of progress it is a welcome relief that somewhere along the line at least an aware ness of christianity and faith should bejnjected reports of the valuable effects of billy gra ham crusades it is hoped- will be repeated in to ronto and this area the revival of interest in re ligion arid the christian teachings will be welcom ed by the established churches where the interest and effects of the crusade will be felt most strongly nominations soon have you been following the activities of your appointed representatives in the various civic posts because the time soon arrives when citi zens will be called on to consider the appoint ments for civic positions next year the annual season of nomination meetings is not too distant and those unsatisfied with public administration maybe called on toaccept posi tions of importance complacency and apathy about the conduct of municipal affairs is no criterion of a good citi zen the democratic form of government by which this town and the surrounding municipali ties are governed is a direct outgrowtfi 6t the artttt tude of responsiblepioneers when the night for the annual nomination meeting is announced it is to be hoped attendance will be large and citizens will indicate their inter est in the reports that elected representatives give on their years activities there is little consolation for a council in a siriflllattendanceatnominatiorttneerlrfg5 what september song september somebody once reflected is no season for youth that must have been awhile ago though be fore september became identified annually with crowded school classrooms overcrowded class- rboms insufficient classrooms too many pupils not enough teachers not enough grants all this worry and more over youth that september must have been before the need for new shoes and togs to fit the summer- stretched youth of the house returned like a pe rennial weed to plague the provident parents too that september likely predated the season of junior miss and mister taking hold of social re creational and religious activities like veteran race horses to charge their personalities into the life of every community what the september singer likely meant was that at this time of year when skies are greying like hair around the temples and when the crisper air enlivens the maturer mind there is time for men and women of experience to reach a pleasant and knowing enjoyment vith the world about them as that world in its natural state adapts its colors and moderates its temperatures if he did have somejialfromantic idea like that about september that must have been a few septembers ago too before the time for in stance of screens comingjjown and storm win dows lugged up of leafraking and garden scrub clearing of thoughts about wrestling with the furnace and later fuel bills of realities with a paint bucket in one hand and a brush in the other that must have been the time before one cldnt have to look ahead hardly 50 weeks before next holidays it also must have been the sep tember which didnt seem as a long winters worli stitched ahead like monday morning with a long weeks work anead if september is no season for youth which season is or isnt thursday september 15 1955 slalf imioio fall fair time arriving with septembers brisk days and cdol nights brings a- tang to the season that is unmistakably autumn crops are harvested pickling is underway fruit is- being canned and altogether theres plenty of reason to prick up the ears as this team of show percherons is in anticipation of autumns freshness and bounty n orth w est ast s outh to refine or nat to refine in oakvillc one paper reports that a large chunk of nearby land has been optioned by the kiowinjj pelrtifinn oil company with the in tent of buildinn an oil refinery tlv same vck however another oalr superintendents georgetown puc thrives in georgetown the local public utilities commission is set to build itself a spanking newoff-ice- com plete with modern business office front a rear storage basement i confidence can blank faces arid empty chairs in spire for another years hard work there is time too to consider the addition of new faces to local boards and groups since some will be ending their termsofofficejqualifjca tions must certainly b f rtji eloyo r sr- vice to the municipality for the demands on the time of an elected representative are heavy will you be represented at the nomination meeting by an empty chair the lasting value according to ll the advance publicity to ronto and this areti will be treated to a modem day event significant in religious circles for the effect ithasontho ewhomayhearbttfyrgrahamr as feature stories and recent magazine articles have pointed out there appears to be a sincerity of purpose attached to this event not akvays com mon to previous evangelistic crusades of course there is opposition to it as there is to all things but the type of revived religious interest is an important product of the crusades brief comment if youre looking for beauty spots this fall we hopyouwoaltoverjooktheabundan of b tiful nature in halton some of the roads in the surrounding townships will give you glimpses of beauty many would drive miles tosee now that were into the fall fair season the hextfh7ng to look for is the change in time that wflf have darkness arriving earlier indicating the approach of the winter season got your coalbins and oiltanks filled up towns like topsy in uncle toms cabin have for the most part jest growed but the cur rent emphasis on cornmunity planning springs from modern conditions and forces which mag nify the evils of planless growth cochrane ont northland post ville paper describes the report a guess and quote the area man ager as saying there is no truth in the report bulletin on brontes battle in bronte where the town fathers have taken to battling out their differences in the courts the mem ber who figured in the stirt of the uproar says hell continue to- si m his elected chair despite the lis- figvor of other councillor- unfor tunately theres more at stake than good relations between reeve and councillor burlington has record too in burlington the local gazett i reports the towns five schools o- j ened their doors last week to 2850 pupils the largest enrolment in the towns history in nelson the i township schools reni ved 1615 youngsters the first day apparent- ly record enrolments are generil trends not only in the couity but in the province j pay up or shut off in georgetown the mayor has is- sued a pay up or shut off decree to water user delinquent in their bill payjnents the mayor added the town has the second lowct water rate in he province and couldnt understand why there was trouble over these bills when the large- hydro accounts are apparently paid on time standing room only in oakvill there ropnrifh office and meeting room and truck and rarafjo area apparently the new building fhas been under consideration for jme time and is merely awmtinjj he ic approval restrict lakeshore area in nclon township recently the elected representatives passed a bylaw whijeh will restrict the en tire hounding area of the iak shore highway from wen worth county to trafalgar to residential use except certain exemptions which will permit commercial prot- ertie to exist industry apparently is out building record in 55 in milton as actn building tot al to date reaches a figure of 61- 397150 its reported by the champ- it is a curious paradox that at the very time when us farmers themselves are growing in creasingly skeptical- about the support price sys tem farm organizations in canada should be urg ing upon the government at ottawa the adoption of even more comprehensive costly support schemes elmwood man herald standing room only in the schools of trafalgar bronte and the town some 4700 pupils jammed the area classrooms on opening day more are expected before much time has passed trafalagr township alone had to provide room for 400 more students than in september lastyear ion that permits issued for the first eight months totalsi246400 the same paper is predicting a record for the year and goes on to make a resume of the reidentia commercial and incidental con struction that is in progress gas matters in milton in milton the united suburban gas co which energetically op posed the hearing by the halton natural gas co for a franchie for milton recently appeared before council but got a rather short shift council declined politely o give he union gas company of canada controlled group the two readings they asked for the good old days may have seemed better back in 1935 taken from the brae of the free press thursday september 19 1935 marvin nelson was the winner of the matched swimming race be tween him and george young at thegjtlast weekr tnc weatherman smiled kindly on tuesday and wednesday and acton fair was again the mccca for its- thoiisands of visitors beaming old sol was qutshined only by the faces of fair president v b burnley secretary wright nnd all the offic ers who have had this event in the making for the past year the fair was officially opened by mr george e foster president of the ontario agricultural societ ies reeve c ii harrison said that with town loyalty this event loom ed bigger than the cne the funeral orations for huey lorn lttle resembled the type of material in the newspapers that was current prior to his death the ccf candidate mr shaw keith capitalized on the fair crowd by holding an open air meeting on the street last night the shower of rain caused quite a scatteruifi of the crowd but it was only momentary aiwhher scai- teriiik even more hurried was caused when one of the high jumping horses- went into a crowd that had been repeatedly warned by constables to keep back a kicking horse is far more effective in a crowd than even chief mc pherson with lus new cap election posters are adorning the fences and other places now they urge all to vote for different parties and gel something the house on knox avenue be longing to tin estate of the late mrs m r moore has been sod to rev h caldwell the sale was arranged by r j kerr rev and mrs caldwell will later occupy this home and acton will indeed welcome them to town mr stewart lowric of tokyo japan is home for a visit with his father mr r w lowrie mr lowric has been six years in the orient and returned by way of england back in 1905 taken train the- bane of the freer press thursday september 14 ims this toronto fair is a thing of the past for 1005 many from here attended it but we have n6t as yet heard a kooct-wordaliit-rtn- fact what little thai was good was completely obliterated by the con temptible and immoral side shows and the vile language of the spiel- era on the midway one is forced to exclaim what hag become of toronto the good tb allow such stuff in their city the first of a proposed series of mass meetings of the several con gregations in town in the interests of the preservation of the lords day was held in knox church last sunday evening after the evening service mr w h stewart president of the acton branch presided and revs j c wilson geo w bar ker and j w robinson delivered brief anil timely addresses mr wilson said that sabbath vis iting is altogether too prevalent tired horses are being driven off that day instead of being allowed to rest many go vuiting by siirday trains without a thought for the wrong they are committing georgetown now want a letter box at their station like actons mr thomas perry man jr of to- lonto has purchased the bricic store and dwelling of mrs anna morrison at the corner of mill ard frederick sts he will change the- interior somewhat arid expects to move to acton shortly to ojjen ai grocery business col golloway and capt ford of toronto were m town tuesday in specting the militia stores of co n 6 at the armories in the park the colonel volunteered the very gratifying ii formation that acton is on the lust for a fine new building for drill shed and armor ies iext year dr john m mcdonald has dis posed of hi practice to dr hore of lindsay canadas tallest trees are the douglas firs of british columbia which grow more than 300 feet high professional directory and travellers guide medltal dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st i rhone iso legal dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance rivar street acton ontario phone z38 of the national income of can adians in 1954 more than 635 per and i cent was accounted for by salar ies wages and supplementary lab or income 1954 was the third suc cessive year in which the proport ion of national inco accruing to laoor showed a substantial increase atjtltr united church of canada acton ontarle rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 80 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bd minister sunday september 18th 1955 9 55 am sunday school 1115 am morning worship 700 pm evening service sunday september 18th 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 1955 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block miu st office hours 9 am to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pat office rjujr 1000 am 12 00 1 00 p m 500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone hes 151 acton i ever hoskin chartered accountants successors to i jenkins and hardt 1305 metropolitan bids 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 i l tjr7h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets officehours 9 amrto fl-pinr- telephone 19 acton optical e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 130 600 pm wednesday evenings by appoint- merit veterinary f g oakes bv so veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 1t kttsm jte prrhh the only paaer ever rabuakei ta acta founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 5t mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwina advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in- advance 50 in canada 9350 in the united state six months 150 single copies tte authorized aa second class mail post office department ottawa fabusaed by the jhua frtetaar ana pabibsalte ca g a dills editorrinchfe david r dills production manager jameadills ass euiu b0s a n dl jldu r 1 a i off ige t e l e p h 6 n e t7 4 baptist church acton ray h costeriis pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w a warm welcome awaits you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength sunday september 18th 1955 j 1000 bm sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 8j5 pmbyeu i wednesday 8 pmrmidweek ser vice i acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons corners pastor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone 649w sunday september 18th 1955 fr 4000 am sunday s 1100 am morning worship 730 pjn evangelistic service wednesday 8 pm cottage pray- i er meeting and bulejudj the anglican church of canada st albana church acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth rector sunday september 18th 1955 trinity xv 830 am holy communion 1000 am church- school 1100 am choral communion and sermon 700 m evensong and sernion b d young bvsc c lyoung dvm veterinary surgeons- office brookville ontario phone milton 18sr21 m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 38s office hours tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pxoc georgetown office by appointment 4 mo in st s phone triangle 72464 i miscellaneous ruaaley funeralhoaae heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 48 years olive aa laaapard atcm rmt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines real estate and in8dranci f t wright 20 wilbur st actotu- ontario- phone 95 i appraiser baal estate jv r bracken real estate phone 26 acton list your farms business xnhou with us yit invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase to your property 83 mill st acton coaches leave acton eastbound 8 38 am 8 58 am 1133 any 2 08 pm 5 08 pm 633 pm ut p m bt013 p m westbound 10 27 am 12 52 pm 257 pjn 5 27 pm 727 pm 9 12 pjat4 1132 pm 112 am sun to kit chener only i a daily except sunday and days i b saturday sunday and days canadian national railways 8tesaadtiaa daily 5 40 am daily except sun days 1060 im 713 pm sunday nnly 801 pm daily except sonv- day flyer at georgetown 902 637 pm daily flyer george town 1011 pm weatbaansl daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 8 48 am 655 pm tflac- stop 749 prat saturday only ltf pm sunday only 903 a jn cfksav- jtopii s on f at- ouel 7 pjn daily except sat and sua to detrain from- west toronto and 531 pjn daily except sat sun flyer at guelph 557 pjn 1

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