Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1955, p. 3

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lu i i thursday september is 1955 the acton free press acton ontario page 2w your old tv piano oft radio when you buy an admiral 21 tv radio- psttsi d u f k n t n u in v mrr i i j 3 1 n for less than 500 per week this handsome piece of furniture and entertainment is yoursi 24 months to pay only 69c a day harold mcclure ltd georgetown phone tr 72522 for all your appliances and best tv service two scholarships bursary for student david culren of guelph has been awarded two scholarships to the university of toronto he went to public school here when his home was in acton and friends here will join in extending con gratulations he has won the j h riddell scholarship and tin robertson scholarship for outstanding schol astic achievement at guelph col legiatevocational institute in the recent upper school ex- aminauons david wa fifth in the school with eight firsts a second a third and a credit with an overall average of 77 63 per cent the j h riddell scholarship is awarded for greek and latin and the robertson for greek he will attend victoria college and receive four years free tuitioi as well as 150 in cash from the j h riddell scholarship and 100 in cash from the robertson award the letter notifying him of the award was signed by the secretur of the senate theit later in the week he received a dominion pro vincial bursary worth 500 in cash company solves noise problem powell river b c cp noise to deaden other noises has been de veloped by the powell river paper company to solve one of industrys worst problems the sirenlike screech of the couch roll a large hollow roller used to draw excess wnter from pulp sheets as they travel to the dryer has been reduced by super imposing other noises so that they cancel each other out physicists found that by chans- ing- the way in which air entered the thousands of small holes in the cylinders surface they could tune certain rows and groups of holes so that the various frequencies deaden ed one another show sept 20th and 21st public school auditorium 815 pm sponsored by and featuring fashions by jewellery by tom thumb wedding mildred bell doort prizes aunt fannie charleston girls we pay interest on guaranteed investments as follows fljrts years oneyeas three years security these investments are secured by approved first mortgages and other securities authorized by the loan and trust corpora tions act of ontario and ate held in trust for the investor in addition the halton peel trust savings company guaran tees payment of interest and principal on due date- amounts certificates are issued inamounts from 100 to sloiooo legal for trust funds executors of estates and those handling trust and institutional funds are authorized by law to invest in the guaranteed in vestment certificates of halton peel trust savings com pany these shortterm guaranteed investments offer you many ad- vantages either for your own or trust t in your care insurance companies and societies are among our in vestors i enquiries invited victor 43216 o e manning manager halton peel trust 6r savings co 97 colbome e oakville ontario jtotmnr srrnrattnq for expert color scheme suggestions superior workmanship and the latest sunwortby waterfas wallpapers call kuril ttt decorator rockwood 51 ring 5 olga locker wed saturday at a foui oclobk cetemony in acton united c lunch on satuiday september 10 rev gordon adams united in marriage olga inei locker of bower ave acton and frnnk thompson of r r 2 acton the bride is the daughter of mi and mrs j a locker and the groom the son of mr and mis jos thompson pink and white gladioli woie placed in the church for the occasion miss fern brown played the wedding music civon in mai riagc by hci fath er the bride woic n ballennn length gown of white nylon hei headdress of nylon held hei fin- iei lip veil she woi e a gold locket the gift of the gloom she carried an orchid on white bible miss hjurel marie liockct of bruntford the bride s cousin w is lier mn id of honoi she wole a ballerina length gown of embossed vellow nylon und crin led n bouquet of mauve mums foui yeai old master paul dunk acted lis ring bearer william thompson the gmoms brothel wa gioomsman usheis were ray thompson acton bioth- ci of the gloom and victoi lock pi bruntford cousin of the bnde following the coremtiny a iec- eption was held in the sunday school room of the church the thrcetieied wedding cake centred the brides table with flowers und cundles the friendly circle cat- ui ed for her daughters man luge mrs lockei woio a navy blue tlreis with whiu aeceshoi les mri thompson also woie white accessories wlti hei blue diess both had corsages of pink and ahite mums about 75 guests weic from brantfoid london cheltenham rock wood ion und gcoigetown as acton the in tilt iiicl gloom left un a motoi u ip to ottawa und noi th unv fin tiuvelling mis thomp son won i blui nvlon dress with hlui and white a cessoi ie and u orsiigt of whili and pink mums on then return th v will make then homi it r r 2 arton obituary present guelph builinfi- wcll as then is only one major stand f hardwood left in the lumbal inc aieas of ontario that is about fmooooooo boaid feet of yellon birch and maple north of sault ste marie want ads wfmf take advantage of pywl 0pe bowl where and sharpen your- game remember and experience s always at the disposal of beginners attention teenagers i your league starts at 10 am sat sept 17 newcomers welcome i r acton bowling lanes 10 main st phone 697 lifelong member of burns church thomas blnnie 86 died at the ingleside and maigueiite n ursine home oiuhgeville on august 21 he was boi nvin- ballinafad on ap ill 2 i860 and when a small child moved with his patents mi and mis thomas binnie to the farm now owned by his ne phew fiank cunningham on decembei 18 1890 he mar ried annie wheeler who died in 1030 they had nine children fouj of whom died in infancy surviv ing are mui lei maigarct wnltei and geoigc of erin township and alexandei of guelph six grand child en and one gieut giandson and one sister mis jean cunning ham alo suivlve three biothers frank john and robeit and foui sisteis elizabeth janet saiuh and mmy piedeceased him a life long and devoted member of bums piesbjteiian church thomas binnie seived on the iluaid of manageis and session foi u numbei- ofyeais s the funeial was held on august 2i fiom hit family lesidmte to ruins chinch wheie rev a h van of pi cston a foi nrt i jiastoi conducted tin servui the pallbeuiers welt ecigai bingham chin les buit williuni delaney james hall sumuort nuiso und william taizwell floial tubutes weie cai i led by ji gianddaughtet eunite binnie and thier nieces ruth frances and glace cunningham intel ment was in ei in cemeterv silverwood mrs w norton hostess to institute the silveiwood womens in stitute met at tin home of mrs w r noi ton on septembei 8 und mis ii miichinglon atlu piesid- i rit welcomed a nt w mi mini mis d w shu l it was nice having mis annie stull 4 a meet ing again she has been absent on account of illness but is now very wtll roll call wai unswci ed by itth membt i tilling of ht i fav- oi ilf radio pitrgiam and why it was intt it sting to lit it of tht dif ft lent t hoices donations welt voted foi tilt st john ambulantt and urangi- mi mis madt foi a i tpit si ntitive to attend tht swimming pool metlini in gt olgetow n dili gates will t liosen foi the cnnvi niton in guelph at tht i nd of this mouth and ar- langtmenls marli for tin george town call fair exhibits citlenship und education was tht theme foi the day nnd mrs henderson sr bi nig the convene took chuige of the meeting mis mnichington lend current events and also a letter from tht inslilu pen friend in england mrs r r corbett gave a wundirful paper on wh i am proud to be a can adian mrs t appseyatfd read a paper on the province of the month nova soctia this being the home of mrs shier she was e pel t tnt vince mis hendeison lead a papei and article on education particularly among teenugeis pointing out the haim that cruner comics cause a pleasant tea houi followed mia hendeison und miss j red mond assisting mr norton items f note miss charlotte mccullough has had an enforced sta in guelph geneial hospital but sht is pro gression favorably and hopi s to be home next wcik mr and mis wm reid have been visiting relatives in sudburv barbara lindsay daughter of mr und mrs k c lmdsa has enteied guelph general hospital to tiain for a nurse able to give a few more personal bits of information about the pro- iparks doug manning f jelectric repairs teeth by mail order new westminster- b c cp woarersof false teeth in remote areas of british columbia who break their plates can place them in a mail box and forget their troubles enterprising dian matheson of this city has turned her brothers idea into what is believed to be canada s first mailorder denture- repair shop her brother roger a traveller mentioned to dian that he had met many persons in his travels who had broken teeth but couldnt take a day or more to travel to get them fixed miss matheson is a bit afraid that people may not want to send their teeth to a woman for repairs there aren t any women in the business she said but im just as capable as a man you dtm see and feel the mountains and valleys on this unique map of all canada which will be seen in many schoolrooms and offices this fall first plastic relief map of canada ever made it shows land forms in vivid third dimension and eight colors indicate land use 3000 place names are shown map scale is oneinch equals 75 miles its si2e is 45 inches by 49 inches and it weighs only two pounds it was pubished ointly by two affiliated map ping organisations why i am proud to be canadian topic of paper read to institute mis r r coi belt guve the fol- limini act mint at the last mtetine of silveiwood women s institute the- membeia feeling that moii people should enjoy hei paper asked that it be sent to hie fi pass why 1 iwn proud to be a canadian we ill like beauty and whili i haven i been too far afield i doubt veiy mutli if theit is a plait on euith that can be it canada for biauty in thest tlas of e us wi tan sit plinty of it in fact 1 tan sit a lot of it i ijdit from in win i tltm s lint in tun da wt tan mi i niaii i fills whnh isitnt of tht wuiieicis ul lhi wot id and two oi thiee of tin gii it iakts winch nt put of tht st liuitntt v il it and ait iihtl nairit d tht cifal lakes tin ii of t mn si that fitat uvti tin st liwitntt is fairly iloi if wt can tir co far tht r and mill sta in mn own piiiviiut- wt t in t siiint of tin bikget mints in tin wmlti and thi largest pupi r mills and of cmlise tin canitli m rotky mountains do not etn have to lake sttontl plact to tht alp and our planus hav bet ii ncif bread baskt 1 for in tn mis although some of us rtinini bei quite well when that part of hit eountiy was bt mg titled i am pioud of my scandinavian antestry but my fathtr came n canadu as a ouhg man and was one tf tht pinneiis i like to think that i evin shared in some of the pioneer work of this country a wt livid in the interior of british columbia clearetr the land lived in u log house and our two eldest children were born there my bro ther was a homesteader in alber ta we tun bt proud of the way our country is governed we have us ually bet n quite fortunate in our lentti rs and our gave i nment has fjiven us sane jjovei nment while we like to giousc about them if they an the wiong pal ty that i one of the pi ivili ges we hive i this countr one of the newest things we can be proud of is the way the salk treatment has been handled und its appaietit success one thing that so many of our young canadians do not seem to appieelate i the education avail able it st ems too bad that there are not mure taking advantage of i veil oui lllkh ilklol education many of mu new canadians do upprcclau and ait availing tbeiiv- lives of thai mk intake canada has made a nnmn for htisilf in ihi list two wars tint is mm h to our iredit mil we ale- tontinuint to help lead in woid affairs wi haw i nviuhle tnutle relations with utln r countrle and our industiits art nit ieimii eveiy e 1 1 somi of oui stii nlrsts n amotit the top scientists of the world pi haps the one mast familial to us is ur b inting and iws co worker dr bt st who lives so neji os then art m ui olheis who have done important work also our culture has been slower in di- t loping a we are quite willing to listen to american and english artists but our theatre is growing by leups and bounds and we have bt en conidered by our american neighbors music lovers it is nice to think that our wo mens institute organization has been a pirt in the development of canada we are proud that it had its beginning in our province and tfiav it has spread throughout the whole world we should as indiv iduals as well as part of an rn- aniiation continue to improve our country for we jrv all proud to be canadian 31 st annual storey reunion attended by 85 relatives e booming alberta r geological statistics population figures and splendid prophecies pour from the lips of the alberta booster writes bruce hutchison in the financiarposttllke oir from highpressure wll edmonton will double in size by 1070 and contain half a million people it already buys more automobiles per capita than any north american city ex cept jos-angclem-bo-pwr-cenu-of-iu- people own their own homes and in due time as wisely arranged by th almighty this will be the industrial centre of the nation the i 1st annual storey reunion took place at brookville commun ity cen re with approximately 85 relatives in attendance from tor onto woodbridge fergus thistle- town acton guelph and the sur rounding district the suar greetings kept the friends entertained till lunch was served in the hall under the cap able management of the lunch committee mrs frank mis bow man andmrs maon the tables were laden with sandyticnet sal ads cake and ice when all had done ample justice to the good things to eat the gathering as- sinblccloutsidefdr a programof sports under the management of the sports committee head albert kitner at the conclusion of the sports all assembled in the hall again the president dr h w masor stated he was glad to see so many present orce more a few minutes of ulcnt pratr were offered in memory of mrs ben carnochan of riibert plains manitoba who- had pdstduaai during the jear secrear treasjrer mr allan gave her report i hitoric sitt 5 division of the hi the nominating committee compi artrnert of northern affair an oscd of robert browrlee ronert national rcoarcei on the rcc- biurk ad d h storey br ukm ommcndati 11 of tne historic sites in the following s afe of officers 1 id monumerts boards tablet honors ontario artist a tablet honoring the memory of homer watson the great ont ario landscape painter a as un- eled at tht former watson h jme at dotrti seven mics southeasr of kitchcntr on saurday september grant 10 thu tablet was erected by tha for the convenience of our customers our drivers now carry first grade creamery a fresh daily butter eggs as an additional service order from our driver or call 74 masales dairy main st m acton m i for next car preident alex black vicepresident mel v in stor- e ecretar treasurer mrs grant aian the usjal committees were named a prize was given to the oldest one present thomas storcv of acton and a prize for the oungest little carol bowman of guelph andy frank was chosen chair man for the musical program which follow ctl including a piano solo b bonnie wood violin selection andy frank and daughter joan piano solo gjen brownlee magic ian dr h masoc piano solo bev- erc wood vocal sooo dorothv anne arid karen 0rourke piano selection warren brownlee violin seecuorf bj mrs george i brown lee violin duet andy frank and mrs george browntee selection by macleods ofchetra viohr elect- lou thprjias a storev accompbn- iallaajnl franfc the musical program was fol- jtwed by dancing for which the music was provided tur mac- leodg orchestraj i yir watson whospenl most of his life at doon untrl his death in 1936 gained internationa rition for his paintings of ontario rural and pioneer life he wu the canadian ar cut 3 first presid ent a d was a fello and for four years the president of the rovil canadian academy of art his home is ow the doon school of fine aru the unvening of the tadlet co incided with the opemng of an exhibition of paintings by students from the doon school of fine arts r m mvers m p fori wat erloo sootfi unveiled tne tablet and clare bice curator of the lon don ontario art gallery spoke chairmar of the program was f page president of the waterloo cojnty historical societv and a close friend of the late mr wat son to secure one gallon of maple syrup it takes 87 gallons of sap containing one per cent sugar ii 1954 canada troduced 213 million- pounds of mapie- sugyr 1 teftaaita4a8iaiiitiifote4ti fit kw m sssa

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