Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1955, p. 4

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page fouh the acton free pfcess acton ontario ft thxmsday september 19 1055 poets corner reserve award for m peatty new champions were crowned when the dairy cattle shpw con cluded at the canadian national exhtbitlonlahweek after judges had worked their way mi vm long list of toprank animals lr e mornlng vpi nwbke all classes hlshlifht of this years show was presentation of guernsey awards by ed sullivan star of the cot grandstand show after the prw mrsulhvm was glv- the maple tree outsldetnybedroom window is a tall maple tree en a guernsey heifer by the ont ario guernsey cattle club grand champion guernsey fe male was openhearth actors kind ness owned by j h- crans of newmarket and the reserve went to cesor marcus vivian owned b henry borden of king mr bor- v by birds singing merrily they seem to be telling me some thing in their own inimitable way maybe about the things they see or h l theyre g t at i know they must be happy they couldnt help but be whenall thtjy have to do all day is ait in the maple tree they know tlieyllnever be hungry as long as im around for in winter as- in summer theres food upon the ground halton centennial manor ice problem query arenas plan for in icliu- junnr firm e- n wee form izod nt nec nv of fii mini bo ird 1 st week in thi farmer build mr milto pemdem of the huton jiruo- john picket oreided hocnc poed problem m i there i no definiti ora on u in milton arena damaged b fir durins thi hoeke 0ww list ei three wee appointed to contact georgetown oak ille and bu linptoh arenas to see whit amnre- ments cou d be made the gimes ware popular lat vear and at tracted good cow ds the upcoming plow ing mitch w discuiod and groups were irrjjed o prepare their dixplav- for milton fair the public speikinc and debating competition will be held again this e lr the drama festival was also latea to be continued the new year et dance in trafalgar hall w as appraed outside my house you see cause 1 love to listen to the birds singing endlessly mrs edith sharpe the papers overlooked him the papers overlooked lilm for he nevei beat his w ife he never ti led to rob i b ink oi take another- life and he wumi t vei hi illuint and he didnt ti foi fame so there w iu no real reison foi th divv to pi lilt ills 111i11k den took the top male award withso im glad i have that maple brooknill d r defender und kingsfleld enterprise elalmed the reserve for w r cock ran of al monte and c f w burns king- field farms at king mr king- took the premier ex hibitor banner and mr rums the premtei breeder award dr hector 1 astengo of bramp ton won both premiei breeder and exhibitoi binneis for holsteuis he also had the grand champion female in arc shamrock mildred and the reserve in bs shamrock harriet best bull was sniders fond hope king owned b j m fraver of streets ilu and i eslu collins of cobden reset e win ner was frasers spring faim re flection top arshire bull was belwood vutor o ned b st uisoll brxs of axlmer and the reseie hon- niesh uli perfe t pi ide iw ned b w g reid and v s hamei of brampton grand champion fi male award went to dumern sl- ia tth dumeen farms pints and the reserve to stansell bro selwood pans 4th alfred bagg and sons of edgek took tht premier breeder and ex hibitor bannevs foi jeres and the fema grand ch unpionhip with edgelea beacon jestei prui cess reservt w is kind lit bim1 estella lucille owned b maurice c beat of milton dm head farms richmond hill hid th best jerse bull m don heul zanalm s prmoi whiit mr rasm took the reserve with edgelea beacon monopolx milton minister conducts service the regulur church services in the chapel of the manor which were resumed on sunday septem- bei 4 with rev r f snyder in charge were continued on sunday septembei 11 with rev e ors- born minister nt knox presbyter ian church milton as the visiting minister miss joy may of hornb won the hearts of the residents with ner lovely rendition or tlie sucrea solo in the garden she was ac companied at the piano by mrs lockie of milton who also played the accompaniments foi the hymns and led the singing with her own fine voice mr orsborn delivered a veiy sincere and impressive sermon bas ed on the tutfi- psalm he desei lb ed the three classes of men und women whom the psalmist shiks of os being blessed oi happv 5bu 70ee xt otumuz by allan donnelly canadian prem staff writer ottawa cpi thl visiting bus sjun farm expeiui itifl cwujdajaflt saturday with u bundle of notes on cunadiun ugiieiilturt and some hos tile feelings about the unti-cotn- munist demonstrator who crossed their paths in three ctles delegutitvh leudei vladimir mat- skevleh said before they left ottawa for mew yor on the homeward shavings and hay insulate iceberg the papeis ovei looked him deep in debt n so he as ne nevei slipped nnui from town with all that in could get nevei miicli u million never wrote n modem pi iv then wnsni much about bun that tilt tditoi toulil st and the mie 1 think about liim it s tin ordiiiui v nuin who s the- gloiv of thi nation and the strength of everv i ian so 1 pav this tubute to him noi the genius oi tin ciook but the honest normal average man tlie papers overlook non georgian bays island mystery still unsolved owen sound ont cp local armchair defectives still are trying to solve oneof the biggest mysteries of georgian bay where fate often has struck strangely and suddenly top white cloudjslandmyst- ery as oldtimefs have named the story happened 87 years ago in a group of islands off the tip of ncar- b keppel township captain char- lesfothergill who owned a gaw mill on white cloud isl was on his wa there with the muts 2000 payroll the weather was pleasant and the captain invited tvv o men to join him the were george brown owen sound postmaster and john robin son a southern landowner who came to canada after the united states civil war charles kennedy an invalid sailor helped man the small sailboat the boat left owen sound on the afternoon of a september saturday in 1868 its occupants were never again seen alive when the partv was overdue friendsset out 1th a search part on the beach at white cloud island the searchers found the sailboat and nearby the bodv of the sailor ken nedy guarded b a small dog own ed bv the postmaster which barked as the party approached although captain fothergill s pocket book was found there emp tied of its contents and a steamboat was hired to search the other isl ands no definite trace of the re maining members of the group ever was found in 1898 three skeletons were un earthed on griffiths island a few miles east of white cloud island there- were no signs of clothing or other articles which might have identified the three the burial was not carried out in indian style ex aminers said r some say the remains were those of fothergill brown and robertson they say one skull was of odd pro portions and conformed with the head of postmaster brown others say the bodies were those ox victims of the sinking nearby of the steamer jane miller which went mysteri with all h teachers thumb quaint records of pioneer days truro ns icpi tlu nova scotia norm u college here recen lv celebrited the 100th minivers irv of it founding ind te u hei s and gridmtes leafed through remrds o the davs befort th collegi open ing gencnl si hool condi ions it tint time were considered deplorabli ittendince xv is irregul u and manv parents were indifferent toward educition ind the ink of qu ilified teai hers thi text books peihaos weront as good is thev should hiv been n extrait f om gictnlitf u ithmctic re id when first thi mam ige knot was tied bitween mv v ifi ind i her age to mini did fu i viced as three times three doth nine rul when foui vears and fnin s oi veirs we mm ind wif ind be i her igi nmt round as mm to mini as eight is to sixteen what wiri their ago- when thev marned frei silnols did not comi t nov i scotia until 1864 nine veirs aftei the cologo founding it wa abou that tinn school it spectoi charles randall suit the teacher does not profess to bi competent to the tast of touhini the three r s tn some cases the teachei an1 pupil spent their time knitting hos lerv which thev sold to the local store in 1776 the education act allov cd the clergyman of the town to issue teaching licences to anyone he examined and thimght qualif ied if no clergyman was available two justices of the peace could do the examining boards of school commissioners for various counties were created in 1826 to examine and license montreal cp insulation of an iceberg hus made possible the reclamation foi salvage of a foui- euglned aircraft that crashlanded 40 miles out in hudson buy in nilv muv the crow was rescued uvm oi shoitlv aftei the cinsh amos fleacock n salvuge ought eei fi om seattle wash passing through montreal recently explain ed how sooo hugs of wood shovingi and 10 unloads of huv won- flown to tin icohcig und spiead ovei a ell eli with a 100 vard dlametei around the plant to prevent the ice melting the nil ci aft a us overseas aii- llnes dc4 engaged on an ail lift for woik on the eat lv winning ludnr lint began to settlt into the ice and salvage win k had to be still till prompt i mr hencock said thi wood chips kept tilt plant from sinking fai hit i into the ice whilt thi hay kept the sun off bv tin beginning of june th plant was covered and equipped with li pontoons in cast it slipped from thi floe filch pontoon was capnblt of supporting n tons mr heacook said it was necessary to wait after- completion of thesi opeiations until the 40 miles of water but k to chun lull was i le i of ici the floi was then towed back to churchill b mntnrbnat at churchill tin plant will b dtsmantlid and shipped to new jer stv for repairs mi heacook said tin job would cost about 200 000 a ntw nun aft of thi sunn lypi costs 600 000 journey that the delegation leaves with some warm feelings on cun- udiun fi iendship but he labelled the demonstrators us ti attorn und hooligans whosu hands were steeped in the blood of russians and cunfidians who fought to- gethii against tlie hitlei invasion in the second world war some ottawa obiei vera were ii llttlt puzzled ua tt why the acting soviet agriculture minister decided ut o press conference to revit w ill cldents that otoin rei in winnipeg montreal und london and in un uppaitnl dig at toronto tivit of fittills he said tilt net lit couldnt get to toionto tost the mussiv hal hs plant then a sovli t tuihi foi flu in mat inn iv hi h id out tht hope thai tin older may hi plueed soiiu unit in tht future ilit delegation bv pussetl toitmto beeausi of f ar- of ftiithti dt inon mid imiiiiisi it re- teachers and in 1850 the first sup erintendent of education sir wil liam dawson was appointed he set about the task of organ- izmg and improving- the edueatjon- system it was due to his influ ence that an act was passed in the legislature in 1854 establishing the normal college three years later the first prin cipal- dr alexander forester op ened the college doors since then there have been four principals and 20 658 teacher candidates hive graduated from the college st lawrence gull yields big catch septiies que icpt adrien lebel believes he has made a neir- record halibut catch for this sect ion of the st lawrence on a multihooked line he and two friends caught 32 halibut weighing more than 2000 pounds the catch was made 23 mile southwest of the seven islands which gave this town iu name lebel 48 has been fishing in the gulf of st lawrence since he was a boy and this was his greatest catch he and his friends frederic and emilien poirier set out from their homes in ste marguerite for a newly discovered fishing ground where halibut were reported plenti ful and hungry lebel said he used a norman line to make the catch this type of hne is made up of a thick thread line on which smaller lines with hooks arc attaches ilebel had out onethird of his line about 325 hooks when the fabulous catch was made he was using herring for bait the three men slipped on their thick woollen gloves dug in their heels and ha in t line and big halibut inch by inch world traveller writing in bc wncouver icpi v k 1 sev autlioi of i book on m uutobi red rivii ind 12 otlu i ti ivi 1 in i nivsteiv volumis i touting biit- ish columbia wiitin- i dismptivi book on thi province and is peopli i tht dvnamit littli w om in vv i i i sli p m log in- c imp- minim shnks in tent i in thi opt n an she h l dom it ill bi f in i never travelli d in iumiiv slit siul mv longeit trnrli wc in th intei mi of chin i to pi ipin and tjentsin and thi gobi di sei t ind is fu as tlu himaliv i- i tiavi lied third and fourth rlis on chinese trains ivi bien hundrid ot miles bvdonkev and once wint half a dav in a w hcclbarrnw then is going to bi a lot tint is new in brfttsh columbia but nothing as tough as ive had before i never bothered about what 1 was eating or drinking i ate every thing that the chinese coolies a and drank water from the simc pots there wasn t an thing else to do and perhaps because of this i never fell sick she w ill travel in b c for more than a year recording her im pressions of people cities and ham lets the citv of toronto purchased 116 red maples in 1952 for univ ersity avenue boulevard when thev were planted it wa discov ered that they were norway maples of the 116 redi norvvav maples planted 28 arc dead oi missing 25 are dving and 63 ae alive but poor specimens people buy the free press to read and read the free press to buy 4p tht ww ffm u rr ceivid no offitliil invitation fiuiu tin ill strrss friendship rut whilt toiiihuik on th mil dents ml matski villi also set in d to lit intent on promoting fiiendship mi wasititlv t foi get ui int idents it tin canadians w u tl was hist to look iihend hi ild and not bat k wind tin russians art n tinning to tin soviet with their vnws iippaiently iinehniiged oil tin usi fulness of stutt and tollettive fill nis a repniter asked tht delega lea whetln i aftei his visit uhlili wi ill tlumigh qui hei ontiu lo mijiuobn and sas katehi wan in did not considei that tht fiei onttimlst svsti m was bit t i hi rt piled that thi sovit 1 system was thi tiest system foi thi soviet anil he would go bat k to stienklheii that svsteni thiii wilt smut faim nil pi at tuts in caiiiitn lit sitd vvhith might hilp th russian faun lis hut tin di legates had t iken manv noli s anil would tikt sornt tiint to appinisi what tin v havt set n om canadian putin piutiii whit h tin russians likt 1 will idopt is tin hai v stini of iiun in two opt iittoiis swntlurik mill tombiiiing ltiissians iisuillv hnv1 sti ti in om optiitloli sti illit oinbllillii lint mi matski vitth fll that tin two s pu iti opi rations might bi bi t ti i two davs bifon tin lift mi matskt nth wis ciiititid in a niws bullitin publishid liv tht sov i t i mbiissv at ottawa as saving tin di ligation found a common lang uagi vs friendship und ioop iition with tlu caiiaduns tiny met hi desnibi rlt nionstiatin is tin in i ountered as linntious actions bv persons not suppoittd bv thi can idian peopli tin canadian giiwinmint also mphisii d tin fiundship sid it a gaidin paitv in ottawa works nnnistei wintiis said it was fitting ulal tin luur should ud undn wuni and finndh skies hi thanked agi icultuial officials for in iking tin toui ml succissful and invittd thi russians to comi again soviet hospitality whilt thi russian farm authnri tiis mded thnr usit to canada a canadian cabinet ministn is com pleting his visit to russia fisheries minister sinclair pain fully injured when a stairwav col lapsed early last month during his visit to petropavlovsk has left the russian fishing 9cntre on the bering sea and is on his wav to pciping the capital of red china the external affairs department learned last thursday that mr sin clair left by soviet whaling ship sept 3 he was due in the com munist china capital sept 13 mr sinclair-suffered- painful li and internal injuries in his petro pavlovsk accident his executive usgistuiit alistan kiaser apparently mif feecd minormjm ies tn ufivisiris mishap in a euble to fi lends here mr fraser said his injuiles denied up in about u week while mr sinclair wus in hospitul until the end of august mi frasei reported the soviets gave mi sinclair excellent rare flying in speilallslh from us fai away us moseow-to- aiudnt a battery of local doetoia und therapists while bedildden mi sinelaii hud duily discussions with russian scientists und officials und warm personal f i leildahips have develop ed trop report in a crop epoi t late last week the bureuu of statistics suid piun le ginill hill westing is going lilleud rapidly undei ulmost ideal weathei tonditlons tin liuieliil huld its tin itspondillts in lepoits up to the i veiling of sept u eonfiiinetl thill vli ids ot most imps will in up tn otiillti foiiiusts tiiilu liu vt ting tht ii wi ulnltist t oinplt tt in miiiiitobn with fluk ulioiit om thud done about half tht w ik nt anil toaist giains in sas kali h wiui anil fivt pt i tint tf fit x siid hud li i n tlueshid al l iln imps nit soiiu what inti i but liai vi sting was piogn ssing rapidly tin inn tan suitl mid tontiniitd fint wiatliti should looiilt in eai ly inm- plt lion of fall woik in that pin vuitt 1iaiili hail stoims mused soint tlaiiingt in lot il anas dining tht last tliieu wukl tin nop initiin is v u ltd in lit i piu ts of aiinila nun y it ids in tin mai itluit pio viiiuis st t m to ht in low uvnagt in illnii ltlwiiiil island pastuit s mid pttuttm s havt iniiinlained hiuvy gmwth in ntw hi un w ii k a g io 1 iioi of tally potatoes has bet n dug and a blight on latt potatot s is un dt i lontiol a full upplt nop is i xpei ti d in must pai ts of nova sio- tia qiioimm weathei in august pio- vidid favoiuhlt growing ioiditmns but divniss in lune and july has ndimd giain i rops in neatly air itklons pastuils havt itvivtii ind milk pioduetiiin is uoi mul in most distiitts potatot s olht i vtgitibits anil toliat io ait pi utilising in oiitino tliiishing of spring gi nns is ilmost ttiinpltttd uith vit ids in plans t xt tiding earllir ixpi i titions pisliuis liavi iiripruv id with ititnt i nns and milk pi t j duttion is up atitaki of fill s u lit it is hiht i with a siilifatanliil imiiunt now set dt tl lln nptili 1 1 tip liki 1 wilt in htavy but thi potato 1 1 op 1 1 duit d 1000000 in livestock in parade more than 1000 000 woith or livestock paiuded foi speitutois it thi cuuudlun national exhibition at the end of judging in tlie ngi it ultiiral suction of the lug kliow the pa i udt included heavy hors es beef mid dun cuttle und the top sheep of the exhibition show s g bennett of gemgetown captured the premier exhlbltot und bieedei banners for shoit- horns and hia scntdatu rutterfly jullhle tonh the femalt grand- champlonthlp reaeive won won by glenhurn giueefiil lass itilh own ed by k e deucon of uiiionville shorthorn bull winner was laslyn- uturn showman owned by gemge i iasby of guelph und leaerve winner wus plnlworth ben more imp owned by leuniud dei- mott of goodwood in red polls the bull winner wus minnesotu edgai 2nd owned by geoi ge c und leonard w coulson of milton and the neive ri iron bud shown by a roy coultei of campliellville champ ion ft malt was hoi ituth llo stun 4th owned by ixonaid w con son and tht nstivt wis rt edlyiu sllowflukt shown by fi rt adh d ot milton molt tluiii i a million stpnntl pt its alt takt ii tiiliiially by- cu id 1 ill tl hpj t i s dont e late because or lost keys robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly h p head phone guelph 1924 58 st george square hinfons 5c1 store kennedys bookstore your headquarters for office supplies wallpaper paints books stationery 125 wynoham st gueiph ont monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a- good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone 1410j res 313 rep tom nicol phonebrampteneosw television and radio service by r w grant phone acton 594 collect located at watsons music store canadas oldest largest and most copied food plan the magic food pantry plan approved ty better business bureau government inspected highest quality meats fish poultry vegetables fruits and juices satisfaction or replacement guarantee for information telephone or write ted darlington main street georgetown triangle 72206 its the extras that count see what you get with a grease job kl4ljsl50 hk i ii r i i i ten point safety check brakes staffen meats free delivery phome 692 mill st actor speclai roasting fowl sirloin porterhouse tbone steaks or roasts ib 29c b 67c i blue brand beef a wantadpagej where- old friends meet fr6nt lights rear lights steering tires exhaust system glass windshield wipers rear view mirrors 1 master cylinder jfioid level brakehydraulic system for extemalleaks foot and hand brakereserve and stopping ability 2 all front lights for operation aiming of headlights directional lights where applicable 3 a1i rear lights for operation aiming of headlights directional lights where applicable 4 steering gear play steering linkage for wear front tires for evidence of misalignment springs and shock absorbers for condition 5 tread wear cracks etc air pressures 6 exhaust manifold pp muffler for tightness and leaks 7 condition and where applicable operation of all glass 8 condition of blades operation of motor windshield washer where applicable 8 i t to a 9 condition and mounting p horn 10 satisfactory operation see us at the fair saturday september 17th and pick up a safety check ticket it will be worth 25c to you on the above grease job and safety check dont miss our exhibit lorne garner mot xhur

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