Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1955, p. 2

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1 ftaloe two l the actonpree press acton ontario jr- thuiusday skltemnen 20 105 the ever changing pattern fall fair of the district are nboutctvor wo ore back on standard time the autumn color are with w8 and a touch of falvli in the air with the changing teaaoh cbmei a change in our activities n sports interest goes from baseball to football and hockey the longer evening transfer the social activi ties f rom outofdoors to lndoon there are many j smaller groupi who become active at this season we always welcome news of groups but we find it impossible to be represented at so many event one of the things that should have prompt atten- lionot fall reorganization is the appointment of a press correspondent for your group contact the free press office and we cordially welcome your group representative to confer with us and offer any assistance possible to keep the local paper interesting and informative for all sections of town and district the fall and winter season is never a dull one in small communities as a matter of fact it pro vides more opportunity for gatherings than the summer months no longer are the winters long and dreary one of the things that makes can adian life interesting is its ever changing pattern of life to conform with its changing seasons too many for the space getting back in ontario again the highway traffic problem is on that is aggravated by too many cars and motor vehicles in too small an area take toronto and its everyday traffic jamsspread them out over all of ontarios highways and there is plenty of road for all vancouver and western cities appear on the surface to have solved traffic problems streets are wide and there seems plenty of parking space it is even possible to operate the traffic in all dlrectibns in vancouver for pedestrians on busy downtown intersections the same method was tried out in downtown toronto resulting in utter confusion and consequent abandonment watch the flow of traffic on western high- ways and in western cities then come back to central ontario and make a count and it is readily understood that difference is not entirely better regulation but actually a problem which has not yet been met with west of ontario perhaps when canada has a better distribu- tion of its people and its motor vehicles the prob lem of congestion which faces us every day in these parts will have a prepared solution for the rest of canada machines and people more and more industry is finding that big factories in big cities are not the answer to lower cost production tile plan may lend itself to as sembly line production but it certainly leaves out the important human factor folks who require two hours or m to get from home to work are time might be worse like most cither folks we welcomed getting back that hour on saturday night which was lost last spring with the advent of daylight saving time the hour in fact either way this year seem ed trivial the week previously in a trip across canada and back we had changed tifne backward and forwardno less than eight times our local problems are mall when compared to time changes which confront resldents of fort william broadview man field bc and van couver weve often wondered ust how they keep track of the changes and have added on the contusion at daylight saving it takes some adjustment especially in eating habits to change time an hour every day really we in this central part of canada are fortunate to have as little time contusion as we do british firms neglect us birtish firms are sharply criticiecl by the lon- dori times for neglecting canada they prefer to soil in the easy home market says the times and it they must ship across the atlantic then they prefer the united states there is an impression that many do not show sufficient interest in the canadian market do not advertise enough and do not really seem to care whether they sell coming from such a source that is a serious charge but declining sales of british goods in canada anclparticularly consumer goods tend to confirm it the canadian has no prejudice at all against british goods he knows them and he generally likes them but he is not going to beg or wait and he is not going to buy them if they are unsuitable for our market and climate or if he considers the price top high in other words british goods like those of any other country including canada must be sold they just cant be dumped at halifax montreal or vancouver and move into consump tion themselves brief comment litterbugs is a name that is applicable 1o those who throw litter about the streams and make our town untidy dont be one population in canada rose 198000 in the first half of 1955 to 15637000 this increase is at an annual rate of 26v a little below annual growth rle of 2 7o in the first half of 1954 while many will deplore the steadily increas ing encroachment of industrial and urban develop ments upon what was originally the best of farm iig land such changes tire inevitable cowichan bc leader it is with gratitude and pride that one looks upon the young people who are growing up around us and with whom we come so happily not getting shorter work hours but merely shorter productive hours the employee that takes on hour to ride var- tous trnsportartott1crtebcha factory that takes walking a long distance to- reach his particular job is not in a good mood to start the days work the mood doesnt improve as he ponders all daywhat his chances are in getting back home in reasonable time usually the4unch hour- is- the time when folks in the big factories compare their hardships theres a difference in attitude in the small town where it is possible for most workers to go home for lunch there is evidence in many ways that after all the human factor in industry is more im- portant than the machine assembly small towns will do well to guard against the establishment of giant factories better to have a diversified industrial community of moderate size than giant plants whose moods and changes are reflected most forcibly on the life of all the citi zens growth is coming to this area and there is no heed to point to this fact there is evidence on every side in the growth however it is to be hoped the expansion will be orderly and retain the advantages of small community fife into contact they seem to be on the right patrt leading to first class citizenship high river alta times house building in canada continues at a rap idfire pace reports the financial post new hous ing units started in july rise eight per cent from july 1954 and are up 21 per cent in the first sev en months of the year completions climb 15 per ttrrtut5rbttd jser entnarryeai to dater still being built were 15 per cent more houses at the end of the month than a year earlier our appreciation just- a word of thanks for all those who have congratulated the free press on the awards won in the competitions for betters newspapers in canada the editor and mrs dills were pleased indeed to receive these awards in vancouver the trophies and accompanying certificates have been shipped to this office the honors go to the staff and the community which produced a local newspaper that merited these honors for best allround and front pages of the free press we will continue to strive as a team to give acton a newspaper worthy of town and district stye artntt mxtt irsb founded ta 1878 and published every thursday at 88 ifl st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwjja and the ontarioquebec division of the cwua advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 350 in canada fij0in4he united states six months 130 single copies 6c authorised ma second class mail post office department ottrwa rahusked by the diu prtnuag and pabuahfs ca lisshed g a dills editorinchief david r- dills production manager i jarnea dills john black associ editors 0svnfes office telephone 174 motorists pause at beautiful takakkaw falls 1800 feet in height in yoho national pirk british columbia tlhoto from tliiiudluii governme lit travh bureau the bible rev o i rajlrton district secretary 7dcuf tipper canada ltllile society tin- first hook ever printed was u hililr today 11 ll world type l art in more ot script pus lire printed in hundreds ot lmikiiuketi mid hibles are lion nd to withstand ihe ravages ot tune cli mate mid insert a reeent translation in ciiiiiimmi- lun fur liidnchlna illiodi utcs the complex problem of lllble society work around the world after the iiinitusiripl liud been prepared by missionaries on the field in ihe difficult and uiiiimiiii inll script ll was necchaiv to have the type fn1 111 iuris lllei ill to new ylllll to he net ll by cambodian indents studying in north america the bible waa fin ally published in london by ph tokiaphic process and will be dis tributed from a hihle depot n cambodia ill over till ciiuiitrie- lllble so lety staffs work to reduce laliu uaes to willing translate the lllble into them and pulilnli an i disti ilurto the good ltiuk ltwi 1501 lannuajev and dialects i einniii to receive as much as one won or line of the icripliiie- despite the phenomenal incieasi ll lllble circulation ill re ropie- ill communist literature wen- disrib- utcd last year than hibles tliir hie communists are atteniptnik i take advantage of the new yearn- inc for know ledee on the pirt of millions of iidults in aiii and af rica- who are leirrinik to read ii i we once said it hi- hible tills civiliallon roulil mil have come together without it it has held lotfclhc the laliiu nf- weslern civilization in mi ic when tie peoples nf the world are studying dimocru y f-i- th firsl umullus bulwark a civilization the hible depite pul- lishinc difficulties such as those encountered in lndocliina must tie offered as u basic textbook the following suggested reading are offered for your personal con venience sun 1 sam ill 1ju moil ii sam i- 1727 tura st john ii li2 wed st john h 31- slt thur malt ii 117 fi i matt it 1hhh sal mull 11 123 nkw catches ma1nadku ns icii those are but tropical turtles they are catching in nova scotia waleis an hoopoundf r wjts caulil in nets off this cape hrctoti pil follow ing a iiumpniiudcr also off cape hieton and a smaller one off halifax old ikillt moved st johns nlld icii the tiii lluh in ihe old cape speai liglil- llolle will be tiansfened tu the new litoit- boum struct in e tin- oricinil capi- speai light- house kill year- old will be ton id uvii to the lliloi ic site- anil moiiuin- i-iit- liuciety of caiaili i fi the good old days may have seemed better av vwwwwwwwwmhwwwwww back in f35 prom tha isaim at mia free press a thursday oatahar i ww cunadan younaust vmca bulld- tnu wtts offlclully dedicated at ac- tun last night a letter to thti acton public uttll- tioii cunnniwinn nave aanction for a rebata to- light and power customers of 7ft iwr cent of the total net bills rendered against the customers dur ing the year 1bs4 the town clerk had a letter from tha secretary of the british educa tional society now touring canada stating that dr j ewart smart mc phd ma bsc would be in toronto on october olh dr smart is the bearer of a lag from acton england to acton canada which he will present to the town council as llttjni a gift from the whole of the town of acton eng land the council felt that every citizen who could possibly arrange to be present should do so the presentation will take place in the town hall on sunday the first snowstorm of ihe season landed today frosts huve been rather heavy the past week the siatlny capacity of the town hull was filled with a crowd of from 250 to ill on tueaday evening for the liberal meet my the citizens rand paraded to hie hull und gave several numbers on the program and mls lluth hbson sanit several solos mr charles iuildshoinugh was ihe accompanist mr w j akms was the chairman of the meeluii tlie lion w i eiei ad dressed ihe lluelllhj iii the interests of hughes cleaver ihe liberal can didate in haltoii the first iiiccllntj held in the in terests of the conservative candi date mr george currie was held monday in the town hall with tx- wurden a mason us chairman a crowd of uk to 150 attended a decided improvement is being mude to the load just west of lime- house the road is closed for the time being lind u new cement bridge is being built ut the creek the water course is being ullei ed slightly und the old course will he filled with land taken from the bud corner on the fifth line near cilvens to widen this corner will ulso be u decided improvement back in 1905 fraa ike lasaa a tae rra rrasa thuraaay maataaatmr u imt a number of atrtikt lamps onhe east end circuits have been burned out lately and have not bean re newed wlh the usual promptitude this is because the power hdtisa stock of s3 cjji lamp is exhausted and an order sent- a month ago to the manufacturers is not yet filled electrician bullard hopes to have everything in satisfactory condition in a few days an official of st albuns church writes the free press as follows that the hey j ii robinson ba is an efficient preacher is amply verified by be increase of the at tendance- at church he has been the means of druwingu goodly num ber of the young englishmen who lately settled in acton to attend the services they join heartily in the responses and singing and help con siderably to brighten the services ills rumored removal is causing much regret it seems that john d rockefeller bus been saying thai owing to over production in manufactures in a yeur or two thousands of workmen will he idle in ainerlcu council considered the adoption of a meter system for electric light ing services in town the power house is overloaded having an estl- niated capacity of 750 lumps while in reality there are i2iki lights on the rlruull tsle extensive demand for new lights emphusies this con dition henderson anil co have put in 10 lights hi their new building mr s m lashy has put in 21 lights m his residence main st heat il lume und co are usking for light for their huge addition and the new hotel iiuw in tlie course of erection will leipure light what is to be lone an air uiigemeiil has been mude to allow ihe town hull to he lighted on occasion of functions lusting after 12 oclock without lighting up the rest of the town the heavy final on monday night denuded ihir gurdetie mr und mrs ii p moore and family ejilei tallied the sunday school orchestra on saturday even ing they iiiii on the lawn suf ficiently early to have urtist buuer luke a group phologruph professional directory and travellers guide mkihcai poets corner autumn cans cioiiii ui vh in f kj lowing r unrnl mi nivrr iiriprnn in mv hariil kun-vm- ruyrr to ij- fre iii pnid uirti jiiw mr ill tin lltkl arid auturnfi v ill not fjuai- a prire kur niturfs fifln iti nt until miri afil n man ynti builci ti- surrim- think gt crkation is- no trtfk- mrs d ajxhiiit a rorhlit attmi united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adams ma b 1 minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george erliiilt organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bd minister sunday october 2nd 1855 955 am church school 1115 am holy communion- 700 pjn vespers in the anglican church for the harvest home womens association bazaar oct ober 1 from 230530 in sun day school wo association- meeting october 4 at 230 at mrs w ballentines the anglican church of canada st albaas chareh acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth rector thursday september 29 8 pm harvest festtvial servtoe sunday october 2nd 155 900 am holy comniunion 1000 am church school 1100 ajn beginners class 1100 am choral communion and sermon i th0 7pm harvest festival ser7 vice sermon rev k g rich- ardson ba hector st georges church georgetown friday a u pm preparatory ser vice sunday october 2nd 1956 945 am church school 11 00 am communion service 7 00 p m service ir st albans ctiurch dbw g c kenney rhyslrlmn and hurgroa office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office fhunr 7h hmldrncr iis church st k phone 15 dr d a garrett phjralclan and burg e corner of willow and itlver su entrance rlvr street r acton ontario phone 218 dr robert d buckner phynirbui and kurgron 3 wellington st acton ont phone 879 o l fl- p xvaw c f leatherland harrlntor a hollrlior notary office hours 10 ik am 1200 1 00 p m 500 pm satuidayn by appointment onlj office 22 ihone ite 101 acton okntal dr a j buchanan dental burgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 14 dr h leib dental surgeon off ice corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am toll pm telephone 19 acton optical e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 130 8 00 pm j wedneday evenings by appoint- i ment lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jknkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan mldg 44 victoria st toronto km 4 031 an e manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary 1 77 mill st ihone 588 office hour tutday 15 p m thurnday 15 ptn oiorgetowri office by appointment 4 mairi st s phone tltlargle 72404 miscrlincouh a warm welcome awaits you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength veterinary baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 208w sunday october 2nd 19s6 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 8 15 pm bypu wednesday 8 pmu midweek ser vice acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lxl- hall cewsons corners pastor rev k j re id 81 cook st telephone 649w ir sunday october 2nd 19 1000 am sunbajt school ttw am mornint- worship 730- pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pjn cottasje pray- er meeting and bible study ga e g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone iso b d young bvse c l young dvm v ry ss ffice brooirvuie ontario w phone muton l8rtl real estate and inwjmauct f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 99 asssralsot roal w r bracken phone 28 list your farms business or with us we invite you to us 1 facilities in securins a purchase your property r f bean limited 3 mux st acton tbonc 56 rumley funeral home heated ambulance phijre 890 night o dy serving the community for 48 years r oil vrt c la7pard a tc m it mt teacher of piano acton sttjdio st albars irih hal 4 park ave nirzutm ironi- 2w1 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton 838 am 858 am im m 2 08 pm 5 08 pm 8j3 pm mt pm bl0ll pjn 10j7 am 1293 pm 257 z27 pro 727 pm 912 11j2 pm 112 am sun to chener only s daily ezcef sunday and tlsys b saturday sunday and lays canadian national iaaways daily- 840 m- daily eacept sun days iojoo sju tu pan sundaf only 801 pm daily excapt suav- day flyer at georgetown tuu 837 pjn4 daily flyer st town 1011 pm dauy 1144 pm- daily sunday 848 am cm pjn aaa stopt 748 pm saturday only x3t pjn sunday only t4t ajn flas stop sunday only flyar guelpb tm pjn daily except son jtoidetraia 7 l j0 iaat daisy vaa bal sttn flye at goaaph fji p4v 7 rrr r-r- tg

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