Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1955, p. 4

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s 0 tage took the actonfr6e press acton ontario thjjhspav september 22 1955 plan tennis banquet at league meeting the final meeting of the inter- county tennis league was held last week in the acton club house with representatives from all the towns participating acton milton bramptonj port credit woodbridge and hespeler the league is finished for the year with port credit the winners and mil ton second and brampton third port credit played hespeler in the finals ffeere was a general discussion on the years match play plans were made tor the annual banquet which will probably be held in the legion hall in brampton dth mowat heads hospital former actonian dr h k mowat has been named chief of staff of the new sudbury memorial hospital the appointments of chief of staff and various department heads were made september 9 by administrator c e evans dr mowat and the other doctors had all expressed their desire to see the new hospital open ed and underway and state that their posts are temporary next year there will bo an election to fill the posts j the sudbury daily star saygdr mowat is an outstanding surgeon and well qualified for the post of chief of staff a graduate of medi cine in 1923 from the university of toronto hv interned at long beach hospital in california he went into private practice there from 1923 to 1930 and returned to toronto in 1930 to head the surgical service at the toronto general hospital for our vears then he went to the hospital for sick children in 1934 for a year before going to london eng to take postgraduate work in surgery for a year he returned to toronto general hospital in 1935 as resident surgeon and in 1937 came to sudbury as chief surgeon of inco medical services since that time he has been a member of st josephs hosprftrt medical staff president of the medical staff and chief of service there a member of the- committee on credentials and served in othr capacities he is a fellow of the j boval college of surgeons of eng- i land he is the son of mrs john mowat and the brother of bert mowa o acton he attended school here under miss m z- bonne and h- late v h stewart six weekly newspapers were ampng a selection of canadian publications placed in the cornerstone of imperial oils new 19- storey office building in toronto mere g l stewart left chairman of imperials board of directors and j r while company president examine one of the weeklies before placing them in the copper box which was hermetically sealed arid deposited in a special cavity in the threeton cornerstone mr stewart laid the stone september 8 the 75th anniversary of the companys formation the newspapers mere part of a collection of canadiana intended to inform some future generation about canadian living habits in 1955 another item was a microfilm scrapbook of some 150 clippings from var ious canadian newspapers weekly newspapers chosen to be pre served in the cornerstone were the 1954 winnrs of canadian week ly newspaper association awards as best weeklies in their divisions campbeuviile vitamin structure is complex problem fuhtt hh wa hrowr or the cherreal structure o vitamin b12 rvettt i dr karl folkers of mrrcte srrc or- trc thtv tsttrv vhch cvrrol perrcious anemia src vr the velben of hi- rc scoc3t- a merck z5r rkvr5 rc soc zt speaking a the imerrational cvrcres of stxhetsry at brus- si5 beigjurr dr folkers described tilt isoaior and chemical synthesis cii part o the iarpest fragment of tlit vitarrur b12 molecule although other pieces of the molecule have beer identified and synthezed this i large fragment comprising about twothirds o the complete molecule j has defied many attempts to pry i very deeply into its structure i tus trie work of dr folkers and his associates dr frederick a kueh and dr cifford h shunk provides an understanding of the mrri contract let for three water mains hal ton pavinu anii contract iiij cvv ltd va awarded the contract for a sixinch waiornum bt twoon bronte and corona ion park ill 24425 22 by trafalgar council last week contract for the 12- inch in dustrial mam alon the access- rad north ol the queen elizabeth wa east of the eighth lino to serve the falgarwood industrial are a en to the gnrney construction co of brantford at s2084250 james holhday construction ltd rece ved the contra lor t he 12- h miin on spees road the tormer morrier lane which will riso serve an tndutrial mrea the prec 126 314 24 the township wihre ree inspectors to inspect u latmur tvn si ruction eih vjiiiicatior were rteived fr tu- ivstiin o asitant town ship engineer the work commit tee will consider them and make n seectior- clearing auction sale foets corner what is success ihiiiuctui e erf ttrr5 fliknun therefore is a new and important key to the structure of the whole vitamin b12 molecule this knowledge of the arrange ment of atoms in the molecule is essential for studying the manner in which vitamin b12 acts in the body it might also lead eventually to a successful chemical synthesis of the vitamin which in turn would pro vide new scientific knowledge how ever on the basis of presentday ch know is no e- pected that such a synthesis would be of practical value in largescale production vitamin b12 is now- produced by fermentation methods similar to those employed in anti biotic manufacture the complexity of the task is evi dent from the fact that vitamin b12 is a very large molecule made up of 183 atoms of six different kinds literally millions of ways in which these atoms could be joined are pos sible of holstein cows and heifers hugs ifarm implements the undersigned has received instructions from norman h ellis to sek at his farm on no 5 side road 1 mile west of streesvile suoway on wednesday october 5 at 1 pm the following models churches with fine detail montreal cp joseph francis of montreal builds model churches as a hobby recently he completed a seven- foot long wooden church that can be taken apart and reassembled in a few minutes the model church is complete with pews an organ organ pipes stairs leading to a beu tower and even a pulpit with a bible in it it took four years to build mr francis and his wife came to canada 50 years ago from notting ham en they i both attend the peoples church i when asked why he builds churches mr francis replied for be love of god he constructed an earlier model that was six feet in length arid it was put on display- in a church for awhile and then given away mr francis intends givin away his new model too grade holstein cows a heifers 2 holstein cows fresh 4 weeks calves at sidoi 2 holstein cows due m oct holstein heifer due time of sale holstein heifer due oct 3 holstein heifer due oct 4 holstein cow in full flow bred june 5 holstein cow in full flow bred may 10 holstein cow in full flow bred julv 7 holstein heifer bred march 10 2 holstein heifers bred march 20 1 holstein heifer bredapr 5 1 holstein hei fer bred apr 10 t holstein hei lers rising 2 years old not bred tntolsleiir lieireric rising 1 year io tired h veal calves hogs 14 wemeit 8 wk old farm implements etc md steel thresher 22xi8 on rub ber with shredder high grade el evator rocleatier and long feeder never doho any custom work ex tension straw blower pipe 75 drive belt mht ft power mower mh 14plalt tractor die gram grind er 10 mh ipdisc fertilizer gram drill mh 22ioth power lift cultivator int side rake land packer 2 cocksiuit manure spreaci- l ers or steel mh gran binder i rubber tired farm wagon sect ion seed harrows dump rake i scales 2000 lbs litter carrier buck et with 150 ft track hangers and everything complete no of cedar post odd timbers odd lumber 2 colony houses portable granary also there will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid the bank barn being 70x36 and 60x24 mostly steel roofing and steel stabling with pine frame structure terms cash with clerk day of sale no reserve as the farm is sold and the proprietor is giving up farming hindley and elliott auctioneers geo currie clerk b its doing your job the best you can and being just to your followmnn its milking money and holding friends and staying true to your aims and ends its figuring how and learning why and looking forward and thinking high and intiming a little and doing much its keeping always in closest touch with what is finest in word and deed its being thorough yet making speed i n its dartng blithely the field of chance while making labour a brave ro mance its going onward despite defeat and fighting staunchly and keep ing sweet its being clean and its playing fair its laughing lightly at dame des- pair t its looking up at the stars above arid- drinking deeply of life and love i its struggling on with the will to win j and taking loss with a cheerful grin its sharing sorrow and work and mirth and making better this good old earth its serving striving through strain and stress its doing vour noblest i thats success in university af age dm6 i- winsbu rsary gordon brain son of mrs elir- i abeth brain rr 1 norval is entering the university of wetern ontario at london this fall at t iie in 16 gordon lias received a board of education bursarv oi s500 he wi a student of milton hit sihi his friends fnd family a justly proud of him and have hi hopes tor his future he intends i niurtc law his career gh i pojplc buy the free press to read i raid reid the free press to buv urvici since the end of the war the ave rage wagv in canadian manufactur ing plants has increased from 30 to 60 dollars a week m when grinding dry bread use an elastic band to fasten the open end of a paper bag around the knife nd of your food chopper the bag will catch all the crumbs pronlla knows a bargain and points with heady pnov a to the buys sherarankfbs in the classified in phone 128 acton and be sure of the best exclusive sanitone cash n catty at 5 mill w phone 1 28 actonr auxiliary wms regular meetings mm james bnynton was hostess to the blair evening auxiliary on wednesday evening mrs andrews opened the meeting with a poem awareness mm c mitchell led in the scripture rending which was read resflonaively prayer win offered by mrs w humbly mrs dewlufrst rend an interesting story told by mrs mnsih of india tho is toiring canada reports were received from the various secretaries iplnns were made for the biiuuir also the tlinnkoffeiihg meeting some other items of business were discussed mrs william coulter rend n short story a home where i stayed the roll cull was nnr swered using the word faith the offering was dedicated by the president after singing the hymn q master- let me walk with thee mrs bnynton closed the meeting with prayer after which u ktteinl period followed mrs robert elliott wis hostess to the womens missionary society on thursday afternoon the meet ing was opened by mis simpson who took for the theme the sieond vers- of the second chapter of see- ond timothyi the devotion were taken by miss tena mckenie arid mrs edgar cairns reports wen- received from the different seeret- iies present several itt-ni- of business were discussed praise wi tlu- special word used in answering tin- roll call the offering was dedicated by singing the doxology mrs elliot had charge of tin- study hook and read the chapter the value of teaching others o teach agisted by mrs greenlee- who read ithout the ickst thing in india and mr- crawford who read of the need of christian teachers in india miss fiifnpn gave a brief report of the address given by mrs cleg- horn the guest speaker at the nasagnwoya wms 60th anniv ersary the offering wk dedicated with the doxology the meeting was closed with piayer by mrs greenlee- although the attendance was not large it was an interest ing meeting and the 11 members prisent also enjoyed tlu- social period which followed by carol tone womens travel awhoruy full is the season of the two ss school and safety nl well lis the time of the mole convention- ill three rs mil- llonii of children jr throng- the nations e 3fct streets that season in thejr annual trek back to school thie alarming records of school accidents can be decreased this school year if parents motorists school authorities and children themselves nil work together mil itarists can curry their share of the burden of safety for the nation s children by beingvrticulrinrly alert especially in school areas- and by obeying all traffic regulathins most schools wellaware of traffic prob lems include safepedestrian in struction in the curriculum but the majority of responsibility for- seeing that children reach schkl safely falls to parents here are some rules which parents will do well to follow set a good example for children to follow by obeying traffic regula tions and exercising courtesy and consideration in your own driving take the children to school until they know tin- safe way the route selected should be pifitittid lv adult crossing guards and school safety patrol members impress upon them the importance of traffic- surety rules so they will give unquestioning respect and obedience to them it be modern live modern visit georgetown fall fair sat oct 1st see for yourself home provisioners qnt ltd magic pantry food plan display 9 have 3months supply of frozen highest quality meats fowl fish vegetables fruit and juices ice cream etc in your own home at one time freezer and food for practically what you pay for food alone ted darlington main st tr 72206 georgetown want ad page where old friends meet h alton peel trust savings company shares are a good investment in 1954 canadian consumer spending reached a record total of 15581 million an increase of 466 million over 1953 thurfri sept 2930 his majesty okeefe satmon oct 13 four guns to the border rtfswed oct 45 outcasts of poker fiat adult murfri oct 67 caribbean 2 sh0 mightly extract from the financial post june 11 1955 the rise in price of trust and loan company stocks is one measure of the growth of the y essential services they per form and in the past year this group of stocks has bounded higher than stocks in general halton peel trust savings company shares at 1 1 per share offer an unusual opportunity to invest in a trust com pany which is already making very sub stantial progress with assets in excess of 500000 these shares may now be purchased on the easy payment plan 100 shares cost 1100 pay down 220 and 44 a month for 20 months no interest charge we invite your inquiry call o e manning victor 43216 r officers and directors a s nicholson burlinglop president o e manning t oakville j a roberts oakville dr c a martin milton vicepresidents angus mcmillan oakville sectreas directors w j beauy acton e d goulfiing toronto h r lawrence brsmpton e bamngran catville r rv6nbert oakville dr g hewers amsterdam holland e- m m ine burlington p a fisher burlington j pengilley clarkson j r berber georgetown halton peel trust savings company 97 colborne st e oakville ont eennix week wednesday oct 5 how to savt tim with bns btffore vou next visit your branch of the llank of nova scotia take a minute to jot down all the things you neefl to do regarding- money matters then when you pay your call you can really take advantage of bns onestop shopping the timesaving advantage of a comprehensive banking service under one roof savin a psband instal ment savings mace saving easier c a enjoy the time- saving convenience of making payments by cheque j maaay oroars safest most practi cal way to make cash payments at adistance b yet only ytm can as cash safmw d one for i yon can rent less than 2c a day your partner in helping canada grose the bank of nova scotia f vour bns manager is a good man to know in acton he is w a vtoodburo the new 1956 ford the new 1956 fords on display next week in cur showroom are equipped with new lifeguard safety features offered for the first time by an automobile com pany thunderbird styling with new lower roof line and distinctive new grille are some of the fme distinguishing style changes on the 1956 ford victoria shown in the illustration new styling of the protective chrome rub rails on the cars side emphasizes its changed silhouette the victoria is one of the 17 models which will be built in four series for 1956 fairlane station wagon customline and mainline the victoria is powered- by a thunderbird y8 engine with 292 cubic inches dis placement with fourbarret carburetor and dual exhaust tv rjiissai ji jj i v

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