Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1955, p. 10

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7tf page ten the acton free press acton ontario thursday october oth 1053 loss by fire last year amounts t6 570 for every canadian by proclamation the governor general of canada will decree that the week of october 915 1955 be observed as fire prevention week across the nation this week is always the calendar week including october 9 the an niversary of the great chicago fire of 1871 such a disaster serves to undefline the necessity of bringing before the public a much needed awareness of fire prevention fire prevention week should not be regarded just as a sevenday period for projecting fire prevent- ion programs displaying posters all over the community school drills and civic group meetings rather it should be regarded as the week of initiation of a ywr- round activity promoted to make our country a safer place in which to live not new institution fire prevention week is not a new institution it has over i per- iod of years developed increasing significance and earned a respecud place in the regular affairs of evt cry progressive community in can ada and the united states it sig nifies the commencement of a campaign which should be cuvfumy planned so as to enlist the co-op- erotibn of every citizen and of ev ery organization in the community for a concerted effort to prevent as far posible os of life and property as a result of fires should be spontaneous and enthus iastic all citizens sincere in their desire to see the countrys economy make progress have a stake in fire prevention week they realize full well thai property destroyed by fire is irrevocably lost and the community and the nation suffer as the consequence of- such loss hespouse to fire prevention throughout the year economic disaster to a community often follows on the heejs of a large fire half of a ftrew in llomen let us look at the latest available annual lire loss record in our country the total property loss by fire was 8427089600 representing a loss per person of 570 these losses represent an increase of about 400000000 over the prev ious year when the total loss was 8090220500 with a loss per per son of 561 the record shows 67- 519 fires an increase of 3416 over the previous year the loss of life by fire was 477 as compared to 562 in the previous year it is indeed tragic to note the recoiil shows that more than half of all the fires in canada occur in homos this fact alone should em phasize beyond any doubt the need for fire prevention this heavy toll of destruction of life and property- liy fire must not continue a strong and vigorous campaign should be launched dur ing fire prevention week and followed up without restrain eestt ir txsatsses3esssfir smoking matches main causes 3qi fires electricity comes next in the last decade fire has killed more than 100000 persons and burned and disfigured many hun dreds of thousands more each year about 12000 americans die needlessly in fire and more than twice that number are severely burned or disfigured for lite uld people and proschool children are the principal victims of fire every day there are 1 150 home fires 34 deaths by fire 105 store fires 101 factory fires have fire hazards nine of ten homes nine out of ten homes contain fire and accident hazards which could prove disastrous safety experts said most older houses and many new ones were inadequately wired for modern cl- ectrical appliances in addition they warned that the average house con tains a number of other hazards which may lead to fire or accid ent they recommended the follow ing precautions 1 have electric wiring checked this fall by qualified electricians 2 leaves should be raked fre quently and burned at a safe dist ance from houses and garages 3 when storing summer clothing remove matches from pockets 4 store inflammable painting and cleaning materials in carefully marked safety cans destroy rags or clothing which have been soaked with paint furniture polish or wax 5 make sure childrens toys are not left lying in dangerous places 6 clear old newspapers rubbish and other inflammable material from garages attics and spare- rooms 7 have chimney and heating sys tem checked and cleaned 8 make sure the approach to your house is safe for family visit ors and tradesmen 82 barn fires 12 school fires 4 hospital firus the combined us and canadian fire loss total in 1954 was over one billion dollars most deaths by fire tragically in volve women and chi in the home many are suffocated by smoke and fire gases without being actually burned many deaths too many are caused by people falling suleep while smoking or reentering burning homo to res cue pets and personal belongings the eight principal fire causes in the home in order of frequency are 1 careless smoking and handling of matches 2 misuse of electricity 3 defective or overheated heating and cooking equipment 4 improp er disposal of rubbish 5 careless handling of kerosene gasoline and other flammable liquids 6 lighting 7 defective or overheated chim neys 8 childrenand matches dont give fire a place to start prevent it from october 9 until 15 is fire prevention week cars smashed cattle killed in train wreck a cpr freight train telescoped in to a cnr freight at a siding at oakvil saturday night mashing carloads of cattle oaks oil and lumber the only casualties were five head of cattle killed when their boxcar was piled onto the coal tender ahciid damage was estimated by a cnit officia at at leust saoooo a cpr official said a joint investigation will be launched to determine the cause of the crash the cnr mixed freight was pull ing westbound from a siding when the westbound cpr freight piled into it at the 18th car freight and passenger servlee on one of the cnrs busiest dlvia- ion lines was disrupted until em ergency repairs were made pas senger service was rerouted through georgetown the main line track and its ties were lifted and moved four feet to one side for a distance of almost 200 feet nose of the cpu engine was bur led in roadbed gravel us 10 box cars wore derailed the cars were spread over the tracks but an all- night crew was able to clear one line by 4 am using heavy cranes n wheels more than 100 local railway men worked during the mgnt to clear the tracks wreckage they had to move n carload of grain spillel when thu front of tile car avm ped and piles f lumber that were emptied from another boxcar the cattle about 60 head were riding in two boxcars behind lls cnr freight engine bound from the siding for the london area at the impact the cars wen shove upward a veterinarian dr a w cairns was called to the scene from his oakville home goats wanted duncan bc cp g whit- taker is looking for a good goat- herder he wants to use 200 goats to clear his large grazing area to make way for imported galloway cattle once the pasture is cleared special pasturage would be planted for sie cattle obituary mrs a c turner passes in hospital a resident of this district all her life pearl elizabeth turner of campbellville passed away at st josephs hospital hamilton on tuesday jjeplember 27 mrs tur ner was born in 1907 j he daughter of the late mr and mrs frank tyvlss mer husband alfred c turner survive as well as their three children sandra bert and dotty ixu all at home a brother reg twlss turd three sisters mrs charles harris and mrs mill shields of milton and mis george burns of camilbellvllle she wa a member of the wo mens institute and the wa of st johns anglican church nassaga- weya rev jef fares conducted the fun eral service on friday september 30 with interment in st johns church cemetery the assisting minister was rev it porritt pall bearers were clarke harris hill shields george hums joe clin le charles buynton ami jim mclaren ktranoe sight north ilay out c1m two american tourists said they saw an iligator among lily pads at near by pine lake but many people here feel the tourists saw a large north ern member of the lizard family tales of alligators here go back 10 years when a visitor is believed to have brought one with him for the best buy i he arrived refreshed by bus our lumber it selected from the best stocks and finished with expert attention this is your guarantee of satisfaction and fair dealing when you order lumber or builders supplies from ut still on job burin nfld cp when school i reopened here mayor frank pearce started his 36th year as a teacher i for 32 years he has been principal of j he church of england school in this town shortill sheet metal plumbing heating gar wood furnaces eavestroughing shop 126 main st n phone 464 r residence phono 340j4 sj i phone ml t4ciil vcon tilat ontario the best in j lumber 4 building material has these features 1 fast clean 6minute clothes action washes 16- lbs in same time as others wash 8 lbs and much cleaner 2 4piece heavy ball bearing mechanism lasts longer no belts 3 touch r safety- wringer with quick end reset 4 stylish modern design with chromium trim washer is only oo 139 and your tr no money down terms to suit come in soon gordons hardware acton ont phone 76 when you write be sure you address the letter clearly correctly and completely use the initials or first name of the addressee and include the name of the province after the city where applicable include zone numbers do riotforgel to put your return address in the top lefthand corner always affix adequate post age when in doubt check at your post office canatla post office sightseeing all the way is another of the many en joyable features of bus travel also you may ar range stopovers en route for brief or extended visits kentucky caves package tour 5 days 5453 from toronto return fare hotel room double 2 nights sightseeing 6 meals ask your agent for totalis off this or other package tours fire prevention week october 9th to 15th low round trip fares ottawa 1530 washington 2515 atlantic city 2670 tickets and fnformation at har01d wiles fhone 207 matches and careless smoking habits careless discarding of lighted matches and smoking matorials was responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all fires from known causes over a tonyear period a burning match or tobacco debris reckless ly tossed aside may start a disastrous fire taking heavy toll of lives and property this hazard will remain enormous un til caution as a national habit replaces carelessness remember one little thoughtless act may take your home even your life i here are a few common sense precau tions 1 keep all matches out of the reach of smallchildren matchiv with easuv in flammable heads should be kept in non- combustible containers 2 have plenty of ash trays convenient ly placed and keep them clean 3 anywhere be sure your lighted matches or smokes are completely snuffed out before you discard them 4 dont smoke in bed or where no smoking signs are posted 5 dont strike matches in closets gar ages or other places where inflammable materials dustor vapors may be ignited faulty electrical wiring and apparatus one in ten fires of known causes is of electrical origin circuits are designed to carry certain loads the blowing of a fuse is a danger signal that the circuit is over loaded or defective the use of a fuse of largeramperage than thai for which the circuit was de signed destroys this protective feature an overload of current may heat the wire to the point of starting a fire be sure your fuses are of correct amperage for your circuits 15 amperes usually are right and dont tamper wjth this safety valve a few common sense precautions 1 employ a skilled electrician to repair or extend wiring when thlsls necessary 2 buy electric appliances and cords bearing the seal or label of underwriters laboratories inc 3 dont string wires under rugs over hooks or in any exposed places wear may make them dangerous heating and cooking stoves etc one out of every four or five fires is caused by faulty chimneys flues cooking or heating stoves furnaces carelessness with fireplaces or hot ashes or sparks on roofs etc most frequent causes of des tructive fires in heating plants or ap pliances are substandard equipment in correct installation and construction lack of care in maintenance and unsafe opera tion all heating plans pipes or appliances should be at least 18 inches away from any wall or burnable material heaters including stoves should be on insulated metal cement or other incombustible bases walls and ceilings near stoves -should- boprot by asbestossheeting or other insulating material listed by underwriters laboratories inc consult your local fire ordinance or building code jour fire chief or insurance agent for ad vice if needed clean chimneys every year and repair promptly when cracks or loose mortar ap pear never force a furnace to get more- heat consult your heating man about in creasing its efficiency safely empty hot ashes into metal containers never into wooden boxes vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv kerosene and carelessness one in ten fires is caused by incautious use of kerosene gasoline or other inflammable fluids and by carelessness in handling candles open lights lamps open gas jets torches etc sloshing or pouring kerosene on wood or coal fires is an ex ample of recklessness using gasoline benzine naptha and other inflammable liquids in the house for cleaning or similar purposes causes many tragedies each year they vaporize when exposed to air and may quickly produce an explosive mixture that is readily ignited by a match pilot light sparking motor or even a static spark developed from rubbing textiles together or the quick ly spreading vapor may be exploded by a smoker or a fire in another room you can never be safe using inflammableexprsive fluids in your house or in filling kerosene or gasoline stoves or lamps while they are lighted i if your clothing catches fire do not run running fans the flames and increases them lie down on the floor and roll in a rug if you can lets grow up not burn up 90 per cent of all fires are preventable if you- inspect property regularly detect fire hazards promptly correct fire hazards immediately build safely and well limit what there is to burn safeguard all sources of ignition i remember that clean property seldom burns know vhat to do if fire breaks out dont wear fuzzy filmy inflammable clothing that might catch fire around a stove or range lefs make every week fire prevention week f acton fire department in ccue of ftrecall operator at acton give aovjress distinctly x a x 1 a k av-v-

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