Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1955, p. 11

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r- v i w thursday oqtober 6thi9s5 the acton egee press acton ontario page eleven acton jersey dairy for the finest in dairy products homogenized milk whole mhk chocolate milk skim milk buttermilk table and whipping cream butter eggs cottage cheese phone 242 don pr daily delivery j dont miss s 6 ed thursday 8 pm acton ymca everyone from 1840 welcome campbellville winners of championship in weird and wonderful ball inning and pitched five hit ball the in a weird and wonderful ball game in campbellville on saturday september 24 catippbcllville won the ontario juvenile d champion ship as they defeated port rowan 1815 in the third and deciding game of the scries campbellville outhit the visitors 12 hits to l6ixlaeamcthat saw 12 campbellville batters get to first on walks and two by being hit by the pitcher port rowan picked up six free passes t four in 6re innings and had one batter hit by the pit cher by the ond of the third inning campbellville had built up a 93 lead but port rowan kept pecking away until they finallly took an iluo lead at the end or the sixth and a half innings but campbell- ville came back with four in the seventh and four in the eighth which port rowan could only match with single runs in the eighth and ninth three play ers picked up two- thirds of campbellvilles hits as al lan wingrove had four ron phil lips three and bruce hamilton two bruce hamilton pitched good ball for the winners except for the fourth inning when he hit a streak of wildness and had to be tempor arilyrelieved by allan wingrove he came back in later in the same inning and pitched five hit ball the rest of the way without walking a man special congratulations are due to earl cairns who led campbellville to their first minor championshtpr georgetown needs four new classrooms need for another four classrooms next year at georgetown higri school arid ultimate need for an other site for a larger building vas mentioned at a recent council meeting mayor armstrong said councils administrative committee had met recently with high school board members and the school principal and consensus of opinion seems to be that it is time north halton school district split into three the town has already petitioned county council to set up a consult ative committee to investigate this possibility reeve stan allen said john bell former infill school board chair man has consented to act for the town on such a committee and his name will be suggested to county council 1y the georgetown mem bers solve mystery of cat meows saskatoon cp the first time the owner of a furniture and ap pliance store here heard thterplain- tive meow he ignored it but work ing in the store again that night he heard it again there was no cat in sight nor was there any cat in the stoves refrige rators and washing machines in the store typographical terrors abqthbu fail to subvert voice of weeklies next day the same thing but no cats i begansp think 1 had cats in my belfrv said the storekeeper another search turned up a kitten under a chesterfield but the meows continued the shopkeeper brought a police constable the policeman listened solmenly turned over the chesterfield put his hand in a slit in the bottom and came out with three more kittens the constable telephoned a furni ture supply warehouse in regina 175 miles south yes they told him the warehouse cat recently gave bitth to four kittens and yes all i four were missing k m m q lj m in the new beauty with a great new idea- lifeguard design faiiiane victoiia it s here the new ford for 56 bringing you new lower longerlooking styling inspired by the famous ttiunderbird new deepblock y8 power up to 202hp and a new concept of safety planning lifeguard design come in now see the new 56 ford inspect it drive it find out why ford continues to be worth more when you buy it worth more when you sell it i i new 55 ttionarchv pt fa tc c- y t r- masterpiece of long low beauty new v8 performance to see and drive momaich licmlltfu coum one eyefilling glance win tell you that monarch for 56 has truly new bigcar beauty a new longer lower slimmer look under the hood of the new 56 monarch is a great new v8 engine up to 225hp to bring yon even more responsive power in thp drivin r you use most and- monarchs safetyplanned design brings you a new measure of safety for that feeling of extra confidence wherever you drive 56 ford awx monarch at your fordmonarch dealers continued from page five tho last sizable groups of individ ualists characters in the real sense of the word many of them are men and wo men who have passed doivn from generation to generation their fam ily newspaper and along with it their deep sense of community res ponsibility v we have relatively few enter prising individualists left in this nation today mass merchandising and monopoly ownership is com mon to too many phases of our ec onomic social and political life not mind you that right here in british columbia there isnt a geneijbus quota of souls who dare to be different 1 note for example that of canadas 15 nudist camps ymi in this province can claim a full five but i believe we will each have to admit that the men and women who put individual enterprise and rosxmsibility first are few and far between whether they be nudists or newsjaermen those who challenge yet our future freedom rests on the shoulders of those avho dare to challenge and challenge consistent ly the view that man is a mere statistic a forni f human energy to lie manipulated for private gams or public power and i dare to surgest to you to day that in canadas weekly news papers we may find a major ram part in the fight for the rights of individual man the man who has been given the ixmir to cxerctse hus own will for goiki or for evil by gods grace and who needs for tus own salvation to retain that power i am reminded in closing of a story whiclj john gould told rec ently in the christian science mon itor about a man who found him self in a strangely silent new eng land village is there a law around here against talk he asked of a man le on the village pump mo siranger me man replied but we do have a kind of mutual agreement amongst us that nobody- says anything unless he can im prove on the silence i trust mr chairman that i have not today violated that very sens ible agreement win first game of int c semifinals campbellville won the first game of the oh a intermediate c semi finals when they defeated coriinna 117 in campbellville on saturday september 24 coriinna opened the scoring when they pushed across a run in the first inning on an error and a single but campbellville came back with two in their half which featured hendersons double corunna tied it up in the second on a single an error and a sacrifice fly but again campbellville came back and this time they sewed it up with five runs in the bottom of the second on two corunna errors a double by- bob mcphail a walk and singles by wingrove henderson and bill cairns j campbellville added two more in the third on hits by moore win grove and laking and made it 102 in the fourth a bill cairns hom ered into right field corunna picked up two runs in the sixth on a walk and three single and two more in the sev enth on a walk and kilbreaths home run over the left field fencer campbellville got one in the sev enth to make it 116 on an error a double by early and a single by leaking corunna completed the scoring in the ninth when they got orc run on a single a walk and an error southpan bobby coulnn went the route for corunna giving up 14 hits and three walks he hit fwo rfc ginger farm written specially for the acton tree press bv a gwendoline p clarke this is the weather i like warm days and cool nights but not so cool that we need to light the furnace at preseent the kitchen range keeps the house quite com fortable for the tvoof us good old kitchen stove people come in and exclaim oh how nice to have a fire in the kitchen and a wood fire at that sure its nice but how many people have sacrificed the old kitchen stove for the neat cold com fort of an electric range some friends said to us the other day well when we get a place of our own thats one thine we intend to have a kitchen stove i won der a kitchen stove doesnt arrive with a winters supply of fuel part ner has been sawing and chopping wood for weeks and had quite u pile stacked up the way that pile has decreased is amazing first thing we know we shall have to start on the coal- tinners and struce out eight star henderson worked eigfif innings for campbellville allowing nine hts while walking five and strik ing out three harry hamilton pitched hitless ball in relief of henderson m the ninth bill cairns hit a home run and i single for campbellville while lloyd eirly san henderson an- bob mcphail each hit a double and a single ken moore allan win grove and jack laking each had two singles kilbreath hit a home run and two singles for corurini curran nit two singles and lenarin garvin hustead and lockery each had one single r h e corunna 110 002 201 7 9 5 catnpblvl 252 100 100 ii 14 i 4 batteries corunna r coulon j coqlon garvin campbellville henderson hamilton laking so fur wo have escaped a killing night frost for which i am very thankful as there is still work to do out in the garden and do you know what we are still eating green beans and even a few straw berries j the beans are more luck than good management early in the seasori we were too generous with the bugdeath and almost burnt the beans later they came to life grew like weeds and so now what they taste like we are enjoy ing a late crop and the strawber- i ies they are the everbearing variety from a few plants brought me by a reader of this column last spring knowing i would not be here to look after them i handed them over to joy to plant in her garden they have done remark ably well and every time for the last lew weeks that bob and joy have come up they have brought us a f w berries not many as i think there are only four roots but of course they put out runners which joy transplanted so next year there should be quite a number of plants the same reader brought us some deep yellow wallflowers just to convince mi- that wallflowers will prow in ontario these grew all right and the plants are blooming yet but heres the 64 question one day we had old country friends isiting here and with much pride i said see my english wallflowers these yellow ones theyre not english wallflowers that variety i- known as tin- siberian wallflow er well english or siberian they are very nice actually i saw some just like mine over in england but i also saw the kind that i had had ill mind sweetscented rich brown ishred in colour and with petals j like velvet j isnt this a grand time of year leaves burnished with the lovely shades of autumn and the air cool and bracing donf you just wish it would last for weeks and weeks 1 the sun so bright and warm and then sinking to rest it leaves behind a lovely glow which promises an other good day on the morrow ijtowcver busy wo are we should j take time to stand and stare of course if you arc working outside j you cant miss it anyway last frl- day i spent nearly the whole day lifting geranium roots and cuttings some of them were slipped and well footed in august others were quite new the parent plants had grown so much the last few weeks i thought i would take n chance and plant a few more slips it seemed phone 69 fordmonarch sales and service acton ontario e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 130600 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 a shame to waste them isnt it a prohlem to know what to do with nlants in full bloom you hate to lift them too soon at the cgd of the si ason they are blooming at their lst on the other hand take a chance and you may go out sortie morning and find them blackened by unexpected frost one day so much loveliness the next wilted leaves and withered heads one ci uld almost weep at the sight but isnt it a good thing to have these minor distractions to worry about and for many the world series to interest them just imag ine if instead we got the jitters over the stock market because of president eisenhowers unfortunate illness- we pride ourselves about the north american continent be ing democratic and yet although probably not personally concerned the illness of one man almost creates 9i panic even if we live on a back concession we cant be complacent shout it we maytpot own stocks or bonds but eventually what affects big business affects the farmer also those of us who struggled through the depression know that only too well however i expect the presi dent will recover we hope so and things return tonormal until such time as something else crops up to create a monkey wrench in the meantime bur interest should be centered on the federalprovincial conference at ottawa the tax agreement or disagreement and the national health plan may touch our lives quite closely in the not too distant future stkange vi8itob halifax cp heath jewers is 57 and has been fishing along time but he reported a new experience the other day he spotted a tropical fish skimming over the water he trap ped the fish in a bucket t i fs

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