Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1955, p. 2

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bags two the acton free press acton ontario thursday october 6th 1855 thanksgiving 1955 monday next is a day set apart for canadians to give thanks to an allwise providence for the many blessings whfch have been showered oh us in the past 12 months it is more than a public holiday and a day of feastin n people ip all trie world have greater cagse for thanksgiving than the canadians of today if the whole day was spent n counting the many things for which thanks could be given it would be too short but in counting your bless ings it might be well also to look back at the years that preceded this year at the fojks who went be fore us and make possible the many things which we enjoy and take for granted in this year 1955 last weekend we drove to toronto it was a beautiful day just to be out the countryside was glorious not only in color but in a state pf just wellbeing in the city the air was filled with sport news and bloor street was thronged with people to see a football game city and rural canada was in a state of very evident prosperity ve found the same right across canada just three weeks previbusly we talked with people from the atlantic coast and the same buoyancy for canadians was evident canadians living in this year of 1955 certain ly have reason for thanksgiving in unlimited praise next monday on national thanksgiving day dare we hope when the premiers of the provinces of canada meet in conference with representatives of the dominionjgovernment folks in this section hope that the efforts will be toward simplification rather than complication like all such conferenc es it will undoubtedly be a struggle to get more and give less for those in the conference but the public as a whole hope that some consideration will be paid to the already complicated business of collecting taxes that will not bring in more complications we write this on monday and perhaps before this item appears in print the rumors and discus sions will have reached the ears of the taxpayers its too bad the folk who fill in all the forms con nected with collection of taxes havent a laigger voice in this conference in ottawa this week but as one small voice in the wilderness who attempts to serve the public and also act as government tax collector we cry out to not add to the burden or send out any more forms to fill out wouldnt it be won if from th co ference would come a solution for governmentsto simplify rather than confuse dare we hope for this from the heads of all governments in canada when in conference fall pleasure october it is said is usually the worst morth of the year for traffic fatalities this weekend is a holiday one there will be many on the high ways enjoying this last fling at pleasure driving i an effort to de ne i arrcf deaths safety experts recommend the following precautions never drive with fogged or frosted windows keep headlights low when passing oncoming vehicles between the hours of 7o0tmd 800 pm take special precautions- poor visa b illty makes th proud to be part this week from october 1st to 8th s national newspaper week for over 700 of canacjas com munity newspapers that carrytfie news from those places which lie outside the cities the week is fostered by those publishers and editors who spend the others 1 weeksrf the year in promot ing the best interests of the community in other fields and writing the week by week history of their district a newspaper is defined as a daily or other printed paper containing news or intelligence of past current or coming events with comment criticism or discussion on such events by editors or contributors the peking gazette is said to have been the first printed newspaper and the oldest daily journal in the world first issued about 1340 ad the first specimen of the regular newspaper in england was issued in 1622 under the title the weekly news from italy germany etc while the dawn of the newspaper in europe is credited to the frankfurter journal started in 1615 in the more than 40 years since we first be came associated with newspaper work there have been many changes in the fjelplmechanization has invaded the work more than most fields and yet we find the invasion of the machines has made more jobs available and better newspaper possible last weeks issue of 12 pages in the free press with its stories and pictures of particu lar local interest was a far step from the four pag es which used to require a work week of over 60 hours from the small staff canadas weekly twice and triweekly papers aie now read each week by 2392400 families a market three times as big as toronto and montreal combined attending gatherings of canadian weekly newspapers as we have over the past years we become more and more impressed with the position wrthwhich the weekly press is held in all circles heads of civic provincial and fede ral governments public relations representatives of industry and many others look to the local weekly newspapers for the pulse of that vast sec tion of canada beyond the city boundaries you may ask why it is because the weekly newspaper gives the picture of the life of the town and district it reports the meetings of coun- and from the arctic to the black cil school boards chambers ot commercerfsgarthe headquarters for europenn churches and service clubs the weeklies never feil to lend their support to any project for the good of the community and many a waterworks system hospital school swimming pool or other service wsyldnqthave been carried to a success ful conclusion without their active support unless it renders this service the newspaper is without life and without purpose it was institut ed to carry the news and to service its community and in doing so it becomes the finest and most effective advertising medium for along with its accounts of individual events in its village or town it offers the tailored to measure service of a paper which will be read and reread and kept in a safe place against the home coming of those more sophisticated members ahefamily who have gone farther afield whatever its circulation it stands high in readership and so long as its first consideration is service this will continue to be the case ji jthk the good old days fffivt may have seemed i thanksgiving day is monday a time when most of us have much to be grateful for however heres a fellow wholl be thankful if he escapes the day with his neck traditional fare for thanksgiving tables he seems to be suspecting theres somebody just around the corner with an axe and a hungry in tent 7daf upper canada bible society the headquarters of the british and foreign bible society in lon don england wa visited recently by russian churchmen while in trie united kingdom the delegation which consisted of four dignitaries of the russian orthodox church two lutheran archbishops and two officials of the all union council of evangelical christian baptists were entertained at dinner in bible house on wednesday july 13 in the light of this visit it is of interest to recall some of the high- lights in the work of the bible society for russia the society was first permitted to help in thp spread of the holy scriptures with in the russian empire in 1806 for many years thereafter it was al lowed to carry on a work stretch ing from the baltic to the pacific or plates or stereos or bound vol umes whatever is needed and whatever is permissible for the ex tension of the use of the bible in th churches of russia the following suggested readings are offered for your personal con venience sun matt 10 2442 mon matt 11 115 tues matt 11 1630 wed psa 32 111 thur psa 34 122 fri psa 62 112 sat psa 73 128 poets corner biros in the maple by mrs edith sharp milton outside my bedroom window- is a tall maple tree and every morning im awakened with birds singing merrily they seem to be telling me some thing in their own inimitable way maybe of the things they see or how long theyre going to stay time the most hazardous for driving if driving over the holiday weekend take frequent breaks for coffee and change drivers whenever possible avoid speeding in cities df intersections or on queens highways the majority of accidents occur at fhese places when mechanical breakdowns or flat tires oc cur at night get car to side of road if possible or have someone wave other care past safely let something go wrong to halt our supply of electricity for any length of time and how utterly helpless we are at a time like that all our costly appurtenances become but shined and polished expressions of the skill of shop and factory and mechancial genius decorative in the extreme but absolutely useless pembroke ont observer russia were in st petersburg for siberia in ekaterinburg there were also bible houses in such centres as moscow odessa sam ara tiflis iskutsk and vladisas- tock stocks were kept in many book shops colporteurs carried thu scriptures to remote areas and sold their sacred volumes among crowds at fairs throughout the russian empire the bible society was allowed free freightage on the railways and 10 free passes were presented every year for the use of colportours at one time the an nual circulation averaged 608500 volumes in european russia and 70000 in siberia altogether in ov er 100 years 23 million volumes were distributed by the british ard foreign bible society 18 million in russia the remainder in 40 oth er languages today the british and foreign bible society in common with other bible societies of the world ss im glad i have that maple would rejoice to be of further ser- outside my room you see vice to the people of russia by cause i never tire of the birds sending bible paper for printing singing endlessly i n back in 1905 taken from the issue of the free thursday october s 1905 esquesings 59th annual exhibit tonhetti- wednesday of this week was mast gratifyingly successful the financ ial returns have seldom if ever been realized before the exhibit of bread and butter was remarkably good while that of apples was the finest ever shown here the show of cattle sheep and horses was especially creditable acton cornet band dispersed abundance of sweet music to the energetic efforts of president brownridge and secretary tracy much of the success of the fair is due mr james symon has purchased from w a mclean barrister the double house and three lots on bower ave and willow st mrs a t brown was at milton on thursday and burlington on friday evenings where she took part in popular entertainments win ning flattering econiums by the readings she rendered mr murray mcdonald has been added to the force of local con stables mr mcdonald is a man of fine physique is levelheaded and of the character and disposition to make a firstclass constable the morning service for electric light will commence on 15th inst messrs henderson and cos fine new premises and the commod ious welllighted quarters provided forthe millinery show rooms con tributed much to the display at the glasgow house last week the rooms were decorated with pink chiffon white tulle and flowers a hat which attracted much attent ion was the bakers tarn made of pale blue pan velvet shirred and trimmed with mink heads and tails also roses a stylish polo of folded green silk with a band of black velvet overlaid with jet bandeaux and trimmed with mercury wings and knot of velvet was probably the most becoming shape shown nothing more satisfactory could be found in the city showrooms the world puts on its robes of glory now back in 1935 taken from life press thursday issue of the free october w 1s3s a crowd of 100 to 150 assembled last night to hear the speakers for the reconstruct ion party and likely the last local meeting of the campaign mr louis brownlow president of the local club presided- the new party was really an amalgamation of those who felt they had not been having a square deal from the politicians this week the symon hardware moved into the fine new store or mill st which is modern in every respect and the latest addition to the improvement of actons busin ess seetcion the new store was part of the unfinished plan of the late james symon who died last february the buiness is now being carried on by mrs symon mr mac symon and miss marguerite sy mon the symon family have con ducted business in acfon for over fourscore years the late charles symon conducted a business hero among the earliest business houses mossrs alex and john symon both commenced their business careers hero the whole new building is a tribute to the successful and long business career of the symon fam ily in acton the visit of dr j ewart smart of acton england with his mes sage of good will from the moth erland and a gift of a silken flag from the town of the same name in england was an occasion of inter est to all citizens the event was- held in the town hall which was well filled with friends who desir ed to meet the visitor and hear his message reeve c h harrison expressed the pleasure of the gathering in welcoming ur smart and the- friendly feeling that had developed as a result of these little inter changes which had been instituted by the late h p moore on his visit in the old land the harmony club of limehouse united church met on friday last week the business session resulted in the filling of three vacancies in the executive professional directory and travellers guide sl medical they hop about from limb to limb hardly making a sound until at last they seem to sense theres food upon the ground cautiously they look about making sure no ones there then down to earth they quickly swoop then back into the air between their beaks the food thev hold till some safe sprt they find and then they start their chirping as if o say youre kind brief comment where fire we goic the c at tmt there must be better roads to accommodate the traffic they must be built quickly napanee ont postexpress soits open season again on anything that walks flies or crawls just to make sure that everything got off to a good start a cherry river man went home with a skin full of bird shot over the weekend tb win the honor of being this united church of canada aeton ontario rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george erliott presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong mv bd minister years first casualty stanstead que journal the opposition has a vital role to carry out in a democracy stresses the red deer alta advo cate too many people fail to realize the vital place the opposition occupies in the british parlia ment system jnd how much the couhtry loses when the opposition is unable to function owing to lack of power lack of numbers or both ljn org a ch sunday october 9th 1955 dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church 81 e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner ot willow and river sta entrance rivor street acton ontario phone 238 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary office hours 1000 am 12 00 100 pm500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res ul acton dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 819 office hours 68 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h eeib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton optical ntr h i 6 bower ave acton phones 1955 t t lyr artntt jffrr fhrtab k- tv only paper ever pub fas acta founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 58 mo st e acton toni- member of the audit bureau of circula- lions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 250 in canada fcj50 in the united states sx months 9150 single copies 6c authorized as second class mail pott office department ottawa publish by the dills print and pumumsig co liaahed g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager jarhea dills john black associate editors business and editor i al d ff ice telephone 174 sunday october 9th 955 am church school 950 am junior church 11 15 am thanksgiving 7 00 pm vespers wms thankoffering inss room octcjber 11 at 230 explorers in sjs room october 12 at 630 z thanksgiving sunday 945 amvchurch school 1 100 am baptismal service i 700 pm evening service i a warm welcome awaits you i they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength e l buchner ro optometrist 48jmu1 st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 130 600 pjn the anglican church of canada st altws church acton out rev evan r jones ba lth rector sunday october 9th 1955 trinity xviii 900 am holy communion hl00 amrchurch school film flying straight- a llofhbn beginners class prayer baptist chutch acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 208w sunday october 9th 1965 1000 am 6unday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 815 pjn byjpu wednesday 8 pm midweek ser vice wednesday evenings by appoini- ment veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox aw acton phone 190 b d young bvsc c l young dvm lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 586 office hours tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pm georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triangle 72464 miscellaneous rumley funeral home heal amhnlanrr phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive aa laaapard atcm rmt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach unes office brookviue ontario pboncrmflton 195r21 feal bstats and msukanoi acton kntfcostal 1100 ram morning sefmon and no evening service on the second sunday of the month meeting in lox hall crewsons corners pastor rev k 3 heid 81 cook st telephone wssg sunday october 9th 195 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7s0 pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pm cottage pray er meeting and bible study friday october 7 4 pm open ing of the mission band v-v- tv i f l wright 20 wilbur 8l acton ontario phone 98 w r bracken phone 96 list your farms business or with us we invite you to us ov facilities in securing a purchaso to your property r f bean limited 83 mux st acton phone 585 coaches leave acton eastbound 6 38 am 858 am 1133 am4 208 pm 508 pm 633 pjn tvaw pm bl013 pm 1027 am 1252 pm 2j7 pm i37 pm 727 pjn 912- 1132 pjn 112 am sun to chener only a daily except sunday and days b saturday sunday and hob- daya canadian national rajuways daily 640 ajn dauy ex days 1000 ajn ttt pjn aays iuw us pi onlj am pjn daily except day flyer at oeom tjt ajan 137 pjn daily flyer at ot town 1011 pjn daily 1144 pm daily excopt sunday 848 am 855 pnv oaf- stop 749 pjn saturday only xt pm sunday only 943 aum uug- stop sunday only flyer at guelph 70i pjn daily except sat ahd sun to detrain iisisiiigw from west toronto and beyond 810 bjn daily except sat nd sun flyer at g 6j6 pjn

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