Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1955, p. 6

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sim bk tim n n paoeh5dc- the acton free press acto ontario council reads franchise bylaw for united suburban gas co ltd continued irom page one high school district board had not been asked for an opinion on the natter a motion lost asking the urban board to contact the townships re garding a proposed consultative cqmrtuttee however a second mot- ion carried reaffirming acton councils forth in the nhhsdb and expressing that it was not time to request formation of a consult ative committee interesting proposition r f bean representing a j w bates of torbnto introduced a pro position to council that was met with interest mr bean said mr bates purchaser of property out- mde the northeast corner of ac ton wa prepared to drill a well there and give water rights and land for a pump house over to the 4own in return for some subdiv ision services mr bean said there was good reason to believe water in sub stantial quantitj would be found on thi property which covers about tight and a half acres should ate r be found the tow n would be given the well and some property around it in return foi annexing the area and coming to an agreement on piovimon of cer- tain serv ices objects to observations council agreed the proposition should bt follow ed up and asked the mnvor and reeve to investig ate further s ten mint and g cooper after handing uu mnnr n fupe of i council pi ess leport of two vveeks ago wanted to know whv certain references to the condition of the tool shed and work habits of town employees h id appeared in the paper several questions and answers followed this querv during which reasons w ere repeated for the ob- servaticrtu made bv council mem bers at he lost meeting in regard ln mi teiuiaiits objections as to w hy those observ ations had appeared in the press mavor ty ler pointed out council had no con trol ov er w hat appeared in the press about anv matter discussed at an open meeting as regular council sessions are often a thankless job to other objections the major said he realized the town men had a thankless job that is often met bv criticism he agreed there were often too manv bosses and at the same time pointed out the town works men were doing a great deal of work for the number on the emplovment staff the mavor added that some of the public does not alwavs know of circumstances behind jobs done and st too often readv talk about something thev know noth ng about atr m ternant ana mr coop er left members discussed wrh fc-ema- a kirknes the need for more txils o the wns woks de partment and the possibihtv of i xng up rhe park shed the prop- ev comn te was asked to pur sue the mafer fjrthe- befoe regular accounts wcr passed a brief rev tew of apport ionment o road and sewer costs in the glenlei subdiv ision w as held the clerk w as authorized to pa overtime rate to a duby on pre sensation of his work sheets counci iko authorized pay ment of 316 51 to the acton puc as deficit for 1955 street lighting as well as 1250 balance pavment to the nprth halton urban board on 1955 share also 10 to mrs i hun er as dow n payment on the agreement to purchase land wherc the town proposes to drill for wa- tir cement running low permission was given the local boy scouts to hold their annual apple day october 15 a routine molion w as passed engaging dea con and arnott toronto to draw up plans for a possible new mun icipal centre council deeured intention of touting a special tnerting october 24 to open tenders on the maria street bridge construction a complaint from an outoftow n motorist against a parking ticket received here was filed clerk j mcgeachie reported cem ent is running low on the sewer i line job at glenlea it was learned tht bradlev and houghton build ers vt glenlea had indicated thev could obtain cement for the tow rj s use conditional on an early stai t on sewer to their lots the town was notified by a f green ltd that that leimpanv had decided not to participate in the cost of the wallace street sidew alk opp salaries up in 56 a list of nine fire hydrants in need of repair was presented thus mutter is to be turned oven to the puc a legal notice regarding the re location of the street to the lake- view subdivision through prop erty owned by t brankuwicz was i eceived and read council learned that on january 1 1s56 salaries of local provincial police of will be increased to 4 600 for corporal rating and 4000 for constables the mileage rate on the cruiser will also go up one cent a motion wag passed that u bylaw be prepaied foi the new agreement three bylaws were read one authorized the issue of 35 000 tn debentures for puc purposes an other designated the area wrere the sewei rate applies und author ized installation of lakeview sew ers amounting to 53 000 while the third bylaw authorized the bor rowing of 36 000 for watei mains in the glenlea subdivision left try the roadway deputv reeve e footitt was told the sandpile in the east end of town is not likely to bt moved un til next veil he hlso said th it the lull road to the descent tiom the wool combing propirtv was in need of giading and uigid that thi possibihtv of widening the load it the curve into the citttnl be in esbi edited councilloi c lindsav leportej somt one hiu tiimmtd tiets in tlu crescent and left branches pilid bv the loadwav he asktd this b looktd into councillor s burnt lit passed on ii enrnpbiini that some pniking thursday october 6th 1953 tickets uit not being paid this i to bt investigated councilloi i new ton noted a catch basin in need of repau and learned it has been attended to councillor a irwin was also told to a complaint about load areas being cut too w ide at glenlea that this hid been lectified work at fairy lake mavor tyler reported the beaid- m co is gomfl nhend wuh weed cutting in fairv lake and would appreciate what town assist ance could be given in removing stumps the parks committee js delegated to handle this matter council accepted an account of 87 from c f leotherland for legal services also held a brief discussion on possible sale of the present dump lands reeve har- grave considered that bv the time winter is- over most of the dump will be filled regular accounts younge const shovel loader town of acton sewer acct re creek work g b barter motors re town truck concrete pipe ltd pipe ellis and howard ltd h palmer saw ing w ood bell telephone scrv rov s elec serv repairs cleaning heateis etc halton registrv office w coles couit attendance acton fret piev asstss ment notices franklin press making up debentures e g tyler trip to milton cton puc hjdro julv aug operations on prov pol re salines halton co indigtnt patient a pack six compptltions became most in teresting last thursday night as the yellow six jumped into the lead with 28 points last weeks leading six diopped to last place with 24 points tawny six finished with 26 and the white 25 points optnuitf und closing exercises weie token by the duty six the tawnles under sixer richard cur- rle who led the grand howl instruction on the cub law and promise us well as the union flag comprised the work period games by baloo and akela rounded out the pi ogram b pack budge nighty was the specially planned meeting for b puck last tuesday night all new chums weit given o copy of the cub book and their coat of white paint in the foi m of a w hite neckerchief th sign that tt bov has not yet been in- vesttd as i woir cub othei cubs wtit pitstnted with various badges whuli hud been tuned itctnllv gumts for the evening vvtic taken bv ituksha and baghena hugh mai shall duiinj win k penod stvtiul of thi new t hums piistd somt f then tenrii pad tt sts su competition finished with the yt how si ahtad with 42 point otht i 1 1 suits w ert redtand white sixts 17 points tawny 32 mclliilv sluvui cufemi great need of education in india told at thankoffering meeting world series fever strikes again here since last week world series fe ver has been hot and heavy again here as it hus in countless othei communities across the continent local office and shop pools game and score wagers- borrowed small radios oil are standard signs of the series even for many- who the rest of the year pay little or no at tention to baseball and of course game time each day has magnetiz ed anybody able to be within eye shot of a tv set anyway its all over now tuesi day the brooklyn dodgers won tht seventh and deciding game from the new york yankees to take their first win id stiles title in s5 vears 629 25 87 10 70 00 68 80 57 18 12 50 5 75 28 00 8 05 8 00 40 04 59 40 2 20 1052 61 979 12 190 25 sewer accounts cton motors svmon hdwe w ev ans gas etc duby overtimt macswain motors truck t cutting truck cton woodcrafts m nellis tractor grader acton puc waterworks duby stegular salarv younge const shovel loader ciowt foundrj l d franklin press making up debentures short ills- sheetmetal r v anderson-ancuassoc- re engineering 3 29 07 14 1014 7cg ji80 59 10 52 50 19 72 2072 50 461 io 1155 50 554 so patrol lenders had a weekend ti anting cump at blue spi ings when tney painted the cabin built cup- t on ids und a new bunk there are about 42 attending scouts now on mondays the new scouts are working on their tender- fool tests so they will be prenared foi the going up ceremony early in november others are working on their second and first class tests plans are being made for apple day on saturday october 15 and permission was obtained from coun cil this week the next paper col lection is scheduled for saturday october 22 thursday nights a group is work ing on the new entranceway to the scout hall the front door will be entered from an enclosed porch this will make the hall less draughty new steps are being built too iiiiajiiiiiainniiiiiiiaiiitiiatimpiiui inbiit mrs w ballentine is hostess to wa the woman s association of the united chinch nut at the home of mrs william ballentine on tuesduy with tht prtsident mrs h burns piesiding tht pie e ting optntd with the ode and oi follow d by the dt volional roll call was answeitd bv a vtist of scriptuit afp the itotational pti t m r tht dutc hon of mis l agar a reading the blood bank was given the ladits ait solving a tui key dinner to onethud xif the teacheis of halton co in the sunday school room plans wt re made for tht annual turkty supper in novem bei the annual rally will be held in cooksville on october 20 mrs ballentine served lunch as sisted by mis goidon mrs fatt mis jennings and mrs denny a vote of thanks was given to mrs ballerrtint fur hti home ind to tju lunch assistants a missionary who has spent 36 years in india was the guest speaker at the annual thankoffering moat ing of the woreums mission circle of the baptist church held monday evening in the church the president mrs h helwlg opened the meeting with a hymn followed by the repeating of the 23 psalm in unison miss jessie coles and mrs j w chapman brought a message in song mrs helwlg welcomed visiting members from htllsburgh guelph and acton churches mrs c landsborough and mrs gordon gave the devotional mrs landsborough took jib her topic this is the day not yesterday or tomor row but today there are no good or bad duyn but every day is gods day and wc should live one day at a time she said mrs gordon led in prayer and miss coles and mrs chapman sung a duet if jesus goes with me 1 11 go anywhere mrs costtrus introduced the speaki r for the evening miss mur iel bi otht is who is on furlough af ter compltlinc years of teaching school in india those privileged to heal miss bi others will not soon foi git lur most inti resting and dts ciiptivt address on life in indian schools and thi git at nt t d of educa tion in that country mis d a huteheon moved a vote of thanks to miss bt others miss coles mis chapman and tht com mittee in t hat i of tt i tngt me nts i during the social hour which fol low id miss b tint tl in ought greet ings fioni tht wms of the united t hutch miss clarkt for knox wm s mrs lohn root for the hills- bui h a m veldhui legion news 5000 00 s9 551 12 sukh school accounts franklin press making up debentures 65 78 north halton high school district board 231195 2 37173 watermains extension acton puc waterworks re dubv s regular salary 461 55 tow n of cton sew er acct re labor for aug 4071 65 fianklm press making up debentures 51 15 can valve ind hvdrant 135 6j 1719 95 siesssbs skjti t wc al news the micro plastics plant has been repainted ties in the rail- town were re- gome of the way crossing iji placed the duck hunting season began last weekend and quite a few were but with luck the world series ball games proved interesting to almost every body this week department of highways men went patching the highway through t6wnon friday thanksgiving next monday some raspberries were reported in gardens in the milton area any up here s i the sunday school room of the anglican church has a new record player now chimos and other re cords arc played for half an hour before sunday school begins apparently acton lay in a pock et of fog yesterday motorists com ing up from milton where the weather was dull but not foggy were astonished at the climate here up north religious instruction started at the public school on monday there will be two complete terms of lessons during the year with examinations for some of the groups at christmas and easter l 1 the number of cheese factories to canada has declined from 13m in 1s3s to 431 at present i iii winiani una ii i aniia nmaw at the regular meeting held tues day night comrade tom grieve zont poppv chairman from george- tow n v as in attendance and spoke brief i v on the forthcoming poppy dav campaign so that the ci lbbage schedult would not have to be changed it was passed that tht regular month ly meetings would be changed to the mcond mondav of tht month at 9pm until further notice it was teportcd by reg hoare that tom bennett was in sunny- di ook hospital a id that hei b cook was now convalescing at home it is hoped that both these comrades w ould soon be well again one new member in the person of alphonst fiank herbert was m- itiattd bv the president and first vice president the saturday night dances are still ver well attended and it was reported tlint some v cry good enter tainment will be in attendance this satundav night don t forget the euchres start this fridav night and the cribbage next tuesday study book business on meeting agenda knox church heather club held their meeting on wednesday even ing september 28 at the home of lois mackenzie with president dorothy calder in the chair the devotions were given by meryl kitkness and oral norton the sec retary s and treasurers report were given after which the business at hand was discussed ten of the members were selected to assist the ladies aid with the fowl supper audtey grischow read another chapter of the study book fire upon the earth this part of the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction a humorous game was enjoyed by he membtrs after which a social hour was tnjovtd with the hostess assisttd bv vi rv innhs bta bt nson and dorothv calder hael marzo fftitd hei homeifor the next meet ing acton high school news by nell benton the rugby schedule for this year has been drawn up actons first game will be played against milton on thursday here at the school there will be six games played by our team against milton george town and preston we hope that the boys will be successful and j bring home the cup slime new students have enrolled since september 6 they ore vera varcoe ross morton and ted nightingule there art now 193 students barbara and bcrnice jen- j sen are now going to loretla acad emy in guelph they will be mov ing u guelph soon j in the interschool meet in milton acton returned with three cups the wjrintis art frank cooper inter im dialt boys champion ruth landsborough junior girls chnm pion and bill skilling st nior boys champion itlid congratulations thais all for this week monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts an markers a good display 4n stock wm c allan prop 68 qimmi st w brampton shop phone 14foj res 313 rep tom nicol phom brampton 603w daymonds mgantic warehouse sale continues furnishings bargain for all pt ople buy the free pre s to read and read the fret press to buy daymond home furnishings the house of quality 107 quebec st phone 7000 guelph fiom tht gutlph citclt knox panel group auxiliary visitors mrs gtoiri musstlle was hostess for the september meeting of the alert evening auxiliary mrs h l bennie program convener pre- s thcricvntinns were taken hy week s results his column ftir each- mombet s to a renews crlbbage schedule october 11 19s legion s eden mills tiger cats vs station hotel ramblers vs union oct 1 tiger cats vs eden mills ramblers s legion unon s sta tion hotel oct 2 ramblers vs tiger cats legion vs union eden mills vs station hotel no 1 station hotel vs legion eden mills vs ramblers tiger cats s union noi union vs eden mills tiger cats vs legion ramblers vs station hotel nov is eden mills vs station hotel legion vs union ramblers vs tigtr cats nov 22 station hotel vs legion eden mills vs ramblers tiger cats vs union nov 29 tiger cats vs eden mills ramblers vs legion union v s station hotel dec 6 legion vs eden mills tiger catsvs station hotel ramb lers vs union dec 13 union vs eden mills tiger cats vs legion ramblers vs station hotel the captains of each team are legion w nicol tiger cat s collett ramblers f winter station hottl s brunelle eden mills l tolton union j hardie business meeting held by rotarians the regular business meeting fol lowed supper when the rotarians met on tuesday there was a re port by the project committee on the park project and a report on a case from the crippled childrens com mittee as donation of 50 was made to the boy scouts i harold kinread reported he had attended sunday sessions of the ro tary districtconference in toronto provincial officers visit iode chapter two ptovtncial officers attended tht met ting of the duke of devon- shne chapter i ode at the home of mrs r r parker on tuesday evtnuir the fygtmt mrs j whit- ham was innhc chair mrs stewart past provincial treasurer of the order and mrs bruce present provincial treasurer from hamilton w t re w cicomed plans were final i7oj for the ba zaar to be held this month flan nelette is to be distributed to mem bers to make into garments for ser- v ices nt home and abroad mrs b mow at in her talk on em pire and world affairs- gave a most comprehensive account of the riots mc press mrs stt wart gave a resume of the vork of a treasurer the alottment if the monevs of the chapter donations etc her talk inspired the mrs r h armstrong and miss mar- jorie hall a reading from the glad tidings on opportunities for service was read by mrs f anderson miss bella maye roszell rendered a solo introducing the new study topic were members from the senior w m s introduced by mrs r r park er including mrs a j buchanan mrs r m mcdonald and mrs h mamprizc mrs h l bennie and miss ruby clark the panel dis cussion was concluded with topics discussed several members of the alert auxiliary and miss nellie an derson also spokt a few words the prtsident mrs j ingles thanked the visitors for their at- tt ndance and contribution to the i program and then conducted the l busintss of the month mrs george musselle iupplv convener displav- 1 ed tht gifts for the ladies lay ette given by the members tht meeting closed with prajer the committtt serv id rt fr shments and a social timi was tnjoyed used heater values marchand small coleman silent glo fess small faucet noroe med faucet large faucet teco like new 2 new duotherm standard models at 89 95 24 95 2995 29 95 29 95 34 95 34 95 39 95 49 95 59 95 new harriston coal ft wood rg 125 87 00 the units are priced at our store delivery and installation arrangements can be made root hardware phone 16 rockwood construction booming pace of new construction in cana da continues recordbreaking re ports the financial p ist contracts let on new projects in the first stven months of the vear are at a peak 1608 615 700 a climb of 33 over the same period last ytar 0ldat405060 mat youre crazy forget your tgel thousands are peppy at 70 try pepping op with ottrex contatina tonic for weak rundown feeling due solely to bodyi lack of iron which many men and women call old try qstrex tonic tablets for pep younger seeling thii very day new get acquainted size only 60c for aale at all drug store everywhere our eountr and a greater interest inthe work of the order awards church league trophy the eisen trophv for the champion interchurch softball league entry was piesented to the bovs of the anglican team at sundiv school at stalbans churrh sunday morning all but two of the bovs on the team were present sid eiscn made the presentation himself to the bovs coach clint lavlor charlie leatherland was also present representing the vs men the last game was between the presbv terians and tht anglicans w ith the st alban s lads prov ing themselves victors the trophv has a wooden base with several blank shields onl one so far has an inscription it reads anglican 1955 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph 1924 58 st gaorges square canadas oldest largest and most copied food plan the magic pantry food plan approved by better business bureau government inspected highest quality meats fish poultry vegetables fruits and juices satisfaction or replacement guarantee for information telephone or write ted darlington main street georgetown triangla 72206 cwl sponsors penny rummage sale a most successful evening was held by the catholic women s league in st josephs hall on fridav evening x was sold out earlv in the evening and the rummage sale was also profitable winners in the penny sale were mat mrs w duval jr doll mrs les davies lamp mrs z luty cup and saucer bui mcmillan picture janice mccauley hassock pauline papdlon cushion mrs ev cole vase and flowers mrs betty hardie magazine rack mrs charles shultis doll mrs o stapleton salad bowl mrs vera semenec bed lamp mrs les dav- 1 on this thanksgiving day let us qive thanks to almighty god for the many blessings that are ours in this beautiful land acton rumly funeral home bruce e shoemaker mgr ont t ixstiiu isiimnu ts

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