Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1955, p. 1

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i eightyfirst yearjvjo 15 acton ontario thursday october 20th 1955 ten pages six cents to collect for hungry children in other lands this halloween micro children will collect i money for- the united nations childrens fund j on halloween it was decided by a majority vote at the home and school associations first meeting of the season about 100 attended the meeting in the public school on monday evening g t taylor pre sided the halloween project was out lined by dick bean instead of col lecting candies and apples for them selves on halloween the youngsters will collect coins for hungry and sick children in other parts of the world the money is distributed through the united nations child- rens fund which has been distrib uting voluntary contributions from government and individual since 1947 a committee was named to be in charge pf the project here the association voted 75 to the school to assist in the purchase of a tape recorder d davidson outlin ed the many beneficial uses to which the tape recorder could be put it was decided to put on a play next spring and a committee was set up to arrange this a letter expressing appreciation from the school board for the piano was read and the president thanked all those who helped in making the presentation possible it was voted that the balance of 39 remaining in the piano fund be transferred tor the general account and used in some future project miss anderson introduced miss kay alger who showed slides and gave a very interesting commentary on her recent visit to great britain w mattocks thanked the speaker owing to the lengthy business session the recital by miss alughlan on the new piano was postponed un til the next meeting lunch was served by the members of the ex ecutive draw for 100 made at suchre jane elliott won the draw for 60 at the tennis club euchre held friday evening in st albans parish hall winners of additional 10 prizes were mrs w footitt j a van fleet and r j papil- lon of acton miss margaret lang- try who was in acton last year and is now sit carleton place and mr wesuisky of gait fred kent- ner made the- draws for the club euchre was enjoyed during the evening winners were ladies high marjorie hall ladies low mrs bill dumarch mens high mr phillips mens low mrs tom cook the lunch convened by mrs s brunelle of sandwiches and cof fee was- served mrs j graham convened the euchre mrs w- du march the draw- and miss jessie coles the prizes church community honor clarence reid two social evenings were held recently in honor of clarence reid who has gone to western canada where he plans to reside members and friends of the ac ton baptist church gathered at the home of mr and mrs charles landsborough and after a very en joyable program presented him with fl beautiful zippered travelling case his home community gathered at greenock school where a pleasant evening was spent seeing pictures of bermuda england and scotland shown by mrs barnes and mac sprowl charles landsborough pro- era4 cornet solo ac companied by his daughter at the piano miss helen ahen read an 50 scouts cubs help apple day there was plenty of noise and excitement at the scout hall early saturday morning when about 50 boy scouts and wolf cubs gath ered to shine apples and fill their baskets for their annual daylong project to raise funds the scouts gave apples as their individual way of saying thanks as acton- ians gave donations for scout work almost 20 bushels of apples ex changed hands while coins and a few bills passed in the opposite direction friday afternoon uniformed scouts canvassed the towns indust ries in the drizzle saturday the rain surprisingly did not come and the boys had a most successful apple day they continued their task until the stores closed in the evening don emmerson sold the most ap ples during the day winners for decorated baskets and winning group were also selected money gathered i necessary for maintenance and heating of the scout hall equipment supplies books badges etc staff phot polishing the apples is all in the lineof duty for cubs ricky currie left and jim peal who with other cubs and scouts of the acton packs and troop worked hard 1o make last saturdays annual scout apple day a successful one over 50 cubs and scouts canvassed industry and the town ssssmssswssskssskvsex kssssk5sms 5 f civic square idea unfolds around municipal centre present officers to remain here as directors one of actons major industries micro plastics limited has been sold to jack kent cooke well- known toronto financier publish er and industrialist it is announced this week as of september 30 all shares of the company were trans ferred to the new owner mr cooke is now a director of the company with j h reid a r long and n l bowles preston downs ajh 15 to 5 l i i ono y linc on a series of plays all of the officials will stay with their second unconverted touch- the company for a minimum of j down was scor preston led 10 to three years and there is no change 5 anticipated in the operation or a bri exchange of possession other arrangements in connection pleston contro on w i il u f in their own 40yord line it was car- eluded in the sale of the plant and ried 33 vards by one pnyer folow equrpmerft on wallace ave is an- j by an n rain and a touch- other tract of land of 14 acres down it again was unconverted which was recently acquired on main st north of the cnr rail- i theptnt 6n wallace and bower ave has an area of 24000 square in tha before council at a special session i next week with planned suggc tions told clerk j mcgeachic by planning busy year j j his we that h area of if and when acton gets a new municipal centre it may bloom into more elaborate proportions than are presently envisioned by town of ficials information relayed from town planner p a deacon to monday nights council meeting revealed that the time may be ripe to think in terms of a civic square mr deacon scheduled to appear honor st albans ga held bv the town where the halton tb assoc host to society address and angus thompson made eting f the season mis last thursday the girls auxil- j aging town hall now stands may halton county tuberculosis and iary of st albans churehheid its not be enough to accommodate the health association played host to- and the presentation of pen a travelling alarm clock set of tie pin and cuff links at both functions mr reid made very kindly replies and all enjoyed a social time together hamilton peal choir president actons male chorus has resumed rehearsals under the direction and leadership of george musselle paced with a busy season of enter tainment dates this home town group of melody men opened act ivities with an election of officers president is hamilton peal vice- president george a hall chorus accompanist secretary treasurer and music librarian vie bristow ne music has already been purchased for the coming season the walls of luxton memorial hall will resound each wednesday ev ening to the lusty strains of men in close harmony fountain i hey wood was present and had the members suggest some activities for the coming year these includ ed plays hikes various parties and handicrafts they alo discussed plans for a coming bazaar and rummage sale on october 29 this year as last there will be a sale of peppermint patties any girls betewen 12 and 19 have been invited to join the club un der the supervision of mrs bar- ratt they are looking forward to a very successfu year reception shower for newlywed pair a reception at the home of mr and mrs harry mainprize was at tended by many friends and relat ives on monday afternoon and ev ening guests of honor were mr and mrs jack mainprize of mont real who were visiting here in their wedding trip acton friends honored the couple at the home of mr and mrs david dills on sunday evening gifts for their new home were presented to them legion auxiliary holds bazaar draw saturday afternoon the legion auxiliary bazaar was held in lux- ton memorial hall attracting much attention were the fancy work table bake table white ele- tshant table and the touch and take draw winners were cake mrs brown coal mrs heatley lamp j higgins dishes bill blanch ham marilyn woods groceries mrs tom orourke towels mrs dunk draw on purse mrs rob ert johnson afternoon tea was served suggested offices and space for proposed civic centre last month council and the plan ning board asked mr deacon to prepare plans on a suggested new- civic centre which would include a fire hall with provision for 24hour duty health unit room town and puc offices clerks and mayors offices committee room library and reading room police office and cells assessors and engineers of fice council chambers and magis trates court necessary washrooms no bids for renovating apparently it might not be archi tecturally feasible to squeeze all these rooms into a building that would fit the land available in view of this mr deacon re portedly suggested the town should take account of a planned civic square into its thinking about a new municipal centre or civic audi torium lessopumistic jyjaswgrdfromthe the oakville hospital clinical soc iety last night at the oak villa oakville dr brink head of the tubercul osis prevention branch of the de partment of health was guen speaker r f bean of acton pres ident m the halton association presided over the meeting this was the first meeting ever held by a tuberculosis association in con junction with an asociation of med ical men point gets clearing at parles west edge while weed cutting and raking continues in the tangled shallows of fairy lake the point at the wetcrn edge of the park is also retting a cleaning this week the town i having brush shoe urowth and some trees trimmed iind cut 10 make a cleaner point aiwprtvidca bettei view of tfre largest area of the lake from ac ton park beardmore co ltd is clearing the weeds out with a machine brought in for that purpose feet all on one floor and uses 15 extruding machines to turn out its various products about 65 to 75 employees are presently working here the company is canadas largest extruders of plastics micro plastics limited was started in acton in july 1946 when the plastic industry was in its in fancy one extruder was put in operation the first plant was the building close to mill st j h reid a r long and john sault were the founders and later mr sault withdrew and mr bowles came into the company it has shown steady expansion and build ing since being established there was no scoring fourth quarter acton players were r coon h vanderheuvel g dawkins w wagner r sinclair w ingles j jany r kerr d watson c mac- coll e footitt w skilling w oost d wilds a benton preston b larriman l blhn- dell battels b ellis w allemang b cockburn j brodon w gate house b balke p iass j gofring s schrantz guest speaker atthankoffering town planner concerning proposed renovations to the existing town hall building the clerk told coun cil that mr deacon reported he was unable to find any contractor who would put a firm price on renovat ing the town hall it would be a costaswego proposition he in dicated in any event council expects to ismsssmjsmmmiemmissssmsi i kot a ful picture of what may or may not be done with the town hall c- ii-r- i or with a proposed municipal centre rirtjmen o vourbc at next weeks special sitting the fire marshalls office is- blames market fall planning to hold an instructors john hughes representing j l rotjw course for the firemen of the hal- graham and co and bankers bond ton county mutual fire aid assoc- j corporation ltd appeared early in j latum the course will cover the monday nights short uwo-and-a- aspects of fire fighting and the half hoursi session to quote a mar- betterment of mutual aid programs ket price of 9808 on the 36000 de- the courses will start on nov- j benture issue for glenlea water- ember 1 and will continue one works form district scouters club a district scouters club was formed when representatives frorn troops at acton erin georgetown and milton met at the scout hall in acton o october 5 it was decided to meet every irionqt election or officers was left to the next meet ing scotty fleming from scout headquarters in hamilton gave short talk on scouters clubs ron roberts of hamilton provided entertainment coffee and dough nuts were served by the hosts driving conditions have not been good the past week with a combination of rain fallen soggy leaves and the early- twilight v personal grooming questions planned the girls of the cgit of knox church wrote questions on personal grooming to be answered by the public health nurse miss jean rowe when she come to a future meeting the meeting was held in the sunday school room of the church on monday evening octob er 17 the meeting opened with the purpose and hymn during the business they decided not to hold a meeting next week or the week following deer season contrary to minors circulating unoni district hunters there will be an open season an deer in halton county from november 23 to november 2 inclusive county clerk w deans noted this week the application had been passed by the county council and for warded to the department of lands and forests licenses for the hunt are issued by the indi vidual municipalities it is under stood miss ellen anderson was the guest speaker at the thankoffcring meeting of the womens missionary 1z wn bc p society held in the united church on tuesday afternoon of last week mrs c l poole introduced tho speaker to the ladies and their guests missionary work was miss ander- sons subject she told of the many i different castes who do not have the rotfprl many were learning of our religion with difficulty and others are on the dividing line her des- i criptions were very vivid indeed j and her talk was much enjoyed a white elephant- auctiorr sale miss m z bennett the president was the highlight of the supper presided for the meeting she wel- meeling held by the ys mens club corned the speaker and those- visit- in the ymca on thursday ev- ing from other churches ening of last week charles kirk- the worship service was taken by ness acted as auctioneer for tho articles that were wrapped up to know that all the members of the firm who reside in acton are to 1 remain in charge and continue to reside in acton they have always taken a keen interest in the town i and all the community affairs white elephant auction high conceal any identity proceeds of the funprovoking sale go to the bishops fund which finances ov erseas delegates to world convent ions a special evening honoring the international president mac bow man of niagara falls was discuss ed the acton club will be host at a banquet guest for the meeting was jack lancier and the ys men joined with the soed club after their meeting to hear mr lancier speak on the kitchener television station where he is employed publ director addresses rotarians eric curwain the publicity dir ector for the milton hospital was the guest speakerat therotary clubs regular supper meeting on tuesday evening he spoke on publicity and advertising and gave some information on the 5cmed hospital that is to be built in mil ton mr curwain was introduced to the members by fred wright ken hulford expressed the thanks of the group mrs f cleave mrs shoemaker and mrs a orr mrs b veldhuis and miss d simmons sang a duet mrs j lambert and mrs g johnson took the offering and tha dedication was given by mrs han nah the meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served pouring tea were mrs c l pool and mrs r r arnold mrs helwig expressed greetings from the baptist wms and mrs a j buchanan from knox wms october fare is wet and cold wet and cold weather has been tke67irof fareciuring the previous week not too unusual for mid- october the smell of burning leaves us ually rife at thistimajflcarlhlul been absent instead the air has hung with a damp haze since tha drizzly days started last friday wednesday took a turn for tho better as skies cleared in the morn ing and sunshine broke through it may be optimistic but maybe theres another spell of indian summer due before the winds and first snows of november howl in erw v rw5e53 night each week for 22 weeks television medium for young soed club speaker believes these debentures at i per cent j were hot included in the 79000 block of four which council sold to the sane group a month ago at 9982 mr hughes blamed a falling urban board all for it some facts on the newest mass communication medium televis ion proved informative and pro vocative when jack lancier of the kitchener television station ad dressed the soed club in the y msca last thursday evening he explained that a small private station like kitchener had 60 em ployees working a hard full day to make the programming possible included are office staff as well as cameramen and technicians and what mr lancier calls the stations talent those who appear on the screen e pointed out that the oldest person working at the station was the- manager who is only 32 al though he could not give a reason he felt that television is a profess- rih area would be in big industrial promotion region steps which might eventually duatrial commissioner who would tonsuggested representatives from so traded information on the rela- bring the- area now served by the bc hired the50uthera- partof the county jtive costs of building permits and north halton urban board into a it was urged the department be j might not necessarily be impartial gave some attention to the mush- big metropoliun region from bur- contacted tofind out when the in- mayor armstrong observed that rooming growth in the area and tha i hj aif j 1 lington to oshawa organized by dustrial promotion region for this he was anxious to see the pros and attending increased debenture j bond market and the recent bank the department of planning and part of the province is to be set up cons for continuing the nhh s d debu 1 1 rj ftuptjli development for industrial promo- so the board could undertake as- that the factfinding committee at one point in these talks it was 1 p responsible for their tion were warmly discussed by sistance which might ultimately would bring out then have county commented that most subdivide ion for young people with plenty ability to quote the townjas good urban board members at a regular prove beneficial to the acton-mil- council weigh the findings work on a perceougf basitwher of energy his day frequently lasts a price as on last months blotk he se in georgetown this week tongeorgetown area i in a- brief review of the current w their profits mcrease accosts tllseven in the evening with only said hs firm was haying difficulty georgetowns mayor jackarm- earlier in the meeting members natural gas situauon various assur- rise at another point some inero- half an hour for lunch ho said a discussion followed with many questions on nine relation of the private stations and the canadian broadcasting corporation the group divided into two class es for photography and do-it- yourself phil caddick showed var ious finishes and demonstrated the right and wrong ways to sand and iwenfinat treading and passed paint john blacks photography j class centred on the mechanics of the camera the group adjourned to the downstairs lounge tor square danc ing conversation atjd refreshments of coffee and doughnuts v ulsvis w i d inthe strong told members that the trade reviewed an urban board resolu- and industry branch of thedepart- tion endorsed by milton and ment has already set up two region- georgetown turned down by ac- al areas in the province the first of ton then passed on to county coun- a projected nine to centralize and cil to set up a consultative corn- facilitate industrial promotion for mittee to study the north halton contained municipalities the pro- j high school district board county jected region which would include i council at its meeting last week ap- acton milton and georgetown has proved the establishment of the 79000 block it was embarassing he said mo return with a quote 174 lowef than the previous bid council after brief discussion de cided hot to call for other bids on this last debenture issue and voted the 36000 bond sale to j l gra ham and bankers bond later a bylaw authorizing this issue was council passed an indigent patient account of 386 and held for further investigation a second account councillor j newton was asked to represent the town at fire area continued on page four not yet been set up in learning of this program members agreed the board should not delay in offering assistance to bring about an industrial promotion region in this area it was pointed out the department matches ex penditures dollar for dollar up to 10000 in costs and salary to an in- committee this action was reviewed it was noted a committee of three would likely be formed as well as two school inspectors actons mayor tyler chairman of the- urban board stressed the need for impar tial representatives an this commit tee georgetowns- councillor nor- ances were examined that prospec tive gas suppliers in the three towns would purchase gas from the an thony gas and oil explorations firm milton members noted both bylaws given first readings to two companies had contained stipula- bers questioned the quality of buildings which are being erected in the three towns at the close of tuesday nights meeting members agreed to contact bell telephone company officials in this area and remind them of tha tions that gas be bought from the report expected on the feasibility of acton company at prevailing prices it was emphasized that this should be kept in mind before third read ing is given to any franchise qylaw in any of the three towns requirements of subdividers in new sections were discussed and views exchanged on the chargesin dividual municipalities assess sub- dividers for services members al- instituting extended area telephone service beu officials were first contacted on thia matter a ago year v l the school for retarded child ren in milton is how in operation with three pupils and more an expected it has been named tba sunshine school in keen contest f preston high schools garnet and grey team defeated the visiting ac ton aggregation 15 to 5 there last thursday the first quarter had no scoring and each team seemed con tent to take turns with small gains preston lost a total of 20 yards in penalties in the second quarter an acton pass was intercepted on the first play and preston moved the ball 14 yards before acton took over a small exchange of little yardage found preston kicking to acton from that kick on acton advanced 55 yards for an unconverted touch down the score read 5 to 0 preston fighting back drove 52 yards from the kickoff to the acton oneyard line they plunged across for a touchdown which was uncon verted at half time the score read 5 to 5 in a 39 yard dash from the kick- off preston was again on the acton i

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