Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1955, p. 2

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m winiiivi page two rth acton f pre act trlvrsdy october 20th 1955 r i in the democratic way come midoctober and early november and interest in municipal affairs which may have seemed laggii the municipal nominations perhaps not stirred as much as it should befbr the good of the commun ity as a whole but at least ruffled in most cases a handful of citizens many of them whp have served in the past will turn out at nomination meeting therell be a reasonable list of nominees for the positions and a day of activity to endeavor to assure enough to fill the posts the nomination notices always provide for this contingency in stating that an election if necessary will be held a week or so later nomination night is the public forum for all citizens its the place to ask questions and get the answers about your business it is no place for personalities but rather the place for seeking the common good for the town or township as a whole its a place to offer suggestions as well as criticisms its the place where your municipal leadership is sought and secured these few weeks ahead are ones in which much thought should be given to the trend of your town these are days of great growth and big municipal problems the soundness of that growth demands good leadership and rs the duty of every citizen tops of this season smorgasbords banquetsfancy meals in lav ish dining rooms with intriguing and sometimes understandable menus can all take a back seat at this time of year to the fowl supper put on by various organizations at this time of year one of the greatest attractions is of course the lavish- ness of the dinner and the fact that one knows no matter how many helpings one takes or how many pieces of pie are offered for dessert the one general price is allinclusive many a small boy has at halfprice for such a fowl supper been a deficit to the undertaking but no one is ever conscious of any such feeling at a fowl supper turkey is today the main course there was a time when other meats were the main feature but that was before the beef was priced off the menu and turkeys were not so widely reared as they are today there is only one worry about these fowl suppers overindulgence but at the time of the feasting of such an event no one worries about tomorrow yes the fowl supper is an excellent fall preliminary to the christmas and new year festivities it is well that they are usually con cluded a month in advance of these times so while the season of these annual events lasts en joy them because they will soon be over taxpayers supply entertainment should canadians be taxed to provide the public with entertainment such undoubtedly is one of the major issues which will confront the proposed royal commis sion on radio and television announced in july by revenue minister aaccann for in the latesl fiscal year for which figures are available 1953- 54 23 million of the 27 million of cbc reven ues came from the public treasury i is it the proper role of government to provide television coverage of prize fights wrestling bouts hockey matches football games concerts and plays arthe taxpayers expense if so w difference is there between engaging in such activities and going into the theatre business or into professional sport the an to such questions of course is that if the public demands such television servic es and if the cost is not too high and if there is no alternative way of providing television enter tainment the government might conceivably be justified in being in the television business the point is however that alternative ways of providing the public with television entertain ment do in fact exist private enterprise in canada is as ready as it was in the united states to pro vide television programmes at no cost to the tax payer such are some of the considerations which the royal commission on radio and television will need to consider with scrupulous care chance of survival a little booklet which we picked up in van couver recently is titled 1001 facts about van rerr we nolcd whtte there that motorists ii the city are very considerate of pedestrians in the traffic rules we noted this onesentence j marked or uhmafkecfros5hnigsnrnptori must yield to pedestrians perhaps that explains the behaviour of motorists in that city at any rate it was a pleasure to see that this rule is actually observed and that in at least one city pedestrians have first consideration there was an absence of horn blowing and an application of brakes that was quite contrary to motorists be haviour in many ontario cities v we do not know whether this is written in the traffic rules in cities in this pfbvince but certainly motorists can use this rule whether written or un written with good results here certainly the pedestrians chances of survival would be improv ed by suci a rule observedandenforeed 1935 taken front the issue of the free press thursday october 23 1935 unrepentant minority at the recent newspaper convention in van couver we had the unexpected experience of finding ourselves in lone opposition to a motion before the three hundred delegates it was one of those minormotions which so often are unani mous someone felt it was desirable to secure more statistics about the newspaper field these statistics could not be secured readily so the simple method was to get some government fact finding source to include the question on one of the innumerable forms that come out with such regularity and insistence that the return be re turned in so many days what will be done with the statistics when secured we do not know no doubt they are for inclusion in some afterdinner speech before some group of prominent executives but the point is not their usefulness but merely the fact that such figures are available for those who are called on to make public utterances we voted alone against the resolution be cause we are sick and tired of filling out forms we like our business of editing newspapers and doing printing but we dont enjoy the interrup tions of compiling information that is unnecessary and often times useless usually when such a task is handed over for governments to secure the information is three years old and another de partment has been established in the already everstaffed government that adds to the cost of government and continues even after its useful ness were still unrepentant even if the vote was 100 to 1 ihpto by esther taylor fun in the fall for youngsters invariably involves a pile of brown blown leaves plentiful around the town these late oc tober days for those notsoryouhg theres the quiet autumn pleasure of strqlling along a leavespadded path aimlessly kicking now and again at a waiting clump of the crispy foliage the bible rev g f parson district secretary 7y upper canada bible society in 1952 while the korean war the ultimate victory ofi right- still poured its misery out upon the ousness over evil taught in the bible is of immense comfort and strenght to these men who have becorne victims of the titantic struggle between good and evil n the orient 30 million koreans and the united nations army of 16 nations chap lain g vaelkel a former presbyt erian missionary in korea witness ed a miracle in the pow camps off koreas south coast scores of cap tured north koreans who had served in the communist armies joined prison churches enrolled in bible classes or began bible cor respondence courses the bible society provided free scriptures thcr natlon and he world for this unusual project more than merely looking to its message for their own comfort and strength these former prisoners as they seek to send out the good news see the bible as a hope for brief cornrnent hit the driver who drinks where he feels it most suspend his licence for six months on a first offence and a year or more on a second kam- loops bc sentinel last weekend was the anniversary of hurri cane hazel when this section of the province was saturated with a rainfall that left calamity all about us even this year there was enough rain to give a grim reminder of a year ago there was a time when in the fall of the year a popular outing was to gather beechnuts wal nuts and butternuts in this district in these days of more leisure fevwuuldbotrier od of getting a treat but prefer to buy imported and salted varieties last year canadian employers paid eight mil lion dollars a week into employee pension and welfare plans and unemployment and workmens compensation funds only the employees benefit directly from this contribution part of them are known as fringe benefits and part arenoteven recognized all in one day premier w a c bennett of british columbia demands higher federal subsid ies and suggests abolition of the federal 10 per cent sales tax says the windsor staf ottawa is currently engaged in deficit financing but the social credit premier didnt try to reconcile his unreconcilable proposals out of the biblestudy groups came men who memorized entire books of the new testament five men in one compound learn ed by heart the whole book of revelation writes chaplain voel- kel perhaps most wonderful was the fact that hundreds of these former communist soldiers began active study to enter the ministry one missionary in 1952 noted that 600 south korean pastors had been killed this was nearly identical to the number of prisoners who began their ministerial studies in the pow compounds with earnest attention to the bible chaplain voelkel is again a civ ilian missionary in seoul he now adds the second chapter to his story of gods working in the lives of the former prisoners a few days ago we had a meet ing of the prisoner of war alumni association a gettogether of the men who are now actively study ing in the seminaries i think you know of their aggressive evangel ism they have founded four churches since their release about a year ago at this most recent meeting they took on the project of distri buting 5000 gospels that is just for this month theyve already distributed plenty of gospels in the past the following suggested readings are offered for your personal con venience sun ps 126 16 mon prov 10 116 tues prov 10 19- 32 wed prov 13 125 thur prov 24 118 fri prov 242 19- 34 sat gen 12 110 poets corner i gods beauty we travelled oer the country up hill and down the dale and then through halton county where gods hand had not failed gods beauty is so wonderful for all the world to see the green fields in the meadow and the hills along the dee jack frost has painted the leaves i which were a beautiful green i but now the frost had nipped them they were a beautiful screen i yellow green red and gold with white birch mingled there were painted by gods hand no painter could compare polly imaftaawi the good old days may have seemed better vvww back in 1905 taken from the issue of the free pros thursday october 19 isasl bdl at the milton were urged at the meeting of halton countv council in the court house hilton on tuesday adequate building facilities are re quired water has to- be heated in the kitchen mr w j l hamp shire the sheriff pointed out that these improvements have been re commended year after y er and little if any notice had been taken of them the dance sponsored by the lake side chapter of the iode on fri day evening proved a most enjoy able social gathering one of americas great immortal classics mrs wiggs of the cabbage patch has been made into a charm ing absorbing and engaging pho toplay and will be shown thurs day and friday at the gregory theatre starring pauline lord w c fields and zasu pitts the new ford v8 for 1936 it has distinctive new lines the hood is longer and sweeps over the dis tinctive new radiator grille giving the car a length and grace that are instantly impressive the fenders are larger with a wide flare the horn is concealed beneath circular grilles beneath the head lamps new steel wheels the upholstery is of sterling quality and excellent taste steering is easier by a nev steering gear ratio natural thcrm- osyphon action is assisted by two centrifugal water pumps safety glass all round this really is a great car in every way the fin safest most dependable ford car ever built coupe 665 roadster with rumble seat 725 fordor tour ing sedan with builtin trunk 830 some time during monday night burglars broke the locks on the acton machine co warehouse and entered the building stealing some cash and pencils and other small articles the locks on both the high and public schools were broken mr alex mclsaac is making rather extensive improvements at his garage from the various municipalities of halton held in milton last week to consider the advisability of sec uring gftjcal option for the towns and townships of the county was representative and enthusiastic reports were received from almost every municipality and in almost every case it was considered that the prevailing sentiment against the whiskey business is strong enough to ensure the closing of the bars by local option it was shown that when the vote on the plebiscite was taken there was a majority in every town and township in halton in favor of prohibition lovers of scenic beauty should take a walk to the top of cobble hill during glorious october they would be surprised at the vista of loveliness attainable right at home at the feet the town it self its tall chimneys many beau tiful homes church spires turrets and beltrys interspersed with a wealth of glow and gloiy un the hundreds of shade trees away beyond the well cultivated farms to the north and west the more rugged country in erin and nassa- gaweya to the south and east the woody brow of the mountain bend- ing with the smoky horizon where imagination at least may locate old lake ontario while in our immed iate presence to the right is the beautiful fairview cemetery the ultimate goal of the occupants of the busy town sir henry irving the eminent actor died on saturday his re mains will be given a place in westminster abbey in march 1882 mr john harvey went to the northwest on a pros pecting trip the cpr had pen etrated only as far as brandon and he continued 240 miles with a yoke of oxen in september he return ed for a visit and found a wonder ful transformation in the country they bagged prairie chickens ducks and geese by the hundreds sitting right in their democrat professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pm dental in saskatchewan the towns of darcy and mcgee honor the as sassinated- irishcanadian leader the anglican church of canada st albans church acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth sector 1955 t-a- sty af tan 3mt rrafi v the paly rape ewer pahhsaed hm art founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwjiaand the0ntarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on req subscriptions pay able in advance 3ju in cankia150 in the united states six months 150 single copies 6c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa pubuaaed by taw duat rrtnatas aant raaawktag cav ltan c a dills tiditarinchicf david r dills production manager james dills john blacv associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 sunday october 23rd trinity xx laymens sunday 900 am holy communion 1100 am service conducted by members of the- st albans branch of the brotherhood of anglican churchmen 415 pm holy baptism of in fants evening service in knox presbyt erian on the occasion of their 110th anniversary united church of canada acton plain rev gordon adams ma bd- minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott 1 organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton- phone 6 sunday october 23rd 1966 955 ajn church school 960 ajn junior church 1116 ajn morning worship 700 pan evening prayer in knox presbyterian church sunday october 30th united church anniversary presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bj minister sunday october 23rd 1955 hoth anniversary services 945 am church school 1100 am divine worship 700 pm- evening service rev john r waldie ma b d of st georges church lon don will preach at both servic- es baptist church acton bay h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w sunday october 23rd 1955 loloo am sunday school 1100 amv morning worship 700 service with drawn owing to knox church anniversary wednesday 8 pm mid- week ser vice acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewspni cornersi pastor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone- 640w sunday october ssrd 1966 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pm prajfe er meeting and bible study dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 ajn to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental sargean htir pnmpr mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 8 pjn telephone 19actpn optica e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 130 600 pjn wednesday evenings by appoint ment legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pal office hours 1000 am 1200 100 pm 500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered aeeonntanta successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bidg 4 victoria st toronto em 49131 aa e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 586 office roars tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pjn georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triangle 72464 miscellaneous rumley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the c f 46 years veteranajrt f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 b d young bvsc 1 c l young dvm veterinary sargeaaa office brookviue ontario phone milton 165r21 olive m iaaapard atcm rjjt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines real estate and an8tjanc f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 vv r bracken phone 26 list your farms business or nous with us we invite you to uaa out facilities in securing a nwchaaa tor your property r f bean l 83 mill st actolf coaches leave acton eastbeuaa 638 am 858 am 1133 ajnu 2 08 pm 5 08 p rr- 633 pjn u- pm blo13 pm westbeno 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjsw 527 pm 727 pm 912 pjbu 1132 pjn 112 am sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and holt- days b saturday sunday and days g canadian national railways daily 640 ajn daily except s days 1000 ajn 713 pjr only t01 pan dally es day flyer at georgetown 9d 6j7 pjn daily flyer at town 1011 pm daily 1144pjn daily sunday- 84s sun us pjn stop 749 njn saturday only pjn sunday only ms ajm ofaay stop sunday only guelph 70 plsaj daily and sua to detrain th mi l vsadgffeai skti

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