Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1955, p. 7

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ghv- v thursday october 20th 1955 the acton free press acton ontario page sevwn oleaung auction sale in the twp of esquesing of uv farm t implements bar grain h t goods etc the undersigned has received instructions from alex boss to sell by auction at his arm lot 20 con 1 on first tjne 2 miles south of acton on satur octobbjt commencing at 100 oclock sharp the following horses and harness well notched grey team good in all harness breech ings set of back- band team harness collars single driving harness blankets cows hereford cow in full flow bred in may blue cow in full flow pasture bred- hereford cow milking well bred in hay red heifer milking well bred in aug roan farrow tw brindle heifer pasture bred young cattle 3 steers ris ing 2 year old about 800 lbs 2 heifers rising 2 year old about 700 lb 2 hol h r to breed 5 hereford spring- calves part jersey calf poultry 14 light j sussex chickens 5 months old a choice lot 40 light sussex yearling hens brooder house 10x12 brooder stove implements massey harris binder 7 ft cut deering mower 5 ft cut mccormick deering dump rake massey harris hay loader manure spreader flat hny rack rubber tired farm wagon sloop sleighs massey harris seed drill 4section harrows fanning mill 2- section spring tooth drag cultivat or 40 ft extension ladder high beam scales cutter ha rid power clippers all small articles pile of dry circular wood hay and grai 300 bus of oats 100 bus of wheal quantity of hay i dairy equipment universal 2unit milking machine with all pumps pipes etc half hp electric motor ideal electric cream sep arator household effects 3 rocking chairs space heater bell piano with stool white enamel kit chen cupboard tubular- bedstead springs and mattress dressers desk wardrobe floor lamps con- goleum rug 0x10 axminster rug 9x10 quilts lawn chairs and many other articles terms cash settlement with on day of sale no reserve as farm is sold all articles must be moved be fore november 15 wm a gibson auctioneer wm j hunter clerk b152 farmers debate grass silage theiry cow pride of the pro vinces cream producers once chewed her cud contentedly after a lush summer pasture and did her best with dry hay and grain in the winter months but those days are gone forever farmers have recognized that the cows enjoy grass and that in addit ion they pioducednorenrilktam creanr when on a grass diet and so there has been a switch to grassland farming and to grass silage so that the factory on feet which produces milk butter cheese and all the other dairy products can havc a diet she enjoys in the winter as well the changeover has been slow and not by any means complete as yet but all over ontario farmers are giving more thought to grass the cheapest and best stock food in the world experts on the subject of cattle feeding have predicted that more molasses will be used in dairy rat ions in the future larger supplies are becoming available and there are those who figure the cows will get larger rations of this treat in the years to come f s t i v 1 grand prize wr 25 labai 14 98 it 16 33 21 43 59 12 24ei 3 r29 16 2 85 40 72 1 77 23 i i 76 13 71 18 17 25 1 63 20 i 21 14 16 90 38 12 26 28 24 it a j30 71 22 3 24 59 5 45 70 20ll hia nl 30 99 73 65 43 88 39 24 4d2 jfl si 72 4 96 37 48 40 64 35 k h 53 1 69 78 30 20 84 2 94 24 tj38 47 62 49 16 48 77 30 29 gi l8 40 50 23 28 12 21 18 19 p h 66 66 29 44 23 39 60 21 77 1 second week i my linki lo nq 1 w 1 18 n roti umb m ers j 1 t amooun bunoaiow isfoocrmcmn 1956 ford custom models too gladuton euctric ironers ginhal eucttlc -tajivwtor- vacuum olanoa here are the simple rules and instructions 1 ik camtl h apaa oaly o pio liia 1 canodo mov tko o a ey o aatfccipata bi my m ri accaplaa tnm wt ptoon 2 twi h a colt ol m ioli a aarta maataaw faacy ty awiiaa all rh aacoa iaaooaartyalloaaaalaajalao mpmwiuilh occaotad lor i or rahaaiao o aaary jl utta 10 ba aciaafad aj a m ika official catty lor- aodad th fom a apfwot k ifca aaanaoaai m waak ml orm pcterin on taa waafc as aalria ana ba uwm w iga balora rm satwday ncaaaiba 12 iss bariat nlka alxad official mated tout k ca llot lor that auraota s cat mrit a tadaad ay a aoord a j bwa 1 jaak ica ttaaltattaio tt puzzii imltbuctlomt ol t will b lo piil bpdaattafl i th w- tkotlorloeomtlwt od pila upart 2j totobtoll lavauaf rotisscmis fresh lean pork loin roast 49 55 rib end lb loin end lb otyolr ty ofd t b pt to bt h tmi olwxoa a daol ary ion wti oppo m o arnpgpa ad oa oot tak tha od- w appaar aach tlhioday i way ibot a cjra at addad totlhn ro s ka ik lowtst potdbla lotau w stsstsr 5- swiff premium 4v tod hd 24 oad boneless id tfjsst- veal leg pa aecb a to tfca ann abtwa i ma or aioaoaaiy pti j ul iwwoaal not cron a ratwa t baady tachrdad wa ampajacbattl i totow u b ta atdy a jj jzztz mad coataoaat laotos lacortact additl ubtrt bl ka cbow wl i la impcxtanti mfott you toaottbaraoril a ba dhaaawaad 3u sta1t the fuzab roast 43 ljckv ink food features iga choice j20 ox tins apple juice 3 for 29 macaroni end cheese pkgs kraft dinner 225 salaoa pk of 60 tea bags 75c skoal 10c off sale 3 tin crtsco 87c i0a dog house is ox tins dog food 3 for 25 nbuomaisize 4 sars ivory soap 25 heinz pure tomato 1 1 ox btl ketchup 23c iga whipped 16 ox iar peanut butter 29 crown brand 2 lb tin corn syrup 29 clover leaf fancy red cehoe virin salmon 33 aunt jemima li m pkg pancake mix 18 iga choke ripe n ragaed peaches 2 for 39 20 ox tins eastern canada potatoes 10 25 bc fancy bartlett pears large sixe isos 5 for 19 florida no 1 marsh seedle grapefruit sixe 96s ledger see iga- full page ad in the torqnto daily papers thursday a halton hqlstein hkrd is pictured in a recent competition at the canadian national exhibition this herd placed secbnct behind peel county the animals and their owners are from the left aged bull third j f trimble streetsville best uddered female reserve senior and reserve grand cham pion cow harold cooper palermo junior yearling bull first w h robinson rr 1 georgetown three yearold in milk third tovell bros palermo junior class of 40 15th gordon sinclair rr 1 burlington senior heifer calf class of 40 first tom aacgee norval i old timers foresee early death for new mechanical auctioneer a calf for sale in toronto may find himself taking part rather inactively in the operation of a new invention that has farmers talking the mechanical auctioneer a form of the auction method of selling was started on the ontario stockyards in toronto during the summer actually it is the first time that this has been tried in north america this innovation was greeted with widely varied opinions and the majority of the old timers are predicting an edrly death fred campbell manager of the ontario public stockyards is convinced that it will be favorably received by both livestock shippers and pro ducers this new method varies from the standard form of selling by the auction method in that bids are registered on a clocklike arrange ment by buyers operating a but ton the price is started by the com mission agent at a price higher than actually expected and then any buyer may stop the dial by press ing a button at the pricchu is pie e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 130600 evenings by appointmen for appointment telephone 115 pared to pay the established pro cedure of raising the price by auc tion until the selling price is arrived at has been discarded under this method the buyer has to decide when to step in because there isnt any second bid the mechanical auctioneer is on the opposite side of the ring from the buyers mid is about three feol wide and eight feet high it is div ided into three sections of approx imately onethird each the buyers are seated behind narrow desks or tables directly ac ross this sales ring from the mech anical auctioneer there is an in dividual seat for each buyer with a desk on which is a button con nected with the mechanical auction eer there are facilities for 48 sep arate buyers the starter of the clock sits at oe side of the ring and is equipped with a public address system in front of him are the buttons that stop and start the mechanical auct ioneer control the starting price and allows the commission agent to declare no sale the mechanical auctioneer is so wired that it is impossible for two buyers to register the same bid im mediately any buyer presses the button in front of him the current to all other buyers buttons is au tomatically cut off the commission agent in the ring assumes the same responsibility for accepting or rejecting the final price as he would under the private treaty method or under the ordin ary auction method of selling if he believes the bid is below the value of the calf the commission man can press a button available to him at the ringside which reg isters the number 49 on the lower section this is his means of declar ing no sale the commission agent may step in any time and stop the clock for example if he believes a calf is worth 23 cents and the clock has gone below that level he can im mediately press number 49 thereby advising that there is no sale the calf is then run out of the ring and may be returned later novel salute ibltonv fine cattle were tilgh- llrhted at all the d utile t fain the past month or no always noted for high quality beef and dairy calves and cattle also car ry off high honors at the osn- adlan national exhibition and the royal winter fair junior farmers are carrylnr the interest in top trade herds into the younger generation with their proven showmanship and genuine interest the trad ition of the district farms will be upheld on this pace then a salute to cattle and their local owners milk production now at record total milk production in canada increased one billion pounds dur ing the past five years aiid now stands at approximately 17 billion pounds utilization of this quantity of milk is of concern to every dairyman and more particularly that portion used in the manufact ure of the various dairy products allrtwing 68 billion pounds about 40 per cent for use in liquid form the remaining 00 per cent must be apportioned to the various manufactured products these are some of the facts and figures given by dr h a derby when he nddressed the natiornl dairy council of canada he him self is the chief of the marketing and merchandising dairy products division local dairy farmers will be in terested in some more of the- in formation he had to offer during the 1949 to 1954 period fluid milk ice cream and evapor ated milk increased about in pro portion to the incrcase in populat ion cheddar cheese is down sub stantially since 1949 with last years production at approximately the same level as 1951 the trend in cheese production to date this year shows a decrease of 10 per cent for the seven month period which would indicate a make for the year below that of that year it s trace herd ancestry back to single breed a province that was according to a lot of oirltlmern founded on the dunl purpose cow the durham is becoming more nnd more spec ial led every year in the early days of this century there werent too many of tho farmers in ontario who sold cream frlrnows of pedigreed ancestry there were some breeders of pure brud fitnc-kfof- toune butmogtot the herds that wandered about this provinces pasture were either of mixed ancestry or were mixed herds it used to be to quite an extent ho custom to keep some dairy cows and some of the beef type that way the farmer was able to get a fair amount of pillk and at the same time he raised beef calves which kept him in meat or provid ed a little extra money but the mljk from both types of cow end ed up in the same can this isnt so much the custom today ontario producers arent us ually pure bred breeders theyre general farmers but at the soma time most of their herds if not pedigreed are made up of cowl that can trace their ancestry to a single breed this enables the farmer to hays a better idea or just whiit his cows are going to do when it comes to filling the milk pail and it tilso mnkes for more uniformity in but- fcrfat content of the milk in tho end it makes for a better deal for the consumer whether he purchas ed milk cream or butter and the farmer who wants beefy calves can still breed his cows to beef bulls and get crossbred steers that do fairly welltis meat pro ducers for the stockyards in a year more than 20000 freighters puss through the canals of cnnndns inland waterways nmoxxe i tgtbeff3rq in canada 17 billion lbs significant that the increase in but ter production during this four- year period utilized one and one- quarter billion pounds more milk or b0 per cent of the milk product ion increase but due to drought and diversion of milk to other out lets butter production for the first seven months of this year is down almost three million pounds or two per cent compared with the soma period a year ago ontario and quebec account for about twothirds of all the milk produced in canada in 1954 these two provinces manufactured 65 per cent of the 313 milion pounds of butter made in canada 92 per cent of tin- b5 milion pounds of cheese h2 per cent of the 275 million pounds of evaporated milk and 68 per cent of the 103 million pound of dried milk the two provinces have ib of the 70 combined butter plants in canada seven of the ii evaporated milk plants and 66 of the 113 dried milk plants it is ap parent that only in the provinces of ontario and quebec it is possible to divert milk from one product to another jn appreciable volume disappearance of all dairy prod ucts has increased during the past five years due to population in crease but cheese evaporated milk and dried skim milk stand out as products that have made gains in their use new 38 foremost star in its field see it now on display at tdth motors sui-ofaler- fot mbicuftyuncoimmetffm sm bill or frank totli phone 52 or 312 acton n k -t- v kmirekjaii3sasams3sesser

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