Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1955, p. 10

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v page ten 1 a the acton free press acton ontario thursday october 27th i955 personal notes r of actonians visiting outof town points and of visitors in acton homes mr fred lemon is a patient in guelph general hospital mr and mrs george young and tsarilyh havemoved fromospwnge to acton mrs r- h mcdonald left this week to spend three weeks at gross point michigan mr and mrs h e sutcliffe dearborn michigan spent several days with friends here mrs william miller and mrs j m fletcher guelph visited with mr and mrs g h lantz on sun day mr and mrs eldon morrow of nut mountain sask are visiting at her parents home mr and mrs darwin cripps mr gordon macdougall of tor onto visited acton friends and at tended the anniversary services at knox church sunday mrs h burns mrs j moore and miss e hawthorne attended the sec tional rally of the womans associa tion in the united church at cooks- ville mrs william ballentine a former member of mimosa wientertained 25 members of that branch last thursday afternoon at her home on queen st among those from outoftown who attended anniversary services at knox church on sunday were mr and mrs cam sinclair of limehouse miss martha orr of toronto mrs hazen graham of georgetown mrs lockie mckersie of milton robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone 6ueiph 1924 58 st g square snimur brrnralutg ror expert color scheme suggestions superior workmanship and the- latest sun worthy waterfas wallpapers call ttt decorator rockwood 51 iling 5 egru mr and mrs bobbins and doug las of stouffviue visited mrs hall on sunday mr and mrs stuart lantz john and doris guelph spent the week end with friends here miss doris wilson of toronto spent tjie weekend with miss bella mae roszell and attended the an niversary services and turkey sup per at kjmhcl church beardmores office r and for mer employees there honored mrs pat waldie the former miss alice mccallum at a shower tuesday ev ening at mrs betty anne tylers home mrs j m steele mr and mrs r nicklin arrived home on satur day after spending a weeks holi day with dr and mrs j h hare and family at terre haute india nrnvufia about 20 members of wallker lodge af am attended the an nual halton county night in georgetown tuesday bro sam snow represented wor bro g f wingate who was unable to be pre sent mr harry and mr dave smith of toronto mr and mrs bob cun ningham and mrs lamb of milton mr and mrs harold dobson of georgetown mr and mrs r nick lin of guelph visited with mr and mrs j m steele on the weekend when mrs ross allan of toronto held a trousseau tea for her daugh ter miss marie beatrice allan those who attended from town were miss elva pearen mi dtirtb allan and miss nancy aitken miss allan was married on october 22 to arthur bolton of dublin mrsv a sinclair ladies aid hostess knox church ladies aid at os- pringe held their monthly meeting at the home of mrs a 6incjair on monday evening the theme of the devotional the golden rule pre pared by mrs howard was read by mrs sunter and emphasized the fact that no longer is our home a separate unit but is touched by everything that is carried on in the community the roll call was answered with a scripture verse report of the booth at fishers sale was given a nice sura was realized after a business period mrs b bruce convener of program gave a reading on the motto religion in life scripture questionnaire on matthew 27 was taken jay mrs fisher a reading hu i story was given by mlt wrd bruce after a flower contest derived from a boys or girls name the meeting was brought to a close with prayer by mrs sinclair lunch was served by the hostess assisted by mrs fisher clearing auction sale in twp of nassagaweya bank the saving i thats right you can bank the saving you make whan you wf a w advise supply and follow through with expert craftmanship on your building requirements c- material kennedys bookstore your headquarters ofhce suppues wallpaper pajnts statmnrx 125 wyndham st out notice of proposed bylaw to establish m highway between main street and elisabeth drive take notice that the follow ing proposed bylaw will he con side b the jrouncil of the town of acton altts meeting on monday the 21st day of november 1955 all persons claiming to be prejudicially affected may apply to be heard by the council at the council chambers in the town hall acton on monday the 21st day of novem ber 1955 at 8 oclock pm proposed bylaw a bylaw to establish a highway between main street and elizabeth drive town of acton bylaw no a bylaw to establish a highway between main street and elizabeth drive as shown on registered plan number 603- whereas the lands hereinafter described were expropriated by bylaw number 1032 for the open ing of a highway therefore the council of the town of acton enacts as follows 1 that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of acton in the county of halton more partic ularly described as follows that is to say all and singular that cer tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of acton county of hal ton and being composed of part of lot number one hundred and ten 110 registered plan number 227 in the said town of actbn and which said parcel or tract may be more particularly described as fol lows that is to say commencing at a stake plant ed in the northwesterly limit of main street said stake being dist ant therein twentyseven feet six inches i2t fft southeasterly from the northeast angle of said lot number one hundred and ten tl 10 thence south thirtyeight de- grees fiftyone minutes west 38 degrees 5t w one hundred and 7 to a point thence south fifteen degrees fiftyseven minutes west s 15 de grees 57 i w one hundred and twentynine feet two and one- quarter inches 129 2v to a point thence south fifty- one degrees three minute west s 51 degrees 3 w four hundred and eleven feet four and onequarter inches 411 4 more or less to a stake planted in the northwesterly boundary of lot number one hun dred and ten 1101 thence south fortythree de grees fiftyone minutes east s 13 degrees 51 e and being along the said northwesterly boundary sixty six feet three inches 66- 3 to a point thence north fiftyone degrees three minutes east n 51 degree- 3 e four hundred and twenty- srx f s inches 1426 6 to a point thence north fifteen degrees fiftyseven minutes east n 15 de grees 57- e one hundred and thirtysix feet eight and one- quarter inches 136 8v to a point thence north thirtyeight de grees fiftyone minutes east n 38 degrees si e and being along the northwesterly limit of lot num ber one hundred and thirteen 113 one hundred and twenty feet one and onehalf inches 120- 1h more or lessto a point in the northwesterly limit of main s thence north fortyfour de grees nine minutes west n44 de grees f w and being along the said limit of main street sbrtyrsix feet six inches 6 more or less to the place of beginning is hereby established as a high- read a first time this auja day of october 1985 rfcald a skxjncd nine tbtsth day of october 1m5 aw4 j mcgbachie clerk hogs implements poultry equip ment hay and furniture the undersigned have received instructions from j c 80anes to sell by public auction at his farm which he has recently sold being lot 14 con 3 township of nassagaweya on stone road just south of soldiers monument hal- tonville on saturday november 5 commencing at 1 oclock sharp the following farm implements 1951 ford tractor in perfect condition 3- section harrows 5section harrow draw bar new tractor hitch flat hay rack ford ferguson hydraulic double disc good as new sloop sleighs mji manure spreader on rubber steel rubbed tired wagon new rubber tired masons wheel barrow mm 7 ft binder mh mower large steel water trough new seed drill walking plow scufflcr 8 bags fertilizer 20 rods new hog fence electric fence 2 roll barb wire new wooden gate pig troughs 10 gal drum 140 trans mission grease barrels boxes bins large quantity assorted nails slings pulleychains crow bars hay rope transmission grease gun plywood rolled roofing ttay 5 tons 1st cut alfalfa baled 2 tons 2nd cut alfalfa baled 2 tons loose alfalfa 7 bags potatoes hogs 9 choice york sows 3 sows bred about 6 weeks raised 41 pigs last farrowing 3 sows carry ing 2nd litter bred about 1 month 3 sows bred about 5 weeks every sow offered has raised 10 pigs each litter or more poultry equipment 5 range shelters 10x12 in good re pair brooder house 10x10 well built 300 gal water tank with tap 4 coal brooders enough poultry netting to fence 5 acres automatic egg grading machine 4 grades all kinds of feeders troughs foun tains 10 boxes peat moss egg crat es 25 ft plastic hose grading lights etc why wait till spring to buy yo p equipment ijtranrrttre new den furnish ings oak library table kroehler davenport 2 blond maple den chairs with coffee table- to match oak parlor table walnut end table walnut turned leg radi table bedroom ftjrntttjre walnut bedroom suite with spring filled mattress dresser chest of drawers bedroom oil heater rugs mattress kitchen and living room chrome table with arborite top portable electric singer sewing ma chine 4 kitchen chairs rockers lawn chairs linoleums- broadloom rue 9x12 clocks battery cabinet radio mattress chest of drawers kitchen stove old fashioned pine cupboard kitchen cooking utensils ice box garden tools lawn mower o rub chinaware terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale no articles to be removed till settled for the farm is sold and the owner is givine up farming htndley and elliott b auctioneers free press want ads m r for quick results kates no charge tor announcements of births marriages deaths and engagements in memoriam 50c plus 10c per line for verses article tor sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 35c box no to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks 80c billing charge of 15c added to all accounts if riot paid until after insertion and added for each bill rendered latest time for insertion j pan wednesday births marriages deaths etc born haggins mr and mrs charles haggins wish to announce the birth of heir son frederick charles on wednesday october 19 at guelph general hospital a brother for heather joan married masonswitzejr at ancaster ont on saturday october 22 19551 mrs sadie switzer to charl es w mason the officiating min- ister was the rev j l guihn brother of the bride bolton- allan in rock wood presbyterian church by rev r h m kerr on saturday october 22 1955 marie beatrice allan daughter of mr and mrs ross allan toronto to arthur scott bolton son of mr and mrs rus sell bolton dublin ont died gordon at st josephs hospital guelph on monday october 24 1955 lottie thornton beloved wife of william jgordon lime- house ont in her 72nd year resting at the rumley funeral home acttm where funeral- ser vice will bo held on friday after noon at 200 oclock interment ash- grove cemetery buchanan at the home of his son william buchanan 223 mc donald blvd on sunday octob er 23 andrew buchanan sr be loved husband of margaret car roll and dear father of andrew jr and william both of acton and margaret mrs frank gams- by straiten ont funeral service was held at the rumley funeral home on thursday afternoon at 2 oclock interment fairview cemetery rawlings at the guelph gen eral hospital on sunday oct ober 23 lucy gregory formerly of acton in her 77th year belov ed wife of frank e rawlings and dear mother of mrs d c maple- sden bessie guelph mrs w e mattocks vera acton and mrs h w cargo frances of rockwood funeral service was held at the rumley funeral home on tuesday afternoon interment was in fair- view cemetery coming events euchre jbannockburn school saturday october 29 a30 pm ad- mission35c lunch a square dance- club second dance of series luxton memorial hall friday october 28 a scout and guide mothers euchre at scout hall saturday october 29 830 pm lunch served admis sion 35c a the annual bazaar of the friendly circle will be held in the united church sunday school room on saturday november 12 a turkey supper in acton united church on wednesday november 2 supper served 530 to 8 pm ad ults 125 children under 12 50c variety program b halloween masquerade and dance eden mills hall october 31 dancing 91 merv toltons orch estra good prizes admission 50c auspices eden mills wi a arts and crafts of georgetown annual exhibition and sale st johns united church hajl no 7 highway georgetown saturday october 29 130530 crafts dem onstrated afternoon tea 50c b152 real estate in memoriam modern p i umbi ng complete forcted air heat ing system for a five- room home 525 huffman in loving memory of our dear mother elizabeth huff man who passed away october 27 1945 and while she lies in peaceful sleep her memory we shall always keep ever remembered by the family franklin in loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away october 30 1952 his memory is a keepsake with which we will never part though god has him in his keep ing we still have him in our heart always remembered by wife and family cards of thanks i would like to thank my many friends and neighbors and relatives for the cards and letters and candy and the kind- inquiries shown me while in hospital and also since i have returned home these are nil verv deeply apprec iated by robert l darby i would like to thank the man agement and staff of micro plastics for their kindness shown to me- ectipn of hig l bowen bortolotti brokers 1000 down payment five rooms cut stone storey and a half attached garage four piece bath oil floor furnace storms and screens builtin cupboards free water on- tap septic tank heavy wired small barn 20x24 65 taxes large lot 50x150 1 miles west of acton will reduce for cash house vacant 530 see this six room brick home on one of actons choicest locations has extra large frontage wellwindowed sun- room would suit for office or small store house could be dup lexed 3 large bedrooms on second floor ample closet space 2 living rooms knotty pine floors 3 piece bath neatly decorated hot air fur nace substantial down payment required new 4 room brick homes built under strict housing association specifications no salary require ments order now for possession full price 9000 9 room brick home surrounded by shade trees in quiet setting in rockwood lovely lawn sun veran dah modern conveniences soft and hard water on tap clothe clo sets in every room extra large bathroom with linen closet new furnace full price asking 9600 substantial down payment 5 room semidetached brick rec ently recoated in masonry finish insulated heavy duty wiring sun room conveniently located in acton to shodping school and transport ation full price for quick sale 4200 1 acre on highway near acton all fenced 600 for quick cash sale 2 50x132 choice residential lots close to school and shopping in acton choice acreage on no 25 high way with large frontage road lev el possible motel or service station site between acton and milton choice building lots residential and commercial within town limits also a good sel for sale for sale cream colored pram 8 phone 599 a for sale monarch iceoox 100 lb- capacity phone 206 a for sale 140 white leghorn pullets ready to lay phone 9w5 a for sale 1941 chev coupe good motor and tires phone 242 a for sale apples 100 a bush el apply william bousfield tr 8- 6355 b2224 for sale nylon snow suit copen blue fits up to 12 months phone 479 a for sale pipe frame and tar paulin for half ton pickup truck 25 phone 562 a for saler- brown mouton lamb fur coat size 1416 like new phone 42m acton after 5 pm b for sale 1946 plymouth good condition new rebuilt motor phone il9m3 after 6 pm a for sale 10 cord elm 4 foot wood norman miller rr 2 rock wood phone milton tr 89178 a for sale 2 piece snow suit with attached parka size 4 brown overboots lined size 7 phone 372m for sale 17 pigs between 65 and 75 lbs also york hog 1 year old walter lambert rr 1 ac ton- a authorized electrolux sales and service dealer for tree demonstration call omar parker rockwood 90r4 atf for sale girls ccw bi cycle balloon tires good condition ladies black fur trimmed coat size 20 phone 319j a for sale quantity or used new lumber apply at office of thomas and thomas company lim ited glenlea subdivision a wanted wanted boarders room board available- phone 187 and a wanted at once rawleigb dealer in acton georgetown and milton- write rawleighs dept j- 111r montreal pq a halton poultry prod- ucts poultry and eggs wanted poultry custom picked cleaned and cut up phone milton 1 one atf deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown tr 72741 or elmlra 564 gordon young limited tf attention if you want to make 50 to 75 weekly and be your own boss here is what you need guar anteed line of daily necessities full or part time large profits small investment familex stat ion c montreal deadstock service 500 each for dead or disabled horses or cows old horses 4c lb for prompt service phone collect freelton 22r23 or hannon 2031 steve peconi earn money at home no selling or canvassing introductory offer includes equipment to make 25 to 30 weekly during spare time mail 2 money order or write for free information imperial box 1832 st louis missouri usa a for sal13 47 ford oneton pa nel heavy duty tires or will ex change for sedan delivery or small er truck 156 milll st e a for sale girls wine velvet coat hat and legging set size 6 800 boys blue wool suit size 8 good as new 8 phone sos a for sale gentlemans winter overcoat size 38 tost 6 only worn a few times sell reasonable full size bed spring cheap tel 397m a for sale northern spy ap ples at the farm please- supply containers f o hunter norval on no 10 sideroad between ash- grove and norval a153 while in hospital and since coming i home also dr r d buckner the doctors and nurses at st josephs hospital guelph g w stroyan for rent phone 352 streetsville ontario open men wed ana fri even ings till 930 pm and all day satarday we wish to express our gratitude to relatives friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral- tributes acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown u in the illnes and loss of a dear wife and moth er special thanks to rev r h armstrong rev k g mcmillan for rent 4 room apartment member of st andrews church pcssessjori novr 1 phone 66 a guelph dr john scott and staf f j i of guelph general hospital direct- west and south of acton jack holmes phone 308m 84 church 8u acton milking machine sales and ser vice surge milkers vacuum pumps dairy cleaners sanitizers and milk- stone removers good used milkers of several makes for sale call hor ace tomlinson first line west brampton phone 1872 atf for sale i have a 1939 ford coach for sale this car has been owned by one man who took good care of it it has new tires battery seal beam and hydraulic brakes and the finish is as good as new low mileage and first class mech anical order for only 175 charles cutts 1 mile below acton on 5 highway phone 196w14 a lost and found lost grown wallet on satur day evening containing sum of money would finder please con tact harry thompson 58 lake ave dead animals 5m 500 each for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses 3c lb one of ou trucks passes your district daily call bel wood collect 23rll 24 hour service george gib son atf real estate salesman wanted to work with iur district man aged join a reliable oragnization that is selling three million dollars of country and city property an nually 23 successful salesmen em ployed offices in toronto orange- ville and owen sound apply in person or by letter w kelly real estate 1161 lakeshore r toronto 14 ph cl 11796 broadway orangeville ph 594 ontario ontario fuel board in the matter of the munic ipal franchises act chapter- 849 rso 1950 section 9 as amend ed and in the matter of applications by united subu gas company limited for approv al of bylaws of the municipalities listed below authorising in each case the execution of an agree- ment between the manlclpallty and the applicant granting to the applicant a franchise for the dis tribution of nataral gas in the municipality concerned and in the matter of applications by united suburban gas comp any limited for orders declaring nd directing that the assent of clearing auction sale in twp of nassagaweya of livestock tractor implements hay grain house goods etc the undersigned has received in structions from lloyd ramsay to sell by auction at the farm lot 23 con 2 situated on first line 3 mile south of eden mills on saturday november 5 commencing at 1 oclock the following cattle red cow milking well shorthorn bull 2 years old bull calf 10 months old 2 heifers j 2 vears old 1 steer 2 years old poultry and pigs h new the municipal electors of the amid municipalities is net necessary to such bylaws the corporation of the town of acton the corporation of the town of georgetown the corporation of the town of milton notice of hearing ontario fuel board hereby ap- points thursday the 10th day of november 1955 at 1030 oclock in the forenoon at the municipal hall milton ontario for the hearing of the above applications and all per sons interested therein copies of each application by law and franchise agreement may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the offices of the clerks of the respective municip alities the applicant or the solic tors for the applicant messrs hampshire and barred rock hybrid walsh evan and philp 42 james i ors of the rumley funeral home- these kindnesses will always be i romembcred mr f e rawlings and family rooms to let in comfortable yearling hens 10 thrifty chunks me apply mrs harvey 91 main i about iffl i lbs york boasnlhs television and radio service by r w grant phone acton 594 co located at watsons music store hi bookkeeping salesmanship shorthand typewriting lessons 50c canadian correspondence courses 1290 bay street toronto home 3t north for rent 3 rooms for couple or gentlemen 133 crescent st i a162 street south hamilton ontario notice of application to dispense with the vote of municipal electors for rent 3 room selfcontain ed basement apartment in modern building apply stanley oconnor 18 ewing st georgetown 50 per month b shottill sheet metal heating plumbing garwood eavestrowghing -shop- 1 26 main st n for rent 3 room apartment large living room kitchen bed room and bath free water unheat- ed possession october 26 phone 203 acton a miscellaneous hay and grain 800bales of choice mixed hay 300 bus of bea ver oats 50 bus of wheat bus of red clover timothy seed tractor and implements take notice that at the above ferguson tractor in good conai- pub hearing the board will be ion ferguson 2furrow hydraulic asked to issue an order declaring plow ferguson pulley letz grain i and directing that the assent of the if backaches are slowing you up take rum ata ps and help yourself to relief from pains and aches ask your druggist a3 madame rose gifted reader ad vises you in business love mar riage changes helps you solve your problems 384 woolwich st guelph comm and dombst ic upholstbrtng add look and comfort with skilled restylinr tour furniture cn be handsssne a new again low- cost call tut on week service phone w acton at grinder massey harris binder 7 ft cut international manure spreader frost and wood mower 5 ft cut massey harris side deliv ery rake corn binder cockshutt hay loader rubber tired wagon flat hay rack 2 seed drills- new steel wagon wheels 4section har rows otaco 3section spring tooth drag cultivator scuffler cutting box walking plows renfrew cream separator pulper 2000 lb scales electric fencer snow plow sap pan spiles 45 gal oil drum lumber all small articles set of brass mounted team harness like new collars household goods dining room suite extension table 2 kit chen cupboards couch x beds springs and mattresses dreiswri wash stands new princes pat cooking range and many other art- ic terms cash with clerk on day of sale no reserve asufarm is- aold and all articles must be movsd before november a wm a gibson auctioneer l w mcmillan clerk b municipal electors to the passing of the said bylaw i not necessary dated at toronto this 21st day or october 1955 ontario fuel board a r crorier chairman w r howard commissioner b322 i monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c mqwaetast 1410j res si tom vj8

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