Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1955, p. 6

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pacsdc the acton free press- acton ontario thursday november 3rd w98 dont sign or pay any deposits to strange doortodoor agents a slick selling game baa recent jy been worked in thls district whlch has proved dlmtustcfiil to tome householders tlie case which came to attention was a burttnln item of aluminum houtehold ui tid es which was offered to the house wife at biff reduction the housewife preferred not to make- the purchase until she hud talked the mutter over with jier husband the obliging salesman offered to leuve the merchandise if the housewire would pay 3 00 nd sign a rocctprfor the go i yo taritt- tint j l i r aftor a decision hud been reuched by the couple the sulesman would call buck and take the hoods 01 complete the doal the receipt wa aigned and the two dollar deinvslt the salosman didnt return und the next word received wus fioni o oicount corivorntinn who were tnkmn steps towurd collection of the entire purchase pi lee the housewife hil signed a contuict to purohaiu the goods and paid a two dolliir dpimtsit it quite legal but the niitfll u one known to be fleec ing hoiiiivrtnldqas in this way across tha province how cun housewives be protected from such pruotlees the first ques tion thul should be asked is for itie saleunan to produce a license pro cured flora the town cleik that tie or ahe la permitted to sell goods in town if he cannot produce u license he is opttuting coiitrury to town bylswa invesmljatr there is no ulii hie bargnln is usually no hurunln utjtil vtun cltumber of commerce if called miiy be able to suppl von with mine intej eating informntio on the dcul tvtnl sign unythlng no mutter whnt ii is said to he until you have road and understand ull or it itnqiilui likely you enn lm llu- sunii or tmttler at tide ut ivii pilce in ynur hometown stole rr z eaazi2akxm second annual tennis league banquet dance held at erin the second nnnuiil lnlercount tennis leugue lumqiiet und dunce was held ut hilltop lodge in kiln on frlduv evening october 2lf the challenge shield which wus doruiteil to lite league in 1064 mid which wus won b the milton club was presented lo the credit vulle tenuis club of port credit winners nf the iiks5 miimiii club cupluin phil leumon leceived the shield on bwhulf of hla club it was pies- enten to him by ted biggs of the milton club both made fitting speeches luiuiy shot tt of the milton lul svui mnstei of ceremonie- foi hi banquet and 87 league members and then friends sat down tivn tlelu louh turkey dinner with ull the trimmings hurry otterbein of a ton usked the grace after the banquet mi shortt culled upon league president jack russell of tin brampton club for u few words jack ihnnkud nil the clubs for then cooperation during the season and hoped that thev would ull be out next yeur and that more fine ten ills und keener competition will be found in the 1950 seikson tim vir ious cllub representatives then hpoke don mills foi the milton club bert olivel for hespelci bill oumnrch for acton ralph serrmgenur for im i credit und jack iupton for brampton comniunit games and a miik song under the capable convener ship of hurry wilby of the bramp ton club were enjoyed while the tables were being removed ouni lng rounded out the evening a snow bull dunce and u puul joius helped lo mix up the crowd scveriil novelty dunces were held ami the w innei s of these wen map dunce cei mcknlght of acton iimim duuie miss ins buck of milton 8wt dunce mi und mi jack brown of port credit elim inutidn dance miss mm u mcteu lien und bob huscbko of hespelci lucky number dance wall willi breud of htspclci ikalloon dam rum bi unelle of alton mrs dot a ryder of acton won the door pi et tl evening win brought lo u close willi the singing of auld 1iihk sym inil the hopt that next hijimiii ull will meet again both on tin com ls mid ut the third iiiinuil banquet tin yeor the leugm hud six teams insteud of the tiriglnal foui of the 1054 season bi amptmi mil ton mid acton were three of th in igimil teams with picstnu mnkliii up tin- fourth in 1054 llowevel list season preston did not entei a teum but hespeler wooilbi idtji und port credit did entei port credit emerged victor of the iu53 season matches were played dm lng the season on a one round schedule with each tlub meeting the other tlub twice home mill hiimi the finals were set up so tbul first und third plnrt icuni- played off und second and fouitti hespclfi und woodbridgi tied foi fourth plucc and after pliiv nig if f hesklor came on to plii th second place milton club port credit won out iinainst the third plucc hruni- ton teum then came on to deft it hcsiilr in the finals by nell benton the painters r still working at the school right now they an- imlntlng window und 1ooi frames auo last week the rrnnninlng slate honrdg were installed in the new i t ntolil ui e almost finished but have not leen pninte s yet we may have completed rooms by chi istnius flmav thursday grade 13 held its form aity with uppraxlnvuutly 20 attending aftei u wlenei loust u dolly vurden duot uk wus enjoyed foi u couple of hour at the sohool the bowling league got off on the right foot lust wndncsday the next games w 111 he held this wed nesduy theie hus ixen one game of vol lebull this pust weik on tues day the oll trsun led li iiniu s hakes defeutel llu blue team tin dei rllatiilh jany hy u scoie ot 3018 other gume hiid lo be hst xuel ihnnise of mi f li vol utile- we i district scotiters elect officers ktl holtoin klin waa elected president nt the north hulton dis li let vnuwi asmmiutinii at a nufling of the newlyfoi rued organ- iutlon held in kiln on wdneaday nlghl miinuy kcoyne aium vice piesideiit und aileen wnaley ac ton sevieluiy flllett ihe tithel posi tions kepi esoiilutlveh from ailon kiln hlllsbiugh oeoigetown and milton took uiit in u pioginm tbut includ ed games sing song diaiiissloit ot ihe otijectives of the auoclatlnn ron roltei ison disti liu lir-odqitar- eeeaelvirrrriarmltnn7fl tber n iqcai nrvs a clinic is being set up in eden public school teachers board mills for immunization purposes by members and guests enjoyed t din the health unit i net unci soiuil evening at hilltop poppy 0ay on saturday tlu u en wednesdav of list legion uses proceeds here foi wel- weur fare work locally tliero has been a great deul of activities of acton umatcus ral p week tluxse who en- are being written up in the new liuk v inter won t five counties alt avocation bul- come utitl the swamps are full le t j when lightning struck u barn the building campaign at the shot ovei to the hui blow ing out united church is beginning with lights the television set and other meetings planned to make arrange- appliance the voting daughter of ments mrs clms llritton was burned the second square dance of the excavations behind mason season was held in st albun s hall blvd tins week were completed to yvvcning with a good ut- install a permanent pump on friday tendance permanent pump on the i auxiliary well which wn drilled pictures of the free press ano tu summer tome of the staff were shown on although the weather has been the kitchenet television station last i damp and chilly the countryside th psstlllbeauliful aliusurfily dmej rleet studenu council at long lusl tin mtinihcis of tht students council have been elt t ed at ull usscmhly lust ucek mini inutlons wtre ttiiide foi lh pies idenl unl scerctuiy this iai tlu president is waviir ctii t vice piesideiit is boll ijilld imo ouh seerlai jun m uies old tiejism et allan mi intiish pnim repies enuitlvis ure yel to he eli td thie hav immii two i ngtiv gain s dining the week on thin sdav m plaved a rough junit in tleigi town nnd were defeiturl h o inn of 150 on monduv th gume which was postpone list wk w i playid in milton mid wi win d fculcd ii 10 treasurers report meeting highlight mrs j a noblnsoii ijike ave w is hostess lo the knox ladles aid on tuesday novemliir i held n week lnti thun usual owing to the many activities the misl wiik tht president mrs f j m culcbeon presided the worship servle wus condiutcl bv mrs a m mi pherson und mrs f andei- son mrs mccutchion extrssd her appreciutlon to the ludies for their support with the work the past week the treasurers report was most gratifying und good interest on u labor of iovt a letter from the sunduv school stuff of officers tcurlicrs und pupils i xin vmi tin ii iiic ii thanks for tin in w i bans plated in the school room bv the lndits aid nnd u f i lend w ho wishes to n main anony mous tin appreciation of menibi rs was xprcssed bv mis geo somerville to mrs mccutcheoii tlu- president fot bei capable muhngi mi nt of tin anniversary supper ilei tpuet and fine leadership is given fim ly thr repenting of the lords pruvcr ilos- isi the busiikss iart of the meeting twts muiruv smith contributed two fine i ladings arid mrs a m mcpberson conducted u contest with mrs r h armstrong and mrs j a robinson being tin winners the committee served the usual cup and tea with sandwiches and assorted cookies mrs r h arm strong moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and committei be y r beat- be lmnk cub scout s item a tack la11 thin sdays cub meeting 0ents1 with the acting tawny six er leading in the giund howl fol lowing inspection by llu loo und a game by akeia final inalruotion fin tcndeipad tejta found all new huinrf nmjletliira their work in warm wvt llalteiypoweied eleililc michu which iipeiate on the same pi im i us electi lo blankets have then wanning vtltes woven into ihe fool epulis the financial post kill i v insulated wiles tun fiom haltei nndii math clothing to snup faat illeis stt the top of tweh sock skating okordwrown arena every halurlay altemaan and kvenln aihiith 5e ciiildkkn ut ernest f barnes who is con on thr uick joads in a warm cur ducting a fundraising compaign tor the united church has the office hop beside mnmpnze s barber s a pleasure the woman s association and the girls auxiliary of st albun churili held a successful rummage when the ram started to pour and baking sale in the parish down just as the explorers of the hal1 m sa united church left on their hike tlie children were too busj saturday they were forced to re- gathering treats on halloween to turn to the church and have their undertake many tricks evers lunch and games there the lead- i house was busy as the voungsterv er of the group are mts jean swtrmeci along the streets rowe and miss evelyn goodwin gmup of lnterkte cltlw hm1 hour over the ua cgps with immhmhkt vs hsauatafwwwm mot tuesda to discuss posible l cd bv mrs benrue improvements in the park d i armstrong and devotions business on clubs agenda the october meeting of knox church heather club was held on wednesday evening october 20 at the home of hazel marzo wjth dor- othv colder presiumg margaret armstrong read the scripture and mrs bennlehedinprayer the secretary and treas ro ports were given after which busi ness at hand was discussed it was decided to cater to the men of knox banquet a new member mamie dick joined the club bca benson read a chapter of the study book fire upon the earth this part of the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction vera inglis offered her home for the november meeting the members then enjoved a legion news frank winters who we might say nad a very lucky week won first pi lie at the euchre frttliv night john mchugh second and jack font third walter lamb the booby les oub and his ramblers pro vided the music for the saturdav night dance it was well attended and vcrv much enjoyed bv all ne crtbbag is settling down to a verv doscsehedule and if it cons ttnutxs n winner well might not bo decided until the last game is played the legion bv beating the station hotel 211 1 and the rest of he team each tieing 1616 is nov tied for firsf place with eden mills del jordan and doug mason were the winners of the nojht aett isjoepoxtetf ao by making satisfactory progress dont forget poppy day saturday- johnny guy could still use your help hoped to have representatives of lioberlson grace various groups at the next meeting when ml and mrs archie fovv- let and archie j r left ompbelv tl e to ictiini to scotland the pipers or odtutqdv sdle who plaved jfcem a farewell on the a bagpipes vv ere elmer blacklo ga bake prepare at their usual thursdav eveni k meeting the gi avixilijv o alban s church made pans to- satardav sale some of the gr s volunteered to bake at the par hall on friday ev ening while some members made posters advertising the event others prepand fo sni rummage sale on jsaturday the girls reported rscn brush and harvcv brush a deor died after it wa striok i bv a car driven by gordon duncan of hilltburgh thursday night itm week the accident occurred on highuas 21 at osprmge little ciamage was caused to the car- acton was a convention town on friday with hundreds of teach- faithfully for their job beind the ers from all over the county look- table the sale wa- qne a a ing over the stores and home eejg giving the girls tcir reward crossing the school creek on her j i or their busy eek way to dinner at one of the church- i es a delegate asked another one i is this the acton river- although unusudl vostlimes its wider since the dredging it still looks like a creek to u f yp meetinq people were taking a second baptist young people had the look at a decorated birrhda eake presbyterian young people as their in hutchgns biker w indovv on the gxiests at a halqween party in the weekend happv birthday was basement of the baptist church written in chinese apparently the t costumed characters enjoved games stpce has quite a few orders far and then refreshments arncngtlvose caxeavtetfltated in dutchlootlu causing much amusetnentwers a person ordering the cake appar- cowgirl a lion tamer and a skunk ehtly writes out the phrase very 1 the committee in charge consat- carefully and the bakers just follow ed of warren wagner bob lands- the patterns closely borough and ray costerus ulso spoke in nfly oiiilimng the course foi the oi guiilullou lo take the meet ing coillulil with lunch und music by ituy whitney 4f gchiigetown on the guitar present panel at presbyterial ovor 100 women from 2tuattiia t tht gutlph lrtatjylft iul attend ihi uic iit4ttng of tin 11 t uji in oialh on tiioaduy o uit vnk tuklii mirl in tlu iitin u m a imnitl fion acton whlh uu in trklucii1 by mi ii r lilkri tin luiui pi snui1 hallfnisuiu ii- llm to tku yathcrliiii nu1tr hit tlllt what ait- tiu 1uni5 uliut llu minion uf tht chuutt art- vt i ut iiamoiiir 4t tlu liui tit ki iti not stop i thihk w hal it iitii lh y uiktt1 l tht iluiith jnt un old liaititn nwitlt of mom i and moiutf oi i it living ltm a k i ktl diniii totth i l ji itiil hui foi it itul mii ma tlu iui h l tht t oiiiniumly to w hu u l i t nil u trd tlu lavk of iiftihinc llu 14ish1 til ctl 4lfltlll llu uhoh fuiullon of tttt i luirl i tn intiotlutt mmipu u i hi im wht n tht ttullt llyitltcl into litait to dl uc 4tiixiliiit ii i grains out f tht lach ij- ts miv kllfii aiuli stiii of a hm sin told r lit r iittsmon u oi it in lit it i lih gui ifia j thoutt ho attt ndrd from knox t hurt h at ton vim mn h h putkfi mrs a liurhariuii mini ftouna clirk mi- h ii mi don aid mr h i- ntnim mi ti mainprizt mr c ilanntn mn f a nderstm m rs r h armstrong mtvs andtrmii mrs f a hanstn mrs bill tolh mr j jauj mr- j inklt and mr c rishniaii chapter applauds speaker singer th duk of lvvonvhm chuptt r hide nit 1 ut tin hwik uf mrs hilton klliott on tuesday mnin of this wnk fta tht ii nvtmlwr me tl mti a in u no nilit r mn robtt ftiitkit uis vtt ictiiiitd into tht liitt i a most cratlf v iiir itkit of tin itttiil ttuuai was beird ways arid mtaiis tif latllonuni ni v canadians will dlsl iisaed tin iiu t luik flight imsj been tiinct i to tin first wednesday of the iimntb for tht ncxl thrte nitinihs to accommodate those tak ing nikhl ttnirse j tht rejt nt urged mtmkirs to at tend the remembrance day servle- i ts i erie curwain author traveller liniitusl and public ri lutlcms man was the speaker of the evening mr curwain spoke on advertising and publicity und its relation to wo- i men s organizations as well as tht promised nt milton general hos- i pilul tht speaker has a vast know- it dgt of publicitv and public rela- linns and is at present wflrkins in this cupacitv u ith milton hospital miss kucharski vtiung piano and voict ttacher dt lirhted ali with her rendition of hand i s care selve and victor ht rhcrt s sweethearts miss helen lindsbirough iccompa- nit d lit r on tht piano mrs elliott showed beautiful color pictures of northern ontario und ottawa also some of the recent harden tour in oajcvilic tlie gins none und alory ended the meeting points lo dale are yellow 72 red 1a tawny oft white 5 rack at tuesdays meeting if i puck four cuba were invested as sixeis those miixtilk the slxei a piomle were cttiinuo wtxmltiuin red six ih ilolmm foyeia tawny slxei jamie irunalde yellow sixer and teienie watei houae white sixer sicoml blxlu welf also t- lloen two nrw cbunia weie welcoin- td into tlu- cieut hlothel hood of tstoutj when they nvole then pin miae liefiile aketu and the l k these ljy wt-n- john dunn and ihilip cluilium six l lay tuiuvb olid eunipflit blllollj llllklt teti the plttluill six fclmitliiuja uie yellow k4 whitt 77 ited 7i tfwy iii miirivuy scint akt li joe jany president of young peoples joe jany iiu elected piesideiit of knox ilninh youny leoplea s a tv otln i tiffin la aie lionor- iiy inihliltnl hi v alillsliollu paat piislilnl jim re- vlct-preld- ent llovi auiitronti m-tielary- lieafttiiet culvln spiowl wtirshlp ouveiiei jtu juny mlaslon con- vtnti julie divltbftoi evuimelim atld ite jmil tlhlllp tollvellela mit spiowl ulld claielitt ctlt s fellow ship ttkiivciit r doug davidatin iiiiilii convtnei eliubelh jany plunlt 1 ynda mann the miinbera of the young peoples wll tukinu the even- iiii saiviie this suriduy and will be installed to office then jim deer and joe jany will be speuklng on the reports and theme of tlit recent convention attention car buyers our low cost financing and insurance plan will help you make a better deal see us for details new w h denny 39 brock st phona 455 acton you can earn up to 18 a da as a skilled tradesman in one qf these interesting fields diesel television welding refrigeration sign writing we test train and place thousands of men every year from 16 to 60 all training is the prac tical learn by doing type no need to quit present employment day evening and home study courses available why postpone a brighter future for your self get complete in formation free and without obliga wkiib fuk fktb illustrated literature chicago vocational training corp ltd 935 weston rd toronto 9 name address city s wedthurs jam hmffimorphy hells island cchrwy technicolor 4f a i a gripping motion picture report on catkai rehalf of unicef dont miss it i dnihf goes 40 thousamo miles to get 40 niluom smius from l kikthehoruioveil dahhykkve assignment children tw united nations to the motion picture industry technicolor a paramount release ttchv takto remembrance day services friday november 11 acton l thoo takink part are asked lo assemble at the legion hall at 10 15 a rr to parade to th soldiers monument led bv acton citi zens band the placing of wreaths reading of names and to minutes silence will be followed by a memorial service in the united church berets and medals to bx worn l nuagaweta car- will leave acton legion hall at 2 00 to convey legionnaires to nasagaweva rrtorument for a short service thence to xiwipweyi presbvtpnan church for the memorial service gord battie presioent g mccutcheon secretary satvruav noembek mh tofry dat wear tmppy la wajaw j hey kids special matineesfrsat friday armistice day at 200 pm ambush atv tomahawk gar ptr plus comedies and cartoons i saturday matinee at 100 pm gene autry valley of fire t plus cartoons amd v i i xrr

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