Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1955, p. 1

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1 eightyfirst yearno 18 i acton ontario thursday november t oth 1955 ten pages six cent frgoitofrinwrtehjs betwenglenfeasubdividepu c a sequel t lat months puc argument with the glenlea siibdiv- iders was added in the regular cs- aion last thursday when members confirming that at no time was water unavailable to the builders from town hydrants rescinded the previous motion which would equalize two water consumption billings to householders involved in the dispute the commission contending tu the differences would have to be resolved by the subdlvider and the consumers passed a resolution thit 1 the motion parsed at the last meeting be rescinded in its entirety and thomas and thomas and the householders affected be notified that the consumption will have to be paid for at the regular biltini rotes this action the motion add ed is due to information received reportedly six consumers- involv ed complained of high consumption water was apparently being con- mimed for other than household use with the residents knowledge work out an agreement on this point and with other in formation received the commission ruled the consumer- and the sub- dividers would hove to work out jm agreement it was noted at the beginning of the meeting that a copy has boon sent to the beardfnore co of the letter of agreement for water re bate made by the commission on a previous years consumption the secretary said that the build ers had been notified of the leak ing roof at the disposal plant following a letter of resignation from k mophail hydro employee it was learned the commission has advertised for an experienced line man mr mcphall who recently was burned in a line mishap nt the park said he regretted severing connection with the commission and his fellow employees the commission accepted a job quotation of 655 from j b mack enzie and sons ltd to build an extension to the hydro shed this extension is to houc the lift- ladder truck hydro superintonrlerrt d mason was authorized to purchase n used post hole digger from the bell tele phone co for 250 in view of the continued on page three i new christian education room dedicated at 99th anniversary eden mills united church ecle- brated its 99th anniversary on sun day november 6 with services in the morning and evening the new christian education room was dedicated in the evening the speaker for the mornine ser vice was mr bennett rev ernest e baskier of dublin street united church ouelph and chairman of the ciuelph presbytery of the unit- cd church of canada officiated at the dedication ceremony and de livered the sermon in the evening regarding the history of this church whose building is the oldest church in the village mr baskier stressed the need for people to re member our past and not forget or lihusc it by ignoring history it is a great tragedy he said to lose your past he brought with 2000 copies this week the free preen hit the largest circulation mark in history press iron for this laine ts 2090c this includes regular cir culation mnd special mailing list copies twksuiseirakrinbarsltr yvc u deer runs into car is killed committee on north halloa high school area acton and twpsf lead resolution to crush comrn i mihir- 3li it ill i 300 pound buck ran into the side of him greetings from the guelph nji pointed out hint while his munic ipality had requested such u com mittee be established it wus not the intention to split the area lint we are interested to know the facts georgetown reeve for if these councils who arc op posed have a selfish motive in not wishing to know the facts it should not be aired heiv nt tins council meeting reeve allen ex- j claimed we should be happy t know all the facts but theiv seems to be some doubt as tn know whe ther tills is the best way to uirn of the facts i dont want to see ine aroa changed if it is going to create a hardship on any municip ality but i urge council to estnli- lish thus hoard he said robert blake guelph git a sur- reeve a r service said tin- all prise while driving south on no 25 was started to establish three school highway near speysidr saturday a j areas in the northern part of the county i dont think any change after a heated discussion in which charges were hurled nt var ious municipalities hnlton county council by a 12 to 4 vote rescinded an october resolution to set up n i fact finding committee to review the north hnlton high school arci the discussion was sparked wieii resolutions were tiiblisri from acton nassugaweya and esqucsing oppos- i ing the establishment of siicli a committee reeve a r service and deputyroeve walter linhnm spori- sored the motion to rescind the resolution warden r h shannon explained various parts of the school act emphasizing the matter rested- with county council and that wliatve j proposed clv centre shown liere in an architects sketch will the findings of the conunittec would i i i be ft was still up to the mimicip- he p ratepayers election day deremher 5 for a yes or no purchase ol new unci fire hall is behind the administration build- alities and county council to make j ballot mark estimate on the building is 130000 but the question ing at left while it ncjht is the proposed libraiy estimate and the final decision l be asked on basis of 200000 to allow for contingencies and i tentative plans were maufe by deacon and arnett of toronto reeve stanley allen gcoikntiwti i ueaion anij ahntlt gjtt sokt counci t fe n hhsd bd by end of year may break up if committee formed prosbyurry to the congregation in eden mills lie drew attention to the exccftetu work ot the pastor and his wife mr and mrs william slinn the presbytery were aware of their sincere efforts in the com munity he said car causing 150 damage to the car and killing the deer a car driven by earl mccoy mil ton crashed into the- guardrails on no 25 highway line mile north of milton sunday morning causing an estimated 801 damage to his car mr mccoy who works in acton the hillsburgh quartet sang at stated to police that hit- right front the morning service and in the i the cn went flat as he head- evening ehenezer united church d toward milton when he np- chon supplied the music with a p the brakes he wns drawn into special song by mrs john mcintosh th- guardrails he said eight guard- and mrs william slum how r1ms were knocked out by the im lovely are thy dwellings pact the neat stone building that will falling asleep at the wheel re- soon be 100 years old has been re- suited in a careless driving charge decorated in the interior in soft for meredith craig toronto when pastel colors that are pleasing to he reportedly fell asleep arid crash- the eye the christian education ed into a hydro pole on no 7 high- rooni is attractive and equipped way two miles east of acton last with a kitchenette as well saturday population building soar as subdivisions open up actons population was announced this week as 3337 the increase more than 300 over 5t aidqii s gllmo the figure at this time last year is due mainly to residence in new fm3c c nmmihoo homes at the glenlea subdivision p vommittee whore about 55 houses are occupied u the november meeting of st al- kven as this population figure is bans glld was m tht parisn ynliln it i lilrlv t ri hall with 33 members present and vrdentsajiwving4nalmostljkl rctarys and treasurers wciv read and a short meeting followed final reports business arrange- daily at glenlea building in town during october shut skyward again after a slide to 16000 m september last month ments for the bazaar were made 29 permits were issued to the lake- view subdivision contractors for house building valued at 290000 to october 31 1955s building ln acton totals 1703150 by the end of the year construction may pass the two million mark to record the greatest building growth year pah benediction- and lunch was in actons history served by the committee in charge should he made when the throe opposing municipalities are paying well over 50 per cent of the re- en l cost he said i dont think this requtrst rmu from the north hnlton highsitioil board but the urban hoard arising out of the request of the millir public school hoard who were anxious to purchase the milton high school for public school pur- j poses reeve service charged reeve wilfred bird esouimiir read an invitation received from j the milton public school board to attend a mooting which esiusiiig i members declined to attend it wi- cajled to discuss the sale of tno school which esqiiesing was oppi i cd to we had no idea something else was to be discussed they wanlid to sell the school for 65000 and it is insured for 250000 and that is not good business the reeve sod milton reeve speaks for reeve c a martin milton in jected i cannot understand how the opposing municipalities know- all the facts even if it is working satisfactorily this area was set up 10 or 12 years ago and was an eje- periment with the thought of building a school at speyside now it would appear reasonable to re view the situation to see if there was a better way to economically serve the educational need in the n a th on4y wsty natural gas will be available foi domestic and industrial users m oakville bronte and southern tra falgar township by the end of dec ember t i pincknrd general manager of united suburban gas co ltd announced thi week at a special meeting of industrialists merchants and representatives of the three municipalities i mr pinckard said over die a t few months negotiation had laen ciirrud on between niagara ca- transmissiin ltd and his conikinv in effort to obtain a siirply of three icipajilk in natural ga- for this area the con tract has now heii completed anl united gas co 1- preparing to be gin construction of an eightinch pipeline from hamilton to oakville immediately other high pressure lines will be laid to give a direct service to the industrial area of th town and provide a complete loop around the extremities of the res idential area he said oakville has been service with maniifacturoi gay from hamilton since 192 henry hosking tells of trip -w- wflt f t ut m to fu trny committee during discussion members from henry hosking wellington mem ber of parliament showed pictures of his trip to europe at the regular mooting of tin- lakeside chapter iode in the login hall on tues day evening his shots of england scotland germany and france in cluded some of war damage mr hosking commented upon the pictures and on the people of the different countries he was introd uced by mrs wallace and thank- ed by mrs e smith mrs hosking t pocrwmc ikilits was presented with a bouquet of e kesponsidiiify flowers and mr jhpsking with notebook unicef total rises heavy with coppers the committee diructini ihi pro ject for the united nilions child ren fund at halloween has un niiuiccl a finiher increase in their total this witk with other dona tions mink in since halloween tin iiiiiiiunt that will tie torwarded to heidc luartcrs in ottawa now stands t 3akfi this includes 44 1 1 if coppers heavy ivin church canvass aim 75000 alton united church has em barked upon an extensive every family canvass for a building fund mansell nellus as uenerd chairmim trxprtssed fnfidence ttial tin- mated goal a of 7skm would be exceeded iarly in the j campaign j h r force w j realty g w mckenzie w woudburn and j monday night prior lotuidays t w bcatly are the executive j november county council session rommitlee hvtping to plan the can- the three northern municipal itiei va agreed to present motions oppoing one of the highlight of the in- the formation of th- consultative tensivt- campaign will be a iviyalty committee it was emphisized tiiat dinner to which every member j county council members all of family has been invited mrs a long mrs r beian mrs f cleave and mrs h burns are in charge of arrangements a canvass office has been open ed on mill st and r f bean is heading a committee responsible for distribution of information about the canvass plans f the five member-mun- cent of the high school iismsment of the nortlt llallon highj should a motion to rescind the school district honrrt acton es- ocutr dision fail the thee- qucsing and nassaga wry a uniud agrei1 u put forth a reolutlok monday evening in opposition to that members of the committee be the proposed formation of a con-ul- from outside tin- high school area uitive eommittcf hich could it entirely jn event uiis motion was feared he the forerunnel should fad too it was planned for the district board- breakup each municipality to have a name meeting with acton ready u propoe for the commitlw which has previously stated h- op- jtruli it or ahead position in consult tiv commit- some dimusshii was tnid m the te repreeiiuiti it the tw a under which the high school northern townships ndll th n district hoard was ct up and ref- oppo ition to county council- rence made to the tune it would take to dissolve the board the department of education it was offered would iiit be in great fav- oi of sueh a move nassagawcya reeve a service urged the consultative committee be either crushed or gone ahead with so it dmsrit hang over the heads of our board members mayor e tyler said it was por- i turbing to acton council that es- oucsing and numagawya liad not been informed from the first of the move t set up a consultative com rn itte- the townslup councillors agreed that the first uiey hail known of the move wae from press reports they dcnnd a claim made at coun ty council hy milton rcvv c a martin uiat the townships had been inviud to a meeting to disrusg ttlis matter that meting exjueein reeve w bird insisted reading to formed comuutlei at the last sessio it nmni council georgtown eidnrsd ty milton sponsored a motion to have the committee formed to prekre facts and figures- which would re flect on the desirability of retaining the board thi- motion cnrrid but not without vocal nprxis itlon from acton esquesing and nassaga weya rprese n ta 1 1 v es all three opposed presumably milton arid george town want separate high school districts set up whom vote on the matter despite only five being part of the nhhs letter to prove his point had been db should be impressed with the called to discuss sale of the milton fact that acton nassagaweya and high school building to the milton esquesing pay more than 50 per i public school two land development problems jharlcs lanosoorough a7rivy5ntp ied on the piano by his daughter played cornet solos the presentation of a hostess table was made to mrs pat waldie on behalf of the chapter by mr- c leishman during the business sesion re- before council delt with this oil co ltd mr leathcrland ex- matter two deputations appeared plained that mr braida who has both regarding land development entered into an agreement to sell problems but with two extreme a large block of property to the tones of approach oil company on the highwayrwsrit trim brankirwir7 njuatifined tin ud an agrtmrnent tafiilhc urwn thfdnogrrtu o k town u prpe on t prop th t w atrips day- of church members the southern area felt uie boards it ws decided to hold the elect- i lurisdiction snou include the ion of officers at the- december of tho c others felt it meeting and n nominating com- sh dg ver until another mittee was chosen consisting of meet until all school boards nnd millie rowles alirv- newton mil councils were informed of council eileen tvlor n an deliberations on the high sbhool p from baaar conveners were question riven and final plans were made the meeting closed with the miz- r martin further explained for he annual event to be held later this month refreshments corr i continued on page five fluiied the meeting regiiar tnonthly meeting in the sun- erty held by hii but under court light entrances day school room on monday with procedure for expropriation and road bcflde this the president mrs cliff ashley presiding the worship period was taken by mrs bern van fleets group the theme being to emphasize the re sponsibility of church membership the secretarys treasurers and group leaders annual reports were rear mrs ab robinson jr and miss jnez mclelan sang a duet ac ta a proposed property would glenlea residents form ratepayers assoc the acton ratepayers associat- j comers to the town it u hoped it the mayor congratulated the cit- he explained the appeal proced- four or five years acton has ion its nucl com of glen- will grow te embrace taxpayers in iiens present and those responsible th rr ttm r indt it also objected ui the- path of the never pv built upon proposed road into the lakeview i town pinne p a rjeacon pre- subdivision sent on another matter enured mayor tyler charged that the involved discussions which fol- you just reneged again you jwed regiraii1 mun and de- agreed to that route onc j partment requiremenut of a plan of mr brankiewicz eacclaimed the subdivision provisions for road e- roadway should go in straight not ccptance and allowances by the present makes ultimately it wa replied that companicd by mrs fyfe somerville j m th would not object to the tri- before the eourts and that tom angular area near the proposed should take his objections to his road entrance from the highway lawyer mr brankiewicz declared being paved council aio pointed he wouldnt go to his lawyer and out the designated portions will be shouted that the town would have assumed as street area when the to shoot him before hed allow that plan is reentered anurance that 1 road to go through he left council the daylight entrances would nev- i shouting er be built upon was deemed ud- i the other deputation included e neceeaary since the department of i braida with solicitor c f leath- highways would not allow this erland and mr coulter of the sun anyway it was aaid lea subdivision householders was j the older portion of the community for the organization- of the aasoc- invited to a future meeting formed last week at a meeting of j future residents of the lakeview union which he termed would be citizens in the town hall where subdivision and householders in the an asset to the community and of over ho men and women gathered to j cobble hill development real valu to its members adopt guiding rules outline purpose it should be made known he and hear mayor e tyler clarify j said that all taxpayer in acton questions on municipal work and j are welcome to join this associat- expenditure lion the association to be subtitled i a setof regulations governing xllenlea division has walter i the glenlea division was drawn cook as its first president and a upand endorsed these pertained setued soon t ives as vicepresident ronald hi- tccommittee and street warden i t h intllcal lier is secretarytreasurer street 1 duties and reponsibiliues fees he r to the present council s policy of gradual perm- anent paving an expensive bus- li has been undcr citizen vk wondered irman further explained and wil uke tme mayor tyler later outlined the council procedure of rate striking j embodying fine budgeting and how- turning to municipal matters the rate finally set determines the the mayor torched on difficulties tax payable on basis of household now being borne by glenlea res- er assessment while council hai idents due to the unsettled state of a margin of control over the rate- the roads roadw6rk would be il has no jurisdiction over the as sessment method he said concern over the residential-in- j several dustnal imbalance and its effect touched on tablishments one man asked about the delay the highway facing property on the front of glenlea this property is held by thomas and thomas the mayor answered that he understood the subdivider had asked s100 per foot for this land when an inquiry was made one can understand he commented why theres n activ ity ore that land rebates drainage and planning before he left chairman caok wardens are yet to be named elections general meetings repress j torflted to primarily keep abreast entation at council meetings re- i of rnunicipal affairs as they affect ports et cetera regional and community- wide im- the chairman terests the chairman emphasized that the organization is strictly j questioned regarding the method the importance of organization nonpolitical and that it was pro- ot assessment the mayor explained among ratepayers for representa- posed to have members reguarly that the assessor here operates un ion and protection he expresed informed of matters within thcir der manuals followed by the coun surprise that acton hasnot already interest ty assessor and the department o ta a ratepayers association prior to the regulations resume i municipal affairs the town has no contacts in locating here he was registered on this matter the mr cook stressed that although after officers had been elected and control over the assessor he added stressed that an industry doeirt chairman also ask the group to the octti was born inglen installed 1ayor tyler ras invited but noted that me ratepayer nomination date lea where most residents are newj to speak and answer questions council has the right to appeal j added reflecting that in the last here november 25 of of higher taxes on the householder was the gist of a question by one uuoed mayor tylers answer w citizen who wondered if the town i an honest d the was douig anything about bringing at tnie meeting accorded with new industry here puuse mayor tyler assured him that before the meeting adjourned a the councils industrial committee few comments were made on the and other civic officials are work- proposed civic centre expenditure ing constantly to interest industrial no general opinion pro or con in locating here he at the outset of monday night meeting clerk j mcgeachie told council of the puci letter to uw beardmore co ltd regarding re bate on the water bill for 1993 it was pointed out in the original let ter that this agreement held for 1963 only however council also other points were learned- that the company would briefly by the mayor like the rebate reconsidered for tiu year no action was taken a rebate of 902 representing paid 19s6 license fee was sought by kennyj billiards which is going out of business the town directed that the f intead of being refaar edl be credited to uripavid business tax for 1966 w cook president at tfae acton ratepayers asaociatioa glenlea division iroducedtbeptfieers of the aasociatioo to a q he was told thast nw town bjlan cover she glenlea subdivision in its entirety mrs w roberts asked council it the town would clean the drainage tile under their bouse on main 81 n when use baaccdentfloor i op ened- drainage trouble under this bouse whjfcti borders the creak was reviewed and at was pointed out she town would do everything possible to see the outlet of this tile is cleaned council filed a letter from the duke of devonshire chapter of the lodx here thanking for coop eration received w jwinecuon wth the chapters tag seuing oa acton fair day clerk mogeachie reported to council on the p of div covery sit ssfaich he wa a continued on page four kttiai-tltfy- ill

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