Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1955, p. 7

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talking aboul page six the acton freefress acton ontario 1 thursday november 10 19651 reports and articles from hahotis farmlands and fann organiiahen halton jrs debate speak in interclub competition many halton folk missed a real treat last ftida evening at- tfye milton high sclfool it was the oc- casion of the annual halton junior farmers interclub debating and public speaking competition while the crow d was disappointing tkr tahent displayed wa outstandrng all four clubs acton norval m 1- ton and palermo participated in the debating the subject wis resolved thit i policy designed to encourage the establishment of larger farms would be in the best interest- of ontario firmers the first debite brought together birbara takcr and george grot nlees of the mil ton club who hid the affirmative against nirman bird ind bill wil son of niral who hid the negit- ive hire the judges decision vitnl to the iffirnntive or milt in cl it pirk best four debaters in the erond dt bite on the siru tflpic kathleen stanu and i ic sprow 1 upheld the iffirmitue foi priori while the pili rmo dehite s llovd vivnn ind r n ford hi i i the negitix e in 11 is cist thi judges decisis wint h tht negitivt or pilt rmo club the judces were e w fost prinripil if milton public shiol i c wood principn of miltoi high school and george e flluit qc auso of milton the j ida s hii the extri ti k of selectinq he fo i- best debiters of the evening ind tht r sihtion wi r i f ird ge greenlees wac sprowl and lloyd vivian these four young men two of them upholding the affirmative and the other two the negative will meet four debaters from wat erloo county rumor has it that the two debat es w ill take place on november 30 w ith halton negative team meeting the waterloo affirmative team in halton while halton s affirmative team will journey to waterloo county on the same evening to meet the waterloo negative team public speakers the program presided o er b john w picket of hilton juniois also brought out three contestints in the public speikina competition the first speikor sylvn shepherd of tht pilejrmo club took as ht topic famous women if tht pist ind present while in her im promplu effort she took is her sub ject n himoricil incident mac sprovsl acton who wi the second speaker spoke on greit britun and the irish republic n his prepared address in his im promptu effort his topic w is m hubbv photograph the fiml speiker wis bill kel v of the milton club who spoke on peiceful coexistence fo his impromptu effort he t o selected m hubbv public speikint thit the competitirs were il veiv rot i borne out b the fit t that in bith dt bites ind il i in the public speaking cmnt ptiti in excellent attendance at first of series of agricultural meetings seventytwo farm operators from all sections of halton turned out to hear professor n j thomas of the soil department ontario ag ricultural college guelph duscuss the topic cah i afford to farm in halton this subject has many rimificit- 10ns and the manner in which professor thomas covered the top ic delighted the crowded auditor ium in fact at the conclusion f the two hour session nmn of those present were loath to leive the current week will bung pio- fessor hugh avres nf the depirt ment of agnculturil enifini enng at the 0c to leid 1 discussinn on the economies of nrirition n hilton s generil iirminj district its advmlagis ind limitation the series of siv meetings ire ul being held in the bruce stret t pub- lic school m milton on tuesd iv i t enings commencing it 8 p m the iwirds were m nil m i split decision of the judging p i it 1 how ever to return ti hie pub speaking competition tin jiiijjts award here wis to bill killv wh will represent halton tuniirs n the provincial cnmpititim in ti into eaib m the eir instrumentils bv miss ruth wil son of no- i ind omt holpfil suggestions to tht oropt titors b george e elliott minded out i prigrim if which halton jur i i miy well be er piotiri dinner meeting for postmasters postmasters and their wives of wellington count enjiived a bouri tiful dinnei in the basement of tin united church at arthur on wed ncsday evening november 2 this occasion was the innual dinm r meeting of the wellington co post masters zone 3 which is one of thi few zones operating in conjunction w ith the ontario branch canadian postmasters association the dinner was presided over b george day postmaster rock- wood chdirman of the zone words at welcome were given by ien kei r the local postmaster at arth ur arnold stickle postmastei batama ind president of the ontario branch c p a brought greetings wrom the piovincnl branch the gathering enjoved four s i numbers by martin bauer jr f i rockwood accompanied by mrs idiy i nitrons rct mivin pictuits w en shown w hich i k thi p stm isti s ir l dip ti cilifirnn up tht wist coast victoria vincouver thi calgiiy stimpedt ji d hi iss cm idi on thi ih t v iti n f thi cvh words ut thanks u t i jut s irtits were given bv hairv muni po tmister fergus during the busim v- mutiny tht minutes wer read fa mrs k mithew tin pstmistt i cliff rd good discussion too pi it dt i ing with mutuil pioblem c n fronting the prtmm isters in heir various offices tht elevti n if of tinr wi c inductt d b i i d sticklt which itsi ht d is foil iw s churmin hariv minn ft lijju vice chu nnn i 7n kt fr arlhu si i 1 1 tn i i u t 1 lol n bi v ltn rothsav ikttutivi membi i s m fairwtitht- mm i ge it div r lkwooa fall planted bulbs bring easter blossoms cre needed now to plant dir a hole two inehe- deepe thin the recorrrmt ndt d dt pth int i this hole put 1 teispu in of ftrtilmi ind mix thoroughly with the ni x t two inches of sul on top of this put two inche of the unlieittd miii that wis rt mov ed f i om tlu holt this prt vents tht bulb from coming in contact with the firttlizfr ind ilso brings the holt up t the proper dt pth now pi int the buib the s il that was tiktr from the hole lyiuld bt mixtd with a tea poon of villi conditional uitl tht n pi gi n glidioli begonia and dahn irr exceptions to t is u t b jt most other bulbs should be plant ed in the fall the depth of pi uit ing varies with the tjpo of bulo tulips for instance should oi planted at a depth of six inches with four inches between i ach bulb jonquils arc also planus it six inches bat they need iboul six inrhi s between them to grow properly 1 iround tht bulb potted bulbs netd not be plinted as deep is th se outdoors but thty should bi witi rt t occasio illy ind kt pt in i cooltciark plate until will spi uted then thej maj be griduill br lught up o the light ii tin- blooming pt nod lbout thui nnunlhs laler bi fore planting du t b ilbs w tth i eom- bin ition msictic di lung cide to pi jti ct tl t m ti im dist ist s and n t rts pi il h uv t rs rmg m iv flo v i rs but if thi flowers in if tit bulb v trietv nmn of tht m hive to bt plinttd n thi fill if ht v io to burst fmth in il tht i glor i t xt spring for top rated fuel oils and service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at home and sav drop in tsnytimf for coffee i we take pride m our first class equip ment and clean premises these make your bowling enioyment complete open bowling fridays and saturdays acton bowling lanes phona 697 10 main st 0s3sssskasa8s5 i3t -e32sss53s8err- halton plowmen hold annual match sixt entries vv t re mide it thi annual match of tht hilton plow mens associition in fridiv oct obt r 28 weitht r conditions w i i idtal and ruuplt d w tli i lovilv setting on tht i j thistl wn i farmi on the fust line if fsqiusin township j u t bt low hi omtib mint the event w i m i up t i thi huh standaid f i mi hilt t mntv mitrhe twelvevear id ki ith lesji gi u fit i ivvn r r 4 mjiimin est contt stint of tht 1i ind h along with m irv i m ti or t biirlingt m r r i n t i f fill ii spt nils t thi v unm t hiltun pi w b v ii j i thi fs chimpion tnctor nd hms p it fspeci il f i t i bt st i idli s bv halton cintit tnls wt t won b two h irnb disti i t plow nn r a tit flmn ind stmltv m iv arnold how di n i so if h inln dutrp won the bank of nov i scotia triphv f ii t t bis- idm bv a hilton pliwbov undt i 21 vears of igt whilt tim hui in took the bank if cimmtirt tro ph for the bt st fidi in clis bv i hilton cimpit tor excellent machinery display tht stmltv miv spe nls for tht hist ci iw n ind best finishin clas fi wort w in bv boh n si i rrimpt in whilt tht t m i hoi den sptciils in t diss ojien t hiton lonttstint u hi 16 vi i were won bv don ta lo if ru lington ind clitn iiw of om i i in count ctmn with i vtrv t cellent displiv m firm michimiv perhips the hithligt wis i 40 i v tarold tiact i- txhitnttd b 1 ihn moort of milton r r 3 this tic or was aid li be the ist triet u made for the misst v hirri co iv the bull machim r co of mm ei pous during he ifternom m motile pkiwed i ridge with this match and ti extend an invitati in i ton j to hold tli in st world mitch n ontario i rttiirned to tht lind if i the t l th shim c k ind l st it vtith 1 sw rd ii mv i nd as i h 1 1 done in i9li h it with the sv n i l of pt ici tht i 1 w f mimrnlin m i t w h id pot in e mitchis hi d i i im n v 1 1 is i uiinti it s hi i ui ti ibuti to t t irrb isi 1 i iff m id i thi hit i i i i 1 1 1 1 n it i 1 1 1 i s u ill m i i hi f i t h i tsm ins ind 4 i i i iti7i sh i i it v i i i 1 1 i h fi v st if k t in t i r r 4 ind 1 ihn h i i i s bt ichv le judgt s if tht d iv t i i itul hi d tht dnect irs f the hi ton assocntion on the at nt i il i f ficu ncv with t hic t iv dm ti 1 tht n it h ton j h tiv lir bui 1 nt ui h irsti show j ud i t j bi w 1 ride gerii t t n st i m h iinbv in i m iv h i- l i cliff di iki s m i h i b i i v is gi nc i u t n in w m k i i illt ph n m i dd k pu 1 h i clearivg auction sale of power machinery farm imple menls hav grain dwauv fquip ment and furnjturr he tt u dt rsij h j h v t it ti v in ti ucti m from wilfred thompson to st 11 bv public auction ni i- t u m i it 1 1 m th 9th i mi if t it h i nb i 0 ember 1 ck sh i ir 3 mih s t ist wtimrrstof awards their iwirct wert is fallows cliss 1 walking pliws heib jiv s agincmirt euen timbers cliemont rdit w mcrobhi guelph stnliv miv hon bv llovd miv vittf class 2 ttilkinj plow do m robbie giulph donald piddors pu linoh tl if di ikt st m irv s clavs 3 tint hi in sod u n 9 ecn- ntvt- did entrnsi r 1 di m b imp n w 1rk md 13 run tt i chas bmntv pi inci t n wn hist p of ant oqmpnent tel literalh utole the show the dnvs progrm cartrkided wrh i linquet in the gricultui st atilv- a lht mum fair gr-thwvdi- siirit 22i w t n in ttend met fo the dtnt r tattitd bv ht scot block women s intitute j spencer wilson president of the hil m plow mens socuition w i he chairman fvr the excellent even i mg s program which feiturtsd mtis i ical numbers bv flock bos o taruslev and an address bv j pi thomas president of the worlds plow ing ssik ition tribute to canaduiu j mr thomas whs was inf iduced i bv starlev 1- hall via tated thit when he went overseas n 1962 to priimote i wii d pi ut n i i rawser milon eld red kin mirkhirr n ill t il th h irnlit d c 13 plit -mi- rotwon mii t toith 6 ft ciis 4 nc in i 3 iti si preadt aix ii kinrttt3i tiimpt n tin hunttr g urttiwn hai ild ft i us m m hon d u c mn it i inglew iod ross austu gtort town hiruld irrci oakv i le cliss i triclo- in sod contes int under 16 lears don tivli- burln gt in gioni irvv in mito i bill spe k hombv under 21 class civs 6 trictis ii sio ttntts srvrntdw ci mmi nc ng it 1 00 i tht oilow ing frm imp1 emejtb powfr mchier ftc biiinr uh i mi d tractoi u id j slmsiiiis iuii n 1 lookj likt nt w t fui u m d trivtor plow vd 7 ft piwtr j miwei l lw m ui i foiest n thitshtr on rubbii stul bodv i 2rain throw tr stieddir iid tlivt ii vustoni ili7c gi i n dri 1 md stun bindtr 7 ft with tnctor hitvh m d ti utoi i iturfitll chair t i mitci vii tib i s i i in i g m ibh jn l h u s fnipin k s iv w it it i i vol n 1 hi f ih i t namel i i i h i r s smill oh t e w ill it iivoir ind w irmins 1 1 iset w o 1 t d th ee iinrti i si7 s i i w s j slei bed v it springs 2 i i in mlttii sis stiti lit d thru i i i 1 i 1 1 s t rs w t h t i t i it t it 1 t r i hind ii i 1 l mi d i t sh i m i i cl s i pi i t h rl i ih 1 lss t p pi i i ut i i i 1 ml i n i sh i n i i siill ii- id tffnts tfrms cis hlti t 1 k l d it si e n i it i vt i- turn i s ild pr pi it is uin up f i h till kiiwn ht rd it egu- t i i hsttwis wilxbi sd it havs s n n i on dei 9 hivdi f wd eli iott it ti mw g i c u t tk b24 2 pleasure or hockey out fit exceptional vmlu at thla bargain prlot fitted wltli tandon guard to protect the epklea semln web reinforcement for extra rapport boots feature turdy black pbble grain leather fell padded toncyu excell qualltr tub kals rivelted to iraterproof mlber sole m d munr oi cockshutt mam 1 1 i cickshutt sd rt tt lit h iv tiadei 1 firm w i ton 1 w stti i i 2 fi hiv ritks 3 set till drifi cultiviti istttiiin heivv hirrotts set rublstr tired 1 tijsk w i durrp like ets 4- if 5 monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemeterj letttring corner posts and markers good displav in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone 1410j res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w i 098 boy lire it to t pair toutha ud mans oft mii semi pro hockey qotftt- smoolll top gratn- leatner black with handaome ten toe capa and j trim crosaatltctfed full leathar untno felt padded tongues vaterproof soles bullton ten tlon cuarda hlab grade uhn flnlah tube skates have hard ened blades worth np to slajo mens slaea s to 11 to 12 pair 998 pair special daoust lalonde hockey outfit with all the fine features of thla toprated maker black grain leathar boot with croasarltched leathar lining builtin tendon cuarda leether olm large padded tongues contrasting red leather trim rlverted to excellent tube skates mens slaaa t to ii 13 95 pair j h- bn st eti in lirht inrrows wikin plow eecti u chick brmdor fan nmg mi aid motor sot of plit- f im scale- 2000 lbs quantitv of new ind used lumber 25 sheets ot used steel roofing nn of oedai posts no of steel no ts 7 rolls if i un strung br inipton rnold how den milton john cunnii gham hornbv i et wikinson milt in peter et clas 7 t act i u sod 3 fi row t c c i innit i h inht j h i reid br impt n ciss 8 3 funw ti v clas firk mckt lil l- miv i ii tav ir bunlon cliss q ticir montvd pi i v s thus howdin milton j h tiv- 1 bulrngtin i in breik s-ets- v iii wm melt a- genwtims kt ih leslie gtiigctown cliss 10 2 furiw u itv t is- 18 tiiiim dnmc ret bimpt bob nstrong enmptii nir mi rob nn miplt oh c f is- hat hornbv bildxin bra-np- i ferrcr n jick jffl ti stove w stvd and kinahrg ct f one seedc emerv cutte cioscut saw ill btrrels stuarf t ecti u cmpp jigua lhtv 1 w iterpipe huns fotks shov els bas tnew 1 etc 1 diry eqtnpmevr i d mi k- er 2 unit with motor and piping woods 8cir citiler moffit tleetn pail woxi- electric cain gmd i t r w ith 3 h p motor hy avd gri1800 bus f r beivt- oits 1100 bilfv if rrtixei i ha 20 ton o loose iav mixed 1 poultry 230 h choice 7 i irh old pulleus 1 horses vt hress 1 perrheron mare aged 1 pechcru told ng iged ibout 1to0 tbs miece set o double nrne- sid- dle odd coiars hells etc j furniture chesterfield md 2 e l buchner optometr in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hcurs t 3d6 00 evenings by appointmen for appointment telephone 115 p hockey equip thocxtrr sticks top quality at prices tlut save ap lo 30 iwood jumbo saawobsd hards amateur ash handto toaah lamlnsrsd htadsk at- lonfl for to 12 yssr oms t p smiw ard kmxe pad flhrs kmss cap sattrs rn rou bslow fcoas cap ror agss op to it yrs 91 cauice blads stral0at grain ash so st lone ia pat lak lamina tad safeguard your childrens heafffi fceep warm this winter with clean gas heat nor dime umitio 7 woolwich st gueirh ph 0o champioir- dn ruad kj laminarad srlth atralghi grala ash handl la pattern made salsct ash kanrtls lswqnarad lasainstsd rock elm msdat special pro air sasaonad whlla ash tundls thla sswctad rock eua blsov lacqaarsd sad plamad fa alhan sight sxpsrtlr ilruahsd rbo troys roccet clove for to 10 tsars- knwb split lsathar pslsb and bmcse cans psotactsd 4i cull 0 paddad rolls oa back sxtrs roll oa uaumb pair ss simtermezst ate hockey olove for it to it rsara largs aria solid indlart laalhsr- paddsd rotls on back sad t st thaab i tlbrs protactora in 0- cvim flaxgrip 14 ovarall pslr rttr- 4 merts -l-star- hockey oloye solid indian hd uathsr arlca 4 wallpaddsd flaxorous oa back tt mouldsd libra thumb protsctor cull haul 10 built la flbra protsctors plr t sshin ant kree pad can pratsctsd thtkht tou anouldsd rlbrs knaa cava junior to u trs p- tsr fuustss pmll sanlor antra rou fuiislaa pair bopsr arorth so yobthslhotrlier with collstdons pads tlbrs with thick sit lining lacad tronl and back 37r truirsize shoulder pad fait paddsd isathar ahouldar sad ooparboas pada sit paddsd libra as prostyle senior hockey pahts oalllsd hip and thigh padding with ibra thigh pro- factors- lacad front rsd or bins sad whits atrtpaa stoas tt to 44 boya hockey pahts tf to to- arsktf pair s 7b 10hocxxy stocxrhob root- usa national laasaa colors rod or bins and whits ssas pstr t os boys pair lbo pecwbp hockey outfit rorvaozs s to 0 rsal -pso- trls protsctloa f aathsrstto thoaklor and chas oaara tvao psdaad l hochay stltts ttardy shin onstils 3 for t to 7 ysara dss to gtao ttay snklsa rrm sapport s hockststrls i boots wllh built la anhls support sad out ms strap and buckls ruvsrtad to ssaaltabs skatss pair slaaa t to il boys bl otrai saisit waits boots untboois 495 a ew c0rp cnnnninn tire associate store milton tr 85552 giorgitown tr 72965 s- f r ll

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