Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1955, p. 2

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r 3 pace two the acton wee press acton ontario thursday november itr 1865 i i i i i xbr artun jfrrr flrrsa the nly paper crcr pabusbed ia acta founded in 1875 and published every thurs- day at 36 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulations the cw na and the ontarioquebec division a the c w n a adverting rates on request sub- scrtpeoris payable in advance j2j0 fit canada x50 in the united states jot months 1 50 single copies 6c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa- j published by the dills pontine and pahushtae co- limited g a dills editorinchief oavid r dills production manager james dills john black i associate editors business and editorial office phj 174 acton why do motorists hurry there has been a crackdown on speeders on the highways and many are being fined for non- observance of speed limits ir may otrhay nor have had an effect friday we went re toronto via the queeri elizabeth way hardly a car passed us going ever the 50 mile limit we didrr see any evidence of polios cruisers or sceed traps i saturday coming norie rne same route mere j were so many cars passing us that rime and aaair j i i we had to check to see if we were going near mr i legal limit that day would have been a reai harvest far police there may have beer cruisers 3nd police patrolling mat highway but agaii they j in evidence we wondered what madej i rhe difference oh- the two days car be that early birds h the real early birds have christmas shopping planned this hushhush stuff and prechhstrnas secrecy is as our of date as burning yvocd for win ter heating theres more christmas buying being done these days than in rhe woodburnmg era arid it rakes longer to dc ir and a lor more con sideration incidentally ir spreads the chritrnas rush over a much longer rime after all who wants re gc bact to a weels frantic searching for suitable christmas gifts any more than sawing and splitting wood for fuel would be recreation for morning and evening every day one would think from a looa ar displays of merchandise now starting ro make rheir appear ance thar selections of gifts would be an easy matter for anyone stores in acton are raking on the christmas look youll find rhe merchanrs you know friendly and helpful in making your chrur- mas shopping a joy and nor a mad rush you oan 0 methods of departmenra discipline ana po be assured of qualify at a fair price right now is the best time to browse around for christmas i buying and rhe place is right in your home town brief comment j nine walkertor youtns paid sj7 5c eacn odte krecllctlons fines ana costs for wilful damage on halloweer its going to be a long tough winter the old ages of rhe yourhs ranged from i re 20 years farmers al or d new hampshire weekend travellers are in a greater rush re get out for a football game or a visit than travellers i i going on routine every day business j i there may be some very interesting dedjc- nons when the police records of the sresen safe ty drive are completed i less to drink more to drive mondays news or rumors were most interes- mg headlines recommended was the dropping t the permit fee o buy liouor and raising the rat on motorists by five dollars each and or truckers up to a s220 50 according to rne tvee ct truc used hinted toe is a rasmg the resc- fions on liquor advertising looks as if the orevmoa gcveiier as been looking cer its various departments anc finds the liquor department booming and there fore offer more incentive fc a profitable branch for rhe highways deparrmenr t appears the fin- lancia serbacks from bao road contracts need a lift or a shot or whatever five dollars from every imororisr will buy ro put the department back on its feet ari ready for the ner deal havenr heard however of premier frcs i opinions regarding the recent hike m paoe pric es not quire so outspoken as premier ouplessis m quebec some provincial leaders do rave aad i lraaaiaiaaaaiaa the good old days may have seemed better back in 1905 back in 1935 taken from the sane of the free taken tram the issue of jh tree press thursday november m 196 press thnnday november ii 1335- church sf is dertned hecc-fr- mrrirfayr7vir ttn i rdelie fnst rrtiif strttj the anr-rii- f freminrt i rnirrir r oiarrjheli lie afcnjr uk breth- cfiikr r y he craft joined xith camtj- it zh btrii lde r dedicating their vv i ii tde ii r i one of in tcart tr ilrsiiiy of very fine t lacker rrt rrid parnjr j a irirnjn rr liutms -r- h o h lrri gte haa irfjii ji prirs i is itjlvzus tlij mx last saturtia- -fr-r- r ili rraitih av3i pijyi r i c ed actin reim jri rr 7rirtvr 1 hizh trrtrr tl irni park r spitr jf the ir-r- r h jt rj- ilr x feattm irv i -r- w- t r first rtalt rarh fi 4ri 1 jm actoir- irr rr-i-ir- i n v coittifatratrr pii- l vrrir ir- mi-eiiirritrr- ir last iif arirf- 5l5n 2tril -t- mr jlii t 1 actun tall c- t groj 5ni c v- j- hoiii- a iit nii year day t mi tj r iitr iirr nrkr inin th ilinr trir grand mist br rp t tonntij rrfirr rii i ij tpctrl l2ti rrwtab build in 1z atji ijni i hiii r ion ri nr gin hb5 siit ihr lii sat is been itself jn a lot ve rrrer dep- mat worshipful i- rvity of i hf eiiatrv lslitri b- b- l cioy jt h b- ixl f i aaty- a ai s i h w the bible rev g p pakson district secretary 7duf cppr canada bihte swrity khittii jttfk- oaky tcr rf other f n vt nr y jl- jl t rrrf t ni i iv i pn r a n ir nrffi rf fur hi- ini fi trriie -li- i4i in a hh its mi- banri ri j j iiriit jfrters criiiient ft st-l- vj el-ttr- n gtl- ir jhn me fi- b i it j e h pli trn it 11 a 1 t bci oek rip r r irr -j- r n ar xarr shj i oi 3d ia psi- f r l i t- f-atj- o hrni ch- t- irs r t 4- h- j xs rr -h- tjti- r f i xs rr- a e says so and by rhe editors own account rhe old man is often right in his predictions indeed in rtie 164th annual edition ust off the press abe weafhervoise having read rhe srars m rrieir courses announces that we may expect a bleak chilly time before the- spring flowers blccm again last winter tie reminds his readers was rne t 3 i- k n the idea rhar government m rust m c nandle managemenrlaoor disoutes at every turn is ngt camrjlimenrarv ro me hiqher ectieans o r- eirtier maagemen or laccv ccsca s c eader ier r r r s r v i ci rf -r- e 6r r t- r rr r i- i rei sirr te r tll r- h c- m rn a j i -r- -r- 1 ivi i r hv irin i i i r i- f h i rurts pr rr ft i ii r- m- ru hm r xrui t tipsj- 1- nrr i ii i e ii -ta- t e ijje re rf n u t r 1- 31v er s-cstr- br r m j m 10 t -k- 2 w f t p t fr st- 1 i sii if ari tve 5i itn pr a- f acn a li l- si r -he- fst i a- r 1 w t i rrif ir r tile bal- h ji t f j n jx r- c h- hari off r ri nrjtn r ji- i it hr ctn hit h-m- v r 5tarnjc r- rirr rr jvni- in iv b ky i iiriit3 ot in iri oia rjf ari an- mr fri pbr ic pf7 wn jn f- w- i y tn to itmg sh m ht- w i y jj j hjfr wnntjrs vrt anijnii if fror h5i frt carney byrn- i ci h ri tii br iril hjjti n ti iiijnormitj mm- n rr ui r-f- jur ue eary ittir if mfrt smprjon ciifforri otb3n ati wiurs chart e professional directory and travellers guide medic al legal v llsss-kss-c- municipa now 1 nere ll be rrian triih mis year m municipal atairs vour mreres fairs mat are mign as wei s now it s yoor town and vou a 2emg aanged for 356 coldest in six years he believes it ma be me forerunner of colder times for some years we have experienced relatively mild winters now he says times are changing and a great tidal force rhythm is running in the direction of ice snow and storms one way to reduce education costs rs rceiim- his prediction for the first week of novem- nare timewasters arte- they have beer- d- ber was cold and bleak which we m southern wamea education is roc costiyro oe rcved ontario might consider far off the target yer it around witn ay fnose who dc no intend ro make squid jiggin song gsfc cfeale rnrees- qef jg response narnmations a week from t-y-ncr- byi he iitujoc af mr mis ivam-s- ir it yjs cfr7 a ar o- c5 v g c klhey pbyuctaa and sarxeoo office n syrson block 43a mi sv e atn offlte phone t kenidence i is church at e p u c f lfath6pand barrister a sjolleitor notary office kiin ti 00 j rni200 i to pm 3 00 pj satunjjyi oy ispoitjwnt only office zz t- pftone rea 131 acton ihc a xrz r tne tnorst ia and 5jnf c re arer rr we lived in alberta and saskatchewan we mignt accept as singularly accurate the almanac looks for blustery storms snow and cold m december snow ram and wind in january colcfiand stormy in most of february and hardly more clement in march we ll go along with that one prediction that we may exriecr- a bleak chilly rime before tne spring flowers bloom again there are certain predictions that are always safe students code the school board in boston has drawn up a list of commandments for stuaents from grades seven to 12 the list will be read twice a week to the students and will be posted in eacn class room perhaps it is a sad commentary tnat the- schools rather than rhe homes have tc brinq these- ordinary ruies of decency arid common sense to the artenficjnpf young people but if it has to be done it is a good list here if is win 1 don r let your parent down they brovght yocs up 2 jstop and think before you drink 3 be smart rocgy youli gie orders yourseh some day 4 ditch dirt thoughts fast or theyll ditch you use or rne faculties oeeo vance 5 c a-j- municipaiifies are talking in rerms c reoera aid ro finance education this iev oe necessay but first let us gve serious consideration ro our oresent rax dojiars oefore giving the feoera government ar oppcrtynity of raking mere of our henev tnrougn raxes tnere s enough ios m rne exchange nov for stop r it3 acicc rr i l i rr- r- uishr- u- -m- parf g nsri wrr rsr gfrr 3ra vncrr lissev r- pr lro rid iskei hear th suid jsxr grui pracicu i- every nf -i-ojri- r ar rrary rrarlarciers tcr 5 n opening ene or ttj u the place het the wr ilkin anc jjti ad cap arr cutterei dcv- al i i tljrrti tr si lines thev orae here r tr jid jglr ground lnid xa3 held h- faer xos r that t bjz d 0 a gaj5b6tt phyiiciaii and s er a willow and rijr sta ecffatjce rivr street acton ontario phane 138 hatfeid sirj mr usi- e or to tescrce tne h acdr cake cncrtiraj and rk oatj arr or ither it prood dffoit to ct loaded an id rusry can- a pece jot of the ide v rl jjjr 1 39 5 r t- 3rat e noa tfribit canada exprti kingdom ted toaj o caada 06f5t d 5uckner ptryneian and sorcevn itiftb st acton ont ptmne 879 office hjurs 13 p m obntat db a j 3dchaman dcatxl sarxeaa offce lt3fcinatt block mill si office hours 9 am to 4 p nr xrav teiephove tia lpyep hoskin chartered aceovateahi i man st n victijria st e rylrr p to n xo ronto phres i47a em 4oijj m e vandehson 8 a 3iritifr solicitor and notary pvifcoo- mii 3t phone 580 office bn tesdjy 5 p m t 1 pj geojeo t offioe 3 appoin main sl s prions ttliacaj 7z4h miscrtllaveocs -r- tces ont times attttt i i ne more aurnciries vol consj tie tore ontused voc wii ce predics rne ancoie herald but nere s one consolation 5eore cng rirougn tne time and efo von nave aevct- edrcrne suoiect vou wlii discover that yoc nave oecome an autnoriy yourself then tnough c rras sfili oe uncertain how to do something you will have no uncertainty asal reiimg ofner peo ple how tney should do if dental l ib arxevo united church of canada actaa ontajrt regti ajts ma 3d minjer parsonage is bower avecae phone 6c mr george e2ott orsalii jni cho- leade- 76 3cif r ave actor phone s 96o forty years of retirement faces mankmd scon thinks the brantford expositor gloomny it is no longer considered fantastic to talk of the day when most pepie in and elsewhere m m- iduslrial landwiir live to be 90 retire at 50 and spend the last 40 years sitting around possibly- chppfc in abysmal boredorrt when that time arrives sav november srmi3swr sad 5 showoff driving is uvenile dont act yourifhe economists the factory workweek will be explonere at 630 9- jdown to 24 hours what are people going tcao 6 pick the right friends- tc be picked for a i with all that leisure triefed 7 choose a date fit for a mate hunters alibis rval those of the imaginative s don t go steady unless you re ready fisherman thinks the charloftetown guardian 10 liye carefully the soul you save may be which reporrs this bit of original research less your own tnan 30 per cent of all hunters bring home any- jrntng only 50 per cent of them get a shot of a word of commendation is due this yjarjrc these more than 70 per cent miss and of these fsefid loni plsfer ol the young people of acton and district in tfteir nearly 100 per cent blame the gun the ammuni- vruvrsy reasonable pbservarke of halloween and also a tonanything in fact but their own poor marks- ioo ajd sunctay school word of praise to acton police on their guidance manship strange asif may seem big game like n0o worsaip and oversight in keeping things under control deer are missed more often than little items like 00 pjn ewnaii- service j as a result there are tew regrets ducks and rabbits wednesday s pjciddueek ser- bttntdav november itn 93s arc church scocl 950 3jt jmor chirch- llts am soreiij wrshrp 7 00 pm we ursifcp in te bap- 4 15 3 baptist chutcm actow rajt h costerus paster parsoafe- h5 bower ave phone 306w sumday sovemier 20tr 1955 clth anniversary services presbyterian church in canada knox chttlch acton kev kobekt h vjtmstkong m bjd yiiaimtjtt ctvntay vovex3er zir 1966 x imsi wsnp 7 00 m evenmjj sevices -rtr- iit ainveraj i i 3upist circh the anglican church of canada srantaai chreh acorc om rev evan h jcies 3a ith berwr offk corrjjir mail and rredercit streets office hcutj 3 am to i pox telephone acton optic al e sjjcrfieb s c optonverjrt w mii st e ptioce i5 offce hij tffir ei j 3h a p a aeiresiay tjvenrpj cy ippoint- sjvle c hcaae heated amtmiance pnjpe to9 nfht day 4fl yean v lavpajjq a tc m hmt teacher f ptaaia acton n a oi jji h hi park ave zltlph n re zj vxtcmusakv f g cakes 3 v so veiertmchm office ind resiceuce 24 knox a axtaa pbcne 130 b d v 6v sc c 0jn3 d vm 9s3 sjvvdlay ntembeh 9 a am holy ccztkt uncc i 1ijo am church scbooi yi jo an seirners ciass 11 0c aic- chicral cmzurmxcc mi sermon 7 00 c jn 5erv ice arcntrraiwr an nvenklryi service in the acten saetst cbujcb offce brookviile ontarn ptwjoe miltoa br2j krail estate asp pwpbay f l aright w wibur st aeon ortiij ptione agptmkrr tml tatatm wi traveuers otjio gray coach 1145 toafhfs trvr titon catat 1i j ti w j v am 2 ij p m s w b n tjf ti 3 pai witsanr ms am 5l j- e 5 2 a rn tr pic tjpt iiir- i kti cheoer oniy v j rajy xcect c nn dari r za tiol canadian nationu tarlwa acton pentecostal aslsembly meecj w iace keai mttmtr lol hjij crewkc i pbooe m act ccrners lujt ywir farrna eusines or bo paitcr rev k j reid with us we tftte jrou to uw cock st ttiepcone ww tcilities ua securing a purchase yojir propcrt scjodiay november ahh 1965 0j0 am sunday scnc 00 xt mccin woritif 730 pa eyaeajeljtic service weicesda 8 pm cottage pray- ijeliti as c r meeting and biwe udy r f ean limited 13 mil st actor da s40 am daily exceot sun- iv i0aoim 7 13 p m sunday 4ii pa db xneg su- tjyf7er at georgt 4 t j tt pm daily f7 it t r9tf pm vej i daily 1144 pm daily sunday s4t am 8 53 pm oaf- stop 74r pnu saturday only u b-m- sunday only 943 atn itu- rtop sunday onl flyer at guelph tos pm- daily except sat lanj sua to detrain ini iii iiaan from west toronto ind tiiijiant 9v9 pjn daoy except sat am sun flyer at guelph t3 pjn

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