Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1955, p. 3

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thursday november nifcaa the acton free press acton ontario page thrbb -4- l- w h o who has invested in the shortterm guaranteed investments of the hal ton peel trust savings company 8 insurance companies 3 municipalities 4 societies 4 pension funds 3 cemetery trusts and jitany private invtmton interest rate term 3 3j 4 one yaar three years five years these investments are issued in amounts from 100 op and are authorized by law for the investment of estate and trust funds enquiries invited t phone victor 43216 o e manning manager halton l peel trust 6 savings company 97 colborne st e oakviue ont assets exceed 850000 inaiiufliiiniiiia piuson and chocolatk akk bv niiyiuituiii suhtjiil a most ah ikinglv litiitillful wo man naviintiiiu suligul wiltcs pri son and chcictiliitt cake tha stany of hei life slu ib a diuightei of miidmm- pundit imihiii ctlt-iilt- to tin united nations in id u unci- of jawatiarlal netn n of lotust slu is ilium diiitetv eiinceriuil ll ith nil niilttfis of itnpoi lunii in itwllii to aliiv slu went to college iii the unitid stati fuioiii tas unfile liufud to india when slit utted us hosti ss foi hei niu u till li line ministi i slu met inaiiv ieaiple of impm tuliri in unit input ity i in honk is not at all slllffv foi its antlioi is voting anil gu as well lib diiiiiiiitlcullv l n il i if ill 1 1 lainlv hit i if has bin waiith thinking about 1 u iiiiiik fmm pi ison to diiuiiv kuw construction extension project assures more phones here soon for top rated fuel oils and service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at heme and save save3 motom aster cxoiisikp approved spark plugs v equal or better than original equipment cfrmaaty vopp now better than ever oct aatltr startlag taster tataway sawatksr mlac aaa greater gas aaaaaaiy at prioas taat sava ap ta 41 y8u butt oct hoik why pay moftel worth 90c avaawar yaar kiitm far viator attrueajl this wh ami 4a amstall warn laaiaoor alp p tft imtsiuuyi8 spark mass laayia asw an lataaak la lire tha uaaawnaa caatrallai spark l by taaaya supaeeei raul aal tafia pawar pataa mala laataserai m walk with attftaval ii paito aaa asast all tp ml ap lar yaw praucttaa by the la aaai aatsaaan whs aau year car hra yaar sir aew ft ap lea fa thates a moromsiter spark ttmm ta a yaar ab aetterat tim cmt each emlish cars m am m a km t fr haatlr hat ouf raj t of a e hum ria ee- rfc plif dtp ut with orvtry motomaster ignition parts ineer approved save up to 40 ctc testrun generator exchange nctwy ffvamhlt mm font i1m to hif q50 motomaster ignition coils aocihacottom ht obr km nalnn who dettaited your cor scraammac feaaamee of aaadl im taaniieiaann hictemt at all ems 1 to fit prose cm peod 14754 4zo caryller fared 14434 4zo tor aredectl ss49s4 os ohwn sss t ixes motomaster sits oajeucera aarrrtaiaa i ir ignition cable motomaster ignition tuwiur iclt4set better performance toy re plamirag all worn dtatrlbiltor parti klh hklwd rotor coaaonan ami aot off points to fit ma chomlot 19s952 1x0 ckavroatt 19s1s4 1t0 dodo i9s9s0 tss dadaa acyl i9sis4 t fordprod 14954 l0 prrmoahl 195550 ll plyioata 15154 ohm i a10 ta fit caavrom 12954 193554 13354 ford prooactl 194954 motomaster voltage rltsuua- tors a taarty vottaao roaalotoi aiay aaatty rain yaar aallai aa oaa- a luiut- ilf ionstrtiction und ixtiiialon ipiojihl mhltli will pui- vidi- moixiiiul bfltii ti luihoni ivie to xnidciits of alton und vicinity is nov in irogithi c js keith llill ttluphoih mimayii fo this iitflon aniioiiiuod this wtik tillphom lints ait biinij ex toiidthl in st mm al hi lions of tlu tu ii mi kt it ii sanl and as ooii as tho hkll tonsti in lion trtns c omplott thtii oi k tht yinipaitv will ht ablt to supply si i it t to all i esidents who havi iiiiusttst leli phoni s at tilt pit si nt hint tht ii mi iiloxnlialol iv fanulli- xtaitui fm ti leplmint siivm in atton iiml tin st oulfi will lt tli m til afli i li new fai ll hies hi into iiiiiulliii which is txipttttsl in tli nil ol dim tliibt i kivs miiinw lilh luo uilditlon il opt i atlntj positions an ht in instaui t it tin atton t xi hani su ill lihoaiil lo itliim i ont illon tlni inti it alt iiiiiiik iv i oils ami ilso to piotiid slfeffll it 111 flllllllls ll st i v t 111 it lhan v i it it phont s in litis lies a lnt p i lion of tht t liii w ill in nsi il i i sit ml si i vii i i stfiiit il 11 nt vv hunts c lilt it jut htllit bull in tin clnli i si lioo ihi ittnaiiitlti uill hi in iilihh t lit n tin t xpi i tt tl mimlh in lh iiiinihei of h it plioiu s titil in tin atton i s iniie1 ii ists ii v i i lllblilt lilt tolllmiii lo plolhli st i it i soint linn in t i ii to it ht i nts of ih nt t akt v ii m lioiisin dr t lopint nl ontsitlt u in k on mil r ar fjj pi ojcct ill beyin in february tom wlwin the const uitt ion crewh will stint erectlftk the necesajuy tele- phont poles and slilllglnn ileilil cahlch and wiles to that dlstiut with the installation of them two iiiu opeiatini positions it u ill bt miosiblt to havt as many as flvt uptiuturti on duty at a hint dutinc tlie bush si hums tin op- el atols ait stunt unit s uniiblt to nnjwer pjnmptlv brrnuse nonrly nil availabli swtttliboai tl facklltles ait in usi but tm t xfjiei t that tht ex it nsion to tht swltrhhikatd will tl unmat this pi ohlem anil thai ilvicl will hi fumtei on liwvil and llitiiiu i i nils mi id llh lonu tl lidded this is hit- itoiid- extension to tin ti h phoni faeilitlts in alton sun t till t xt hanii was tul ovt lo i oiiuhoii battt i v opttalloii in apill hm1i a thliil switt hhouisl postal hi vt is ikiii il 1 it apul ufvj hut tin stt jidil uiiieasitic oluuit ol tails linnillt tl ilititv b tht optiatois siiki tlhnl hun has in hit ilits fm lit i t v it ns ion net i ssai tin n an mm tut i ii iii it it i ill no s st i nil l tin i k nl is tliilil1 is toiiiplillit with nhoiil hill in lm mil i 111 in 1mi on an i i ili ili alton itshliiik now plai sonn i 110 loi nl i alls anil loi illsl on i ealls toinpiiitd tti i 7s lo i al mil i i nt illslant t ills in mrl i hits pt i lod lit iiiiinlii i ol opt t ah t s his in 1 1 asi 1 1 ft out mini 111 j in i i 12 ill ii unit im t i moh asks delay jn permits where sewage is not complete heardinore nn 7 it wan shut out nhjlvl in the ueuritmoif uppui ixiathei cm y und hulling room setting dtiwii beanihoust chi nine und immh old ctilhole in thai oidei in the lilgh tilpli lit ui ktil it was 1 den uib 7l und m liiimou 708 inijiji htaiidinm cupiy il hull ing ilutun 10 uppci lxullu 1 27 htsiint 17 kiainliousi 11 ulilt 4 iflon ladles tnn t half wits liwlr liwrbf spot vv ith ii ij win fioin hi tist uhili h ult is llin wlls doodlt lilies iiikisl on tht 1 isl plat i in fll 1 fm all kiiiii ilitlin hi itltlt sinllt s win k limns 211 is i in k jlm an i koiitih jlh i iitjiti sliiihlini mult wll- ill nun wus jh noniii iiiiks i it flits hi s lrdirrrti 1 1 a nt v 7 rhini- s o ill siti u in i vm n ii is anil id i s tcain i 11 li mipi tht boat is r i i in i i- it ti ii plli mt iii lillii w in i teil ii tssl ills mlnilin lln 1 lit i bv tw pins hist mlllts win i m ill s l lit j jji i el t ml i itin slaiiillnc ii i mt ills 211 vimca i lldlis allxlllury nh ii sit ill i til v iii i wll t did i ii ii m llh iisii li lp an i s t i ill i- it in s r i lit it ms i lt i it i u t i s a 1 1 c i ii with i i fit i i iii lh hi ii s v i a s il in si in lint- tfl in i ntjl i i 1 i s iii w m c prepares boxes for missions tht woilh ii mishkhi mill of k 1 11 in nil m a st iiitilv mm t t tht hoim of mii ai 1mm lt 1 niw ml 1 ini lh ir 111 uiiiih 111 mil a f 4 1 1 in 1 hin pr i iii t t 11 ju 1 d in fn 1 nit t iiij- nt hi imimih i 11 i i tlu tin lii i h 1 111 s sill i l m 1 i h 1111 i wl i mill i ii i iii i 1 c nl l ni ml 4 1 m u 1 mi 1 11 111 1 1 i x f h in 1 rin 1 fill- i willi ffmml intlilllj 1 i 1 i i ihun hi s ifi t iwl f iiiiiu in lltlisuil iii nillllllm lltili 1 i ti i inns mi i 1 1 1 if i hi wt in is h t v is i ii lil i 1 1111 si i 1 1 ii ii t vv id hid f iinil 11 1 inls i i n i ip at lln mi liimui ol tin mi tin 1 u h iih i tl t i lh 1 il mill va il 1 f hni- ol ill rk tion ti i 1 1 i u ii llitlti li an hit 1 mull mom r 1 i ii til hi miilv ii s m il u 11 lilit- l m 1 l i 1y iiv 1 mis hlllllllllj m 1 mils 111 111 is a ik 11 hi nnini e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 1 30 6 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 iplil ww i tfi h it lit lilt i oiiiii lid i ow n t oiti il it 11 1 fm r 11 1 111 1 r 1 i hi 1111 in il aih is it lln i ii 11iii1 unit t spoil illt i 1 i t 111 1 s w ili i ti s k nils iltritt ilh i is il his 11 i 1 11 1 lllll ill iii ii ii ii i sit i llll fl i i 1 i t lit 1 v i 01 iii i i i i ik i ii iii 1 iii w iii 1 ii iii i i o llll lit i v 1st 1 lh11 i 1 1 h t i mi 1 i i i 1 ii i t 11 lit 111 wl tl tt v ll l illlllll n hll i i s lit si i ill i i ll ii i i lh i loll ii ll ll ll v how ml i ii i r mil hit ll tin nl 111 ot nl itiiilv till ii 1 i 1 11 1 t 1 i 1 1 tllil in i pi oilllf i h 11 1 in i piihli in ii tliil 01 1 tit 1 1 il 11 11 is 1 3 in plai it 1 niu 1 1 i in 1 1 lh 1 it 111 1 t 1 il l 1 11 i ll si 11 si lll 111 1 11111 r 11 i i lilt t it iis 1 1111 ili 1 ils 11 iil i i iii iii 1 iii i ii 1 s ii pi 1 11 iii in up hit 1 1 lii 7 iillil would plohilili 1 11 1 lit t oiivt mi in 1 tan 1 fm on 1 ii f it t ship foi tin liuililt 1 ami 0 in is 1 o pi i i lit ii ll iii m i 1111 il hull t nut lutlt tl i would sin kt si il would lii nil is i i to with lliij pi milts foi hi11 t in it 1 w 111 i i lilt 111 ii ii if ip ll st w t i lf v liin is not t mpli it rl 1 1 tan t h iih 11 ht 1 1 ht i 111 1 tmr bv liw plohihll- st w i 1 un til t hiiiii w luuiiit i it st said c 1 john w dudon hllilduil ihui in in llimi u 1 deputy tttvi h rt d c atkinnnn n mindi tl n it it had ott until 111 himii it w sui vi vs in town in tht pasl can t di s top tin 1 xport t onrunod itus 111 nt wxp inl papt 1 whtil planks and boards wood pulp il uminuni ritikil ijmiiis ouk i th hi wheal copper fish flour of win it i ll i vi s i t ki s mi niu i i k il i 1 1 ii m s 1 11 i ll it p i si 111 1 ii 1 1 11 in ii ms ii muhiiii knll ii houm is 11 1 sh is i k 1 1 ii 1 h rtl iii is i ill i llll i p i s f i s t l ii fll i i i is i i lll loll i ll ll j ll i ll is l k ils i 1 ii m111i1 i 11 1 i r i i 1s i i trip si i 1 i i 111 ll s fl it i suili i iinli 1 m i i wnsl ii imii 11 jut 1 iioir 1 1 i i i si ml 1 i 1 hi cite encouragement of future teachers as important thing kncoui aging young iieople who lire interested in the teaching pro fession to become ipialtfiud teaobera was the most tmihiitunt thinjj ihat liaients could do to help civorxome uie rmoj telichei alioi tage tilu was the opinion of half the m forumi lopoillng on teuehei 01 slttei the fust ami foi um ducuaaion tctplt- foi the imssi season ailmoat as many fell it was tmpoitant that the patents co opeiate with the lea- cliei and half of these felt teach ing leapeft foi th ttai hei would make the young ptuple have a gieatet tiein to eiili 1 the pliiftas- 1011 asslstiiitt in th foi 111 of giants in loans to students who needed in ip 111 nidi 1 to ill 11 1 teat hei a idli kt 1 linn in foi si let able tl niton suggistioiis ut wheiti this 111 an v might 101111 lioni lang- 1 1 fioin lln loi tl s ho u i1011 t light iihoiiliii imovinilal and fitliial gu 1111111 nts but tin inujolltv of the r 1111ns fill ih i hould ht some omit t whih woilhs stiidtnts 1011ii tin 11 f 1 in ip in fiiiantlng thtn sliilus 1 hi 1 0111 ipiahfieil i 1 in 11 llni wti ihoul ivtnly till hit 1 on wlnlhtl the lliollt v ll 111 ll ii hi f mill of i si i io iii i shl 01 i in lly 1 ii hi 11 loin lo htt npiid il i w iiili ust 1 tl s whin tin slu i ill tin 11 1 11 hihh 1 o ih ii si 1 mii iiit hon the i i iiiiis i imisi ll it 1 ws iii wllllll i 11 1 li nips sin il 0 w milt it s in flltul ml fai 111 foi urns 1 oiild lii ip m 11 11111 ll ii i hoi shoilagt hit opu ions win viii i though vi 11 um i f ih 1 11 mis felt tin lltnl lliipoltllt iillil thing lln v nl i do w is b m iki tin ii 1 in 1 itl in in ih 1 oimniiii ih i this oth is 1 11 i a sihiliiv ol 1 usiiift run is t 1 a s h i 1 ship m 1 1 in pi oi tm cnib officers all reelected 1 ml 0 si in i 111 k mil i 1- i l 1 i 1 im i 1 t w ii i m it 111 1 ii i n i 1 at ian mixed ii 1 iii ii s in i ll i i i mi iii hilii it ii 1 si iii ii i ii i i it k i lot l ii it ill i i 1 1 1 1 l mi 11 i 1 s i 1 i inn 1 11 11 1 iii 1 1 11 1 11 ut 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 l ii i i i- i i 1 hull s i 1 1 11 i s 1 il ii 1 i 11 i 11 i 1 1 i i ti i 1 1 j 1 i il i i- ii ink 1 1 career meihn khaki the iiifontrymiiii k il i 1 llaxtrr lih aim i 1 ill 1 lh 1 it 1 i lb in i ii it i 1 i i i 1 1 t i i il 1 1 tv i ll m1li l is iii ii i 11 i i i iii ii ii ll i i il ii il ml i 1 lll i i ill i indll l i il 1 alhlilll it ml ns it 1 i ii il 11 u i il 1 iip ac ion jjidlrs niv i no n ii 1 n iiii u ml nil liol ii in ml sit hi p ils ilowr ahi 111 v point jiuitlull tllllllllltl lilt illl illtllhllls lo ull tumfif 1 i 1 rotirrl 1 tieky strikt s tlliilli ild th v v uir 1 but fll tsl t it in uii odd 1111 t fot lotiis win rt lln y mi i up with u t si npy sptlis rp siiil s win v mo toll ml i hili iai ii ott 1 in 111 217 s h111 1 hi 2iui vi 1opt 2im i millowi 711 i m irsluill 214 i fulfill suiikiiiil jun rbuu fi i iiekj sltikis t slojiy spins 2i ouoiitti rs 2i im tumbli r 17 hep all ii arton major niv iii fin rru 11 win hirtli r tlun iht i1l1 in thi wn iwill slovi nd clipped thi tigir cits fur tun i mils ticils aim lutky on tin miiglitorh point for toutls tin mirgin bi me five pins mm loi s hot k40 mfl7i peifid thi d rnininit jlott i win ovi r c innbiru for 1 tvvo arul vl 1 i itdul vigi biirwls munihlil our uu ioj1 cm ill- irid hid li hi sitisnd wrth th- snuil d of t r v fnr i h ii il in 111 ii f 11 n li um mill 1 n 11 i i h i ii it 1 f lh i 1 i i 1- i ii mi i v aik isoi y 11 li hi n 1i1011 il lllinil in id tin 11 hi of hi i it mips mi 111 nl i 1 iiiuu v t x i 0 i uii iii midi 1 wit f i i ii i iiii ap ils iiii mi 111 1 milton ami lln 11 in 1i11 iiih il ll mp in t 1 11 i in is in tit in inti n 11 1 1 of lh 11 1 i i 1 ii lilinl i i y il ill 1 1- 1 11 a nii 11 111 1 fm 1 111 iii t ji 1 i th su ii s ij p a it 1 iiiili mi i il i 1 wll li hi mill 1 1 1 i k v ill tti m ml 1 is it r hows 11 1 iinn 11 1 s vi 11 1 1 m i i v 11 1 14 71 at ion i i 17 tl hi wtlllims 71711 tin ikvlll mi 111 i i kiotip ill 11 ik ii 11 1 mil tl illoii tin 1 i s t in 1 si i r und 11 p 1 l 1 wliuli is ii in 111111 a w sunli m il sitltluy 111 in lopoit th uikt tl tli uu mtii rs of lln halt hi lolliity lxul for ilia 11 rontirnrtd interest in work for the liliiid he alv t oiuitii nti d on tht vai ions umfeilgus give strnit da- takls on tht botliis aifingeti at the millori jnil tt iigt twu rail fairs for thi sah of mlindtiift artu la s and tin 1i1nu1l punii hi ll at the noirii of mr ind mi in nville hi vis in firiiiipton willi mr stmly pimiding the 1 xetsitivi utivi and honoriuy nunibi 1 1 of tin board aire w- ehiti d foi uiiotl 1 1 tt rrn hen squawks at new nest vintouvir cli tlia riimjiucnt alurk of thi ha n as she perform ha r barnyard function turning into 1 squawk of outraga by rourtasy of tin hritish f oluriibia ha si irch coun- il thi fount ils division of ipplkd luoloe is workirig tan a davica j hit h sntlf hi iv y thi a gg the heres a job for the active man who uses his head likes the feel of action and working in the open air todays infantry soldier recognized as the most important man in the army has the best in train- ing weapons and care his chance for specialized training and promotion are almost unlimited infantry and the other special branches of the army offer hundreds of goodpaying hletime careers to see where you fit visit your nearest recruiting office no obligation oi course remember in the army you team up with men and leaders you can rely on right down the line serve canada and yourself in the army ta aavraiy roaalraa men oi ratable cbaractav and stability abia to pan special anhy taata to be eligible you must be 17 to 40 ytrars of ooe skilled tradesmen fo 5 whan applying bring birth cerfeficafe or other proof of age i no urwrtonotl depot wallu hour ridtao o clurtottc su otlsaaa ont tflepkonai 4v4m7 har mfruituij station larrttllifirton st knflton out tt irphooai 473 array rccrajtlnf station 90 richmond st w toronto ont taltpomm ol 6m31 utcal z7s no 7 pertoainel depot woluley banacki orford a eliiatxtt su lorioon ont telrpttotk 41s01 local 135 knar rkniiting sution 230 mam st w north bay ont tcltsmoe 456 avniy ricruitini station 1s4 kini st east hamilton oat telephone 2708 oesw o 1 sax detoliam lao excmaa aaow tv akow every other fr atear ttiplas liasialf mortons ail b tyla r 744 i mi intyi 1 k hulfurd 701 insidint miki cox suriwisiai thi lilint including i m si if whan hi bisiiid out j iktha oru s in psthology but merely s1 to dilivir thai a gg met and frayjh to 11 on 1 111 r titt nsi o coma rri i ti h r h indi t ork officially knon as the rollaway rant it ib not damgrud to breajd nt urotia foal nor to pravt any icjklia st11 ding tiger cat- fl combine 23 dorri hotel hi vjrfj tkirwis 25 finmi n 22 carrol s 11 industrial commercial nov 0 mttro plstks coninucd thi ir w ir rung a vs ind mtdi il two add tfjtals fr am ftid dalts de spite oos sharp tacktics inv suoti hook fa citagf li for thi wiirki hamoli r made it iao did totals from a p crrian to and aj thi tiening mauling lha mpiis for triples wara d h xton 6s6 1j juan deforest 685 g barocai 640 hud deforc t 639 lfikui standing micraj plastics 33 goy cartage 24 inksjots 24 ridsdalais 22 a p grearn 22 ramblers 22 aglenleafae nov 11 with tne g enlcaguers bs tonk the cs for to garres and tota5 the a team picked up seen points on a bye the boys from th subdiision are going to do a re shuffle and branch out into four teams 90 a hiiddle will be forth coming to settle point and letgue standings b laceby was top man on the totem pole with a 843 tri- coant the rest of the ooys haven become acclimatized yet teenagers nos 12 robins wtih a double motor oei orioles increased their league lead- hot shots with a one and totals win from eagles made a small gam bulls eyes by virtue oi a tie game averted a shutout from tumbling teens h mckay with a 432 dotible was top scorer best single were h satckay 260 c wiuiamon214 d rice 245 bn rfist tjhli it hjs btti found that a ggs are spa lid b bjaterul iiifa etican if they jra soilial in the na ht arid the num- taa r of bud a gg gaaii up if the farm- r xr vi a h a rr in buctcrii thi risaarchars explain are aarrid through tha porous shell bv moiitura arid then attack the protective mimbrane inside tha ani vi r n to get the hen off that a gg as saon as possible or iwnrvh gat tha agg from under lha hi n also with alacrtv the council has di sigiled a simple nct of wiri rr sh and a series of baffles now the hen lays the egg ges up to nstat otj l pr imptly rolls away out otfier reach i mupf m at fakshmtfftiahtlt b gerva s 213 g hif ard 228 laeagxie tandng rtjbiris 28 hot shots 21 bulls eyes 20 tumbling teens 20 eagln 17 orioles 13 daaesa uiaa data inter counjy team came home from streetsville witn the big end of a 52 go next saturda tre gsmg go to oakville s wertside picking up the awards last weeac a ere n morton the gord m with a 840 triple had deforest a on tttar carroll t voucher w it- his 315 single beryl creignton ith her flol triple and 321 jirgar on late topo cleaners and ledgers ixja a wards respex3ver the reinharti 7up and cocacola hidden score arwads went to teenagers b brown hr spires c goodwin and d price thats it and adios am- igos

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