Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1955, p. 1

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1 rr i to l fts eightyfirst yearno 20 acton ontario thursday november 24th 1955 ten pages six ents -as- hs board faces need for room in georgetown meonbers of north- halton high sc366r district hoard gave serious consideration monday night to the problem of getting more classroom space at georgetown before next fall r the georgetown members were asked to make a survey of possible sites tor the school and report to the next meeting it was learned that used portable classrooms were not available other alternatives to meet the crowded- conditions were also discussed the board is fully aware of the conditions in georgetown school end that prompt steps must be tak en mr goodlet the new member from georgetown to fill the vac ancy caused by the retirement of dr milne was introduced to the meeting accounts for the month amounted to 1777164 and were passed for payment ia copy of a letter sent to the contractor by the architects ex pressed dissatisfaction with the workmanship at the acton and georgetown schools matters which demanded correction were drawn to tiie attention tff the contractor it was decided that progress re port on the new addition at milttfn school would be honored but the suspension of payments at acton rernains uritil defects are corrected present at the meeting wore messrs cook carbcrt hood hall forgrave mnotenman brown and erson and goodlet and chairman w j coon presided the meeting was held in acton the final meeting of the year will be held december 19 in aoton rev albaugh baptist speaker at anniversary rev g p albaugh professor of church history at mcmaster uni versity was the guest speaker at the 114th aniversary services of acton bnptlst church on sunday he spoke both the morning nnd even ing pastor ray costeru who is study- injrirt mcmaster introduced mr al- baukh to the congregation here good congregations attended both services with friends from other churches in acton and from hills- burgh belfountain cheltenham other outoftown points attending in the evening soloist fot ths day wi stratton predivinity student at mc- master and a brother of the wayne stratton of the public school staff here miss evelyn goodwin train ed o special choir which sang both morning and evening charles landsborough presided at the organ and his daughter miss helen lands- borough played the piano in the evening stall photo honor graduation diplomas were awarded to five acton high school graduates at the annual commencement exercises in thq publ schoolauditorium friday night left to right are fra hef- fernan janice baker nancy lambert david aacvy absent when the photo was taken was barbara baxter miss baker was the class valedictorian diplomas scholarships and prizes awarded at hs commencement feud over lakeview entry course still on after year settlement of councils nnd tom brankiewiczs year-long- bout t ih r n nmv mini tit tnltn from mnin rt piist i rrnnkie- wicz property nnd into lakeview subdivision still shies from realization this week despite members working over yet another offer and accepting aid from the newlyformed acton- ratepayers association toward com- repletion of an agreement council was told monday night i omorrow nicjllt that mr brankiewicz had given the tomorrow friday night is progress speed calls for balance rotary club told opp staff inspector speaks on bombing a meeting of the auxiliary pol ice and civil defence organizers was hed in milton on friday night of last week with senior staitf in spector crisci of the ontario pro vincial police as guest speaker mr crisci showed pictures and slides showing the results of hyd rogen and atomic bomb blasts and also pictures taken at the bombing of hiroshima it was pointed out thal the class es will begin at the first of the new year fred johnson dean johnson and she legion hall hive cards for anyone interested in sign ing on for this peacetime work fred johnson points out that the volunteers will be called for in the case of any natural disaster such us hurricanes classes will probably be held in the town hall or the armories in milton diplornns scholarships and prizes girls ertampion was donna mcmil- 1 were presented to high school stud- ian hoys wayne arbic in termed i ents at their innuil commence- iato girls beth ritchie hoys frank ment exercises on friday evening i cooper junior girls ruth iand- janice baker now a student at the j borough boys bob coxe university of toronto spoke for her classmates jicihen she delivered an excellent valedictory address the program was held in the publie school auditorium followed by a dance honor secondary school graduat ion diplomas were preented to jan ice baiter banbara baxter nancy lambert francis hef fernan and david mcvey principal e a han sen made the presentations secondary school graduation diplomas were awarded to russell arbic wayne artoic joseph jany and peter scholz mr hansen again naie ihe presentation mr hansen welcomed the crowd of interested parents relatives ami friends at the beginning of tihe j program representing the lake- eide chapter iode mrs h h hattoii and mrs w d e smith presented the never late never absent certificates to emerson baxter frank cooper bruce el liott marie lambert boh lands- borough arjd beverley smith best all round students j c mayor e g tyler rhade the -pres- rngeftanqorcntatrotrof his charnrship t to the the november meeting of the i student who has made the greatest ospringe home and school associa- i contribution to the welfare of the tion was held at the school wednes- school to wayne arbic day evening november 16 with on behalf of the stailf miss a mrs bert robertson in the chair i taylor presented prizes to the best grades nine travelogue is heard mrs m valenote and mr drii- her presented the awards for field day on september 19vv when the winners were senior girls frances oakes boys bill skillinn intermediate girls wendy mckcn- zie toys frank cooper junior girls ruth lndsboriuh buys ecb coxe interschool field day charhpions wthenerin georgetown milton and acton schools competed inciided bill skiuing frank cooper and ruth landsborough of acton the valedictorian medal was presented to janice baker by the president of the students council wiync currie music numbers were contributed to the program by sheila paul who played her violin and danna mc millan ajid frank bean who sang a duet intermediate certificates were presented by c piellusch to ross armstrong emerson baxter sylvia blatherwick raymond braidn john brown margaret dennis margaret early robert funk brian gervais patricia given helena hilts peter hurst marie kerr helen landsborough peter lee wendy thackenzie marianne mc- at a meeting described by club president harold kinread as a standout in the 195556 season ac ton rotarians heard a former juv enile and faimily court judge exhort them as a group and individuals to balance service in human relat ions against the stunning speed of scientific iprogress judge hawley mott who with dther members of the toronto rot- ary club providel tuesday night program said rotary is a means of putting cogs into tile needs of the community i no club he said is stronger tlvin its weakest member he went on to illustrate drawing frequently from hi- 33 years experience on tlhe bench how the strength that rot- i ary can supply is needed in manto man and fathcrtnson relationships as they weigh on social and etihio il conditions to share to practice empathy the ability to put yourself in th- other fellows place and to have faith are cardinal ingredients in making the world about us a bet ter place for everybody he ties ed the speaker was introduced by f 1 wright and thanked by ted hansen prior to his address the group was entertained by several sohts from frank oldfiold also a member of the toronto rotary club nomination night night in acton from 730 to 830 in the town hall names may be put forth to fill the civic posts of mayor reeve deputyreeve six council seats three public school trustee ships and two public utilities commission seals following the closing time for nominations those in public of fice through the year will pres ent their annual reports to the taxpayers this newspaper urges every citizen who can possibly do so to attend their night acton youths unhurt in crash three young men from acton were uninjured- late sunday night lhcn the car they were riding was involved in an accident just eosl of guelph damage to the car was estimated at about 600 investigating provincial jhi ie from the guelph detachment gave no roason for the cause of the mis- ihap owner and driver of the car wis herb dodds his passengers were john creasey and bob coon all are from acton clerk another written proposal to satisfy his objections over the cltlien s rmked course of the proposed roadway when it was noted the commission deals with extension and inspection at short session at a short ruline session of the public utilities commlsion hare last week members dealt with a brief agenda which ranged from hydro shed extension to disposal plant inspection it was reported footings are poured for the garage addition which will go on to the hydro shed it was also noted that the recently- purchased posthole digger from the bell telephone co has arrived as has a carload uf line poles ordered at the last meeting r sg bennett given all major trophies all the major trophies in short- horn classes including premier breeder and exhibitor went to s g bennett at hte royal winter structive evening david gray of rockwood gave an illustrated travelogue showing pictures taken at the coronation and also of a trip through england and scotland and several countries on the continent mrs royce assisted at the piano for the singing of o canada and the national anthem in the absence of the secretary mrs ross mcewan read the minutes rev e a hayward thanked the speaker for the enjoyable and in- fair the reserve grand champion female was seotsdalc butterfly fullette owned by mr bennett rlr bennett whose farm is near baulinafad is a former president of the winter fair mrs ross mcewan and the com mittee served a dainty lunch many youngsters are ill with contagious diseases measles and chicken pox are prevalent tekjifevsirsa maim p23 ivw acton chamber sponsors local appreciation day allrouad students in and 10 betty allonby and helen landsborough won these prize on the basis of character good sports manship extracurricular activit ies and cooperation the canadian legion scholarship for general proficiency was pres ented to janice baker by gordon beatty legion branch president special prizes presented to the secretary j mcgeachie reported eachem elizabeth mcenery allan for applications for the lineman mcintosh jean manes william vacancy with the hydro department oost ronald sinclair beverley here were reviewed at a special smith and barry stewart j meeting at tuesday nights meet- parents first two passengers as martin marks gets license one of the youngest pilots in himself he began his lessons a yejr canada martin marks received his last october private pilots license last friday he has written examinations and jirllajid boy in middle and upper aitjer hours of training soloing and passed medical tests and on friday miss rowe ends talks to c g i t appreciation day sponsored by the chamber of commerce and psubscritiist to by m d i school having the bet ailround record as judged by both students and staff was presented by mrs w d e smith to elizabeth jany and wayne arbic these rings are given annually by the lakeside chapter iode w j coon chairman of the north halton high school district board pres the pr scholarships of slsand 10 to the following grade nine jackie kri mary jane force grade 10 allan mcintosh wendy mckcnzie grade 11 elizabeth jany joy peal achievement scholarships the duke orf devonshire chapter iode scholarship to the student who attains the hi standin studyins he is now qualified- to fly anywhere in the daytime and to take up passengers he and his parents mr and mrs ernie marks went down to the brampton flying club on sunday his first passenger his father his second his mother they took turns in the sjnall twoseater er- onca plane piloted by their son it his license authorized by the de partment of transport came through the mail he has been flying by himself for about a year now included in ing one more application was read all applications to fill the pit recently resigned by k mclhnil are to be further considered to move transformers the commission noted a circular indicating price reductions in wat er heaters produced by the jjjiii wood company hydro superintendent d mason proposal was unsigned several councillors doubted that this most recent attitude from mr brankie- wicz would achieve any more re sults than previous offers council has authority to take ex propriation action to settle uie land feud but has so far held off in hope of outofcourt agreement deputji- reevc e footitt observed the on- aain offagain lugotiatams with mr brankiewicz had their first an niversary this month and another proposal after several councillors said they had been personally visited by mr iliankiewiez with his current offer acton ratepayers association pre sident walter cook rose to say that he too had seen mr hrankiewicz subsequently mr cook began the association had undertaken to draw up another proposal with mr iliankiewiez this one had been signed council read this paper noting that it contained mr rrankiewiczs main objection about the bent road course which he wished to have straightened if the roadway is to have a straight path shirting of a house to another lot is involved mayor ty ler asked mr cook if his committee had consulted uie tiw parties who would be involved in this phase of any new road course mr cook said he had not work all wasted the mayor also asked mr cook if he realized council and planning hoard had- spent many meetings preparing a plan for registration working out agreement witih the sltbdivider and submitting and waiting for this plan to pass through the slow processes of fiovcrnment departments all this work mayor tyler pointed out would be wasted if the road course were changed mr cook said he appreciated this but believed mr brankiewicz wu entitled to consideration in any agreement finally made he asked council to defeat the bylaw which asked for and received permission would legally set the course to take his remaining holidays thi week he revealed that in vtew o planned extension to the micro plastics ltd plant here the comp any wishes the puc to move the bank of transformers on wallace st this is to toe done as soon as possible it was questioned if the perman ent pump to be installed at the warren grove auxiliary well his csa approval for electrical cer tification some points of dissatis faction were raised about the pump the hydro superintendent report ed complaints of low voltage from tv viewers in warren grove ik- indicated plans to chunge the transformer serving this area may improve the voltage study plant report waterworks superintendent j lambert reported about eight to was the7irst flight for each of them i the experience was thrill ing as they looked out to spot familiar landmarks mrs marks after the odd sensations of the plane taking off felt that the plane wasnt even moving in the air martin called back to her they training were distance trips by wter mctprs b lnsu himself in which he would fly to t gienlca h also said the body some designated airpoytsay g-h- repairs thc walerworks dcpart awaland have his log signed and mcnt truck recently acquired from yy wthehydrodepartment follow landmarks and rat road tracks for assistance in direction naturally he wants to become leted a report filed by an inspector for the company which installed pilots tca pilot he begins acton disposa plar equipment studying now for his commercial was read thc ma pilots license this includes radio ance and service condl and instrument flying he needs 115 flying hours for this next some bring in a new bylaw to make for i more amicable situation ayor tyler replied that council knew other agreements had been signed by mr brankiewicz only to he broken later by a change of mind cumicil had no guarantee the same thing wouldnt happen to thc agreement the ratepayers as sociation put forth my cook was also told that tom brankiewicz had accompanied the surveyor when the original road course was laid out those stakes the mayor said were later pulled out by tom brankiewicz talk off the track mere the discussion veered tem porarily at mention of the sub- divider involved mr cook wished some clarification about why tax payers here have to pay for services installed in subdividers develop ments mayor tyler quickly answered that the town had to encourage sub division activity here in order to create a greater residential pool to wtjich potential industry could be interested furthermore the mayor continued it actually costs house- holders more in the end if a sub- divider initially pays for services than ir the town installs the ser vices and relays the cost to the same householders in taxes he em phasized the subdividers make a businessmen will shortly become a weekly highlight erf actons com mercial life the cgxt of knox church met jco 55 wo even saturday at the home f their leader mrs douglas davidson on monday ev ening november 21 betty lemmi read he scripture and mrs david son led in prayer the business part of the meet ing was opened with the purpose it was decided to have a christ mas party and to exchange gifts jtot ho g the la m hxsr- series of talks she gave several from those which have jjeen col- hunts on home nursing and toarby lected and deposited in all parfic- sitttng with walk ins on demonstrations ann frwhlf if the pviiy presented miss rowe with a gift in appreciation of her interestms talks the meeting closed mi taps v on upper school papers was pres ented by mrs j whitham to jan ice baker the 25 scholarship given by the lakeside chapter iiode to the will be appreciation day and studellt attaining highest standing in grade 12 was presented by mrs h h hnuor to joe jany miss c grindley a former com mercial teacher returned to acton to present the melboracis cummere- tl rholarshp to joe jany mrs charles kirkness presented amos maons scholarship for the studjajt rqakxog greatestprogress during the year to ron davidson awards won at the field day in may 1955 awarded by the school bo wr pre by mrs e- hourf d shoppers in acton will have chance to be tangibly rewarded for their local patronage beginning december 10 and ev ery saturday following a ca award will go to some lucky per son who must be present at s pm at the post office corner a coupon hearing their name lillbe jtrawn ance and service recommendations similar to those i percentage of profit on every dollar j j u n in an inspection report filed spend on a development if were moving all right 80 mies an goal he needed 30 for his pnv- fjg 3zo were made mem- h tion increased their teputialiee and has ab dacussct report b r sai so wou no m at the close of the meeting sone h ulmato pa rt martin is a student in grade h was expressed that the subdividers didnt put one at iretto academy in guelph he sysu aulh years ago to be installed martin hitch hiked to malton to attend ground school and to bram pton tor lessons at the recently tormed brampton flying club he works after school and summers has over 40 hours in thc air at 10 and saveshis money carefully f r an hour which he earned entirely j lessons several at vie we continued on page ftnir tpatmg businesses couponsarc giv- en to c everv timi- a fcn is7 prospects good for junior ds about 20 rer enthusiastic players chase is made coupons are free the amount f the anvard will be determined by the percentage punched on the coupon each week the vaue of the percentage punched on the coupon grows as the businessmen increase the amount of the treasure chest from which the awards are made each week since the coupons are not de trojed but remain for each suc- c red and o driblr senior jsfiasr canvass raises over 65000 the latest report on the acton united church canvass shjws a sum in exress of 65000 already pledged expectations are that the final amount will be much higher this wee the canvtiss-comrnit- tec is concluding the very success ful campaign stressing the need of thc giver to give and equality of 1 sacrifice the canvass ias strengthened immeasurably the i work at the church in acton and ready becun their schedule in towns ed on this venture by acton roer- has provided a source of inspiration with artificial ice chants i to all y turned put for the first practice of ceeding draw they increase in val- th new junior d hockey team last ue each week week end those interested will be a dividend award will be offer- playing again nexjt weekend and ed if the person can name the prospects for a entry are merchant of the wek this mer- exceucnt chani will have displayed a -mer- so far the teamtobe has received j chant of the week card in his win- no definite word on its grouping daw others in the same class have al- j further details will be announc- it i m atjiti tnp secondary graduation olkomas were awarded to the above students at friday nighty com mencement left to right peter scholz russell aroc betty may lambert wayne arbic joe jany over on us mayor tyler said knew what we were doing still off the track mention was made of the proposed civic centre plenty of discussion councillor a irwin jumped in to j correct mr cook on hu contention at a recent ratepayers meeting that there was no council discussion on the civic- centre there had been plenty of discussion at previous meetings which mr cook did not happen to attend councillor irwin- said are w g happened at the ratepayers meet ing or are we going to talk about tom brankiewiczs case deputy reeve footitt asked steering the proceedings back on course after more talk on thc complexi ties of this problem council finally agreed to appripach the other parties concerned with mr branuewlcss latest proposal and try again for an acceptable settlement included hi these efforts will be members of the ratepayers association finally turning to other matters council learned from reeve j har- grave of county councils rejection of the cbnsjultatiye committee on ths north halton high school district board council tent satisfied atten tion to this report four routine appointments joe wfcitham and william mattocks to the planning board and w coon continued on page four k-

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