Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1956, p. 6

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i jnpkilii the acton free press acton ontario thursday january lotli 1096 reports and articles from hahons farmlands and farm organizations wm featherstone heads hal je breeders marketing of jersey milk was- the theme of the 17th annual meeting of the halton jersey club held in conjunction with a dinner meeting in the stcwarttown hall on tuesday of last week mac alexander pres ident of the club presided over what many considered to be one of the best annual meetings held by the halton club in some years j w pawley of brampton who was introduced by john holtby president of the peel county club delivered an interesting and encour aging address on the results of the special program sponsored by ont ario jersey breeders in expanding the market for jersey milk starting with one of the smaller dairies in london the sales of jer sey milk bv this dairy in thi lon don mirlcnt jumped from 25000 quarts foi september l to i foi th same month in ids as a result oy the public demand foi a low fat milk emphis is is being placed on a two pel cent all jerse milk which sells lit two cents pei quai t below th pi in of regulai milk mintion was alsii made of mother dairy in tht brant ford nidikot which without anv as sistance from tht jersey milk mar keting cnmmttul were already selling 2000 quarts per day hear other speakers february will see a toronto dairy marketing 200 can of this special two pei cent b f jersey milk or the streets of toronto as a result of the activities of the special jer- seytwilk marketing committee sev- and the demand for jersey milk had also improved others who spoke briefly at this meeting included col bnrtley bull of brampton james brcmncr sec retary of the canadian jersey cnt- tlc club and m c beaty first vice- president of the canadian jersey middleman gets 60 cents p 1 farmers told canadian farmers are back in the same position they were in during the j935to 1930period from the standpoint of the percentage they are receiving of the consumers dol- cauirclub who wirerecipier stated h- of the special awards won at the wll head of the dopt of econom- special halton parish show last september the presentations were made by a b corless manager of the mil ton branch of the bank of mont real harold smellie manager of the halton coop supplies and geo swann of the milton milling co a report of this outstanding meeting would not be complete without some mention of the sumptuous dinner served bv the indies of the ashgrove w a the apprt culion of the gathering was extended to the ladies bv jack fi ithorstone hatton th ontario jersev otrectsr eral of those present reported that sajes of jersey cattle had pepped up on club executive following the business session a film depleting scenic highlights of the british isles was screened and ait rennett assooiau agi itiiltui it hepiesentative foi haltoh and pi el tounties presi nted a bi u f but interesting report on 4h jersey calf club in halton in ww the election of officers for llifi rsetilted as follows presidt nt wm featherstone oakvillc first vice- president stanley matthews acton second vicepresident geo hewer moffat secretary treasurei j e wlutelock milton directors mac alexandei m c beaty w h devlin ernest davies ken ella g r graham duncan moffat and fred moore black white breeders elect r alexander prexy c d graham ontarios papular deputyminister of agriculture was the guest speaker at the 30th annual meeting of the halton holstem club held at palermo community hall on wednesday of last week mr graham who was introduced by j e whitelock presented a clear cut picture of ontario and canadian agriculture the- carry ovei of wheat stnt d mr c d graham was 917 million bushels- the second largest in the history of canada thi wheat sit nation effects ontario agriculture in two ways oui elevators art fill ed with wheat and consequently stated mi graham there is not half the usual amount of feed gram in place furthermore western close behind is that great old cow i of j c bell and son sylvia har- tog sadie whose lifetime product ion in 10 lactations is 171 574 lbs milk and 5793 lbs b f sadie is liecently freshened with anothei i heifei calf and is awav on anotlu r record tin third silver seal cow is svlvia de pridi bred and owned 1 1 morle watson her lifetime production is 154 601 lbs of milk j export 18000 head i president geo pelletterio who was the abl clmrman of th dn as f p r c md secretary john w picket both alexandei georgetown first cs guelph professor campbell was the speaker at the seventh of the scr ies of meetings being sponsored on tuesday evenings in the milton public school by the halton soil and crop improvement associat ion 62 halton farmers were out to hear the discussion on marketing marketing schemes their advantag es and limitations professor campbell who is n rhodes scholai and hails from i farm in hastings county delighted his audience matb clear cut compri hensive knowledge of the subject of mai keting he pointed out that in tli pi i md im ot 1119 40c of th consumers dollai went to the farmer in 1945 thi farmei received ilc out of evhi v dollai sp nt b tht consumei for farm products in 1955 the farmer had had to content himsi if with 41c out of every dollai additional sei v ices demanded by the consumei were partially responsible for this drop in 1 evenue to the canadian farmi rs in an effort to improve this bai gaining position farmers have entered into the fit id of marketing in various ways these include 1 purchasing coops c2l marketing- coops compulsory a canadian wheat board b negotiating schemes c agencies during the evening prof camp bell also outlined comparative pic tures for canada and the us in connection with the latter country he pointed out that the u s gov ernment now owns farm products to the value of 7 2 billion dollars w r hume expressed the ap preciation of the gathering to pro fessor campbell on tuesday evening of tht cur rent week the group will enjoy the privilege of listening in on a panel discussion entitled health of the dairy herd dr maplesden ont ario veterinary college di j c rennii animal husbandry dept o a c m c beaty milton and e rovs segsworth builington wen scheduled to b panel members guernse breeders elect gordon king as president you can never get something for i record received under the cow test- notlung stated everett biggs dairy commissioner for ontnuo when addressing the halton and peel guernsey club annual at stcw arttown on thursday of last week mr biggs who was introduced by 1 w mnl lough agricultural ren- were recipients of man comments i of commendation foi then work of i the ear john powell who was in i troduced b pi esident pellettei to stattd that in ld ik 000 head of farmers are going into hogs and poultry and will finish more beef hi becn exported to i cattle than normal m lg j total of 14 different countries in refei ring to butter he reported while the uniud states wos tin that at the recent dominionirov chief buei columbia south am- incial conference all provinces had erica had purchased holstem- in urged the continuance of the pres 1955 to a value of one million dol- nt flooi of 58c as dairy farmers of i lars ontario and canada we should al mr powell stressed the import ways plan to have a surplus of but- nice of selective registiation ter in my opinion added mr gr ham our surplus is not too great the thanks of the gathering was abl extended to mr graham by e ross segsworth the halton dir ector on the holsteinfriesian as sociation board mr segsworth dur ing the meeting also reported that in the year just ended registrations of holstems were up and that the same was true of transfers and sales halton sales also op martyn heslop halton holstem club sales agent reported selling 213 head for a total of 47970 in cluded in his excellent report were both grade and pure bred cattle and quite a large number of heifers and calves a pleasing feature on the morn ing piogram was the presentation by john w powell secretary of trie ontario holstein extension com mittee of some 28 certificates for long time production records breeders receiving these certific ates were the following v j ar cher 1 j c bell arid son 1 h c cooper 1 dr paul beer 7 a g hunter 4 t h mcgee u g leslie peer and son 1 f o hunter u tovell bros u ww thompson ik h c reid uk j c read l ross segsworth 2 m t watson and son 3 three halton cows qualified for sliver seal certificates that is they have each produced over 150- 000 lbs of milk during their life time the top cow was woodyglen queen nig that excellent cow until recently owned by w w thompson of hornby old queen according to mr powell has pro duced 173j85 lbs of milk and 8578 and presented a most interesting il lustrated address in the subject in view of the fact that we are sell ing one out of every four we regis ter selective registration will con tinue to play an increasing import ant part in the improvement of our breed stated mrl powell a total of 17 000 head of holstoins were classified in canada in 1955 halton long recognized as one of the leading holstein counties in the province is lagging behind in this progressive work with only 14 pel cent of halton holstein breeders availing themselves of this service new officers elected g leslie peer who expressed the appreciation of the gathering to the popular johnny stated your ad dress has been on o th m uable we have received since the clubs inception in 1926 d s dunton national director from peel county also spoke brief ly stressmgthe importance of blood testing seven states below the line now want nothing but listed cattle mr dunton stated that in his opin ion the day is not far removed when we in this province will be on a test and slaughter program j for the eradication of brucellosis i adn suggested xhdt we get our v houses in order by concentrating on calthoockvaccination the election of officers ior 1956 lbs bet vice- piesidint g ltslu p i milton selond y icepresident w r royle oak villi s cretarv tuasuier john w picket dntctors kyle bingham t h mcgei j w carney 1 c marshall lloyd pickmd w r toy ill ralph ford fled bell block harris j h taylor geo pelletterio wm ma- hon and murray mahon all in all it was a bangup meeting and not n little of the cre dit goes to tht holstein ladies pi- the county who again catered ohe of their famous dinners kennedys bookstore i your headquarters for ofhcmupplies wallpaper paints books stationery 125 wyndham st guelph ont vv r reliable taxi hintons 5c1 store 9 main st s fast courteous service snack bar light lunches fish and chips delivered promptly to your order confectionery etc chaster and victor poycha proprietors call 4 30 resentativc for peel presented a dy namic message on the dairy indust ry in these days of old age pensions widowsallowaoces etc we are living in a socialistic world the policy of the ontario uepartmcnl of agriculture has been to give the necessary legislation to farmers to enable them to do the job for themselves our marketing schem es agencies etc means that when at least twothirds arc in favor the remainder must go along with them this means stated mr biggs you kiveupa little bit of freedom in order to get more security the dairyman despite all his problems is in a better position today than any other branch of agriculture clitstse milk figures rt ft renco was made bv the speakei to the cheese industry in the past ve have had to depencton thuoxpo1 maucetat ne timejk since the inst war we had a sur plus of is ri 16 million pounds of cheest anl it was necessavv to yvoi k out i two pi ice stiuctuie yy ith a thru oi font e nt diffinntial in oi d r to move that smplus in 1055 oui surplus stiti d lftr biggs yas low si to four million pounds and in pa it luc to the improved dollar position in great britain ches sold in great bi itain nt th sam pnc as in canada in referring to the fluid milk tradi mr biggs stated fluid milk absorbed 32 per cent of the total milk sold in ontario in 1955 an other interesting statement yvas that tis a tesnlt of formula pric ing only 106 was spent in arbit ration in 1955 j l chisholm ably expressed the thanks of the gathering to mr biggs for his most informative ad dress j r im brownndge of bramp ton president of th- club was the chairman of the davs program which opened with one of those dinners for which the ladies of the ashgrovi w i have gained an en viable reputation the thanks of the group were ably extended to j y mcnabb brnci bodgins secretary of the canadian ourrnsev association brought greetings and presented long time production certif icati s to the following lazy pat farms 5 1 m t mtnnbb and sons ifil howard kiiir iji geo h king 21 e f featherstone 3 wm g booth 131 thi top cow graerm holm sup- iom albcrti immd by wm g booth ha- in official long distance rtcoid of 111 m7pounds milk and 4im0 ponndi of fat in addition to this alberui has an unofficial ing policy of ovei 12000 pounds yvhich gives around 122000 pounds of milk in 10 lactations present several tropnies others who spoke briefly includ ed jim svart7 pi esident of the yorksimcoc club harold clapp manager ot fraserdale farms alan barron recently appointed field- man and secretary of ihe ontario guernsey club apd bob wade chairman of the milk committee for the ontario guernsey club in- ctdenta1lymr wade rcportedthat- in the first eight months of 1955 sales of guernsey milk in ontario had increased by 800000 quarts another pleasmg feature of the days program was the presentation of numerous trophies won at the milton and brampton fairs to wm g booth joyce bros j m brown- rtdge and j l- chisholm the election of officers resulted as follows president gordon king oakvillc vice president m s a1 ton burlington secretarytreasurer don joyce milton directors j l chisholm finlay joyce j y mcnabb win g booth e e featherstone frank gieenleei j m brawtnkjge tohn biownndge w a wi inht and c the royal star gray club presents the second annual ymca week hobby show friday january 7 700 pm 900 pm hentrylorrns available at the y mca or from gray members classes for adults and children prizes donated by local mer a gym demonstration wiu precede the hobby show judging demonstration starts at 715 pm sk ati ng georgetown arena every saturday afternoon and evenlnc adults 50c children 25e pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 2048 e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 1 306 00 evenings by appointmen for appointment telephone 115 for top rath fuel oils and service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at home and save from cellar to roof peak we have it a complete line of building materials what kind the best what price reasonable what gives the best ser vice possible try us you wont regret it 4b want ad page where old friends meet re le i nonot a communist but the fireengine red that goes with clanging bells screaming sirens and racing are trucks the kent fire brigade in england has gone against tradition and now uses vehicles of aluminum for three good reasons no more painting less gl- vc mran petrol anh better roadabilit and handling because of the lighterweight aluminum bodies wed guess theres a further premium that the kent fcftk enjoy pride in their lire brigade when it flashes by in its glcarmng new dress few materials can match alu mtnum tor its fresh and lasting good loots aluminum companvof canada ltd alcan pennies spent are dollars earned its an old adage of investment business you ave to spend money to make money how true today when competition is the heartbeat of commercial enterprise right from the manufacturing to the retail level consumer pro ducts especially then are subject to the sales factors of price and of quality these products move or sit still as their prices and qualities are known and are compared as a yardstick for the buying public no method can match advertising and no medium can match newspaper advertising in acton your best medium 1 the htee pressv read by over 4000 buyers in town and district it re turns more business dollars for advertising pennies spent than any other newspaper that circulates in this areaproof of this lies in ab c verified statements that are available upon request at the acton free press phone 17 mill st

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