Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1956, p. 8

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wwoulxkovr the acton v press acton ontario t zc county council inaugural name stanley allen ii cnuunueit fymn pane one ijjjiniai friday the 13th is safely over but not everyijody can just relax ifa leap year members of the ys mens dub re at work renovating one of the rooms in the busement of the y the project begun saturdnjr councils all- over halton are now in their third wpels of tlie term and in all cases hnprovpihents and promises of things to come have been noted there are still some christmas trees lying forlornly onjiiwiia in a basketball game in or- uiigcvillc on friday the aeton y team lost to the high school team there qf special interest for actontans following tlie kitchtiner waterloo dutchmen liftheit olympic bid coach bobby bauer is rchtted to the batters of acton a tractor driven by lowrlc of ur 1 oampbtllvltle was in collision with a car in guelph lost friday tin- nrcident was of a minor nature the week of prayer in the loc- i ul protestant diuretics concluded on russell friday evening last in the united church with rev r 11 armstrong as the guest spanker police are still being culled out uses ui investigate cases of ulegnlly til dum giirhaue throughout ihedk trlct many persons have been ap prehended it ltd forced to cliar away the rubbish off the sides of roads and othex places n what inlghl hwvebeen a very serious fire whs averted on sunday when albeit srliupu stnotltered u g k rirrvwthhl nick el tho burning pii of grohhe the stove in the upnrtment of mr and mrs lloyd musulcs filled their nionis with smoke altltoitgb little damage resulted iwawrwewswhtesfijamk- j personal notes of actonians visiting outoftowri point and off visitors in acton homes when it bylaw was introduced to outer tii on ngrii mi nt trrrh rritr town nf burlington in connection wltltu 10000 expenditure on the county road brunt st reeve rob- ret miimhiill and reeve a r ser vice questioned the amount in- forniiiit council a figure of 7000 had been previously suggested reeve shrinunnmcplaiiicrl it was the intention to put the expenditure in resurfacing the road hut the ivpailnuiit requested a recon struction program as 7500 had already been- paid to burlington for this work council it was jxpliiln ed could not come under terms of the provincial grants unless it ap proved tlie agreement members ap proved the bylaw when it was learned the amount already paid wotild not be subsidlable if the ngrctmcnt was not signed and the county would then be out the 7500 expendiliire a liylaw was approved to iiiith- orie the borrowing of 350000 to meet current expenditures until the inv ii- fnrtlieuiniin mr and mrs frank fowke have moved from the district to califor nia mr and mrs j jany arrived back monday after visiting in chi cago v mr and mrs fred anderson vis ited relatives at streelsvllle on sunday mrs b m brown owen sound pent the weekend with mr and mrs jack frank milton has weeks visit mrs gerry timbers returned home after a with acton friends mr and mrs stuart latiu john and doris guelph spent the week end with friends here mr and mrs j m mcdonald of toronto visited with miss pearl smith on the weekend mr and mrs stanley coy and miss sandra coy willowdnle vis ited friends here on sunday mr karl rosly iui 1 acton is in lockwood clinic toronto await ing an operation friends wish him n speedy recovery visiting with mr and mrs c lcishnum last week were mr and mrs alan irishman drew and al- una of huntsville mr and mrs j mcdonald nnri family of burlington visited with mr and mrs john chisholm mason blvd on sunday peter paul and steven wolfe were among those who pluved at the grmta piano recital hold in guelph friday evening last friday the office and staff of micro plastics limited presented miss patricia sargent with tri- light lamp in honor of her forth coming marriage when the ys mens club in corn wall ontario is officially chartered this saturday evening tom junes will be representing the acton ys mens club a former member here lie how lives in mumsbmx v miss nellie hull of toronto spent t weekend with her mother mrs w j hall and miss marjory hall sunday visitors were mr and mrs robert hall of winghum unci mr and mrs cedric cross of george town those from town who attend the guelph presto club concert series very much enjoyed the chamber music group i musici wednesday evening mrs w wolfe is one of the membership conveners of the kroup a wonderful trip through the mountains with beautiful scenery is reported in a note from mr and mrs j a leslie from tennessee on their way to st petersburg florida they expect to be back some time in may two minor accidents in stewarttown area two minor accidents were report ed in the stewarttown area on saturday by district provincial police constable howard ouiin a ear driven by elwyn white skidded on the ice and rolled over in the ditch on the kepyslde side- road near stewarttown although there were no injuries reported the car was damaged to the extent of 700 later in the day near the saute place two ears driven by william chamberlain mid l wesley side- swiped nn a curve causing ututul of 000 damage appoint meitta boa rd several appointments were made includiiik the members to the board of ijie halton centennial manor r ii shannon j j stewart stunleyn allen william card and a r ser vice halton health unit board ray thompson two years reginuid smith one year neputyreeve f c atkinson and reeve haihld ad- kins county councils representativ es fur one year halton planning committee reeve donald bath deputy reeve doug sargent dep utyreeve f c atkinson doputy- reevi fred walker and deputy reevd r c cunningham reeve a ii service and deputyreeve fred walker were appointed to the halton county parks board for the year the county engineer and the roitd committee were delegated to attend the gtvid roads convention with the county paying up to 100 ex penses tlie annual fee of 25 was also authorized the agriculture committee was also delegated to at tend the annual convention and the annual i f to was authorized the liiiilding committee wns authorized to review and report on tin- advisability of making necessary extensions to the jail kitchen as well as the sanitary requirements 1 thursday january 10th 1050 r free press hat is no charge for announcements of births miirrntfiest leaths and engagement in muinoriant jidfrplus 10c per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 86c box nn to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line s0c minimum curds of thanks 80c milium i ofdflc added to all accounts if not paid j for quick results until after insertion and added for each bill rendered latast time for insertion 1 pm wednesday births marriages deaths etc born i mcoutciikon mr and mrs gor don mcciitelieon are happy to announce the birth of then daughter elizabeth joan at guelph niieiitl hospital on mon day january t 1051 burns mr unri mrs clare hunt silverwiiud are happy to an nounce the tint it of a son stevn initios on sunday january a lllntl at cuilpli general htwriilitt mnthei and baby fine bamkh m atid hmrrht uurbs ill tmluy i a the liirlh of hi ii laughter at gueili general hosiiluil on tuesjlay jan uarv til a sister for liohhv and hilly hull doing welt iiargravk mr and mm george llargrave are happy to aiiniiuiice the tin ih l their son peter george at acton nursing home on monday jitiiiiary 10 lflftti a brother for david and sandra iuki ashley suddenly in hiilsbtirgh january 10 itobert ashley ht-lnv- ed httstiand of hildu walker dear fattier of mrs earlc marshall ruth or aeton wulker mrs lurne cur vin murgaretl ul hiiine clifford of acton and ger ald at home mrs j b skidg- more imarjoriet deceased fitnerul arrangements not rnmit- leted real estate attention builders i i we have completely serviced lots available to reputable builders these desirable budding lota are located in a large popular subdiv ision in aeton terms ui ranged phone or write to jim annan or jack iumiky l s srielgrove co ltd limit danforth ave toronto phone ul 0371 liai in mkmor1am church ymca link reaffirmed sunday dr r s hacking dd general secretary of the national council of the ymca has been secured as the guest speaker at ymca sun day in- knox church the joint ser vice is being held in knox church sunday evening with ymca members in attendance to reaffirm the close link between the y ond the church the y ladies auxiliary is hold ing a reception for dr husking afterwards truck tips totahtally topples is 120 a freak accident occurred last week near georgetown when a truck landed on top of a car while it was attempting to climb a hill the truck driven by walter cul- ligan of georgetown- was clipibing a lull and stalled rolled back down the lull partly up a bank toppled over and landed on a car driven bv krnest miller of uk 4 georgetown damage to the truck was about 110 the car a model a kurd re- appointed in baxters for market research appointment of charles f dolan as director of market tesearch has been announced by raymond d hetlciick vice president in charge of sales for baxter laboratories inc morion grove 111 mr dolan conies to baxtersafter several years extensive experience with j ii roerig co and cluu les pfizer anil co having served in field sales hospital sales service sales training professional relations and field promotion he is a graduate of boston col lege and has completed other aca demic work at akron university colorado a and m and new york university he is married and has two children people buy the free and read the free press pre to read huv luxton in loving memory of a dear husband and father rev gruel luxtou who died january 22 1052 always remembered ktsie helen donald and marian brooks- in loving memory ot a dear mother agnes brooks who passed awnv on january 21 lilftl her nieniinw is as dear today as in the hour she passed away kver remembered by the family bktms in loving memory of john rrinis who pussed away on jan uary 10 11153 nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond memorits linger every day remembranrc keeps him near lovingly remembered by his daughter lsobel and family coming events boy urday bible church pm scout paper january 21 collection st- a-27- sncietv fireside knox sunday jauuarv 20 at 11311 a 27 acton lawn bowling club will hold a euchro and draw in luxton memorial hall on thursday janu ary 20 at ii pin a2i2li2ll rockwood business block 11500 full price for solid stone building tut large lot centre of village on highway consisting of 1 store and 14 large rooms suit- aide for manufacturing tourist hotel or rest home a real iiomk 10500 pull price for solid stone residence oil furnace large liv ing room with fireplace 3 room separate apartment ft other weii appointed rooms approximately 1 aciv ot land on ittghwuy rmi service at door easy terms 9000 full price modern brick liungiilow exquisitely decorated every modern convenience terms 1300 full price ft room bungalow on goixl lot in nice residential section for rent a room cottage water and hydro contact john l kingshott broker harris st rockwood phone 177 or 4ltj for sale koit sale llny pen with mat- tress excellent condition phone 320r a28 koljl sk1k 0 plga 10 weeks old guuil ones jubn ctile ulinnc mrl5 ltorkwood a2tl koit salk irish better year olil reuhoiiable w jeffrey 124 ujsfoid terrace n20 koit salk door chimes many inuilils to ehoiibe from enquire aliiiot reasonable installation chnrg- es for free estimates phone 3ltsj a27 3 v11 can kfkp ytiitr doorway fite from let ami miow if you in stall a canopy or awning itnpiire ajhiiiit out al ol fllierlils imitiets pined to tiotiiy pucker lyiirtr for f ret- eatittrntes pltotte a1sj acton a273 koit salk only 2117 00 tor iiie sure milker unit vjtciiuin pnop and motor as low as ft down tin a surge milker unit pumps frmo 710 order now before tl sftriii rush horace tonilinsoii 0 mill itiglilin ltd brampton phone 1h12 ulf shorthorn hkitlj si11k for saik louada fire marsltal hjljli dark red born january 26 ism low set heavy boned cudesky bird sire louada marshall cnf cliumpion 1052 dam an imported mucgilllvray augusta j mult milton out l wanted wantkd to buy woimi or coal cook stove in good- condition phone ovjia nw wantkd a reliable experienc ed wumaii 4chiril day worhv b0q a in to 4im pm phone 41iiij a2m wantkd to buy chesterfield or sliidlij couch and one chair suitable for recreation room phono 77 u211 wantkd for cash old imsl- age stamps stamp collections old posjeardh i tc willrllox 537 mll- lii a 272 wantkd rule dally to guelph ii will a 28 1 955 dodge sedan privately owned a 1 condition triidein uccepted or cun be flnanc- phonic tit 84427 b34 draperies o w e n b o r t o i o 1 1 i rial kstatk bkokkrs 9500 full rick 2 500 down buy mortor i mile from acton go rancustyle hoiiie unfinished on 7 acrcsot land hydro and well few hom es planned like this one some material on band ceived about 11 damage nervtefetision radio stations hearing near the cbc board of rovernors vill hear applications in oakville early in february for licenses to operate new television stations in victoria and knmloops bc at the same time it will hear for licenses to set up radio stations at oakville st jfohns que and swift current snsk and n new fm radio station in toronto howard c caine acting for a company to be incorporated pro poses to operate a radio station in oakville at 1250 on the dial tiw8kssfstoa ontario fuel board in tiif matter of the municipal iwunliises act chapter 2ih rs olirillseetion si as amended and home and school play nothing but tb april 12 and kt any casting and production association truth on inquiries re phone t02v a2ll 7500 vfc 2500 down 3800 vvt 1300 down m maite dnims and slip wide election of fain les to from price mm ire ht yd krrr rsllniulm in your own home without obligation phone colled nc idioorhoiid- isew mi cinties georgetown tr 72ltmi ulh 25 if cist covers ebuosc used cars km- tin hit huvs in ttiwn call herb woods 1017 olds 1051 chev ivlany thliers to choose from phone acton 219j i earing auction sale in erin townshi1p ot shorthorn csttle livestock tmrtor implrmrnu ilsy grain llousrhold fiooda etc in- i limehouse wi are sponsoring a kucbre party with prizes and lurich in the memorial hall saturday in r januarv 40c 211 1130 pm admission a-2k- ton lllela the anthony gas and oil explor ation company limited for ap proval ttf proposed bylaws of the municipalities listed below auth- oiimi m each case the execut ion tf an agreement between the municipality and the applicant granting to tltj- applicant a fran chise for the distribution of nat ural kus in lihie niunioipauly- conccvriied and r in the matter of applications bv the anthony gas and oil ex ploration company limited for orders declaring and directing flint the assent of the respective municipal electors of the sajd esiiicsiiie federation of agricul ture euchre and dance in stewart town hull friday january 20 830 everybody welcome lunch served admission 50c b211 benefit- ounce for wiii- iv i man brookville hall on friday february 3 record player and oth er valuable pries lunch provided good orchestra b282 firemens euchre and dance in rockwood town hall friday jan uary 20 euchre k00 dancing 930- 100 music by rhythm ramblers regular admission a28 support retail price difference too wide some forums declare municipalities is not necessarv such bylaws the corporation of the town acton the corporation of the town georgetown the corporation of ithc town milton dancing to records in the parish hall saturday january- 21 b30- 1145 pm novelty and spot prizts everyone welcome admission 35c auspices brotherhood of anglican churchmen st27 the acton womens institute will i hold a penny sale and euchre in luxton memorial hall on friday january 20 at 800 pm sharp good prizes and lunch electric toaster for door prize admission 35c a272 agricultural price supports their benefit to the farmer and effect on consumer taxpayer and wage- earner was discussed on national farm radio forum january- 9 the majority of halton forums felt price supports were a benefit to the consumer as they have a tendency to stabilize supply and prices some thought there was too great a difference between support and retail prices it was agreed that the cost to the taxpayer was very moderate the wage earner benefits as producers re in a better position to buy their manufactured goods the farmer also benefits fay price supports as they help to stabilize nnepnonthus enabling the farmer to plan ahead being reas onably sure of the price btc may expect to receive people buy the free press to read and read the free press to buy st albans presents proficiency prizes sunday school awards were made at st albans church lasjt sunday morning presented with bibles for proficiency were heather withers laurie duby and danny holmes hurlbut stories of the bible were awarded to george ware leslie anne duby jimmy ware donald harris sharon bradley and kath- erine higgins bible pictures were received by shirley barratt va calves rbgxna 4cp saskatchewan livestock owners are preparing to have an estimated 30000 calves vaccinated against bangs disease next year about 46000 head were vaccinated last year notice of hearing i ontario fuel board hereby ap points thursday the 26th dav of january 1956 at 1000 oclock iii the forenoon at the offices of the board 600 university avenue tor onto ontario for the hearing of the above applications apd all persons interested therein copies of each application bv- laws and franchise agreement mav be inspected and further particulars obtained at the offices of the clerks of the respective municipalities the applicant or the solicitors for the applicant messrs armstrong land charron 25 mehnda street toronto ontario notic of application to dispam with tt votoof municipal electors take notice that at the above public hearing the board will be asked to issue an order declaring land directing that the assent of the municipal electors to the passing of the said bylaws is not necessary dated at toronto this 9th day of january 1936 ontario fuel board signed a r cpozier chairman signed m r howard commission- b272 er take a good look i the iiiidirsigiud has received strnctions from mhs c i jas r hcott to sell by auction al tin farm uil ii con ii kiln twp situated oil the 10th line 3 miles east of erin villice nn kit ida v janiaky 27 1950 commencing at 12 oclock sharp the following houses and hahness reg clyde mare 10 years old 1700 lbs knrl in all harness bay clyde mure years old 1700 lbs hood in all harness this is a well matched koekwhd 6 rooms storey and a j tvifti anil riunt veiy way set- of half asbestos shingle home on j ulini harness collars add harness inre tract of land modern bath j cows meii cow due march 0 ted dmibli timise brick with masonry finish ill rooms bath heavy duly wiiini insulated close to shop- pmi and tiansixitiatiim in act 7900 rvk cash desired or arrange owi mortgage iv to flllflllll jcavc aeliiii 7 30 am leave guelph ii urn m mills 1011 lniiktichl hoad i iii l subdivision a 2ji ualton p4m4ltha 4j llcls poultry and eya wanted poultry custom picked cleaned ntni cut up phone milton ttl 114401 wantkd housekeeper for lljjht tolles live in or iiiifuitshed rooms to a couple m return for llttbt duties lilietal time off mrs neil patrick phone tlllw 2h kauhtock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown tr 72741 or elmers mohitwk 0s564i gordon yoiino ltmited m ladies wantedto sell lur itawleiijh line of home necessities in acton from beautifully illustrat ed display book big profit write ttuwleiiirs delirrattltathr monl real pq a2tit the acton area requires a dealer to service well established clientele possibilities to make u to 11x1 weekly write for fret- cata logue and sales plan familex box f station c montreal a211 help wanted young man for fulltime employment in responsible posititin icadtii to eventual de partment mniuikcmcnl in locul store apply to j ledger ledgers iga a2k deadstock herv1ce 5 00 each for dead or disabled hore or cows old horses 4c ib for prompt service phone collect frcelton 2 or ilannun 2 sve 1ieimi dead animat8 tsm 5 00 each for dead or disabled cowh and horse old horses 3c lb one of oti trucks passei youi district daity cal1 belwood collect 23rll 24 hour service gorgr gib- min stf avon products gootl itpenuik for ambitious wo man to sell avon products start v or own business earn while you learn highest commission write district manager miss zlegler nor folk apia guelph giving phone a282 lost and found lost scotch collie mule brown and white collar probably lame on ilkhl lout foot answers to toby- phone 171111 a2h for rent for rent inn cb st apartment 121 a2k for kent ihoii hi for rent 1 01 main st i room apartment a2ji iuom board tiption- nurth a2 insulated fiot system septic villi house 3nr -umtr- 8500 air heat pressuretftl heiler out- tsti lank many extras due feb 4 roan cow inilkink well bred july 7 red cow bred june jo rian heifer fresh in dec in iull llnvv roan cow milkinn well need ann 9 roan cow milkinu well asking price with 5800 down or arrange own mortgage a pcachsin acton 4 room hunga low asbestos shingle wired gar age hedge and trees hardwood and tile floor hot air hcatllaum dry tubs tv aerial and many extras no with this exceptionally wellcared for home for rent room apartment iue rooms central location ihanc tif5 r2k- for rent room and break- last laundry if preferred must be abslauui gentleman preferred phone 2llj a2f comfortable accommodation red cow for elderly bed patients accept- d rates reasonable write po box 403 georgetown a for rent modern 4 rotm ap artment private entrance heated immediatepossession must be ab stainers phone 74 a28 bred dec 4 roan cow milking well bird dec h roan cow fresh in sipt with calf at foot fresh in nov in full flow roan heifer bred sept 13 red heifer bred dec 4 roan heifer bred dec 12 roan cow milking well bred in dec this is a choice herd of shorthorns alwnvs hand milked young cattle 2 fat heifers abttut b50 lbs 2 fed calves about too lbs 4 heifers about 7s0 lbs yenrlini heifer 3 spring calves 2 venl calves pigs and sheep 2 york sows mr rvrvi atlnr- due feb lfi 12 thriftv chunks a hi mg a nd decora ting 3 acres of wooded land with garage wt iso im- r suffolk breeding i estimates gladly furnished wall- and well marvellous chance to f cihodob drcta paper samples and paint available build your own home in the i if ay and grain o0 bus of no j l lar to j country or a summer residence heavv mixed prain 20 bus of frank phone 377w 17 main st s one and threequarter miles from w 2s tons of rhoice mixed la- acton a28 1100 half down full price miscellaneous acton yes sir talc good look at hm sound xsmplos of our worit thon lot our smports work for yoti whon you want to imprdvo hf homo for offfkioncy boauty or conomy oil us for oxpoti workmanship jl i s tsr j call jack holmes 84 church st e phone 308m acton cl i rjirvrc commercial and tractor and implements- upholstering a28 notice maojc the- annual meeting of the acton jau fair will be held in the council chamber at acton on saturday january 1956 at 200 pm business retiring directors eet atl3q qlclockreceiving annual reporlof the auditors election of officers and directors for 1958 transaction of such other bu as may be necessary ray everdexl president mrs irene swackhamer sectreas a272 fnrd tractor 19s0 rawifl dearborn i furrow hvdratilic tractor nlow dearborn tractor cultivator dear born tartor oower mower good as new massev harris binder 7 ft j rt dump rake massev harris 15- disc grain drillr massev harris man ure snreador 4scction harrows stoel land roller rubber tired farm wiibon flat hay rack 2 farm wag- out bench sleighs renfrew scales j colony house 10x12 oil brooder stove electric fencers power em- lrv- is cords of dry hard wood stone boat lumber walking plows i jtenfrew cream separator all small i farm tools inconrie household goods brant i a linex cooking stove like new -ex- 1 iion table kitchfn chairs occas- loral chairs 3 bedsteads springs 1 ami mattresses 3 dressers wash stands odd dishes fruit iars 3 con- goleum rugs hall rack lawn criairs step ladder pine cupboard tfrms cash with clerk on day of sale no reserve as the- farm is sold sale will be held under cover fn case- of inclement weather r vtm a gibson auctioneer phone guelph 743w robert mcenery clerk- domest add looks ard comfort with skilled retyling your furniture csn be handsome ai rew again low cost call us ont- wefk service phone m acton av kitchecfer upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup holstered for u little as sm re- finishing also rugs cleaned and re paired for prompt and efficient service call 103 acton one weeks service tl tax returns completed accounting auditing bookkeeping alfred j bishop 69 main st n georgetown tb 7s51 office open mondays and fridays btf ia i mqilllllmjnilqlfillma

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