Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1956, p. 2

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nitt i in tt ltowi tsak two the acton free press actonjrontario i thvnsday january ttth 105 tie atton jfrpp jrrhh the only paper ever pnbllsaed in actaa sw gsiv foymded in 1875 and published every thurs day at 56 mill st e acton ont member ot the audit bureau of circulations the cw na and the ontarioquebec division ot the cwna advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa rtfiiia ny ii dills printing ad rnbltshtng co usalted v g a dills editorinchief i oavid r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office i ph 174 acton ten kinds in one in view of the fact thai 22 of canadas news print mills are located in quebec and roughly 25 par cent of the worlds supply of newsprint comes from that province the threats and actions of premier duptessls take ort more than passing interest over 30000 people of quebec are env pl p ir the pu and p indus old in years- young in spirit ns chrisjian association of the united states and canada is now celebrating na tional yaaca week to mark the observance this year of its 106th year of service 1 if an attitude of creative optimism an ability to adjust constructively to changing times and a willingness to experiment on the side of progress are the characteristics of youth the y then still lives up to is name and is truly young as it forg es ahead in its second century though founded in london in 1844 originally for the improvement of the spiritual and mental condition of young men engaged in houses of busi the -v-tmc-a- -shortly- after its -trans- try of that province and 100000 seasonally in woods operations it appears that under the proposals thaque- bec government will establish a board with wide powers that can govern most everything concern ing the distribution of paper one section of the bill states board decisions shall be without appeal and cannot be reviewed by the courts just what will be the effect on the industry can scarcely be visualized one thing seems cer tain thai those who refuse dictation from the que bec goverrrrrieht can very easily be throttled when the legislation goes into effect it makes one province very powerful and an opportunity to control freedom of thought and expression by the press it is claimed in defense of the action that the forests from which raw materials are secur- ed belong to the province gone apparently are planting here in 1851 broadened its aims to im prove the minds bodies spirit and social outlook on youth on all levels since those early years when it found root in montreal and boston site of the first american association the y has never let down in its search for better ways to better youth yes the yaaca has remained young over the years as we salute it and its millions of members in acton and throughout the world we feel certain it will continue to manifest its youth in the years ahead for over 20 years the yaaca in acton has been an influence for good fortunate indeed was this town that the beneficence of the late j albert murray made possible the establishment of this institution in a town of our size the program while experimental in towns the size of acton has been found ada centres in which over a century has tried and tested its good work in the near future automobifes next year predicts the financial post will featuresome revolutionary accessories at least one manufacturer is planning winglike doors that hinge in the middle of the roof open ing outward and upward instead of forward allowing passengers to enter without bending over radar brakes will also be introduced hid den behind the grills these devices will bounce signals off vehicles ahead applying brakes auto matically when the gap between cars gets danger ously small a fuelinjection engine eliminating the more costly type of carburetor will be offered for the first time wings and automatic brakes ought to be quite appropriate contraptions pro vided the brakes work fine replac entertainment we are not one to sigh over the good old days and wish for a return of conditions in trie early pa of the century radio and television and the inventions that provide entertainment right at home with the flick of a button have ousted many of the things in which the community shared as a whole it is much easier to sit at home and watch hockey games than it usetltto be to travel miles in all kinds of weather to follow the team and lend support but does it dwe the downright fun some of you will recall the old medicine troupes which used to brighten the long winters whervt rave i wasnt easy then there was marks bros that used to play the favorite plays for a week in the villages and towns across ontario and pack the town hall at a quarter a head gone too are the amateur plays and minstrel shows which took from january to march to pre pare and provided local enjoyment inpresenting and capacity crowds for two or three nights in these too was often- found a means of raising funds for some worthwhile local organization and the elevation of some local person to the realm of stardom for a week following the show theres no place for all these in the present daycommunitybut we sometimes wonder if the pushbutton entertainment we get at home de- vetops as much pleasure and as much initiative among the young people of today as the home made kind did in earlier years entertainment comes easier today for the majority of folks but is it rpaking any more enjoy ment for more people tharffhat which was pro- jfhijvftjit9lcpnimunity participation we dont- sigh for what was but we often wonder at what is entertainment fhedays irrvhichcrradtarrs boasted of their great natural resources -we- may yet become quebec canadians ontariocanadians and so on frorrt newfoundland to british columbia from sea to sea with ten provinces of invisible bar riers if it is proper for a provincial government to control the price of newsprint why not other pric es loo asks the victoria times mr ouplessis is so concerned about the big consumers of news print is he not equally obligated to concern him self with the little consumers of food fuel and all the articles that rrlake up tbe ordinary house hold isudget once the stateufidertakes to re peal the price mechanism in one field it is not easy to halt the process the fire menace from nov 1 until late in january 180 persons had died in fires across the country possibly the greatest toll of any winter in canadas history most of the victims perished in blazes which swept their homes and more than half of them were children this is a grim total but even more grim is the statement of fire experts that many of these lives might have been saved had proper precautions against fire been taken defective wiring and heating equipment and careless smoking are list ed as the main causes of the fires in ottawa alone house fires wiped out nine lives in january in two days and eight of the vic tims were children a few days later a mother and six children lost their lives at marmora in the peterborough area this brought to 63 the num ber of persons who died in ontario fires since the good old days may have seemed better back i 1936 back in 1906 tron the ikmie of lilt- free im of front the luut of the free lrea af thursday january so 1036 j r thurhday january 2ft ims atm inl lull li i unit iv llh j tlu- iflli iniiv ism v of the ur- lur marin f the itiititiii input- nit j inmiil it knits edvcurd to lh- tiictsduy in it lay of tiitiu imij far j limine viit tvuliruud throughout kinij -iy- v clhrih twits i nil- ific tuijt- kingdom on monday tt1 all ilm- if lnihk- t i 3m ii silulia flugs llylnu nljl bells cstd a precedent created at the lnniiji al meeting nf kultnll comity council by the meeting being culled or wednesday tutliii ilian 111- lust tuesday of january the change uf date was of course by nasm uf the proclamation in respect to the late king interest rait high us to the warden for 1 030 as mr john irving reeve of mill hi declined the nomination mr george curru- was declared the warden mr cuirie him liien reeve of esquesing for the pant five years and deputy reeve two years and a iikiiiiki of kstiiisliii township council for three vain mr humid oeave bt- rcui- warden ire n0 aairrors here although there could be but mereiy on camera looking into another camera picture taking has tra versed far beyond the hobby stage today the photographic process in its multiple applications is used in commerce in duslry education and nearly all sciences illlicli wall a liupplr- ppem bib sne tin- front iuikcs of newsiapers all over japan recently fcaturcd the choice of ihe new translation uf the ftitil in colloquial jnpanrti- as the best piillitliri of the vein ejicii time- for the mst nliu- yars j a celibrulioii known as jiiuis day uf culture has been organiz ed by a iciidinfi ncwspniwr main- irhi sliiintiin and spoiisoreil hy prominent citizens in every walk of life the judges are men iist ijnisi- ed in sxiciwe the arts driiinn uni versity lifrjind literiry crilicimii frui- usl of 20000 ixkiks sub mitted tile ntw version was chosen as the hisl book of the ywir a spcciul caticory had to br n1d to allow its admittinre but tin- de cision wsis unanimous for the first time in japan the translation work was done by an all japanese committee this cm- iihisiis tin- fact that the jafkiriese church lias fully matured the bible is no longer an imported hook but our own now said a japan bible society official comment inn oh the significance of the work after the japanese government made no officiadecisionti sir fy the lrlnciiac by limitinc tht- oive to the v by kdcr guest tins money ios to the y said he for the man i should like my son to be tins money kocs for the thuik i ive learned to my soi row by getting m fin gers llllllled goes fil the llllllls ive rlv wri u my tins moih- leirned i wisli i bad kn youth ii vms tui things of long ap willi li ive said i wanted my to know a iiive for llu- y you ma it that as you collect the pledge iss the hat its a drive for our flag anil jiur renown a dnve or our state and a for our town senieo ihi hue ot ille 1i3s vulllhll mr h 1 ainoht was s i ii as chainiiaii of the itilili utilities commissi hi al thn it ling ibis weik the motion w made by m hans ii ami seenndfl by c ii iiiiisii1 itev k m mnllilw was tile guest smakei at llu- high school literal y smiety ineting on krutuy afteniimin miss ktla- swackhamer read tile last message of klliil oblige tiiels taking pall were jean beatlle ikuolhy lliillli ami alu tayloi miss bella stepheimon i tiid fitiin 111- storey olnvi- co last sat urday after being in tlun employ i for 3li years she has in ell a valued wml of the- ofllee trtntt sitice i 1900 aii address was read and sin- was presented with a travelling bag mr td hansen was home from tin- university of toronto for tin- weekend residents of ospi inge wen- indeed glad to set- the county snow plow tlie roads had been lilockcd and there were ho dellvelles iflllailll nail for three days in the rural hockey games on thursday york ltnul titl i with itrtkwooil in the mil tilt tile jones boys all dollwi up in new i lllllloims outclassed mluokvilte by fl0 score i iiuging jod save the king the county vntincil did a generous thing wlun tliey elected mr it u w en n the ieoigtlown herald to lhi wanleiislllp on tuesday thla honor had not previously been giv en to georgetown for 22 years while every other nitiulclulity has noytt that distinction in the meantime koiye of them repeatedly at the halfyearly examination at normal college toronto miss daisy nicklin won timd place in a class of icio mr roll it hprowl of the thirijl line fjsii3liig is rapidly winning fu himself an enviable reputation for producing superior grain re- h i id a luilio for wheat at the woills fall at st 1ollls ailvn is not resident ts ali1 live olie has lie ll i the iii itfofliri many fine another vi y alliac n added to the num- boose evectett fill mis buk on bower ave ii t the limtelue f o llelldeslll m l by cinti atlor john cameron is about eoinpletd mrs clark may r asoiuttlv in- pioiid of her new lloille wllh a tentif i attire of hu itegrttrb on monday unusual happenings have lietii reporttd mis hotiejt agnew briiiglil in a lilac branch fully budded mi j a iariiochait re polled two flogs on main st as- lively as if it i midsummer ilaii 1st i miokliiuiii heard spring buds outside ins open window mr i m ii iiitwsin saw a flock of wild geese ml dlllkail itoliellsoo was oliserved plowing in nassaga- wtya iniiss and daffodils peep ed llirjugh tin- brown earth at mooiecnft fully half an inch the new inline of the wasgow llmse mow ii int in si is about com- plettl antj mcssi s henderson and co now have one of the most iuiml- suiie romiiiialiiuis and conveniently alialigd in i all til houses ifl the county on the second flior the mll- luiiy an i imiiseb bt furiiilure are glvu omniudiotis iuailers professional directory and travellers guide and hr i drive i i be mutkai race for if this rillirs wont av nov 1 the highest provincial total in canada thirtytwo of the deaths were in the ottawa j number of chinese characters to b xi i i iij used and the use of the japanese district and residents of the capital bombarded ln strlrl the electrical inspection of ontario hydro with ance with these phonetic sounds ii i it became necessary to produce the some 50 calls a day compared with two or three t m lrl f of the younjrer reiteration could not read the former versions only thus would the bible retain its place as the book of the people ninety nine per cent if the peo ple of japan arc literate th- is the highest literacy rale of any country i in thivucld last year a total of 1669wu copies of the- scriptures ties an absolute ban on smoking in bed or while were circulated in japan by bible lying down to rest no one should try to be an j s mvle reodings for amateur electrician week sunday matt 14 136 mon- i r r d matt 15 tuesday matt gordon shorter chief of fire research for the 6 i28 wednesday matt 17 127 national research council says the home own- thursday matt 18 114 friday matt 18 1535 saturday matt 19 a day previously what can be done about it fire authorities say fire prevention must be gin at home they advise family discussion about steps to be taken in an emergency there should be regular inspection of heating and wiring facili- a drive for the let five billion of de the cost give icmuilci and some ilayw lienor tilt- crisis comes ihey will ive lis men rrm teat nine my boy as best i can the truths which an- neded to shape a man j bui whither i live or whether 1 die ill have no fear if hell follow the dr w g c kenney ihyidclan and surgeon of in syiimn llla k ta mill st k acton fflrr phone 78 kemdrncr 11a church si k ilunr 150 ikciai c f leatherland q c itarrlatrr hollciturnuury public of fie- hours sitni fja s office 22 sis miid world the y is nd stroni iiiid in a pleasure seen manly and honest clean tailuie sometims to reach its jjeial bui stnv inj ever to serve the soul tcachini the things for a renown riaisinc not drarrinb his down dr d a garrett phyictan and surcrun i i of willow and kivei kiiiiance hvi r stiit acton ontario ihonr 23h dr rfdbept d buckner phyicuui and surrin as w ijio st act iim ihonr g7 rffi hours i j m i1kntal hmhj a m 12 00 am i do p m 5 in p in appointment oniy hone lies 151 a t ton levfr hoskin thartrrrd arrountantk il main st n 4j victoia st lifimptori toronto ilon s w km 4u131 m e mandepson b a barrlntrr solicitor and notary public 77 mil st ihone jwil jffire hours i 1 ri thiisday l- pm tov n offm by appointment ers greatest menace is the it c happenhere attitude or the a would know what to do atti tude v 2 he warris that persons especially children awakened by fire are drugged with sleep and their thinking is foggy children are especially prone and will open any door in efforts to escape i that explains why many little bodies have been found in burnedout cupboards panicky thoughtless action is disastrous when fire strikes and no one knows when or where it i may strikej being prepared rnay save your life brief comment easter gomes in march this year some folks use this as a basis for predicting an early spring t i i one thing that the 64000 question program jias done is bring in rine limelight the fact that in- i come taxes really are laid on the rich many have found out its better to be half safe at a 32000 win ir5v so this moniv rocs to the y svaid he for the man i should like tortoe mans dr a j buchanan morals v said dental surgeon office- 1cishmaii block mill st office hours 9 am to p m xray rny son telephone uf vi 404 at th5 united church of canada actaa oatmrl rev gordon ahams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george ehiolt organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 1j56 j sunday jantary 29th 9 so am junior church 955 am church school 11 15 am morninc worship 700 pm evening prayer the amgucan church of canada st albm cbarch acton ont rev evan h jones ba ltn bcctor presbyterian church in canada knox chukch acton ev kobekt h armstkono ma bj busmcr sunday january 29th 1956 1100 am morning service 9 45 a m rchurch school 00 p m y c a service a vrm welcome aaiu yoi they that wait jpor the l- rtj shiil rcnea their ftrergsh baptist church acton ray h costerus pasor parsonage 115 bower avi phone 206w dr h leib dental kurteon otfc corner mill and frcdericlr streets office hours- 9 am vj 6 p m telephone 19 acton opticai- e i eilchner do optometrist 4o mill st e phone office hours wednesdays 130- 6 00 pm evenings by appoxitmem etekinary mis kiiankois rumley funeral home ilcatedaotbitlauacc f g oakes b v veterinarian ihone 699 night or day serving th- community for 46 years olive mr tampsrd 7 atcji kmt teacher of plane acton studio st alban s parish hall 14 park ave glelth ihone 29 i travellers guide gray coach lines coachck leave acton office rd resideree- 24 kv acv n pri- 13- x avi r v- exhorted by his friends to make a will a citi- zen of a certain town did so on his demise re- 1 cently the will was opened all it said wasi vbe- j jng of a sound mipd i have spent all rny money j no trouble with that ohe unitedelectrical workers was badly beaten in the 107day canadian wi cable strike settled this vieek the defeat eornes at acrucial time for the communistled unionjust as rtegotrations are reaching a climax at canadian westinghouse afd at cge influence of trte ue has suffered an r retrievable loss says hie financial post sunday january th 1956 septxagesima sundayi 830 am brotherhood of angli- i can churchmen corporate communion and breakfast 1000 an church school 1100 am beginners class 1100 am morning prayer 700 pm evening prayer sunday january 29th 1956 io 00 ajn sunday school 11 00 arri morning worship 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pm mtdmeek ser- b d young b v sc c l yojngjdvv veterinary sorreolm ofjce b7ookvt ontario phon milton tr 19177 real estate and insurance f l- wright at wiltnir st acton onurid phone anlrr real eatate ftbnnd i r 1 1 33 am 2jm 2h l n- tir p m 6 33 m 833 p r hijh prr isun ana hoi wetoind yl7 arrrvtp-mrf- 1 5 pm sn v rr 7 27 p m 9 12 pm 32 p rr i an ifrj sat sun uti ho mee acton pcntecosta1 assembly i ng ir uoi hal crewooi bank wanted i altin bc icpi residents of this small community on the brit- tsh columbiayukon border have asked a whitehorse chartered hank w provide banting acuities here they say they now have to travel 81 corners pastor revk j beid cook sr telephone mjw sunday january 39lh 16 1000 arr sunday scbw iloo ajm morning worship 30 pm evangelistic service hta wednesday 8 pmcotige pray- norse to make deposits fe r mating and bihtuaj w r braoctki real ea4te phone 28 actn list your farms business or hous th vjs we civile you to use our facilities in sunnjt a purchaser f your properly v r f bean limited t real estate and inaanum s3 miijlst acton phoe5s5 canadian national kahways tunar4 ttane fattiaiiil daily 6c am- daay except sun days 1000 am 7 13 pm sunday onv 01 pm daily except -sun- dav flyer at georgetown s u2 mm- 6 37 pirn m daily flyer at geore- ton 10 fl pm wrstlntw 5ailvtt7l pa daily except sunday b ajn 655 pm itimk- stop 7 49 pm saturday ocdy2j2 pm sunday only 919- am stop sunday only flyer at guelpto 705 p-m- daily except salt wnd sun to detrain u fram west toronto a beyond 610 pm daily except smt sun flyer at gueiph cm pnv issjfaf ssm

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