-jfi-t- thursdxy january 28th 1006 the acton free press acton ontario page seven i bible society fireside knox church sunday january 29th 830 pm election of officers speaker aar g h booth returned missionary from china song service offering refreshments r m yoir hove an eye for a bargain read the want ads brontes reeve holds firemen members of trafalgar fire bri gade no 1 bronte are highly in censed over reeve thomas mill- wards refusal to allow two council lo who are also f lu ivavv last weeks council meeting to an swer an alarm when the siren sounded according to firemen councillors ken lewis and frank wright requested permission to go but were ordered to keep their seats by the reeve will hiold complaint oafeville council will wait two more weeks before complaining to ontario municipal board chairman cummlng that the board is being too slow in ruling on oakvilles bid to annex 6000 acres of trafalgar township it was decided recently corporation income taxes take about half of corporation profits in canada rft to celebrate our growth from coast to coast in five years i we take this opportunity of saying thank you during our big coast to coast dollar saving sale i iga in tomato sauce 20 oz tins beans with pork 2 for 29c habitant 15 oz tin pea soup 10c new instant large pkg quaker oats 35c canadapac m 1 lb pkg margene 31c dainty 1 lb pkgs rice 2 for 27c special offer detergent tide g 65c lynn valley standard 20 ox tins whole beets 2 for 25c shirriffs good morning 24 oz jar marmalade 41c frys breakfast lb tin cocoa 43c iga choice ctessert is oz tins pears 2 for 27c for k low cost meal 2 reg pkgs kraft dinner and 1 lb pkg iga franks all for 69c saiada tea bags pkg of 60 75c first time in canada i sold- exclusively by iga stores a new cook book and shobr1ng guide all in one read how to select and serve meat and poultry by phyllis axford aaa special introductory price fourth mtltion dollar industry seen for nelson the people in the clarkesdale new subdivision nea burlhig are to have a shopping centre that will include a subpost office and every thing points to nelson township get ting its fourth 1000000 plant in 12 months reeve harold adkins made the revelation after council had agreed to sell nearly three acres for the new stores on mountainside ave after the purchase agreement had been approved and signed by the reeve he declared i am confident this will provide adequate new as sessment for the township and be of great assistance to the people in the area i might say at this time we are negotiating with a light manu facturing industry it is a very de sirable type with no part objection able the general manager of the new firm the reeve revealed has looked over the site and has recommended his board proceed immediately with the acquisition of the property it is the intenti to start construe- spotlight on the district news items of interest gleaned from the newspapers of the district oakville cljb will only elevators in town the 6akylle plant of canadian ten storev oftlob bulldinq in prospects for flower town tion in april and the new plant will employ about 140 at the outset thisis good news continued reeve adkins i hope to be able to make an announcement as soon as this has come about if it does and i have no doubts it will be the fourth 1000 000 firm to locate in nelson in the last 12 months the reeve revealed the plan of arrigo bros who developed the clarkesdale survey was to build a modern shopping centre containing eight to 10 stores general electric will soon be rpanu facturing a new filament lamp whichthe company regards as one of its most important developments in recent years reports an oakville newspaper victor oldham manager of the companys lamp department cenfrar district described the new lamp as an important advance in filament lamp efficiency and had been de veloped by the parent company the lamp involves a vertical coil ed filament instead of the conven tional horizontal filament used since 1937 cge says the lamp gives a substantial increase in lighting ef ficiency at a saving in power con sumption wha i su prompts argu defer appointment to library board burlington public school board has deferred making an appoint ment to the burlington public lib rary board until further study and thought has been riven to it at a recent meeting a communica tion was received recommending a new appointment on the library board to represent the school trustees trustee frank crouch ex pressed the belief that the school board should act on its own recom mendations there might be many people in this town wilhnr and eager to act on the librar board but who dont have a chance if wo accept the re commendations of that bodv he said he had no quarrel w ith an per sonnel of the librarv board but felt the appointments should be spread around and that an suggestion of representation should come from the school board and not from the library board the school board is now looking for some one suitable to act on its behalf and qunlifed for such a post the consensus was that such an ap pointment should not be made until mon thought had been given to it milton public school board re- centlv appointed judge monroe as their represintatue on the sugges tion of the milton public ljbrarv board a bold step towards bramptons future and a trend in municipal fin ancing believed new to ontario feature the office building project harold s hare realtor brought to brampton councils attention estimated to cost about three quarter million dollars the 10-stor- ey building of unique modern de sign and concrete iand steel frame construction will face st pauls united church on main st s the building will occupy 65x75 feet in a lot roughly 100 foot square mr hare represents executives of a responsible construction firm who have commissioned a toronto archite f t m a sket of the proposed building this sketch was shown to members of council a toronto legal firm has been retained as well by the un- interpretation of what composes a subdivision was a point for ai gu ment at the georgetown council meeting last week when a law firm representing property owner frank deakin asked about constructing fi hoises on property which he owns on elm street mr deakin purchased the five acre property in 1954 from mayor armstrong and at that time was free to go ahead with his building he asked in a letter if there had been anv changes n local laws i mr wolld p ownership by the named principal for any discussion of legal aspects of the plan a sevenpage tvpewnttcn brochure was also presented for information of council under the pioposal the building will be available foi rent of space by the town itself by the county and by financial companies and pro fessional persons upon amoitira- tion of construction cost the build- sincc there have been a subdivision bylaw passed last summer makes thebqilder of one si7e pay 300 lot service comeii measur foo now only boxed for gift mailing regularly 299 florida no 1 ruby red grapefruit 10 39c ontario fancy grade macintosh 3 lb bag apples 25c florida crisp green pascal large stalk celery 10c imported iceberg jumbo heads lettuce 2 for 25c new brunswick no 1 store now potatoes 50 lb t9 1 29 swifts premium boneless veal leg rolls b 49c swifts premium rindless side 1 lb pkg bacon 59c swifts brookfield skinless pure pork 1 lb sausage 39c swifts premium sliced or piece lb bologna 23c deliciously tender- flavorful pork tenderloin sept iles que cp pasteur- i izution of milk is expected to be- j com obligatory in jum for this i communm of 6 00o piisons j hs holdenj optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph pring roads spwy sidewalks and witei mains mavor armstrong questioned whethei the deakin property could be called a subdivision as all lots face on existing streets and he in terprets a subdivision as a property in which new roads are opined reeve allen said that two of the roads had never been opened and it would be a costly proceduie for the town hut he would certainlv not c xpect to charge a man for building on lots facinc completed struts we re going to hav e quite a tim explaining to the public if we al low one person to build 1 houses and prohibit others said cr le fiov jo-ilti- cr alfred s kes askid if the lots were tixod individually or as on parcel of land and when he was told indiivduallv he said that this is the deciding factor in his opinion ir a property has not been so split up he said he would rignrd it a subdivision regardltss of streets cr garfield mcgillviay opined that thi l council has made cei tain commitments to mi deakin and he thinks these should be hon ond last ear council had dealt similnrh with owners of the swan ek subdiv ision he pointed out mavor arrost ong said lhat the moore propern on main st n w hirh has extensive highway front age would fill in the same catr tor thi owners have been pmnp cor tain t ixrs for services and hi would not consider houses built along the highw n as a subdivision the neve agreed ith him in this opinion mr dale asked wh subdivision b iivv had been passed it is his understanding that the reason for it was bemuse too manv hntisi s were being limit and the u sidentiatin town and should provide a worth while souice of revenue financ ing of construction cost has already been discussed with insurance com- pany executives who feel mortgage- arrangements can be made upon meeting certain conditions object and starting point for the proposal is the meeting of insistent demands for an office building in brampton equal to or better than office facilities elsewhere accessi bility of brampton to toronto and the coming completion of the wind sor highway from toronto to no 10 highway south of the town will be sufficient inducement lo executives anxious to locate away from the congestion of the metropolitan area it is felt the proposed building to be com pleted nine months after construc tion starts wjll provide janitor and all services to its tenants itwiu have the only elevators in town excluding the peel memorial hos pital be fireproof soundpi oof and ha e provision for airconditioning hot water oil fued heating will create no smoke problem floors w ill be tile in office areas and ter- ra7o in public areas a firstclass restaurant us planned for the main floor with possibilitv of a bowling allev for recreation in the base ment underground parking space planned will accommodate all needs of tenants and their visitors it is expected siv srsv w s ssiiasiraaaaabbasbssssssjwbsas r r f n council to study further election of trustees by wards council passes ward voting as no alternative first step toward requiring the election of school trustees under the same ward system that provides ie- piesrntatum for its own members was held up for one week for fur ther study by nelson council at its i fust meeting of the enr cit urge newell fi om the north- ensti rn part of nelson headed a ele legation of ight men represent ing thiee wards 1 1 and 4 who sought to hae th crmnc il applv fur a private bill at the fi bruarv m rt ing of thi ontario legislature a motion towaid this e nd was with- 1 ditwn w h n it was decided to pet the feelings of various oiganizations in the southern wards 1 m newell blamed bad road con ditions for the unexpectedly poor turnout of an expected large dopu- titiem since council has been i elicted by wards we have had a er good council and cverv bodv i specially those of us in the north in v i happ he said urging the j council to tike thi n ce ssarv sti ps to sponsor the pinvinml bill cr waltt i chadwick recalled that i quern s park official had promis- d to advisi a nelson council dele- g ltion but mi now ii sud the ontv wavwjisjjyapvft4bth thits tight added reive haiold adkins we wen tpld then was no pro i a length di hate over attempts to change thi bv law vetting up i lections by wards in burlington came to an abiupt end in town council when it was reilized theby- i i could not be changed town eluk m m bush reminded coun cillors that s what the piople vot ed r to 1 in favor of it was duly published and there s nothing you ran do about it rt i ve robert h shannon ex- pnssed a fear that ward iv might not ceirm forward with n repre sentative with the exception of mr a c mason there hasnt been i ranelidate from that ward in 15 iais he said if there is no imi standing in a ward the people should have some representation 7ir f if j vrme rtnn ttinn m ml other ward i dustrial balance was getting out of line councl finallv decided to ask mr i deakin for a plan- of whit he ln- i tends to do w ith the prbpprtv and i no decision was made as to w hat ac- 1 tion council will take a bill for spending oi raising public meinev mav only be intro duced in commons bv a cabinet minister sion in the school act providing fi such a sch me i understand the reason is that our school board does not embrace the entire township the act is rather inadequate said mr newell giving assurance the move was not against any in dividual member of the school boaid but some things have not brr ill june that wire promised tons in the north we have had an ex cellent council none better under the ward system and we could have the same with the school board i tin pi oph decidid ft 1 for it ills 1iim it until we have to face lhit situ ition suggested deputy he eve fred atkinson- i cr dome kerr thought some thing should be done to the bylaw to guard against such a situation it wa voted on by the people ind vou can t change it reminded the cle rk handsome cift halifa cp mayor leonard kitz announced he plans to turn his 500 annual car allowance over to the citv towards construction of a children s swimming pool it is up for third reading said the deputv reeve after the situation was fully realized vfe have no choice but to pass it if any future change is desired the people must decide it passagef the bylaw now moans lhat voters win elect the mayor reeve and deputy reeve at large next december and one councillor from each of the six wards ib 83 frozen foods booth brand heat and serve fish sticks zv 33 pictsweet ij fresh fr fries 2 35 ledger s iga heres terrific value kelvinator dryer reg 32995 now 2295 lifetime porcelain drum floodlit top full fluores cent lamp safety door drum stops when door is opened safe temperature drying for all fabrics easy terms gordons hardware mhjt st acton taaiewwrfvijyir