Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1956, p. 1

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sjwvk v- eightyfirst yearno 31 acton ontario thursday february 9th 1956 ten pages seven cents lose to jha m i if on topgeorgetown in rouh contest acton junior ds broke even in two games played at home and away during the past week last thursday in the local arena hamilton triumphed oyer their hosts 64 ida game that has seen both tejms play better hockey mondaynight acton took george town on in rough n tumble as well as hockey and bettered their neigh bors in both departments the game fougrnt iii georgetown wound greet our olympic team in acton friday afternoon up wltti acton on ihc topside oi a 63 score thursday nights game here had the acton ians behind most of the way after leading early in the first few penalties were handed out and all of them were minor the locals goals were scored by bon shan non wayne hilson bob coon and ted footloc monday night acton and george town played relatively clean hockey for the first period which ended in o scoreless tie in the second go the rash of minor penalties erupted into the first fistic engagement with sinclair and cunningham called to do five minutes penance along with two georgetown sympathizers meanwhile acton potted four goals toy sinclair from shannon and hil- son baxter alone hilson from cun- ningham and baxter alone again i in the final period ted footltt who scored the sixth goal unassist ed also managed to get five minut es for fighting plus a match mis conduct georgetown combatants got two major penalties shannon from marshal netted the fifth ac ton counter tomorrow night friday acton plays its final game of the schedule against the leading elmirn crew it is expected playoff dates will be announced next week pass sentences for local theft two hamilton men were convict ed and sentenced by county court judge robinson in milton last week on charges of breaking entering and theft at an acton mail order store in december santa macaluso was sentenced to 12 months in the reformatory and nick cote was sentenced to six months definite and three months indefinite also in the reformatory the two were part of a gang which broke into the simpsons- scars mail order office last decem ber removed the safe then ditched it unopened after local and milton police chased their car south of here two others were earlier charged in connection with the same break- in one was convicted on another breakin charge and charges were dropped against the other plans to welcome canadas olympic hockey team the kit chenerwaterloo dutchmen on their road home from malton air port are faking shape today under the guidance of the chamber of commerce the dutchmen last years al len cup winners who missed an olympic and world hockey crown by five goals last saturday against a crack russian team arc expected to pass through acton about or shortly after 2 pm to- morrow friday not yet complete as tp the form of actonjs greetings but jprousing salutation is planned chamber officials urge as many actonians as possible to back up the towns and chambers greet ings by lining mill street to hail the olympic team although canada failed to re gain the international hockey laurels won last year by the pes- ticton vs the dutchmen have re ceived wide plaudits for their gameness and sportsmanship the team will be accompanied russia defeated the canadians by a motorcade from kitchener 20 in the olympics final hockey where a warm reception is in the game to triumph on score ave- offing for canadas olympic rages canada needed to win by sportsmen here arrangements are three goals xmetmssssmoiri ti i i wawwmi mi i i m i puc cant see through any more transit pipe hearts pancakes juniors to compete in drama festival tuesday hopes acton junior farmers are pre senting their- oneact play tiger i lily at the junior farmer drama combing expect operations will resume next month on synthetic fibres return of the wool combing corporations synthetic fibre division to acton from gait was confirmed this week by local plant manager tuesday of next week might be tomorrow even hobert hceley machinery is being transferred this week and installa- frozen spots in the transit pipe rectify the mistake the mayor laid at the lakeview subdivision said the employee hired in decem- and difficulty in reaching and working out thcblockages is sour ing puc members of the worth of this type of water conduit at last weeks meeting members learned of the troubles experienced with the transit pipe waterworks superintendent j lambert contend- called a dualpurpose day with no connection to those animals which arc gooo for both milk and meat i instead tuesday is the day every one sends a valentine card or gift to the ones closest to his or her heart valentines day a yearly feature is always best observed at i the schools hundreds of valentines will bo spread throughout the schools this year as in years gone by i remember the days when you used to receive upwards of 30 or 40 cards nowadays the number seems to be even higher for those most popular among the school classes another item outstanding for tuesday is shrove tuesday better ing director joehurst is in charge tion is expected to be completed by the end of the month with produc of the production with the assist- jfn iikclv to resunu n m mannger heeley said of mr and mrs ralph me- ancr keown in the makeup department mrs don matthews as prompter jack marshall mac sprowl and uwrence hemsley as stage assist ants in the east are kathleen stanley marjorie mcoonald donald mat thews sandy buchanan price and bill artificial ice seals discussed by rotary it was the regular business meet ing for the members of acton ro tary club on tuesday evening ed the same difficulty with cast iron pipe would not present as many headaches the pipe was purchased by coun cil inst year for a portion of lake- view after a majority of members considered the transit conduit was more economical than cast iron pipe one commission member suggested last week that council be asked to buy no more transit pipe a letter of complaint the commission received another letter from j jnny who in reply to a puc reply complained that proper due was not given his first complaint this dealt with him not being forewarned of hydro and water cutoffs in the lakeview area another letter was directed stmt to mr jany advising him it is ber should be dropped and another junior worker taken on other commission members disagreed with this thought later secretary mcgeachie asked what decision the commission and councils finance committee had i 1 come to at a special meeting about pancake tuesday the day of the port for the artificial ce project the office start wage increases he was y whvn pancakes for supped are crippled children s work and told the meeting had decreed no nn almost necessity and as usual easter seal campaign increases the secretary asked hc youngsters will gorge themselv- a regular visitor the commission to know he was es trying to eat more than mom or entirely dissatisfied with the an- i pp- nxt to pancake batter syrup swer nnd reason given nnd butter we suppose the best- selling item of the day will be bi- continued on page three i carbonate of soda known among the younger fry as among items discussed were sup- the the traveller mr luckes from wood river illinois was again present he attends ro tary wherever he happens to be in his business and has not missed a meeting in many years vii5sasks5sjkisbbssaa3 i3jaxsssr 38874 for health unit passed by county council halton county council in regular in may and june of 1955 the monthly session tuesday approved vnit gave 4sh5 children two inject- not the policy of the commission to i a budget for the county health un- i ions of polio vaccine this year we advise in advance of emergency it of 31187137 in his annual report hope to have sufficient vaccine cutoffs dr archie f bull mo h explain- i made available to us to give all pre- hydro superintendent d mason ed the per capita rate as the same school children over one year and reported the service load balance as last year but the amount was also to the elementary school child- has some bearing on low voltage increased when it was learned the ren the work that was done last which was also a complaint in mr population of the county had shown year an increase as well the province of ontario will also add amount to that levied by ty the moh estimated revenue of j 10574h74 which included a sur- j plus from 1955 of 13000 and in- spection fees amounting to 15000 womens world day of prayer is planned the womens world day ot pray er service for the year 1956 is to be held in knox presbyterian church on friday february 17 at 230 pm this service for all women has been held yearly in canada since a small interdcnominatioital day of prayer was held in toronto in 1920 in 1922 this group was joined with the women of the united states and since then has grown until it en- circles uie whole world always the main objectives have been to pro mote the world day of prayer nnd to allocate the offerings received to the publication and distribution of christian literature throughout the world- the service this year was comp iled and arranged by miss isobel crawford acandian missionary to the indians in the western united states miss crawford a canadian baptist lives in grimsby ontario with hor nieces misses miriam nnd eva cline in- 1952 she hail publish ed a book that looks back over her missionary work with the kiowa indians begun in 1893 janys first letter to the puc hydro employee w kelly who brought before the commission grievances on wages and working conditions inadvertently started a long and sometimes controversial discussion on the commissions em ployment practices capital outlay policy and revenue handling answer to excuse at one point during this talk among members secretary j mc geachie questioned the commis sions practice of putting current net revenue into capital works in one year instead of spreading the j cost by debenture he contended that this could be one answer to the i well controlled that in oftrepeated excuse given employ- j groups between one year ees who ask for wage increases j years accident is the greatest cause that the acton puc has no mon- f death dr bull told members of 1 ey i council in the age groups of 35 i the secretary further asked if the diseases of the heart are the mosf commissioners were aware of the important cause of death malig- actual monthly spread between disease or cancer is the second power costs and hydro revenue he most important cause in all age suggested that while wholesale groups between three years and 75 j power costs are increasing- the rise at the present timy we must admit in revenue here as newcustomers that we do not have sufficient are added monthly is greater than knowledge to prevent these discas- the commission members might re- t althuurh a good deal of control ippears to have hod a very desirable effect on the number of similar i cases of polio in the county we the ckuii- j were expecting more than 20 cases during the 1955 season but there were mly seven and noni of these were children who had been im munized n concluding dr bull however by resolution council made a 500 grant to the canadian national institute tor the blind af ter w stanley representing that organisation addressed council he said there were 35 registered blind persons in halton mrs c ellenton representing the milton association for retarded children made a strong plea for 11 grant to carry on the work in mil- ton she said there- were 39 ossoc- j iations in ontario and out of every 1 000 born in ontario 30 special teaching it was pointed out j council had made a grant to the early days tales told acton w i i mrs john lovell frederick st was hostess for the february j meeting of the acton womens in- istitute with the president mrs i i george fryer presiding members answered the roll call by naming 11 j statesman f whom they were proud 1 the report of the penny sale anil euchre was given showing a good j financial balance the announce- i mints of the annual county folk j school was read mrs wm ballen- j tine was named as a representative of the acton branch it is to be held i at the home of mrs fish trafalgar township the secretary was in structed to send the annual feder ated and county fees to the district secretary mrs f anderson gave a short talk on the motto of the month dont take sides take responsib ility a ding song of old favorites i was enjoyed with mrs w hall pro- viding musical accompaniment j a pleasant feature of the program was an interesting talk by miss esther taylor who reviewed some j early stories of life in acton con- sisting of a murder a love story and amusing events which all to gether have helped 16 make our home town a good place to live mrs fryer read from an article written by ethel chapman where i she states too much business is spoiling the institute and taking away from the fundamental reason for organizing w i groups the meeting closed with the w the synthetic fabrics division of the wool combing corporation of canada ltd was moved from here to cart in 1950 at the time the move was reported to be motivated by lack of sufficient space here to make production efficient all lines of synthetic fibre tops will be turned out when operations of this division resume these in clude nylon viscose acetate rayon 01i011 and terylene mannger heel ey indicated that initially some eight to 10 added employees will be required greater part of the syn thetic fabrics division is dependent cm modern automatic machinery grace and nniilinn yir ip hilt the group of the month served the lunch mrs w ballcntine expressed the apprcciat- require jm u the hstcss mjss tayior and all who contributed fn any way to a 1 pleasant afternoon dr bull anticipated an expenditure during 1955 we conducted 121 this was for capital expenditure of ti i e k 1 1 i i t 1 ij t i amounting to 10573175 for person al services 8398 175 travelling ex penses 13104 equipment and fur nishings stoo materials and sup plies 45fm rent and utility ser vices 2ftfl0 miscellaneous 1245 during the past year the com municable diseases have been so all age and 35 child health clinics with a total at tendance of 2911 13690 injections were made and carried out 950 vac cinations against smallpox the nurses made 4164 visits and sanit ary inspectors made 7850 calls requests for grants i a number of requests for annual grant had been specified the dep- grants were made and members re- utation was asked to present figur- i ferred them to the finance commit- i es so the matter would be consider- te for further study so they may ed be included in the years budget on recommendation of the three high school boards in halton m m robinson burlington d a mc- purchasing a building 0 be used as- b 5 sunshine members from both burlington and oakville said operational costs in their municipalities were being cared for by local service organiz ations however as no amount for welcomed this week sunny skies gut a welcome re ception this week as winters usual ly dull canopy opened up to let through the blue blotted white here and there with high clouds not only did the with consolidation of wool comb ing s operations here the future of the gait plant was not stated since 1950 the local plant has largely been concerned with the scouring of wool and manufacture of wool tops wool combing estab lished here over 15 years ago in 1d54 nearly ho persons were employ ed locally while more than 40 were employed at the gait plant films election on iode agenda the duke of devonshire chapter iode held their february meet ing at the home of mrs a long oh wednesday evening february 1 mrs j whitham presided routine business was conducted mrs b mowat gave- a talk on ni geria which was of special interest since the queen is presently touring t here mr perks of the bell telephone company showed moving pictures of interest to all stepping along with television and the telephone hour since this was the annual meet ing of the chapter reports were read by the various conveners the new officers and conveners are as i follows honorary regent mm h j rcgen filst viceregent mr5 b mowat second viceregent miss m main- prize recording secretary mrs k knox assistant secretary mrs l simpson treasurer mrs e frank lin assistant mrs d vanfleet educational secretary mrs c kirkness echoes secretary mrs j denny service at home and abroad iws3l above the freezing point to start alize to substantiate his comments the secretary quoted figures from re cent control sheets little discus sion on puc fiscal policy follow ed increase to salary turning buck to mr kelly a mo- is maintained by early diagnosis- and adequate treatment he said plan camporee for area scouts early this spring scouts of acton erin hillsbure and i conachie oakville and k c lind say georgetown were appointed to j the consultative committee being i mojiths to go yet i established to review the high i school needs in the county it is i expected a late in the spring sun shine jany standard bearer mrs w j idavey assistant standard bearer mrs f sault assistant pianist mrs d lislie empire and world affairs through tuesday and wednesday t y ni sianoara oea but the mercury climbed well mrs w aka pn t mrs icicles dripping and streets running v w a a february thaw causes mixed a sponn feelings but winter has nearly twois n f j tion and canadianization mrs p kennedy publicity convener mrs j w wolfe councillors miss ben- port will be labied slides dlscussiors w beattymrs r m mc tb treatment polio vaccine in the age groups between one year and 45 tuberculosis and polio myelitis cause mure deaths than any other cuntiullable disease last year the lnit completed the tubor- tton carried that his salary be in- culm patch testing of allelementary creasedto3400 a year retroactive to january i alayur e tyler ob- jccteo f 1 as the motion was tabled he said tha the commission should admit a mistake was made when the most- recently hired hydro was taken on at a salary equal to mr kellys wages he argued that rais ing mr kellys salary would not school chiulit n and at that time we had approximately 10000 as a re sult we found two active cases of tuberculosis and a number of people were discovered with abnor mal xray shadowing the two act ive cases are now being treated in the sanitorium and it is expected they will soon return to society the moh continued georgetown willj likely be compet ing at a camporee at blue springs scout reserve final arrangements are yet to be completed but at last weeks meeting of the north halton district scouters club indications pointed to a very successful week end a committee of three murray scviyne of acton mr greenfield of milton and mr scofield of george town was nanuii tu investigate the inliility of hulding a similar carriporte for cubs the turkey dinner in march was discussed during the meeting in milton town hall attended about 20 scout and cub leaders hospitals burninr question sheriff w j robertson presented occupy camera club a varied program occupied the attention of the members of the camera club at their meeting in the v wednesday of last week prints of pictures taken at a previous meeting were criticized colored slid of florida shown were elliott and of the the grand jury report to council and- was informed many of the problems in the jail and registry office were being considered by the building committee reeve walter linham esquesing and reeve r j hargrave acton were appointed to the county road committee reeve robert marshall trafalgar wondered if the special committee set up at the last meeting of coun cil to consider hospitals in the county would be ready to make a report at the next meeting f hospitals seem tibe a burning question today i understand there j is a movement for hospitals in j burlington and georgetown they 1 want a hospital in milton and i think that is the place for it as it additions and reqovfljions at the wilt do the county the most good legion hall are nearing completion if hospitals become a county ven- it is hoped the work will be finish- lure there is no use building one d within two weeks of 50 or 60 beds a larger one will a new addition has been built and be necessary to accommodate the the upstairs completely redesigned increasing population in the counj to form a large auditorium ty the trafalgar reeve said donald mrs c matthews mrs it schroeder mrs g a dills honor ary councillor mrs wm coopetv miss p smith flower and gift con vener missm mainprize mrs r m mcdonald mrs c matthews lunch convener mrs g beatty telephone convener mrs l young- blut by r h wist coast by mrs k alger derek milnes spoke on lenses and depth of field as mrs s bruneile resigned as steretary herman ekhert was nam ed to fill the vacancy in the execu tive expect legion hall work finished f soon building start slow in january january usually a feeble month as far as new building is concerned has made a relatively optimistic start towards 1956s month-by- month construction climb during the month one permit for a new house valued at 8300 was issued here in january of 1954 and 1955 not one dollar in building per mits was registered 1956 will have to go some to bet ter last years total when 1 755 00 worth of new construction was started in acton thfigurje is an alltime record for iris municipal- special plans are being made to j ity it was agreed the special hospital mark the opening and the 25th an- 1 lastmonth a total of 37300 in committee will meet with the fjnj niversary of the branch this spring 1 permits was issued ance committee before calling a 1 general meeting of all concerned i ksakiitiajiafcii with hospitals ixi the county t wfarden stanley allen welcomed p the return of clerk william deans following his recent illness cpun- 1 cil expressed its gratitude to miss margaret maxted treasurer who carried on the clerks duties as well while mr deans was away vk enter public school but no damage done note actonshockey hopes for anoha juniord title are collect- j jack marshall emerson baxter ken black rear row ezio aaarzo ed on the shoulders of these playersvyho are flanked at lefrand j rori shannon hugh marshall john cunningham- wayne hilson right by ihe coaching team of ezio and llio aaarzo front row- leff to manager efodtitt bob coon paul lawson marvin hunter ron sin- right are ted wayrie arbic subgoalie bob aaarshall goajiej clair llio aaarzo irf ther centre is stick boy- bill dawkins j ported last week this time at acton public school i according to police no doors or windows wefe broken to gain entry and no apparent damage was caused by the intruders ps board requisitions levy of 54500 for 56 altons public school board authorized to arrange with the meeting in regular session last i caretakers foe a record cabinet it week established an estimate of was reported v the lecretary that 154500 for the municipal levy to a cheque for f500 had been issued operate and administer the public to finalize purchase of extra play- i school in 1956 ground area from baxter laborat ories the board approved 90 for home economic expenditures reg ular finance statement of 81x33 was presented approved and pay ment authorized chairman w wolfe presided at the thursday night meeting held in the school trustees heard watson bradley and- smith were present the secretary was directed to re- latest night time intrusion by an j c j ft- unknown person or persons was re- vear the budgeted levy for public school purposes was 48- 58486 the annual report from inspect or l l slcuce was read and re viewed v the propeirty conimittee was mi mmmfenfiiilr ni rv

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