Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1956, p. 9

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uitmrf rffiiuml tijrrjiiit iii inif r rrv ri jh nw i twi v thursday february- 9th 1006 the acton free press acton ontario page ninb e l buohner optometrist in response to numerous requests will now accept appoint- ments in hi s acton of ice for any availing off tha week in addition to us regular wednesday office hours phone 115 48 mitt st acton iown of acton public utilities commission tenders for garage building sealed tenders properly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 5 pm wednesday feb ruary 15th 1956 for the construction of a 42x22 frame build ing with aluminum roofing and siding specifications and plans can be obtained at the office upon deposit of a 500 cheque jtmcgeachie clerk royal arch masons officers installed guests from acton mid binmpton were piescnt when hnlton chapter royal arcli masons held their in stallation cciemony in the masonic hall georgetown lew tracey was elected to suc ceed jumcs mcculg to- head the lodge at tlu- elections in december rt ex comp george o brown was assisted by past principals of the lodge and visiting past princi pals in the installation ceremony rigger bbacpi vancouver cp ten acres of choice waterfront property at jer icho nlr 8tatiorthas bcenmade av ailablc ns an addition to the city beach facilities on that section o english bay council was told the federal government agreed to turn over the property as a result of meetings between defence minister campney and mayor fred hume want ad page where old friends meet h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph fate of family farms discussed byhaltonforums the 1mm vy snowfall lust week pi evented some of the farm forum groups in hnlton fiom holding tholi icgulni meetings the major ity of those who met icport ii good hiondcnst on the topic the fam ily farm all groups agreed the family fnrra will remain ns it is still the back bone of countiy life but owing to present econojnlc conditions some changes may bo necessary it was sjisgested that larger farms with jfpecinlizcd production following fcrsoiind business methods should re sult in a more efficient lise of ex pensive uptodntc equipment thus reducing overhead expenses however if the family farm is to survive the farmers cash returns for their produce must increase there should not be such a wide spread between the prices produc ers receive and what consumers pay if farmers were receiving a fair share their sons would be more willing to remain on the farm and so preserve the family tradit ions again leads berwick n s cp for the 10th year in a row berwick was again the first nova scotia town to fil its amum report town clerk it tt chvslev leceived congratulat ions fiom w it moseley deputy miiiimot of municipal affairs limehouse wi deals with varied business the ftliruniy meeting of lime- house womens institute wiis held lust tluu sdi evening ut the home of mis jiiok noble with the pies- uleut mrs e snnfoid in the chair the i oil cull wail answered by sonu tiling iiscdln mv home made in canada tj seillii mv ifttflillhite s of the last people buy the fr lee pi ess to lead mil lead uie free pi eta to buy 1906 r- the hydro a he fifty years since ontario hydro was created in 1906 constitute one of the most important eras in the history of our pro vince the hydro family has played a major tolefa century energetically developing ontarios water reso to make available to farms homes and industry dependable electric power at rateeamong the lowest in the world in the process the hydro family has grown from the original 14 partner municipalities to 343 the number of customers served through these plus rural local systems and industrial customers now exceeds one and one half million the combined assets of the commission and the municipal systems is almost two billion dollars in this our golden jubilee year ontario hydro and all the hydro municipalities salute the men whose foresight and enter prisefounded the hydro family we salute also labour industry and agriculture all of which may be proud of their part in helping to bring about the present high standard of living in ontario what of the next 50 years the future holds promis in e living hydr w continue to provide an adequate supply of electricity to meet the power requirements of the province power for greater p for all ontario family assumes your electrical future lleurdmore jim nil ii ohouikoh liut net uie pun fui curiyh nil game win ovei 103 turkey given manor after auction the lesulenln of hnlton centen- nlnl miiiioi wen- treated t u 104 pound liirkey costing 103 i ii last uili n piisent fiom di nails- iiiuvh luboiiitorlih the tvukoy was pin chased foi 6 21 pel pound at nil miction following the annual con vention of tlw ontario turkey as- wllliuins hiiulid the thiee gnine fedei iillon at the koyul coiinuught vleloiy of uppei leather from hotel in llnmllton nenmhoiini despite n 771 32h fiim joliiinv tiiikus t hi onie only mnnuged to hiinie one gumc fium hutinii the huge blid the reserve cliuiupiiin tliessed tin key was one of over 40 tin keys enteied ill coin- the hulling room i f utitik tile petition nt the convention by mem- ti iplih wet e i ci ipps im w allen bins of both orgiiniations 012 ci musules 037 h dodds 637 the expensive tjird was prebont- a ruteliffe 010 and p lesucur odd i ed to superintendent and mrs r w league standing cm i y 7 upper clarke at the munur by s t grieve ixiitlioi 7 rolling room 5 chronn- r r 1 milton representing dr 2 beamhoutic 0 cntsole 0 legion ladles jim 30 positions icmalned salisburys laboratories he was otic nf seven from ifullon who at tended the convention half of the niteling mild hcclelaiys repoit wciffyrulscik- a 070 tiitnunl fioilj hill soelution und the ciinudlun turkey lead mid approved ii business was discussed legnrdlng sending a delegate foi tlip secret- aiys convention at the o a c guclph the folk school and nil appeal from the navy league wns ulso discussed a report wus given on the euchie in the memorial hull the february committee was named mis james noble assistant con vener of agriculture and canadian industries took over the meeting current events were prepared by mrs a benton and read by mrs e findlny discussed was the new style hats appear to me to resemble an upturned nut bowl how about crackers and nuts for trlin7 mis harry brown dealt with the motto worry is like p rucking chair it elves you something to do but wont get you anywhere this motto was excellently prepared a impel we must suppoit in dustries for canadian growers pie- pmed by mis f geury wus lead by mis wilson and wus much up- pi ecliiled liiiuh wus served by the hostess mid lui assistants changed in th lfgj nice i money received for the turkey goes but the tnlllnrclfialned im the to the owner uie other hulf to ad- leuders with dnodkiljjugs taking veitlaing in un eatmore turkey two and totals fiortitfiilf wits and flieflieh doing the hinne to dim wits joyce buchniinn with 017 unci shirley tin kos with fllll led the hit parade making with the sinfiles it wns kuy james 209 rose cook 204 gince agnew 20h mnrv cooney 221 phyllis angell 2011 and grueo townsley 213 lciigiie standing half wits 71 dim wits 57 doodle hugs 52 fire- flics 411 ledgers i fajv jnli 30 ills nmtmiic to pile up pillllth llglllllnt hllh uiul it wiih two and totals foi ills when they took on ileis in the weekly match no high ulplch inil i miiiiih and m skllllng uie chesty ovei theli hldgl is of 207 mil 244 i ihiiiliv iv league stundlng ills 711 ileis 411 ymca ludleh auxiliary jan 31 n me still leading die ifi k ah u icniiii of taking two unci ioiiiin fi oni yh mh gained nil the iciulcis at the expense of the ah wllh u two and totals win dot kule with 247 uiul mamie allen wllh 231 had the hi si semes of the ln v leugui standing li 10 ys b4 m s 10 as 41 muson knit jan 31 dcspiti a ii0h tilple from j musules riiniik i is hoiini ed kryiy kut in mind and nine nil wllh tin- ciiinpalmi mixmm yankees 54 tigers 53 acton ladles fib i lucky strikes had no tumble lihposing of sloppy spares to perch veiy cosy on the top tung an nil unnii win doing the tilck oocictttis went out and got all games fioiii lli cuts jitterbugs tiled to kii the all or nothing stiing kdiiik but pin tumblers hiiuied urn- to liver i n shutout no good tilphs but the nluglcn jind r lliilfoid 222 e hulid 200 v vurey 217 l roles 211 ij henry 210 have tn collect ourselves the knrlo gnllostid n 4131 triple leiigin hliuidlng lucky strikes ml sloppy spares 71 hep cuts 14 jltteilmijs 54 go oetteih 40 pin tiuuhuiih 30 arton major keh i sam snydei wns tup mini with u 1117 trlcuiint in the go be tween tlgei cuts mid turiolls and tin cuts ninniigcd to sipicak thioiighn hit i e game win don tin ins 7j2 tilple fentuied the 52 win of dominion hotel over fire men ombiiich finally shook off tin jinx urn won two fiom vugo- tiondn but tin wngnerites picked up the singleton foi totals some of tin hoys iuinii up with tiiples p tug end of a i2 hassle hunililern lisiieui l ii welistei b2ii h ty i nine up with the same result lei 125 m unions 133 n morton win n they lang wit pin ton- mi w all iso peis hot shots with kitty micrlstj lingin htundliig tiger cuts 10 nil hitting 115 iniiile l u two oiid ijnmlin until 15 vugulmiiids 12 tutnls go fiom clnfeih tiiiiidlliig in nt swi i t mid omplele hliikles win m woods 212 o tylu 201 t tyh i 2111 o townsley 202 h williamson 20311 i i sin m 215 mil i furlo 201 lengue htundliig huuiifms 111 c fus 74 kiny knt 72 pin toppcis 13 hiimhleis 511 hot shuts 40 acton mixed jim 31 duly skunks look the flist giime fiom tenicrs and ti r lieis never lecoveud fiom the shock and diopped the next two und inside mini of the skunk works don giein is u happy mnn cy itynnsl 004 wnsjho keynote of pin clippers picking up nil the marbles from shnmiocks j cunninghams 644 wns close enough to mr towrmonds mfl to enable thistle to take high hollers measure for two and totals coming up with fair singles were w spires 223 h deforest 228 e ryan 238 j mclcun 204 d grcln 210 g bcauy 221 r hulford 200 g mosaics 214 and g clow 232 league standing end of first aer ies terriers 60 thistles 55 pin clippers 53 shamrocks 50 dirty skunks 50 high rollers 47 baxter lab feb 1 tigers who delight in knocking off the leaders repeated again and took athletics into camp for two and totals indians kicked yankees down into the fifth slot by taking the blgendof a 52 hassle dodgers with an all out victory over the braves scrambled back into contention the baxtcritct did their best trundling in the singles ond we have f buckman 20 m hoar 219 j blow 278 g williams 200 e hufnagel 204 r hoare 211 a hufnagel 209 a robinson 208 p hurst 221 and f fryer 223 league standing athletics 80ft indians 72 braves 61 dodgers 57 acton jersey dairy daily delivery phone 242 don tiaaaaings prop i ii i men ii cm i oils 4 combines 4 coin mrrclul industrial ki b ink spots feeling self oiihi loos in tin it new howling re- gnliii und we might niiy here that solomon in oil his glmy wns not niinyid liki nut nf tht se dropped nil guinih to the front running micros hill wllliiimn 712 iricount featured tin two und totals win of hldndulis over a p green ab hobliinoii was in the drivers scat for the cloy cmtuge mid ht 601 triple hi iidi i the truckers two und totals win from ramblers rucking up the triples were d groin 020 0 jlexlo2le ryan 024 j duckmun 041 l mcgllloway 700 league standing micro plastics 76 ilidsdnlcs 07 goy cartage 06 ramblers 60 ink spots 58 a p green 51 glenlesgue feb 3 lucky six came up with the right side of a 52 hassle with snafus und found themselves in a second place tie as a result don tlmmlnks was the big man in the eskimos igloo and his 711 triple highlighted the two and totals win from puddle jumpers soma fair triples are beginning to show on the glenlcaguc score sheets g barr 621 b thomson 634 and b raven- croft 610 league standing eskimos 41 snafus 35 lucky six 35 puddle junipers 29 feb 4 bulls eyes on the strength of fran oakes 421 double picked up the doings from tumbling teen eagles made one and totals from hotsrnjb despite double- of 474 and 456 from d wilds and g hul ford respectively orioles chirped quite happily over their all victory from robim beat single scorers were r clow 211 d dawkina 200 b skllllng 219 a williams 202 and r morton 255 league standing bulls eye 64 robins 52 hot shots 41 tumbling teens 40 orioles 39 eagles 34 dlsaa and data the first series id over in the intercounty and the boys are homo free the trip to streeuville saw the gang pick up another five points the gord mccutcheon hab erdashery award goes to leosmc- gilloway for his 805 triple a 328 single wins the carroll award for john turkosz joyce masales picks up the tops cleaners award with her 698 triple mary town- send can enjoy some ledgers iga delicacies by trundling that 279 single coca cola seven up and reinharti hidden scores were won by johnny williams carol good win gale hulford and ron clow dont know whether its the dlei or not buf mother flashed some old time form and knocked off am7 game last saturday evening thats it and adloa smigoa attu dkoffm anytimf kit cuhut o w l you may be a bowler of long standing or you may have just discovered the fun and satisfaction of the game either way youre in good company open bowung ffcldays and saturoys acton bowling lanes ffl 48 n sasxesmm 1 v sfa4lrift f j u

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