Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1956, p. 1

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l ll i 1 xntestjptjata-r- t t r ht sttt ttzz eighty-first- year no 32 actcin ontario thursday february 16th 1956 ten pages seven cent sufi phot welcome jn acton were canadas olympic hockey finalists the kitchenerwaterloo dutchmen who breezed through here last friday afternoon with a warming greeting from actonians below is partcjf the crowd of schoolchildren with a sign we love you dutchies upper left one of the two teamcarrying buses rolls past placard bearers on mill st upper right mayor tyler holds one of the many signs saluting the dutchies the welcome was organized by the chamber of commerce board plans addition to georgetown high school snow falls down in heavy heaps preliminary motions were ap- too dangerous for students and will proved monday night for the start make inquiry into securing a larger of a new eightroom addition to the jig saw to replace the present mod- p hls weok s snowstorms lastweekssunshinoheld prom ise but in the end proved only a council takes urgent water into town to reporfextensive capital expense at knox church the annual congregational meet ing of knox church was held last wednesday in the school room af ter worship b r parker was el ected chairman and c m coles secretary a k mann brought in the report of the kirk session in which the of fice bearers of the various organiz ations were commended fur the faithful discharge of their duties sympathy was expressed to the families of eight members of knox church who had passed away dur ing the ycart the session report showed that there had been an in crease in the amount raised for missions and the wider work of the church r r parker reported for the board of managers that there hod been consider c expendit ure that the church interior had been redecorated and new doors hung he brought in a proposed new section of georgetown high school when the members of north halton district high school board met in milton the new- ad dition planned wulbe a twostorey structure giving eight more class rooms eventually the old building will be demolished while the acquisition of more land will not interfere with the structure of the new section it will encroach on the playing field and limit any future expansion the committee reported that no pro gress had been attained in meeting with mr tost regarding part of his property amounting tb about five acres there is about three acres in the auditors report was receiv ed and reviewed by members of the finance committee perm w granted to close the schools for a day to enable the teachers to ittend a conference of the secondary teachers federat ion music festival grant a grant of 50 was approved to the halton music festival assoc iation accounts for the month amounting to 19241 22 were ap proved mr and mrs charles clarke in- ter lewed the board regarding the fence between their property and promis- over the weekend the came by sunday night present school land in v of the school attention was this the following motion was pass- exi as soon as building operations ed and grading were completed the resolved that north halton dis- board after adjournment viewed tnct high school board requires the two uncompleted rooms at the the land described in schedule a milton school the hallway was hereto for the enlargement of the md not to conform to plans georgetown high school site and budget for 1956 which was accept ed the womens missionary society reports showed that all the organ izations under their care from the mission band through to the senior auxiliary had a busy year and that their work is flourishing the ladies aid and the heather club reported a good year the church school report paid tribute to c jm coles who has re tired as superintendent after 12 years of service mrs h l bonnie reported ihathhero are 85 children on the cradle roll the choir the men of knox and sn the young peoples society also re- traffic jorted on their years work west and north of here held to a three members were elected to i cautious crawl as the pavement tn board of managers j a robin- i greasv or snow coated became son kerwin mcphuil and alex hazardous waldie f raw lings was reelectid 1 in acton monday and tuesday auditor a committee of three to be the snow continued in earnest heaping more inches onto the four j to six that fell over the weekend sidewalkh filled up driveways clogged and every w here the heavy white snow spread oxer trees wires houses posts and pedestrians mild temperatures kept the snow heavy md wet great for snowball purposes or snowman rolling town employees are working night hours to keep roads clear and i highway plow and sunders allow i little chance for snow pileups on no 7 or do 25 highways wednesday and thursday saw hotter weather all around temp- eratures shot lip the sun came out 1 important named by the session and board of managers was set up to investigate increased facilities for the church school and a nurser acton juniors elect officers acton junior institute and acton f h then- nnmml citizens are reminded of two important public hearings sched uled early next week monday morning the ontario fuel board will conduct a certi fication hearing for the applica tion of the united suburban gas co to complete a franchise here and in the neighboring town of milton and georgetown monday afternoon the board will hear for certificate of public convenience and necessity the application of anthony gas and oil explorations ltd for the same three towns tuesday the ontario municipal board will hold a public hearing again in the town hall on the pro posed expenditure for a new maria street bridge kitchener voices thanks for acton salute to team actons welcome last friday af ternoon to canadas olympic hock ey finalists the kitchener water loo dutchmen brought piompt ap preciation from that citv to this town this week the chambei of com merce received a letter from ste phen jones manager of kitcheners chamber which said in part many thanks for the splendid turnout of acton citizens and school children on the occasion of our kw dutchmen return from the olympics last friday it was a i most inspiring sight as we came through and contrasted favorably with what we had seen enroutc up to that point the acton chamber of com merce can be assured that tin ir ef forts brought results as far us they were concerned by uij of good will and we will appicciate inv action bolster engineers to report on cost data on three possible area sources to pipe reserve the urgent search for more water to relieve actons uneasy supply situation was intensified monday night w lien council acted to get engineci s estimates on cost and pel urn ul data to pipe water into town from a possible outside source i mnor e tyler disclosed there aie three souices ranging up to ovei two miles outmdc of town which could add substantially to the i towns water supply he did not i locate these sources but it was in- diciteil piping would start at nil open flow point i recalling last years drilling ef- foi ts for more water the mayor said it had to be admitted only small insufficient supplies could tie gained by this expensive means i as councillors agiecd with the nn- i portauce- of this project quotations iweie also read on water storage tanks it has been repeatedly sties- sed the town must build more stor- 1 ago space for water as wellas find additional supplies monday nights nieetiiik was a long list mas session with much of the time spent in rehashing old business several councillors ap parently disturbed that current business cant be finished at a reas onable hour got into a haggle about 12 30 a in over whether to continue the meeting or go home the 11 p m adjournment had already been extended and the onehour exten sion ussed over one councillor said that every meeting was evidently going to leave a hangover of unfinished business that would keep piling up anothorcouncillor passed a motion that the 11 p m adjournment deci sion be rescinded and that failed mayor tyler commented that while the argument over whether to adjourn or hold another meeting was going on il lasted 17 minutes the unfinished business could have been cleared away a motion to adjourn leaving a third of the agenda untouched fin ally carried about 1250 am 1 meeting at the home of doris fred and i ei mil id thompson on wednes- dav february 8 the tesults of the girls elections presided oyer by assistant agricul tural representative art bennett in opportunity which mi occur for us to reciprocate said last saturdo- kilchenci- waterlimi rtcord about the acton welcome the procession got an unexpected iteartw arming greeting in acton as the motorcade wound through tin town crowds lined the streets to eheei the dutchies in front of a school children shouted gi eetings and carried signs we still l o dutchmen raise theft insurance rates of pay much earlier in the meeting p v consideration until it was determln- c chuirman f oakes and it ever- ed if the music nights would go dell appeared to get a council opin- over ion on raising insurance coverage 1 while discussing regular accounts against theft on monies at the town members directed that two bills for office the insuiance is paid for 50- j motor repairs to the town truck and so b the town and puc after grader be witheld from payment brief discussion it was agreed to in- until the rciunrs prove satisfactory crease the coverage so per cent to a motion which would increase 3000 with an additional 12000 the hourly rate of town works etn- eoveruge on fiveday tax collecting employtes by five cents and would periods add 200 to the assessors yearly the town concurred with its shar i salary of 50 monthly rental to take over an additional loom from the y for office space an agreement for the total 100 rental is to be drawn up while chairman oikes was still pit si nt councillor s biunelleask ed why- the- puc condemned trail- this decision 1 it pipe reasons weie repeated on kirst and the pucs stand and recom was passed councillof cook questioned if the assessors job warranted the increase later council concurred with a puc motion that no wage increas es be given the toitn office staff cleik j mrgearhic asked council to i ecord his dissatisfaction with immediate possession ij wsevijs a sportspage columnist com mented in acton hundreds of childien and as man adults waved flags and carried banners proclaim ing who cares about the russians anyway and you re srth our herniation that council buy no nun i of it chief reason given was the oostlj effoits to thaw nut fi7- ii sections council k anted k scott who ai- pi and fin the film- valley ranch lniu house a s10 concession on tow ii hull rental of 35 for four nights mi scott uigutd his satur day night country music nights in the hall wen- educational to the comimiiiitv and askedujernii- second reading was gien a by law which would change satin dav night store hours here to friday night this was read on the strength of a petition filed by a majority of acton merchants with council thiough the chamber of commerce councillor c lindsay asked that third reading of this bylaw be held ovei to a later meeting to allow ob jectors an opportunity to speak council looked i wick for aw on event that had ltd to this bylaw noisy debate then school levies requires thereof start legal proceedings this motion it was explained to the board by the georgetown rep resentative will start the necessary legal proceedings another motion aimed at getting building instituted read resolved th l j concerned oneact plays on friday evening of with the north halton high school last woek whcn the h junior district board be approached to farmers presented their fourth an- approve an eight room addition nua drama festival before an aud- with suitable land to the george- lenco ot noarlv eon the tlorval town high school the total cost to farmer group won the w i bepprowniatelyjksfloo wk trop fo the b playde recent visilto the depart sessssat the absence of the home economist i champs heartwarming stuff for noryal players win best honors l in annual halton drama festival t i bv m oakville auditorium trafalgar high school was the scene of four the cars to the rescue taking part were bill kellv marilyn campbell manlvn jheslop marie marshall bill robinson helen vivian roy- ford and donna ford the story- told of the attempts of three women to marry calvin carr on oilman played by mill kelly all the relat ives pitch irr to help confuse mat- are president kathleen stanley ice president dons thompson secretarytreosurer mildred wat son directors ido matthews betty rson boys elections presided over bennett resulted as follows past president bill somervillcr president jack marshall vice presi dent bill price secretarytreasurer calvin sprowl directors buchanan paul lawson don mat thews jack black auditor rav e erdell quest speaker at the jointmeeu fyyo and r we say- all the dutchmen thank you wednesdas night dun bex ton and frank teirv represented the cham- another quotation on proposed moving of a house near the lakc- lew subdiv ision entry way was read and council instructed the clerk to pass this latest information on the subdlvider robei t hudson con struction co for action council recalled at length some circum- ber of commeici as guests of the i stances back of this and part of the dutchmen at a scheduled league durable brankiewic case game in kitchener arena during clerk mcgeachie reported a spec ial meeting would have to be held th announcements tribute was the clerk reported both natural gas companies have sinned agree ments with the town he also noted georgetown council had endorsed actons resolution to give the local gas company preference should the public hearing next week find both companies equal but milton had refused tn goalong with the motion onrccommendauon of committee council passed a motion that m paid to acton as the only town be- i with esciucsing council to complete coxe be paid 10 on a disputed bill tween maltnn and home which put out h w clcome mat for the re turning olympic finalists ment indicated it was reported that the goernmeht grant on this ad dition would meet with the de partments- approval principal lambert made a report on staff requirements in george town for september there was a prestnt enrolment of 255 and the estimated enrolment in september would be 305 two more teachers would be required and the part- time teachers would also be need ed permission was given to ader tise for two teachers for septum voting wife who thought her hus- household into an uproar natur ally cnlxri carr gets the best wife in the end but the audience was kept in fits of laughter until he did so feating milton acton and palei mo tors even more andwrth disguises r hoourhreenngs ron the acton junior farmers for the part their members had played dur- i4 year the president with thetrskistance of art bennett showed slides otlhe 1955 soils and land use tour that took place through eight western ontario counties last fall junior farmers and mildred john son of the same group won the margaret alice elliott trophv for the best- actress dave vion of milton received the j e whatelock trophs for the best actor the milton play a melodrama was ably presented by chhs harris margaret stark jean peterson rhyll s bradley bruce bawden al ma bradley and dave wilson dir ector of dark brown was stuart mcfadden it was the storv of a car collisions reported by police the annexation compensation agree- imnt no ready for bylaw a bylaw was read exempting the legion branch here from municipal taxation except for local improve ment and school ly share for 10 wears or until the mortgage on their addition and renovations is paid off if 1 ss than 10 years it was noti that an auditors state- bor present indications were there would be 12 classes in the fall vith onl 10 classrooms presently avail able injury to student the board were informally told of an injury sustained tn the milton shop in which a student had lost the tip of his forefinger an res ponsibility of the board was cov ered in insurance policies in force a request was made for the pur chase of a new band saw for the milton shop the board after con sideration felt this equipment was band was the man on trial for the murder of another woman and his oappearance at the time of the tral added to her anxiety the audience was kept in suspense un til the very end when she found out that her husband was not the mur derer but the hangman trials nd tribulations the winning play a comedv in cluded fraser mcnabh theima brown evelyn bird mildred john son and boss austin in the- cast and was directed by howson rud- dell named sugar and spice it r depicted the trials and tribulations of a young girl who tries to impress betw een plavs a arietv of enter tainment was presented george at kins m the cbc farm broadcast spoke for a few minutes about the pleasure he received in doing the christmas broadcast with the hal- was actonian manor ton junior farmers barbara cun- n nngham of norval sang two solos resident 93 on sat come to the foir and a perfect police constables h gunn and g moore reported two collisions in the acton district in the past week i mint would be supplied the town a truck driven by neil charette rr 1 acton skidded in the ditch on no it sideroad cast of spey- da accompanied by ruth wilson at the piano john pickett presid ent of the halton junior farmers acted as chairman for the evening miss thompson in announcing the results of her adjudication gave constructive criticism of each play which should prove helpful to the i continued on pace seven john v savage formt r actonian now residtnt at the halton cen tennial manor celebrates his 93rd birthday on saturday february ir although no longer able to read and write he is still able to ret about his days are made pleasant b visits from old friends the kind ness of those around him and the wonderful care he is given side struck a rock in the ditch and bounced back onto the road and in to the side of a ehicle dnvon by john hoggins r r 1 acton on sat urday morning onl damage was about 150 to haggins truck a collision occurred on no 7 highway near mcculloughs corn ers on tuesday when a car driven by robert peterkin of toronto skidded on ice a second chicle was driven bv harold cunningham of elora only minor damage re sulted vtailj lovinfy mortgage payment prognsj a fullscale argument developed hire for nearly half an hour most councillors voices could be heard at onci the noisy debate centered on whether the tax exemption was to apply to the whole legion building or onlv part of it out of the din carm the agreement to leave the whole matter over until the build- ine is completed and assessed like- lv in about a months time for digging to find a lateral connec tion council admitted giving mis direction on the location of the con nection but felt the orginal bill was excessive th n altonwih school district board estimated its 1956 expenses at 198000 of which ac tons share would lie 20 292 this is about n 6000 increase over last years requisition it was noted v the requisition from the local public school board was also tabl ed taxpavi rs will be ask d to sup ply 54500 this vear approximately sfi 000 more than in 1955 council was presented w ith an in ventors and requisition from the fire department the requisition was turneel ovir to committee an account from george shultz warren grjpve sewer contractor for 794 20 plus a hill for holdback of 714 664 was ordered turned over to the engineer to be dealt with another flashback another holdup fridav world day februarv of prayer 17 is the chamber seeks bylaw i jl f i i 9tgrrl friend who has just returned udr in loijit artpr f a s months holiday in par- w y vil h5l i 1s t friend mildred johnson 1 f m came back from pans elegant i hort in c idrano and tried her best to convert th micm m vjaidye h housevw to her wav of two acton youths william dron living which proved too much for and thomas oakley were remand- them the adjudicator miss elsie a fr iiti m rnipit ra court at i thompson o hamilton later gave milton wednesday after charges miiareq johnson cirtlii fur hit p ic a stud of downt when the lakeview- watermains debenture bylaw cam up for third ending another long flashback held up progress of current business for ni arh an hour it started when deputv reeve y wlsun said he couldn t see why the town had to put in and bear the cost nf subdivision servccs he jue-s- tioned the distribution of expense on now water and sewer lines mavor tyler and clerk mcgeach ie quoted figures to show how most parking matter of passing a bv-law- to con- members for 1956 autrestimated this i of the- cost is borne by the subdivi- pausing 011hk ii f jii ii 1 son home owners themselves not expose downtown parking to study massft ffortrtnll m cvbe of bvuw yeifs mernbersh will likely reach n home owners them may be started r na otdiscued j5 there were 58 pad members in tile general taxpayers chamber of com- os thh q oivn to form- deputy- heeve implied discussed were laid against the pair in con- alistic adlibbing when someone nection with theft at a local gar missed a cue halfway through the age early- monday morning presentation charges 6t breaking entering marjone mcdonald kathleen and theft were laid bv acton pol- stanley don matthews sandy ice earlier this week the theft of- buchanan and bill price made up about s370 from thompsons garage joceunsed shortly after 2am mori- day morning the garage was -en- mr buchanan and miss stanley tercd by a rear window and the tried to kill miss mcdonald and money taken from the safe mr price for a 20000 insurance magistrate k langdon set bail at policy but are outwitted in the space talks bni steps that might be tak- ep to improve local parking con ditions were heljd at wednesday j nights meeting of the chamber ers as the depulybeeve implied too the mayor rcpeated reasons for the town initiating the subdivision works here problems- in acton this yeir o the chamber of com- e nights rncetinr 955 thought was given to form i merce in efforts to relieve qongrttj pf j gov reported the ap- ation of a ladies division in the o provide additional parking p day merc commit- chamber but it was not ten- had hired e watson to upurale at ipngth the wecklv draws and bookkeeping john black was asked by the other voices broke in to submerge valuable pnhlic reuvuom chairman to look after periodic the subject and soon opinions flew the president also told of the circulation of a chamber news let- i on past present and future tax rat- appreciation expressed from kit- ter among members- president goyy service costs subdivision real chener for acioxis part in welcom- also described the formation of the estate new- residents g ing home the iwtehener waterloo notif cation group which calls quality of construction housing in some suggestions were tentatively the cast of the acton play a drama offered letters were urged sent to entitled tiger lily in this play local merchants asking them and dutchmen he added the town gain- members before qach meeting -v- their cmployeesto parlf off mill ed valuable public relauonsr out of roy goodwin passed around lows a lindsay footitt har- grav e tyler bar beau brunelle nav brow n cook wilson councillor barbeau riad n report of a mnting of organization repre- stnvativts who are the nucleus of a parks board here the report noted points of actioa stressed there would be no worth in forming a parks board unless vandalism can be curbed at acton prk also led councillor barbeau to conclude that a vote- ot the people is required to set up a parks commission which- w uuld assume operation of the park council expressed a desire to oo operate in all ways possible with the group a sheaf of complaints previously sent to the puc by j jany were read before council with a letter from mr jany slating he was not satisfied w ith the p0 c s replies to his complaints the grievance deal- mg with not being warned of a ser vice shutoff was discussed hem- 1000 cash and 2000 property bail each pakley was released but dron was remanded in custody when un able to raise bail end the play was directed by j hurst mrs evelyn coates directed the final play by palermo called all spectiorj and so on at one time or bers reed with the commission no mill ed valuable public relauonsr our of roy goodwin passed around a another all councilors had some- wwtnjj could be even in advanca st promotion among au citizens the effort i plan drawn up bv actons engineer thing to say ot an emergency shutoff butro was also advocated to make for a after the secretarys and treaur- for a proposed sign the chamber ultimately council landed back councillors felt where possibm better parking situation parkint ers report treasurer w davey was with support of otherjpeal organix- on the lakeview watermains by- earning should be provided meters and a twohour limit were t authoized to spend up to 2v per ations is planning to erect signs at jaw a motion for third reading ta question councillor cook considered briefly the members passed- a motion that council be approached in the account for current expenditures for the membership committee r goodwin reported 43 paid up actons entry points complete prices are to be obtained for this work and passing carried after it car- was told there had been no report ned councillor cook asked for a from the halton moh regarding recorded voe voting was v fol- the rat situation at actons dump -l- r l -h- j umjlfl mak8liect- r jis

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