Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1956, p. 10

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v pack tkm the actohtfree press acton ontario tiiunsdaybbruary latrthm expresident of fair ninety on thursday another former resident of acton will next thursday february 23 join that fine group of over 00 years when robert lowrle ninrks his 00th birthday at the home of his daughter and sonlnluw mr and mrs mcdonald jtr 1 streeta- vllle au will be filnd to learn tlurt bob lpwrlc is in good health and will not only extend congratulations but beat she for many more- years of enjoyment in- these sunset years of jife he is n fast president of acton fair and during enrllor years here gave valuable service in the work of that organization may we at the free press jojn too in these congratulations and good lqjcalnbys father son farm transfers talked by local forums national farm radio forum last week studied the important topic of father and ion partnership for ums were asked what they consid ered the moat important points to be taken into consideration when drawing up such a partnership and what arrangements should be made to provide transfer of the form bus iness to the son all halton groups reporting said a written agreement between the parties concerned was important terms should be simple but definite all but one oroup felt it advisable to have thorn drawn up by a law yer both parties should be satis fied with the arrangements and ac curate accounts kept it was agreed such a partnership should be worked out on a percent age basis the father should have a wilt to protect the sons interest in case of hli death one group sug gested present income tax laws should be amended to permit trans fer of property within the family without present dual income tax payments all groups reporting had mem bers working under father son business agreements lunch and presentations were special features at the closing classes of the nlgnt school this week got your 1036 plates and driv ing licence yet only 11 shopping duys left before the february 30 deadline miiny cart were in difficulties over the weekend due to tho heavy snowfall roads were slippery and drifts were deep tueadnyt valentines day as well as shrove tuesday saw a sel domseen combination of platitudes and pancakes coming together one uf the seusons largest crowds turned out friday night at the actolt square dunce club i guests frnrtj fergus hamilton guelph nnd rockwood swelled the duncois numbers the anglican church mens club postponed a planned music appreciation night last week next week the group proposes a tour through the a p green plant here an enjoyable tea and success ful sule was held suturduy after noon in luxton memorial hall where the st albnns guild spon sored ii valentino ten and home hirtctnl sale mr and mrs fong and their family have taken over the operat ion of the- acton huiid luundry on church st thev come from bar rio the former pitiprlclorti have moved to toronto and arc going in to the restnurunt business pleased to hear thut the mayor of a small town in the mldwestern stutes proclaimed last week as nothing week he said the people were tired of weeks set aside to glorify everything from dogs and cats to pickles and pumpernickel and decided they needed a rest al though the whole of this week isnt set uslde for the glorlflcutlon of any commerclul product it contains valentine duy und pancake tues- duy winners of the euchre held in st josephs church hall on friday evening were ladies first- mrs wes morchment mens first mr w bttvftj3rrtadieasevond mrs norm morton mens second mrs w ro berts low mis lazcnby miscellaneous painting nndidecoratrno kstimutes gladly furnished wall- kiper samples and paint nvuilublu o job ton luige or too small j b flunk phone 377 w 17 main st s acton a cow commercial and domest ic upholstering add looki und comfort with skilled restyllni your furniture can be handsome new again low cost cull us on week service phone 88 aclon- ati kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup holstered for sjs utile as sod re finishing also rugs cleaned and r paired for prompt and efficient service call 103 acton one week service tt draperies custom made drapes und slip covers wide selection of fabrics to clvoose from price from 08c per yd free estimate in your own home without obligation phone collect neighborhood bow ing centres georgetown tr 72818 guelph 8285 ulf acton frisat mvuttlat mm feb 1718 eit taylor elemwmrkffl sat starts 100 pm oh rabyj and mi cartoon flirtie bird hey kids starting next saturday feb 25th a new actionthriu 15chapter serial i with buster crabbe star of the tv show captain gallant busjeit crmbbe atlh mighty thunda king congo a columbia super scruu montues feb 2021 clearing auction sale of hotstcln cows and heifers ford tractor tractor equipment imple ments dairy equipment osta hay and fwwauare the undersigned have received instructions from v kadar to sell by public auction at his farm 1 mile north of milton on no 25 highway on saturday february 25 mm at 2 oclock the fallowing cows and heifers 1 hoi- stein cow 1st calf fresh 1 hulatein cow 2nd calf due murch 13 1 reg holsteln cow 4th cult due july 17 1 holsteln cow 2nd cult due july 25 1 holstem cow 2nd cuf due june 24 2 holsteln heifers 1 year old in april dairy equipment portable electric national de luxe milker 2 units new strainer milk pulls etc feed km bus outs 3 ton baled mixed hay implements ford tractor ssi model ferguson tractor plow dear born tractor llsc side rake f and w mowei steel wheel truck wag on chick hreiculer oil colony house 3scctinn harrows garden cultivat or dump rnki wheelbarrow fan ning null roll uf snow fence col lie pup 4 months old folks sho- vels chums etc furniturk chesterfield suite veloui finish in maroon und green an extui siionn suite und mode to ordei sink cabinet unit dlnliic room huffil wash stand ooffield washci without motoi piautitv of clunu and silverware some cookme utensils etc terms cash settlement wlu clei k duv of mile no useive ns the house is sold mill the pioprieturs oie kini to the cll hindley and elliott b3111 auctioneers clearing auction sale of livestock tractors farm mach inery and feed free press ra ts want ads for quick results no crtai ge foi announcements of btrtha maiuages deaths and engagements in memoiium ftoe plus 10c per line for verses articles fn tale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 15c box no to this office lftc additional coming events ilk per count line soc minimum cards of tlimika60c milling ihnrgi of lftc added to all accounts if not paid null after luteition and added for each bill rendered latent time for insertion i tvm wednesday births marriages deaths etc born ballent1ne to mr and mrs leslie bullentine of exeter on tuesduy fubruury 14 1055 at st josephs hosnitul london u son thomas lcslie both doing welt poiltymr and mrs daniel porty r r 1 acton are happy to an nounce the ui rival of u da ugh lei jeuu muly ut st josephs hos pital guelph on saturday feb ruary 1 1 1058 auliffe rosa und deireen nee cole uie happy to announce the safe arrival of then daughter catherine junet callivi on wed nesday februaiy 15 1058 at guelph general hospital mother und daughter doing fine married crawforokrapek on febru ary 11 1058 ut st marys church huntsville by the reverend fath er o fitzgerald mui v rosalia daughter of mr tind mrs v j krupek of huntville ontario to mi flunk biyunt oruwford son of mr und mrs j stuurt craw- foid of toronto died kino on tuesday february 14 ibm at toronto general hospit al william s king in his 45th year beloved husband of clarice a morton and dear father of betty mrs a j mcgillivruy und gail resting ut the harold c mcclure funei al home 34 edilh st george town until friday february 17 when funeral service will lie held at 2 30 oclock interment green wood cemetery georgetown ross on tuesday februui v 14 i05u minnie mcdowell late of 112 tvndall ave toronto dear ly beloved wife of the lute david ross dear mother of william james and russell in her 81st yeur mrs noss is resting at the funer al home of skinner and middle- brook 128 lake shore rd e nit ann st i port credit service in the chapel thursday evening t ii oclock interment in full view ce- meurv acton friduy ut 1 30 p m in memobiam the undersirned auctioneer has reeeied instructions to sell by pub lic auction from russfll tilson on the farm 3 miles east of hiamptnn on no highway uciobb from the el rnnclio motel lot c tincrnsiton5 tnvnshtpofohmkua collnv htukiay february 18 at l 00 pm cows i hoist in cow due jan jit i holsicm m iikcd jan 15 holstein cow due march 2b 1 hoktem cow culled jan 12 1 blue cow calved dec 14 1 holsteln cow bred- nov h in good low of milk 1 hokttiii cow bred nov 11 in good flow of milk 1 holsteln i cuudue tim of snle 1 holstem cow due feb 15 1 blue cow calv ed dec is 1 holstem cow calved jm 10 1 holstein cow nulkiiik 1 ted cow bred jan 5 1 holstein heifer due by time of sale 1 hoi- stem heifer bred dec 2h 1 hoi- i stein hotter bred no 5 3 holstein heifers open 1 red heife open 4 holstein hoifio iii months old 3 griffin- in loving memoi v of n deal father georkc cluffin who pasisad iiwuv fehriuirv k 10v the rolling stream of lif rolls on hut still the vacant chair recalls the love the voice the mulle of one who once sat there ever remembered by arthur rosellu carman und sadie griffin in loving memory of a deal grandfather george griffin who passed away february 8 1 1155 in our home you are fondly remem bered sweet memory clings to vour name those who loved on in life sincere- still lov vou in death just the same r fondlv remembered by grand children intended for inst week coming events annual mothei and duughtei ruikiuei thursday april 5 v m c a acton sjinnsoi ed by y ladus auxiliary nikiu school display and program in the public school auditorium fnday march 2 8 pin no admis sum charge refreshments a32 mppnionsli atinn by mr hnrnyans of tsoiipei and zine etching wil held at acton high school on saturday februaiy 25 at 2 15 pin n32 euchre purty oddfellows hall georgetown wednesday february 22 h p in admibbioii 50c auspic es georgetown w 1 lunch and pi ui a 32 scout und guide mothers assoc iation uie holding u kiuhie and rnkliik saleul the sout hall on suturduy febiuaiy ik ut h10 ad mission 35c a31 annual halton jersey club soc ial evening slewaittown hull fri day february 24 8 pm euchre and dance prizes und lefreshments admission 50c b32 attention minstrel show the rlflck knights of niibagaweya will uppeui ugum on february 17 and ik ut 1130 pm brook ville hull liv the nien of ebeneter church ad ults sir- children 25c b312 blue valley country music nlte acton town hall featuring earl scott and the blue valley boys with guest artists this saturday nlte rabruary 18 flrrt show 830 p m second show 1030 pjn adults 75c children under is 25c b32 you are invited to attend the awards night for the safe driving essay writing contest at fun view school lowville hultnn county federation of agriculture lf spon soring ue event special speakers from ontario provincial police und film an safe driving square dunc- uik ujnd refreshments will round out the evening b372 the monthly met ling of hie home and school association will he held in the public school auditorium on monday evening februui y 20 at ii is bliui p guest speaker will be dr archie f bull medical officer of health mis wurd bruce will entertiiin with humorous reudings und mr mckenzle will speak on arctleiatlon all welcome a32 for sale lost and found lost while fox hound with blue ticking phone 5tf2j ken al lan a32 fxjrno a wullet on mill st ownei may claim by identifying same and laying for ul phone 23tlj a32 ost while dog willi blown jpils on tuesday hus ahoit tail annweis to name buttons reward phone s4 acton a32 legal i f 1 4h7155 ontario municipal board in the matter of settles and 7 of the oauria munlela- al board act rso itm chapter 22 and in the mattkr of an applicat ion of the ceraerallan at the town af aetan far a authority te dispense with a vole af the ratepayers with res- peel to a proposed capital ex penditure of ismm for the construction of a bridge on marts street aver the canadlaa nation al railways hiding bi approval of the said uaderuk- ing and capital expeiuulare appointment for hearing the ontario municipal board hereby appoints tuesday the twenty first day tif february a d 1956 at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon in the council chambers in the town of acton for the heuring of all part- lea iiilti tsltd in support of oi in opposition to this application dated ut toioiito ihls twenty sixth duy of jnnoury a l 10511 o it chapman jvoreluiy u 31 2 cards of thanks holstein helftr calves 4 months old farm machinery model m internationii tractor with hydraulic toixt blade sh el buck rake and chains w30 international raitor on rubber with road gear massey hirrisdisc drill with power lift 15 inn fleur bissoll 10 ft- tancrem disc flour bissoll land packer now cicksrnitt 3furrow tractor plow on rubber john deere 4lmr side delierv- rake now internat ional 7 ft power mower george white threshing machine 32 inch cv inkier wjth srai tfiro or ditch ing plow 4sectjon fleurj bissell drags 4section iron harrows 3- scction iron harrows rubber tired wagon with bearings 10 ft inter national power binder on rubber ditching plow 1 wooden silo 28x 13 with rings dairy equipment and misc ellaneous articles 2unit surge milker with pump and motor universal fienn milk cooler stew art ilectnc clippers woods grain grinder with 3 horso m lrf ft i would like to thmk my acton ft tends for flowers mft and cards while i was a natit iitm gulllb leneral tiospitil tin woie veri much ipfiiecialed mrs don white tile lanuls of the into john porty would like to thnnk fin lids relat ives and neighbors for tht manv kindnesses and floul tributes at the time of their repent bereave ment this thoughtfiiljitvs will al- wavs be- remembered wt wish to jii vv our sincere thanks and appreciation for the manv acts of kindmss cards of sympathv and beautiful floral of- fi i ings rtctivod frum our manv friends neighbors and customers ut the sudden death of a dear husband and ftithei frank rnohirt sptciil thanks to dr k b waller and tho nursing staff of div ismn 1 east st josephs hospital rtv mr powell for his consoling words rumlev s funeral home for their professioial kindness nnd to mrs m anderson and mrs e weelcr w ho wore so helpful to me at my home god bless vou all mrs frank rmohart sons john j3oy frek daughter audrey and grandchildren for sale giuy baby curnnge mis tiuik toth ihom- 12 u32 for sale hulid liay good tiitit v apply it wiixk phone itllw 3 a32 for sale holt baled hay applv to flank thompson phont i i0wl4 n32 for sale lfi 20 tons baled nilxec hay john mliiukiiiiii it r 1 limermosc- a32 for sale aimui 51 tons of good riianuie jolin kuiiery kk 1 acton utter 5 p in a32 for sale 49 monarch sedan green whitewall ttrps radio sig nal liliu very clean 13 frederick i st aeton u32 i fowsalb r guttered female beugl- 2 years old tfootl hunter i also 12 gauge double barrt lied shotgun in good condition phone ifrtj a32 for sale only 297 00 for a new surge milker unit vacuum pump dnd motor as in v as t down on a surge milker unit pumps i f i in 7 50 order now hi f or the spring rush horace tomlrisori 9 mrijillhiuttia uriiiiiuii phon 11172 atf wanted wanltkd iusaoiiijerb uaoy to oakvllle 4 pm to if pm shift phone 302j a332 wanted good lioroe for b- week old part labjador retriever hound phone 104 w a32 wanted sewing and alterat ions pinmnt seivtce phone 37 or call al 4 victona ave evenings o43 halton ih3ultry prod ucts poultiy and eggs wanted poultiy custom nicked cleaned and tut u phone milton tr 84401 deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown tr 72741 or stlmlra mohswk bsstm ookdon youno united if dead anfmal8 km 5 00 each for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses se ms one of ou trucks palaes your district dally call bel wood collect 23rll 24 hour service qeorge qub- son atf deadstock service s 00 each for dead or disabled horses or cows oijb horses e ijs for prompt service phone collect frealton 32r23 or hsnnon 3091 steve peconi real estate cottage for sale six rooms with bath on first fluoi in good state of lepuir close to fulrns price 15000 half down iiuyment retjulred balance ynmipti muuili taxes j70oo good lot yutunt iossessiun we have the key f l wright i home and hocskiiold i eqlipmlvt sales and service f door chimes hith kriclosui s fire altrms awnngs burglar alariv cmopii s ventilating fan valorpoi firi luht ng fxturi porch hind kjii sturm v scr t n doors storm c screen windows minv othtr ittms home maintenance service wi svt you munev 15 mill st e acton phone m5j a32 for rent for rent stnet last stdt 124 m 11 a 322 for rent 1 room furnished 133 crescintst a-32- ontario ontario fuel board in tilt mattkr of the munic ipal franchises act chapter 249 rso 1954 section a amend ed and in the matter of applications by anthony gas and oil explor ation company limited for cer tificate of public convenience and nrrciuilly to ronatnsct works and- to supply natural gas to the inhabitant of the undermention ed municipalities corporation uf the lawn of aeton corporation of the town of milton corporation of the town uf george town notice of hearing ontaiio fuil board hereby ap points moiidis the 20th day of mtjiiiir 1151 at 2 30 nilikk in the alii i noun at the murutiijil hall atton ontario foi tin b iiring of the above- applications and all per sons interested thtreirii copustjf the- ri sptctivc applicat ions mi v hi mspttted arid f urlhi r pat lit ulars obtained at tin offici of th inks of each of iht above riiurim ipalrtifs tht apjieint the soliiitiiis for tin applicant missis armstrong and cbarrori 25 mt findii stn i toronto out or at till office- of till olisarlo fuel do mi fkk iruversitvavi nue tor- i onto ontario i datfd ut toronto tins gtli dav of i h ijurarv laid j ontario ftkl hoard a i croznik chiirmin j w it ikjvarij commissioner bllj notice to creditors in the uuir of william rich- rii bha kin late of the tow n of at- ton in the county of halton insurance agcrol dr- ceacd all partii hiv rc cirs earit 1 ifen i rtned ftit of wil- i i am richard bracken vihodnd on or ajout thf lh d of jnuarv t1 an riq nj to fli prixif tht- of v i ti incii rrnd i on oi fo i jb rfiv t frb-an- lft air which date tt flif v i j t riri i th c n v i r f ld dttd ac n ontario v s st fian 1951 c f lfltherlad q c solictr acon 0a- solciu- for the executr x i a3ial realtor insuror apprsiaor 20 wilbur st phone so a33 ridout real estate ltd wili te unnoiini i they now have- t iiiupli l coviiai of tin acton ilistinl iit with hiiiout canadas ijn k st italtois wi iiiiire horn- s ami farms in all price rantfes lor pioiniit tfficieiit ontarto- u id eovciafit phoru out iph 5307 ask for mill dohle itldout real estate ltd avaiiah lakckht rkaltork no wikii with st gueloh mriioelies till oukihmu ontario a31 public announcement nun dffitv vjll continiis t b opt n tut irihixtittn i and hul katsste- huhim from w u in in 1 m and 3 i m ti 0 pn sith wrk day xo a wtfjnbdiv aftitnon thtr umuij st ivite vilj itinm uj be kin t or polity iiolii ru yout coo t itioji has r ilwayt sfctti t ijjt f ijt fl w r bracken insurance agency sales list irivatk homfh 17 000 00- c rri nt bfck hous rixxf cyplafjs 1 tc slitahlt- for two far li c ii xj liippiri district ij- i n 1 ms lxj it i- mode rri 4 roni buns-a- cjitt d a iy aith itar- tf i it iri ird lath in itoocj 1 lidl d-r-ct- iw t- k l ri tlfjv oil heat- o ii mrd axd i jiv c or f xl lit jrnrri-jute- n-jt- lllthh fh it or 7 rubber twit set of 2000 lb scales cider press chains forks shovels numerous other articles circle saw hay and orain quantity of mixed baled hay 200 bus of mix ed cram terms gash on day of sale positively no reserve herb m reinhart auctioneer sneurrovej phone vi6na 42r2 herbert crawjhjrd clerk b38 television and radio service by r w grant phone acton 594- collect located at watsons music store i for rent 3 rooned heated ap- intmint at i4j gudph st plonr i 5s8 atf 1 for rent 3 rjwidaprrrin ppv on saturdav b un 4 and prr at b9 church st e a32 notice to creditors and others in tar estate of flora isabella sy- ir er t i arrrc ommlk iai bixmk is r r 1 t cxpiririt ir 1 1 ird 3 mj5 th apart- orim of rjujontss aaiscellaneous income tax returns completecj personal and boslneis acctuntmk auditing bookkeepink alfred j bshop 65 main st n georgetown tr 73351 office open mondays amd fridav i atf al piins has re crs aea ist the estate of flora isabella sy3hon late of the town of ac ton in the county of hal tor wid- deccasd who dird on or about the 5th day of december ijis are hereby nolfd to svnd n o the undersitntrd personal reprfaentat- iv e of the a d deceased or rr beforr tne 15th dav of march 156 n full particuar of their caims irnrned- ule alte uie sad dale th said personal representative u dis- tribute the assets of the mid de ceased hv np eeard only to claims i if y hch ft shall then have notice 1 dated at sall ste mar it ont- aro this 7th dat of february j9s8 xatioval trust company liltited executor 30 kirir st east toronto obl by hamtlton carich bennett w r bracken real estate phone 26 residence 555t s mill street e acton a32 sarban strain i a32 3 and their solicitcavlieresn f markers imonumbmts f cemetery lettemmg otiaitimbyappornvnant ik j i i

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