Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1956, p. 3

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msffijhs i thdbsday february 16th 1sb6 u i the acton freepress cion ontario pagb one what you have been waiting for thousands of rolls of waterfast sunworthy wallpaper for special sale at the price of two for one plus one cent sale starts- feb15th and runs tor 10 days shop early and get the best seuection kennedys book store guelph ontario wont ads are your community market place esquesing dogs to be licensed a bylaw requiring the of all dogs in esquesing township was passed at the meeting of the township council january 23 in stewarttown reeve tinham pre sided at the meeting with council lors currie sinclair wilson and bird in attendance claims for foxes destroyed arn- ounting to 69 were ordered paid to clare wilson john bush edward robinson alfred brigden jack tizzard george burt douglas les lie and robert sutherland bar robertsons claim was for six foxes a bylaw for the inspection of plumbing and sewage installations is to be prepared the treasurer of esquesing plan ning board was to be paid 100 other accounts passed included div ision court fees 51 registration tees 9 1280 to be charged to es quesing fire area the treasurer was also author ized to invest 500 of the principal monies of the railway bonus fund in 20 year four per cent bonds suestions tat us help you in pbnninoj your many meals for this special tint of year come in today shop and save the iga way muoous macaboni and cheese quidd prepared 7oxpa kraft dinner 2 25 croft process cnb yt av-pko- spedolofrer uptons chicken noodlo velveeta 27c soup mix 3 2 9c california seedless urge size mcs sufklst navel oranges doz 45 bc extra fancy large size 138s do ikious apples 49c 4 texas now crop fresh green tops largo bchs new carrots 3 for 25c imparted froth tender largo bunch broccoli 25c texas now crop firm g lb mew cabbage 6c florida crunch g pascal largo size cilery stalks 3 for 25c clover valley regular cheese slices 8 oz pkg 25c aybner choice mixed peas and carrots 15 ox tins 2 for 31c good luck regular margarine 1 pkg 29c lincoln choice rod pitted cherries 15 oz tins 2 for 29c iga choke ripalm i peaches 20 oz tins 2 for 39c rosa brand pure raspberry jam 12 oz jar 29c robin hood white cake mix 15 oz pkg 25c iga pure tomato catsup lloz bri 19c tmot tmnp today uvvyavavvvvww quality a meats gt young tender half or whole legs of gj lamb 5v throe moak in one roast chops stow lb lambinthebasket 27c tender loan loin r rib lamb chops 49c swift premium picnic stylo cooked ready to oat pork shoulders lb 39c swift premium loan rindless 1 lb pkg side bacon 59c maple loaf fc b 0 l 0 g n a srthtttce 21c frozen foods booth brand heat andjserv 33c fish sticks pktswoot frozen fresh 9 ox renchfries2for3sc i g a iode marks sun rnom mutuai aid firemen gathered in milton last week for a demon stration course in various phases of fire fighting at left a aailton fireman demonstrates ladder raising while at right william 0sul- livan of the ontario fire marshalls office explains some of the haz ards of ladder climbing twentyfive attended the course want ad page where old friends meet founders day is being observed across canada this week by the im perial order daughters of the em- rjpire february 13 marks the 56th anniversary of the iode which i was organized by mrs clark hur ray of montreal pq r today the iode has grown to be the largest voluntary patriotic womens organization in canada its aims and objects are to faster a bond of union among the women and children of the british comr monwealth to care for the widows orphans and dependents of service men to provide an efficient organ ization by which- prompland initial action may be taken in times of emergency to preserve the memory q brave and historic deeds and the last resting places of our heroes and heroines especially those in distant places mrs l b smart national presi dent i ode said that the 960 io de chapters jn canada raise and spend nearly one million dollars each year on their projects and that the members who number over 32000 do a great deal of philanth ropic and educational work this year from its first and sec ond war memorial funds alone the order is providing 13 pastgraduate scholarships overseas of 2000 each and 20 bursaries to the value ofl60o each in canadian universi ties these two educational mem orials represent only a portion of the 240000 assistance given to can adian students and schools as chapters of the order in every pro vince and the yukon work in their own localities providing books edu cational supplies and monetary aid for fees transportation and hot lunches through the continuous work of iode members thousands of knitted and sewn articles of cloth- i in and quilts are dis in canada ureat britain europe and korea although the aims and objects of the iode are more than half a century old the manner in which they are implemented has kept abreast of the times and are so broad that young women of many interests are members of the order which is a nonpolitical nonsec tarian organization and open to all women who are canadian citizens or british subjects sun life of canada again increases policydividends new insurance of 761 million largest amount ever sold by a canadian company in any year 6 billion now in force canadian sales up 24 life insurance totalling more than s761 millions was purchas ed from the sun life of canada in 1955 the largest amount ever sold by a canadian company in one year sun lifes 85th annual report to policyholders also- dis closes that life insurance in force now has passed 65 billions highest in the history of canad ian life insurance companies the sun life has announced a further increase in policyholders dividend scales for 1956 when 28 millions will be paid thereby re ducing the cost of insurance to policyholders for the 7th success ive year during 1955 the comp- any paid 136 millions in benef its to policyholders and benefic iaries a new record living pol icyholders alone received over 94 millions total benefits p since the companys first policy was issued in 1871 now exceed three billion dollars in writing its record total of new life insurance during 1955 sun life exceeded its 1954 total by 65000000 in a year when tlesof consume goo w at an unusually high level and com peting actively with sales of life insurance the fact that an all- time record for life insurance could be established showed that more and more people realize life insurance protection is es sential to family security ac cording to george w bourke sun life president who review ed company results for the 12- month period the companys canadian sales of ordmary in surance were up 24 per cent and increases were also reported from the tjnited states great britain and other countries where sun life transacts busin ess group up i included in total new business was 244 millions of- new croup insurance canadian group sales alone were up 42 per cent over the previous year sun lifes worldwide total of insurance in force now has reached 6534000- 000 an increase- of 82 per cent total group life insurance in force stands at 2312 000000 the sun ifc has ow its books one- third of all group life coverage now in force in canada sun ljfe annuities in force provide ufor payments of 149000000 per annum 88 per cent of the total being group pensions the worldwide figure of life -insur- ance and annuities in force may be considered the equivalent of 5uoolooo of life insurance by territory of origin this bus iness is divided 48 per cent in canada 37 per cent in the un it s 13 p wiil in great britain and other common wealth countries and 2 per cent else where in the world lakce investment iv h034e mortgages during 1955 sun life assets increased by 72 millions and lnow stand at 1948 millions once again mortgages- were a principal outlet for new invest ment funds during the year the company placed some 108 mil lions in home and other mortgag- es bringing the total sun life mortgage investment to 400000- 000 the record construction of new homes in recent years has been financed to a great extent out of the premiums paid by pol icyholders to life insurance com panies mr bourke said we provide financial security for the family through the purchase of life insurance and we help as many people as possible to fulfill their natural ambition to become homeowners the modern type of home mortgage whereby monthly payments are made ag ainst interest and principal is a most attractive f ot savings for young married people he added the company also made substantialpurchases during the year of public utility and in dustrial bonds in making these investments we are seeking for our policyholders the highest possible interest return consist ent with security of principal sa irl mr bourke the report revealed that the rate of interest earned by the sun life on its assets had shown a further increase during 1955 rising to 417 per cent with the credit policies of monetary auth orities in world financial mar kets halting 1934s downward trend of interest rates mr bourke was of the opinion that the company could continue to look forward to interest earn ings at a satisfactory rate in the months to come heabt and circulatory diseases leading cause of death the report contains special reference to the mortality exper ience of the sun life during 1955 in north america due partly to the continuing decrease in mortality from infectious dis eases death claims were sub stantially more for diseases as sociated with the heart and cir culatory system than for all oth er causes combined cancer which accounted for nearly 20 per cent of death claim pay ments during the year- placed second fctvste octixxml mr bourke concluded by say ing he had every reason to be- lieve that the high levels at tained in the life insurance in dustry will be exceeded during 1956 and that life insurance ownership will rise to a new peak in canada the nations prosperity natural resources and fut pntiim tf a ing new citizens this will in turn increase the demand for poods new bousing and senices the need for life insurance will continue to increase acopy of the-sun- life 1955 report including the presidents review of v the year is being sent to each policyholder or may be obtained from george hollinger local representative acton ont obituary former woolcom bing head dies in florida leslie biggin formerly vicepresi dent of wool combing corporation and president and general manager of canadian wool company limited died at miami beach following a short illness he was 61 years of age bom in bradford england he came to the united states in 1913 and became associated with francis willey and co of boston in 1915 he moved to toronto and opened offices for the canadian wool co ltd he was made managing direc tor in 1917 and- was president and general manager from 1935 until his retirement about a year ago mr biggin was vicepresident of wool combing corp of canada ltd and founded with lord barn- by the firm of willeybiggin wool service inc of boston he was past president of canadian allied textile trades association and of the dominion wool dealers association toronto he leaves his wife margaret h bigriin of wimpole dr toronto sonl l charles of boston and robert e of toronto and a daugh ter mrs leslie reictof peterbor ough northern canada is potentially one of the greatest mining areas of the world mines in yellpwknife work some of the richest gold ore in canada and the nwt may become nf t oil- fields in the world h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph may fair restaurant acton east on no 7 highway open daily i0o ajm to 300 ajm breakfasts lunches owners special lunches dany steaks and chops a specialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver qinger farm written specially for the acfoe free press by- wes4euar7 canw during the last week weather tke world over has made the heaobtaea and it has certainly been disagree able around here resulting treacherous driving conditions min or accidents and filthy mudsplash ed cars it is still slushy with wet snow falling so the comforts of home seem more attractive than usual even the cattleshare that opinion on nice bright days they gambol around in the yard like a bunch of kittens racing this way and that when partner tries to get them back to the stable but whea a storm is brewing or in progress they bunch up together backs to the wind and wait at the barnyard door to be let in last week we had three heifers dehorned without any adverse after affects so thats another little worry partner has behind hirnwhchja justas well as we were faced with other problems last week sf about that later to look at me you might think i was either heading for the divorce court or had been imbibing too freely of the cup that cheers or something equally drastic as i have one beautiful snlner the result of bumping into a door- jamb it didnt bother me at the time but the next morning nuf said now the swelling has gone down the blackness is blacker thaa ever however 1 am really lucky as the impact did not break my glasses i i joy and bob came up from oak- ville during the storm and left for home when it was even worse it didnt seem to worry bob as for joy and i we forgot the weather as we anticipated the joys of spring by pouring over the newlyarrived seed catalogue those beautiful colorful flowers between discussions of the best type of roses and whether to start asparagus from seed or roots i heard snatches of conversation be tween partner and bob man talk about the collision of a truck and tractortrailer and the marvellous work done by one small towtruck with the help of winches block and tackle i was paying a little more attention than usual because i had to get towed out of our lane last week it wasnt because the going was heavy nor was it very slippery but ns i turned off the road to drive up our lane i was facing east and i hadnt gone 50 yards before the windshield was a solid sheet of ice i thought i was going straight until my two offside wheels hit the ditch i should have driven with the door open but it all happened so quickly i hardly had time to think i guess im a fair weather driver all right anyway it is no hardship to stay home when it is snowing and blowing outside today i had a big pile of austral ian magazines to look through and it suddenly struck me what a lot one can learn of an unknown coun try from letters and advertising in magazines for instance in one let ter the writer wailed why cant australian women have household electrical appliances the same as american women that naturally excited my curios ity so i began leafing through the magazines again just to see what could be gleaned from the adver tisements here is what i found advertised two refrigerators one threeburner electr stove one mixmaster one floor polisher two radios several washing machines and thats about all there were only two advertisements for cars one a morris and the other a ford and not one ad fo any kind of tele vision nor any kind of liquor cigar ettes or tobacco but there were ads galore for dress materials fur niture soups soaps biscuits and cosmetics judging from that what would you imagine the average australian home to be like then i came to an item that de plored the fact that modern houses were built minus a veranda bythi time i was asking myself questions about new canadian houses and suddenly realized that new houses in canada dont have verandas either it was quite a shock be cause i always thought a screened in porch was the grandest thing to have apparently there is medium between indoors and out the trend now is for breczeways and patios when you cant stand the flies and mosquitoes any more you get be hind closed doors and glass win dows or for those in the monied class there is a cottage at the lake and in winter a trip to florida so i began to wonder about farm homes what is the average arm home like is there such a tiling i doubt it because right on the same road you can find remodelled homes with all the modern trappings and perhaps just across the way another place where there is no bathroom or furnace i know one place many miles from here where the family still use oil lamps- although hydro goes tight past their gate this family has a mortgage com plex denying themselves the com forts they should have so as to crimp and save to pay ott the mortgage they still have the om- f n th a i b something to be ashamed of noth ing could be further from the truth a mortgage can be good business- providing the foreseeable income will cover the interest perhaps a mortgage or lack of it it one reason why we cannot give a defi nite example of what constitutes an average farm home people buy the free preaa to read and read the free press to buy v i- v i7 j i rl

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