Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1956, p. 8

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n 1 0 page bight the agton free pres acton ontario f hufffeday february 10th ii halton federation participates rural sale driving week launched through ontario the halton federation of agric ulttire announced this week jthfll there arc now is essays received in the essaywriting contest in con junction with rural safe driving week which is sponsored by the ontario federation of agriilture rural safe driving week is febru- any30to 25 and is endorsed by the ontario provincial government in an intensified effort to help reduce the alarming death toll from auto accidents jn rural areas the award for the farm forum presenting the best essay on safe driving will be given at an awards night at fairyiow school lowville on monday february 20 this contest was sponsored by the local federation special speakers for the event will be ontario pro vincial police officials and a film on safe driving will be a part of the prograhv square dancing and refreshments will round out the evening safe driving rallies will be held for over 200000 farm people -in- ery county in ontar to launch this years sa dri campaign halton is only one of many coun ties who are holding these essay contests and similar contests in conjunction with the week many are holding banquets to open the rally the ontario federation of agric ulture officials have indicated that any resoltitdpns in respect to rural safe driving passed at the safe driving rallies will be taken un der consideration by the federat ion of agriculture and where ap plicable will be presented to the ontario government townships supporhof hospital assured special meetings called support for milton district hoa- pitnhoh been indicated by two townships and the other two town- ahipknrf planning special jpeetlnus to discuss their participation in the connlruction of the proposed 00 bed hospital it was leurned this week nrissafjuweyu township council passed the following resolution and resolved that whereas this council lins been requested to share in a debenture issue irf support of milton jdintrict hospital and where as this council recognizes the need for u hospital to serve the district tlierufori be it resolved that this council express its willingness to co-opiruti- with the other munici palities in the area that tills gutter may be favorably considered nelson township council passed a resolution favoring support of the fund with the umount to be decided on per capita basis computed on the population in the area outlined in tho circular which ik tin- second concession north of dundas st and all of the new survey reeve robert marshall of tra falgar reported a special meeting was being planned for early next week when itwas expected rriore figures would be presented on population and definition of bound- dorles esquesing township reported a special meeting of that council was luing planned for friday nlghl of this week when members of the hospital board would be invited to explain the program c in nassagawcya reeve archie service has called a public meeting of ratepayers for brookville uah to discuss the townships participation in the support of milton district hospital steady growth winnipeg cpmcmbershil of the manitoba motor league has in creased from 3000 to 18000 in the past nine years it was reported at a directors meeting c o carter president for nine years was re elected i set of silverware is anniversary gift mr and mrs a e asclton of itr 3 georgetown were host to many relatives sunday january 15 on the occasion of their 23th wed ding anniversary they were pres ented with a lovely set of silver ware among the guests helping to cel ebrate the happy occasion were mrs rose black mr and mrs al fred miller mr and mrs russell black all from niagara falls mr and mrs robert black mr and mrs earl pasken of port credit mr and mrs r a aselton of tor onto mr and mrs william beeney mr and mrs w edwards of georgetown and linuhouse 80 accidents each day in rural canada in 1954 there was a total of 31085 motor vehicle accidents in the rural areas of ontario in addition there would be many accidents which were never reported to the police this means that on the av erage over 80 automobile accidents o day occur in rural ontario a total of 783 persons were killed in 1954 as a result of motor vehicle accidents in the rural areas of ont ario- on the average two persons a day are killed in rural ontario in motor vehicle accidents property damage arising out of motor vehicle accidents in rural ar eas of ontario in 19m amounted to 16127792 over 44000 a day dam age is created by such accidents in ontario of a total of 31985 motor vehicle accidents in rural ontario in 1954 over 7000 occurred at rural inter sections and 1100 at private drive ways over a quarter of all accid ents in rural ontario in 1954 occur red at rural intersections or at pri- ate driveways these two types of accidents are mainly due to person al carelessness although many of our railway- while 783 persons were killed in surer 31985 vehicle accidents in rural directors of the company which ontario in 1954 there were over 15 ws feeen servj rura refdents of times as many people injured total injured was 12795 while property damage in 1954 as the result of automobile accidents totalled 16127792 this figure does not take into account the cost in terms of lost working time medical expenses emotional upset and phy sical disability the number of motor vehicle accidents on straight roads in rural ontario in 1954 totalled 15619 on curves 4836 on hills 2283 and on bridges 749 if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in the rural areas of ontario you are much more likel to be killed than if you were involveotln arraccidentinsn ont- rio- city while half the motor vehicle accidents in ontario occur in the rural areas threequarters of the total deaths resulting from motor vehicle accidents occur in rural ontario total motor vehicle accidents in ontario in 1954 was 6209 and in rural ontario 31985 total deaths resulting from motor vehicle accidents in ontario was 1045 in 1954 and in rural ontario 783 rural saw driving will be emphasized next week during a campaign declared by the ontario federation of agriculture and endorsedbytheontario government shown here frorri right are lloyd jasper president the ontario federation of agriculture minister of highways james allen attorney general roberts agriculture aainister fletcher thomas the group is studying a graph of speeds recorded by the provincial police radar equipment officers of hafton company reelected at the annual meeting on mon day in acton of the halton union farmers mutual fire insurance company all the officers were re elected for a second term these of ficers for 1950 are president cam eron m hitching vicepresident hci andsccrei a t moore halton and adjoining counties since 1890 will this year be cameron m kitching james t fisher t j brownridge- daniel gray leslie kerns e f ford j e pearen victor hall charles readhead the 66th annual report showed the company to be in a strong fin ancial condition with total insur ance in force at the end of the year of 3270311300 losses paid in the year amounted to 4655912 total assets of the company are listed at 18863892 with a surplus at yearend of assets over liabilities of 13807775 during the year the company made donations to ha countyjsiberculosfs association the wellington association and the hospital for sick children steady watch saskatoon cp after a min or fire scare a fulltime janitor service has been appointed for the old city hall it has often been un occupied at nights and on week ends a new building is to be erect ed cooperation urged by attorney general the ontario federation of ag riculture is sponsoring a rural safe driving week february 20 to 25 1956 attorney general kelso roberts announced today each of the county federations of agricul ture is cooperating and will be holding meetings during that week at which representatives of the ontario provincial police will be present and will participate this constitutes the type of cooperation in the safety drive which is so es sential if the problem is to be solved on anything approaching a satisfactory basis mr roberts commented the attorney general said tlint the ofas drive was a part of the provinces safety campaign which has been termed operation live the leople of the province of ontario must endorse and support all tin- time this continuing drive ti assure success in road safety the attorney general said it is all the more important because every one of us has n personal interest in seeing it succeed any one of us may suffer irreparable personal in juries or even death by failing to give that support and injuurdaily- actions conforming to the require ments for safety on the highways he went on to express the hope that the problem of safety en highways would be tackled at the very highest level of government and authority on n continentwide basis this does not mean that those o us responsible at the pro vincial level which includes res ponsibility on the part of public organizations such as yours and at all levels within the province can shirk or dodge or lessen their res ponsibilities mr roberts said to award safety prizes at rally the halton federation of agric ulture announced this week that the limestone farm forum will receive the prize for the best es say in the federation sponsored contest in conjunction with the province wide rural safedriving week featherstone collins will be pre sented with the award fur their essay entitled causes of accidents by j e whitclpck at the safedriv ing rally to be held next week besides the presentation of this award special awards will be pre sented to eight halton school bus drivers who have had five years or over of accidentfree driving mike coxe plumbing heating eavestkoughing pressure systems water softeners phone 25 251 mason blvd acton lunifjn mll street 1 jbheuil acton more than a third of canada is in the northwest territories and the yukon territory pollock and campbell ma jof high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 2048 stttmar srrnrating for expert color scheme suggestions superior workmanship and the latest sunvorthy waterfact wallpapers call 2jiril je sttt decorator rockwood 51 ring 5 nt miss i acton legion minor sports association acton arena 177 pm shocketflytskatfirs r a ucc diana nelson and from w fivl e ft r and lorinda hamilton edwin cessitt farrall skating club hamilton skating club 1ici1a llisisarentappreciatiori mighf or 100 and two 50 dont misfit i savings bonds f adults 3gc children frte goxdseal tuna b 7oz whot ttji 33c ulet seal flaked tuna 29c 0x0 vsr valley cheez pleez sr 55c monarch margarine o 31c clarks beans pork 29s 27c jewel shortening 25c queen8way choice dessirtpears23tc upton tea bags o 75 giant fab ay1mer with free ouebt towel reo 75 raspberry jam s 35c robin hood q u i ck o ats sst 23c maxwell house instant coffee is se 149 christies chocolate marshmauow biscuits 47c aylmer solid pack pie cherries t 19c orat dunn caramel wafers 27 1 o0odlu0k margarine 32c domestic r shortening js 3c 27t m guaranteed investments amount one mav invest 100- term s to 10 veabs ft f tl legal fob estate and trust funds inqdiitia invitid halton and peel trust sayings co ff oak villi vi 4ttm he arrived refreshed by bus sightseeing air the way h another of the many en joyable features of but travel also you may ar range stopovers en rout for brief or extended visits 3vv si florida sxe 120 sweat and juicy temple oranges florida crisp and tender celery stalks do 31c 2fort7c canada no 1 cooking onions 3 lb poly bag 19c appreciation pay special saturday afternoon 100 to 600 pm only westons chocolate vienna biscuits pkgi pkg 25c r kentucky cavis package tour dayss435 front toronto return fare hotel room double 2 tcghto sightseeing 6 meab ask your agent for etoteju off this or other package tours- 7 v low round trip fares ottawa 1530 washington 2515 atlantic city- 2670 hakold wiles phone 207 acton rrarr

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