Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1956, p. 3

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i thursdayfebruary nrd 19s6 the acton free press acton ontario page turks lvv as you live and breathe fmui pencil w we sraooroen swwmcnci imhsmd feds antombmde mux mk wgt mi i d red bell ladies and childrens wear mm st acton lhhwhmhmmtmmmmmmmhwmhwmmmhvmmmv want ad page where old friends meet battle for area gas rights united suburban case bids strong to win continued from page one you cant hold up progress 7 vicechairman simpson observed honestly the chairman injected if you could have sot an agree ment with consumers you would have it here today wouldnt you he later added that attention should be paid to the exploration part of the acton companys name it is established the chairman said that there is a market for anthony gas potential united suburban had offered to make an agreement to purchase the anthony gas product ion there are hundreds of compan ies in ontario producing gas the chairman went on and exploring for more gas but there are very few companies distributing gas and most of these producers are selling to the big distributors these re piwirs shouldnt be pushed out of the distribution pict- a vital factor i in our country eiirfmftmuiutu f yes the true yardstick of our countrys sl is our citizens and how they work in f co operation to build their own communities for all canada is but a re of the commities that compose it and of the ci that build them u nabisco shredded evaporated carnation wheat milk reg pits 2 for 33 tall tins 2 for 25c chase sanborn 10 off 2 ox jar instant coffee 55c general foods 5 ox pkg minute mce 2for29c 15 tins champion liver chicken t reg dog food 2 for 21c catelg ready cut 16 ox pkgs macaroni 2 for 23c clover leaf solid 7 ox tin tuna fish 33c 5c off detergent deal 24 or tin lux liquid 75c iwfwrmftfuwtamvmmsmst iga tablerite quality s rfiasis lb 59 swifts boneiess rolled veal fronts lb 39c sliced pork liver 19c maple leaf franks 2 lb cello pkg 67c igjl salad dressing 35c 16 a jar iga fancy appplesauce 10c is ox tins nucoa margarine 27c ingersou cheese spreads jlc a ox pkg devon std wax or green cut beans 10c 20oz tins iga dessert peaks 2 jt 27c bleach j a vex 2 l 45c 5c off new blue surf 69c giant size ontario fancy mclntosh 6 qt bskt apples 49 sunkist navel oranges 280s oox 35c 22cs doz 45c cleaned washed pot ready cello pkg spinach 2 for 29c no 1 snow white fresh cut mushrooms lb 49e canada no 1 fluffy white n8 50 lb bag potatoes 115 prices effective thurs fri a sat fob 23 24 and 25 frozen foods wno pictsweet french style 10 oi pkg green beans 23c york it lets yoitk sole fillets 47c ledgers iga suburbans strong case took four ure mr ctoarron replied and again asked for more time board secretary howard asked when negotiations with consumers began mr cnarron replied at the time anthony gas sought- bylaw approval again the consumersgas agree ment with united suburban was stressed by the chairman in the latter cohtpanys contract theijiag- ara gas transmission co a sub sidiary of consumers gas cannot enter into an agreement with any other company to supply north halton without united suburbans consent there is little likelihood united suburban would ever consent to a rival company getting consumers gas while the contract is in force here united suburban solicitor j evans rose to state that consum ers officials had confirmed to his company there were no gas supplies available to anthony gas proceedings at an impasse there followed a long session in camera the board called in officials of the jtwo companies separately then to- protected if a market for tonys gether i 8 m found chairman croiier when chairman crozier resumed rephrased mayor tyler replied the his seat he announced the request north halton urban board was by anthony gas for adjournment i concerned that local gas should be was denied u5t and not go towaste i have no other choice mr i the chairman stressed the nec- charron said but to withdraw the sessity of a company having an application of anthony gas and oil i unlimitedi supply- for a number of explorations years in order to set up distribut- the chairman added that the two j ion companies are to make arrange- georgetown mayor j armstrong hours to hear after solicitor evans preamble he called four mayors the municipal heads of oakville acton georgetown and milton oakville mayor william anderson told of the good public and mun icipal relations of united suburban- in oakville where the company has been supplying gas since 1929 georgetowns clerk j kelly testif ied briefly he said the georgetown voters had given a 1007 to 336 mandate in favor of bringing nat ural gasjnto the community he opined the need for gas seemed immediate actons mayor e tyler who also testified of the need in acton for gas was asked if his town would wait for two years for tony sey- nuck to supply gas the answer in effect was no the chairman asked mayor tyler if acton area residents would view favorably anthony gas i selling supplies to another distribut ion company the mayor said this j was likely would the local shareholders be firm of united fuel investments ltd a credit of 1500000 cash was held in the companys bank for the extension from oakvilletrafalgar- bronte to actongeorgetownmil ton under the suggested schedule there should be no increase in rates j in immediate years mills the roll call was naming the m niiu w- i r wt sunny side of rural life the mr palfn spoke also of a market m j 4k r- motto for the month was life is a survey made in this area compar- ri j everv j ison of need and situation had been m j zhjvi j made to similar market areas he i w to said and considered that anlstim- i and se tckets on money gayteens show w to eden crest wi eden crest womens institute held the february meeting at the home of mrs gordon stevenson in eden ated peak demand of 9335000 cubic ff s und if feet or gas was determined to serve i north haltoo four industries two it is needed clach member is to bring a dollar i at the march meeting to also aid in from miltonjand one each from actor and georgetown were named jksswp debt the gayteens the eden crests junior group also attended the meeting and displayed their work in the recent project being well dressed and well groomed each as interested immediately in natural gas f a point was stressed that united suburban had provision to switch from niagara gas transrnissiott to alberta gas if the transcanada pipeline should be completed before the contract with consumers term- inates mr palin also stated it i would be no problem to j utilize anthony gas supplies under 20 per r cent allowance terms held with i niagara gas transmission next to testify were w l dtitton technical advisor and consultant and dr c f evans chief geologist for the union gas co of canada ltd i mr dutton answered questions dealing with method and planning of line installations to and in the rirl made a pretty slip the posters made for the recent achievement day were also shown th march meeting of eden crest will be held at the home of mrs garnet macdougall and will be in charge of mrs w dunbar conven er for home economics and health rrcnls to meet and discuss negotiat- endorsed the need of gas immediat- l h r t q by ion of gas purchase contracts this ely in his town he was asked by p 0 apparentlv was in camera prcsum i the board if council know of the i rm ably antnoay gas would now take extent of anthony gas reserves i ngas supplies from that mayor armstrong replied no more mpans held ihan by information given council i evans dealt minutely with by tony seynuck methods of testing capacity and re- chairman crozier referring to a i servo he did not speak optimistic- resolution passed by acton and ally of the present capacity at the i a course to sell its supplies to un- i itcd suburban the chairman concluded that the board is committed to pass a decis ion on the united suburban applic ation by monday february 27 at poon earlier in the day the l for top rated fuel oils and service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at home and save acton jersey dairy georgetown said the- board would bo partiail to tonys company if united i al things were equal but the mat- in oi volume and reserve had to be well considered milton mayor r pearcn also spoke of the real need for natural gas in that town he said one in dustry had been lost because the j town did not have natural gas theie has been he added no local opposition noted toward natural gas coming in he concluded that milton did not endorse the all things being equal resolution of j actons and georgetowns because his council wished the decision left i entirely to the board the secretary treasurer and comptroller for the united sub- urban gas co ltd f palin was called and delivered a lengthy testimony his information dealt with the companys constitution its ability to obtain and supply gas 1 its financial responsibility its past i record of service its plans for ex- 1 pansion in the area now being serv- j ed at oakvilletrafalgarbrontc some of the salient points of mr i palins testimony from the present transmission i lines south of no 5 highway an eightinch main would go to wil- ton a six inch main to george- j j town and from there a four inch j main to acton daily delivery phone 242 don tiaaaaings prop three producing wells of anthony gas but considered further drill ing was justified when ho com mented that there was apparently water in the wells at the anthony gas field the secretary treasurer of that company james ruddickk brampton forms industrial board the town of brampton has fonm- cd an industrial commission con sisting of nine members and the bylaw for its establishment was kiven the final reading at last iatks council meeting there it not only establishes the commission for so long as the town lhay need one it also names the nine members who will compose the commission for 1956 outside of this bread framework it is flexible leaving the commission to suggest constitution and its officers the bylaw in part roads to bring to the notice of manufactur ers and others the advantage of the demanded how this was known municipality of c town of bramp- dr evans explained a drop in tn an industrial business edu- pressure at one well from 700 rational and residential centre onunds to 200 pounds as well as re- ut constitution and regulations of dtiction in open now left water as the commission and amendments the only likely cause i thereto shall bo submitted to the united suburban general manager ewincil rom time to time for con- t p pinckard was called to testify i sideration and approval full or he was speaking of his companys pnrtlime employees of the commis- willingness to buv gas from nrti- slon sha be appointed by bylaw ony gas when mr ruddick rose again to charge mr pinckard with saying the only interest unit d suburban had in the area was to protect tonys company and kick out the hajton natural gas co mr pinckard denied having said this tony seynuck repeated tli charge and added ho had four wit nesses to prove mr pinckard ex pressed united suburbans only intirost was to protect tony and fight the halton natural gas co chairman crozier remarked tile halton natural gas group was not here today they must have boon frightened away he added mr seynuck shot in it looks as if theyre all working against me mr evans rose to conclude his financing would be done by the care v ith a general summary of the council the comfnission shall submit their annual budget to the council for consideration and approval iayor nance horwood expressed the caution with which council has approached the establishment of the commission she noted before council that many municipalities are not approving r are discontinu ing industrial commissums mrs horwood was corresponding with clhr communities and finding out the success the cost and other de- uuls experienced by towns which have or have had commissions mrs horwood stated i anticipate whole heartedly and unitedly a real effprt on the part of the commission for increased industrial development of v- l i united suburbans associated comp- j idorco and testimony placed bctoro slidltlit all rormits j anies not through a public offer- j the board georgetown developer rex helopifj proni coiinch iv- spoke briefly ho endorsed vsti- boihe vuuiuii ing pipe was available with a deliv ery date implying laying would have to start by may 1 proof of availability of pipe to the company v exhibited a prepared schedule of rates vras submitted a total working capital of 3h62731 existed in idatod companies under the parent j would bo inch mony given earlier on the immed- in future all applications for iate need for natural gas hr the building permits in bronte must be area taktn to council for approval the j asuientorntmrhoatin c village- cimmit derldfu at lis meet- at 2 p m i both mr charroi and last week th perniils must be mi ruddick rose to comment the signed by the village clerk richard the consol- chairman suggested their remarks russell overland build- fully considered ftor ru inspector to ensure that coun cils instructions will be carried out i i i- rising hydro bills get attention from p u c continued from page one may mrs j e mwe smtod on the ririt wu onor a ibll fttar h now u six dnujchter shown hrre nr niemlm of iwiih 4oqtrrl tr lift to right suwnnv michhin ini lit infrm iifuur and cuudette mrs cauthirct they followed in their inothers footsteps sidored that since ho was found responsible enough to direct the towns subdivision services install ation he was of more value to the pu c the commission jater reviewed his request for more wages finally agrotd to maintain the present lev el but votd to assume the service charge on mr dubys monthly tele phone bill as is the practice with other town employees on regular call a letter from the hepc an swered there was no ruling on rates when a water heater is used by more than one family a water heater in town which had been giv ing trouble and predicated the in quiry to the he pc was discussed and a motion paoed offering to re possess it and test the lank bir surplus in 1955 the secretary noted from tho aud itors report that the commission enjoyed a surplus of 18353 57 in 95tthrs d nut mrtude time hotp between the town and waterworks departments also in formed nwmbits he was overhaul ing pumps and mutors break in transit pipe a break in transit pipe at the iakeview subdivision in addition to n previous freezeup was re ported x it was pointed out that keeping sriiiw clear of fire hydrants in town was the responsibility of the waterworks department at the close of the meeting mem- bets reviewed tenders on the pro- ixised garage addition to the pump house the bid of j b mackenzie and sons ltd was accepted at a price of31275 a seend tender was submitted bv jones and van gils at 1737 aterwork accounts 37 10 21001 750 15 00 bll ryiephono services acton puc hydro accts o brjwn eat covers thumpon fuel serv mdse acton plc hydro re thaw ing pipes wmrnnrryruititrrri it happens overhand over agrain a daughter stes how much her mother fikes her telephone job and decides she would like to follow in her footsteps so in she comes to work at the bell when daughter follows mother and brother follows sister and son follows father ynn ran he pnptty repairs aclon pit hydro jan op erations some 42000 out of current revenue used in capital expenditure revenue in 1955 was increased 17000 over 1954 while wholesale cost of power in 1955 was up only 1200 over 1954 the report showed a letter from the halton county health unit dealt with a complaint on a water situation where re portedly the landlord is supplying pitneybowes of can water to a tenant contrary to by- service law this was briefly discussed whltham garage gas hydro si t mim ellis at himinj ttrt ffl 2o00 4r ilydro arroanta pittv cash exp trns toth minors acct l garner motors acct burndy can ltd mdsc uta- 783 87 1079 28 10 70 541 5 95 5087 giore that people have found lots of good reasons for joining th- telephone company tney know from firsthand- experience that the bell is a good place to work the mi temvhoni company of canada a6e9rfmacfe urortk reported 12 more services uprio cn line materials mdse glenlea also discussed rebuilding of northern electric mdse the main st n power lines a snapontools mdse complaint from beardmore co re- acton free press theets i garding low voltage was discussed packard electric mdse the superintendent said not all the solex co lamps trouble was due to the pucj line cable access transmission a metering problem at bell telephone services the tannery was also talked over e- van norman labor tne commission ruled a leaking hipc of ont power con- water heater iv a local barber sumption lamps shop reported by superintendent saingatrno ltd mdse mason was out of guarantee federal wire cable co waterworks superintendent j laljibert discussed juggling of part 4 00 529 3o20 jbtjsttcj r i moo 2mqi iais 284 10100 j 43 5341 1955 1250 119903 wis 41s4v9os a

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