Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1956, p. 6

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i iatoul page six the acton free press acton ontario thursday february 23rd 1056 reports and articles from hahons farmland and farm organizations asfwille cattle are prominent a show in dominican republic halton holstein fraternity will be interested to learn that recently ashville farms ltd sent four head of cattle down to the international peace show in s dominican re public with hays ltd in charge all four cattle were sired by their former herd sire m g sovereign ormsby and constituted the win ning get of sire group in the show individually ashville sovereign gil which animal showed locally as a junior yearling in 1955 won the- two year old male class and went on to take the reserve grand award old rosemary was the third prize aged cow and her half sister eve was in the fiftli spot margo another half sister was second in a class of 16 three to five year olds at the conclusion of the sale they were sold privately at a re ported 320000 figure heartiest congratulations are extended to the pelletterio family on this achieve ment which goes to show that there is still a market for good cattle some points to consider when making a farm sale agreement over the past few months we have heard reports and rumors of various farm sales and options at prices which a year ago we would have said were impossible need less to add while we rejoice in the farmers good luck it is always with a touch of sadness that we hear that another good farm has been sold or optioned what really disturbs us are the new farm assn elects fred nurse tuesday evening last saw the con cluding session of the series of meetings sponsored by the halton soil and crop imprbvement assoc- reports of some of the agreements lation which commenced in early which it is stated some of our farm- november arthur robertson of the er friends have signed we can only department of agricultural econ- hope that the reports are wrong 1 omics at the o a c was the spec- we do not pose as an authority on ml speaker at the closing session real estate deals but in our opinion j the topic was formation of a the first thing to do before signing farm management association at any agreement of sale is to read it the conclusion of the session some miltonjrs hold annual meeting for the second week in success ion it was our privilege to attehd an annual meeting of one of hal- tons junior farmer clubs this past week it was the milton club and they met in the home of grant devlin at omagh while accommod- aion was taxed to the limit this did not detract from the enjoyment and success of the evening obviously we could not sit in at both meetings which were in pro gress at the same time in different rooms however as we listened in at the junior farmers meeting to the secretarys report of the years activities and to president bruce bawdens final address and watch ed the despatch with which he handled the lengthy business pro gram of an annual meeting well we were intrigued and yes it makes one realize all the more that junior farmer work brings results the election of the officers for the next year resulted as follows junior farmers- president don johnson vicepresident john will- mott secretary dave wilson treas urer harry sorenson directors grant devlin lynne coulter gor don harris murray tasker junior institute president freda mcfadden vicepresident mary saliba secietarytreasurer chris harris district director chris har- silverwood and see a good lawyer here are a few points to keep in mind too 1 the survev should be made at the expense ofthetjurchascrs- 2 the survey must be produced at least 30 days before the date of clos ing 3 the sale must be completed within a reasonable time 4 at least onehalf of the pur chase price should be paid in cash 5 the down payment must be paid to the vendors and not to- the agent 6 if the sale is not completed through default of the purchasers the vendor retains the deposit 7 no commission shall be pay able to the agent untilthe sale is actually completed and will be paid out of the cash due on the closing of the sale no sale no commiss ion 8 no partial discharges should be granted of less than ten acres and upon payment of ten times the value of an acre 9 if the lands upon which the buildings stand are going to be sub divided and released from the mort gage the present value of the buildings plus the value of the land per acre must be paid to ob tain a partial discharge 10 purchasers should not be al lowed to subdivide more than one- half of the frontage without pay ing the entire mortgage in full h the vendor shall be entitled 21 farm operators expressed a de- q institute cuchres sire to organise such an associat ion in halton the election of of- iasj atlirriax nlinnt ficers resulted as follows president ncio oaiuraay inigilt fred nurse vicepresident e ross two more institute euchres were scgsworth secretarytreasurer j e held at the homes of mrs george whitelock i henderson and mrs ernie miller this new ogamzation is holding on saturday night at the former its first meeting in the board room of the ontario department of ag riculture on monday march 5 to use the land until actual subdiv ision begins and to take the crops therefrom without charge perhaps that is sufficient for a start uell co adds 70 phones in acton area during 55 advertisement blue valley country music night success the acton town hall is ringing out with some real country music these saturday nights the evening was started a couple of weeks ago with two shows every saturday night bringing artists from as far away as guelph with the wellington county boys and mimico with mr roy hockley singing some real nice songs also from acton mr george fountain with his southern style fiddling fill ing in with songs bringing out the real southern entertainment so pop ular in the states lena swmdlehurst gladys and trudy scott billy strange from ospringe and joyce campbell who appear currently with the blue valley boys go to make these nights most entertaining thissaturaay night february 25 will bring earl scott and the blue valley boys guest artists and some more surprise entertainers to the acton town hall for another night of fun for the whole family i acton town hall is most approp- j nate for this type of entertainment with its high stage and aristocratic i structure giving vou a feeling of the old usedtobe the old and new songs seem to fit right in with coun try living of any age bring a carload of our friends nd neighbors to acton town hall this saturday night the admission i the oakvilletrafalgar district with more telephones added morous only 73c and for children 15 and i the boards report stated it would money spent on new construction under 25c now- be necessarv for the township more employees more shareholders sponsored by blue valley ranch to pass a debenture bylaw w ith the and more calls handled than ever see you thlrsaturdi full debt to be debenfured over20 before the bell telephone company b33 vears of pa experienced n record i five tables were played with the ladies prize going to mrs ember- son and mrs clare wilson billy wilson taking first prize for the men with harry scott second assisting mrs henderson were mrs henderson sr miss redmond mrs norton and mrs appleyard five tables were also played at mrs millers with first prizes going to mrs russell miller and hugh cunningham consolation awards went to mrs jack crawford and bob mcmaster mrs millers prize was raffled off to add another dol lar to the silver collection which is taken at these parties to bolster the institute funds helping mrs miller were mrs william reid and mrs russell mil ler william reid is confined to his home through illness mrs burns who is visiting with her daughter mrs d williamson had a fall on some ice outside her home unfortunately striking the steps and breaking some rhibs lisa and jeffrey hoare have been visiting with their grandparents mr nnr mrs h mnrh m nassagaweya ratepayers voice opposition tojjospital support opposition from some areas was voiced at a meeting last thursday of ratepayers in nassagaweya ag ainst township support of the pro posed new hospital in milton c ar service- introduc ed b mcnabb and ft harris both of milton who outlined the pro ject it was pointed out 000000 would be required 250000 to be raised by voluntary subscription 120000 by government grants and 230000 by debentures from the five municipal ities affected the amounts for these townships would be tentatively trafalgar 50000 nelson 35000 es- qucsing 25000 and nassagaweya 20000 miltpn would raises 100000 some felt that this division was unfair the assessment in trafalgar being 31000000 and that of nas sagaweya 2000000 patients from the north end of nassagaweya were mostly serviced by guelph where it was suggested there was a better equipped hospital than could be built in milton one favorable comment was that in these days when many hospitals are crowded a 50 bed building such as was proposed would increase ones chances of admission not enough representation for de cision left council to seek further discussion at another meeting which is to be more widely adver tised clearing auction sale farm implements poultry equip ment lumber etc force stroud vows ln quiet jceremany st timothys church agincourt with rev mackie officiating was the scene of n quiet wedding satur day when jane marilyn stroud younger daughter of mr and mrs edgar stroud agincourt became the bride of harold rodney force younger son of mr and mrs harold r force of acton the bride given in marriage by her father wore a waltz length gown of white embroidered taffeta with a large matching hat her flowers were white gardenias and hyacinth petals with trailing ivy mrs brian gilson was her sis ters matron of honor and wore a dress and hat of apricot embroider ed taffeta matching that of the bride she carried a bouquet of white and pale blue hyacinth petals with trailing ivy donald force was groomsman for his brother the ushers were vern on stroud and brian gilson fallowing dinner for the immed iate family at the four winds the young couple left by plane for a short skiing holiday at st adele quebec kerrigan chiropractic rf i c e 6 john st acton open daily 9 30 am to 500 p m monday wednesday and friday tvenings until 9 free consultation for appointments call 550 acton have received ing their mothers illness mr and mrs russell miller visit ed with her parents at mount forest at the weekend board approves high school expenditure the ontario municipal board has approved a capital expenditure by the township of trafalgar of 1 iso 000 fpr construction jnd equipment of a- new high schoottfor the undersigned instructions from oliver repo to sell by public auction at his farm lot 24 con 1 nds town ship of trafalgar 1 mile west of 4th line on back concession on saturday march 3rd commencing at 1 30 o clock sharp the following farm implements farmall c tractor with hydiaulic and 2- furrow plow int wg tractor on steel new holland baler model 66 with motor used 2 seasons int 7 ft power mower model 21 16 disc fertilizer grain drill with power lift on rubber used 2 seasons 14 plate int tractor disc 16 plate j d tractor disc int 3furrow tract or plow rubber tired farm wagon and flat hay rack 3 bar int side rake int gram binder 7 ft cock- shutt manure spreader 4section drag cultivator 5section seed har rows cockshutt dump rake 2 steel wheel wagons 2 pair sloop sleighs 2 gits of platform scales 2 cream separators circulai saw and frame fanning mill extension ladder 30 ft slings steel land roller hay fork water trough oil bairels set of double harness folks shovels chains etc poultry equipment 2 col- ony houses 2 coal brooders 2 el ectric brooders oil brooders quan tity of chicken wire efifi cases fountains icedeis etc hay and grain 10 tonjnixed hav 700 bus oats lumber and timbers about 7 0o0 ft of new lumber consisting of 2 bv 4 scantlings 2 by 6 pieces i 2 bj 8 pieces 2 timbers 8 by 8 by 20 ft a quantitv of inch lumber pine and hemlock terms cash settlement with r i cl on day of ca knox auxiliary plans sale thankoffering the knox alert evening auxil iary met at the manse for their february meeting with bella maye roszell m charge of the program the devotions were taken by mrs helen jocque and mrs donna kra- pek the study book convener mrs clifton presented another chapter of the study book assisted by mrs gladys davidson mrs ruth mar shall mrs donna krapck mrs hel en jocque and bella maye roszell this part of the meeting was closed with a couple of short valentine readings and the president mrs vera inglis took charge of the business further plans were made for the talent sale and the spring thank- offering and a fireside were dis cussed the meeting was closed with the mi7pah benediction a valentine contest was won by mrs pearl young and mrs helen jocque after which lunch was served mrs gladys davidson mov- td a vote of thanks to mrs arm strong for opening her home to the auxiliarv and to all who had taken part in the meeting pump and timer model deluxe model 2343 pump washer timer highspeed drain exactly as illustrated 17450 reduced to 50 full size celain tub por- safety release wringer 6 min washing action direct drive ball bearing mechan ism rustproof finish no moneu down only 175 per week p 70 gordons hardware acton ont phone 76 no reserve as farm is sold and i proprietor is giving up farming hindley and elliott i auctioneers ford rogers clerk b332 wav during vear in almost every 1955 according to the companys 76th a i annual report telephones in the v v id bells ontarioquebec territory in- i creased last year by 228287 bring- ing the total in service it the end of 1955 to 252274 the overall in- crease included more than 135000 w februao meeting of dublin new residence phones over 50000 s l held last new telephones for business purpos- thursday afternoon a the home of es and the addition of more than i mrs george somervulo glendale 40000 telephones through the trans- farnl wh 21 members and several facilities of three former sltors present vsfswi wiiirfst4jiri afia e agenda of business dealt with at dublin institute meeting h s holden optometrist eyes examined glassfs fitted local agent travel treats f or pttnqttnne montreal 1885 philadelphia 2435 chicago 2315 round trip by bus all bus travel information fer of the subsidiary companies into the comp anys svstem locally growth in telephone ser vice paralleled this overall ex pansion commenting on the re port c s keith bell manager for this region said that 70 telephones were added in acton during 19r5 the total at the end of the vear was 1134 throughout ontario and quebec expenditure- for new construction wore 128400000 this was 23100- 000 more than in 1954 itself thepre- vious record yetar yet due to file strong and sustained demand there were 47000 orders for service not filled at the end of the year a still larger construction activity is plan ned for 1956 by far the larger part of which will be devoted to equip ment for local service a total of 116037106 in wages and salaries was paid to bell em ployees in hundreds of ontario and quebec communities at the end of 1955 the company employed 36340 people 22448 women and 13893 men president mrs william mclntyre opened the meeting in the usual manner varied and humorous an swers wore given to the roll call vhati would do if i had time during the business period a del egate was appointed to attend the halton county folk school a cash donation was voted to the halton countv music ftfetivalothe j safe driving campaign was dis cussed the bianeh seuetarv is to at tend- theconference for secsotanos- to be held at the o a c guelph may 1011 the pooling fee of 20 00 per delegate to be sent in at once the leaders of the girls club- the dublin dozen mrs j d macpher- son and mrs bert rennick report ed on the spendid work of the girls plans were made to hold a euchre in no 8 school nassagaweya in the near future a dutch- auction sale is to be held at the march meeting blocks for a quilt top were display ed by the quilt convener two minute reporti were heard grandma was given a bright little badge to wear a present was given to mrs bert crossman and mrs c thomson and mrs j van fleet they- being the eldest and youngest grandmothers at the meeting prizes for a grandmothers con test conducted by mrs c thomson went to miss minnie somerville mrs george collins and mrs king several old time songs were sung mrs george robertson acted as courtesy convener mrs nels a clun hr netincome for the year amounted dustrtes described making pudding to 243 a share compared with from sea weed mrs g somerville 144 a share in 1954 ard an amount spoke on citizenship mrs george equivalent to 43 cents a share was robertson reported on community added to surplusshareholders in- creased by more than 10000 andta paper on public relations activities mrs horace blyth read new nuniber1 over 122000 of whom are residents of canada german rearming when fully under way will produce some 500- ooq troopr for about the same money canada spends tor 120000 mrs c thomson and mrs m steele had charge of the grand- fmothersrojramput on by mrs r l davidson mrs william mcln tyre mrs robertson mrs n and erson mrs somerville mrs j van fleet and mrs uj ferguson each mayfair restaurant acton east on no 7 highway qpen daily 800 am to 300 am jl breakfasts jjjmcues dinners special lunches daily steaks and chops a specialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver

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