Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1956, p. 10

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pack ten si 44- treatonfree press actom ontario on thursday march 1st iomi jl film on fire prevention was shown to the boy scouts h the acton fir jskftmmi monday evening flumes wilds reported that crows wre heard in the south east section of town can spring be expected soon clarence coles rr 3 acton also repowtod seeing two crows in bis butjh this week as those hnrd- lookedfor sunns of spring into view- still plenty- of fros in the ground yet bt snojv and icy oil roads and walks seem to be diclt ins off cosier and nore quickly these days jteirass modelngines fine products camrose alt icp a garage mechanics sparetime hobby has re sulted in fine working models of a 1918 steam engine and a grain i aeparator lawrence d graham built the steam engine fron memory without any scale plans this and the train separator he says were built entirely by hand the ban- i dreds of small parts were built simply in proportion to eacb other relying on the naked eye for ac- curacy graham was n boy of 17 in 1922 when he decided to build a minia- ture steam engine similar to one owned by a neighbor on their drumheller alta farm he work ed in offhours for years until it was completed the steam engine stands 1 hi in ches high and measures two feet in length it has boon t for 150- pound pressure it once pulled a childs wagon with two persons a total of about 850 pounds across the concrete floor of a garage years of patient delicate work manship are reflected in the min ute workings such as cogwheels fly wheels and castings the engine has a indcr iast friday night dnngerons weather conditions kept the crowd small- nt acton square dance club but the usual energetic en thusiasm made tip for lack of numbers activities t acton y these i weeks ure flowing along in a smooth winter pattern five bas ketball teams have been busy in recent weeks in competitioh with teams pear acton rotatums here are currently at work on their annual faster seal project as are hundreds of other clubs in the province rotar- iahs h h klliott and gmekepwn are in charge this year of the pro ject to aid crippled children clearing auction sale tractor thresfclng machine farm equipment and furniture the properly of frank oilman lot 21 dth line ksquosiiii at glen williams sattlrrav march 10th 130 pm frank petch auctioneer plume georgetown tr 72jw4 a342 free press want for quick results rate s no charge tor announcements of nirtha mm i nines death and knuagcnienlji in memoriam soc nlua 111 ior line for verses artlolaf for wile rent etc 3c a word minimum cash 3oo ox no to thin orilee ifte additional cunil twnnu- itlpcrcount line stkv minimum capita of thanks boo hilling charge of llic added to all accounts if not paid until after ium tiiu and added for each bill rendered ijktrnl time far insertion i pm wednesday births marriages deaths etc born ttsal furniture sale the nnderdsgned have received instructions to sell nt the agricultural hall show ground milton saturday march 10 at 1 30 ockck the following chesterfield with wine and green chair to match 1 dining room tables with chairs lo nii hall rackl 2 round extension tables morris chair trilnmp and table lamp new and used 3 electric irons 1 settee 2 antique lovcjieats antique com bination china cupboard and desk finloy fully automatic electric stove almost new heavy duty rangette plugin rangette nilspace heaterr 2 sewing machines 2 vacuum clean ers china cabinet arm chairs rock ers kitchen chairs 2 washing machines with new motors and roll ers 60 evele one beattv and one threequarter inch bore cyl- ge 2 vutrolas iron bed size with a is inch stroke for- 4 wooden beds full sire dressers ward and reverse gears a whistle iron bed single dressing table buf- qy hall governor pop valve slower 1 fets new and used chinaware some chain and roller steering different- 1 cutlery pots and pans some antique ial two water pumps and a water china and glass pictures baby car- glass made from an old automobile j j r j5 motors bo evele and numerous other the grain separator which will household effects actually thresh grain and blow reserve as irus furniture must straw ani cbarff through n blower i be turned into cash was built after a case model mr sale will be held in main hall graham said it was easier to make than the steam engine because he did not have to handmake the parts from memory he had a pho tograph cut from a newspaper the separator stands 17 inches high is four feet six inches long and boasts such features as cylinders concaves straw racks grain pan governorcontrolled feeder adjust able sieves tailing elevator grain elevator weigher and blower canadian eskimos produce some of the countrys most distinctive art their stone carvings are eagerly sought after by collectors all over tjje world terms cash settlement with clerk dnv of sale hindley elliott auctioneers b342 clearing auction sale in erin township of dual purpose- shorthorn cattle livestock tractor implements hay household goods etc allan- mr and mrs grant allan are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at the guelph gctrcral hospital on saturday february 25 1956 lxjbtfcnttr tkl mrsr w tarty r r 4 aclon are happy to an nounce the birth tsf a jocund son keith francis at the nursing home on february 26 1956 mother and baby both fine fields mr and mrs bill fields are happy to announce the birth of a soli robbie william on thursday march 1 1956 at guelph general hospital a brother for sandra and heather both well mkngkr mr and mrs norman m monger main st acton wish to annomtee the birth of their son peter at the nursing home ac ton february 2s a little brother for anga cecil and lna mother and baby tine nied mcdougall at the guelph gen eral hospital february 29 mary dickenson- wife of the late leon ard mcdougnll in her 8tth year mother- of mrs darwin cripps acton massey at nora francos hender son hospital hamilton on satur day february 25 1956 james e massey beloved husband of olive kennedy and dearjalhcc of doro thy mrs rev eves of glen williams and eileen and peter at home funeral service was held from the mckersie and funeral home on tuesday inter ment fairview cemetery acton b coming events euchre lome school wednesday march 14 830 pm door prie ad mission 35c lunch a 33 3 conic to halton junior fanners dance tit trafalgar hull on friday march 9 1956 jherb martins orch estra admission 75c c392 moving pictures by d d gray also one act corned v play at green ock school friday march 9 it 30 pm adults 35c children 10c a34 monarch cooking school new knox church hall georgetown wednesday and thursday march 7 and h at 800 pm sponsored by es- quesing agricultural society a34 daughters of knox young wo mens affiliated group will iwui a daffodil tea and baking sale on saturday april 7 from 3 to 5 it knox manse willow st amtt turkey supper rookwood united church friday march 2 5 30 to mo0 p nv auspices board of stewards decorating committee adults 125 children 75c proschool age free program a34 notice to boys between ages of 12 and 20 wishing to join the aclon 411 grain club a meeting will be held in the council chamber acton town hall saturday march 10 at 230 pin parents are welcome a34 gospel services will be held at 315 qfuoen street east thursday friday- and next tuesday at juki pm and sunday at 730 pm all are welcome conducted hy misses wliile and cobb undenomination al ji blue valley country music nile acton town hall featuring earl scoll and the blue valley boys with kuest artists this saturday thatcher nite march 3 fust show k 30 pin second show 1030 p m adults 75c children under 15 25c li3l in memoriam i advertisement the trend is to chiropractic do you know what sort of things do chiro practors treat would chiropractic help jne these questions are al ways being asked because the great mass of people are not yet well ac quainted with chiropractic and find it at variance with their old ideas of health and disease chiropractic locates and removes nerve irritation since most of these irritations occur at the spine and arc produced by injury it fol lows that chiropractors treat spin- al injuries and the disease condt- lions vriclrte3sblrfrcnniieneirlecr of spinal injuries very often spinal and pelvic in jury causes only minor inconveni ence and soreness at and imn-ttii- ately following the accident how ever the body mechanics is thrown into an- unbalanced strained condi tion seeking to maintain an up right position with respect to sra- vtty and only time is required to make a relatively minor structural disrelatiotisrup snowball int- a ma jor postural problem with it- u- companying pum aiui imptrori funtion early cluroprac ic care fvs mgirijiiry nearly ylways can ir- stall fututc difficult bcfjjic ie condition progresses u a putiti and senoui stuie spines cati ih- changed but it fol- lows logically that corectint i ijjtruclnraj problem early i- nich iisier than when the condition is of long standing spinal injury occurs commonly at- birth and in oayly childhood furthermore these injuries are i commonly ignored and neglected many of the illnesses of adulthood the undersigned has received instructrbrur from norman d armstrong to sell by auction at the farm lot 11 con 10 erin township sir uated on the 9th line half mile south of erin village on tuesday march 6 1956 commencing at 1 oclock sharp the following i horses and harness black horse ip years old good in all harness grey marc 11 years old good m all harness set of team harness collars odd harness cows red cow due march 1 red and white cow due march 40 roan cow due march 19 red cow due march 29 red cow due march 30 red cow milking well due ma- 30 black cow fresh cajf at foot blue cow fresh calf at foot red heifer fresh calf at foot red and white heifer fresh calf at foot red heifer fresh calf at foot pure bred shorthorn bull 20 mos old young cattle5 head of fat cattle if not previously sold 3 steers rising 2 years old 2 hef- ers rising 2 yearsold 6 yearim herelords red steer rising 1 eir old red heifer rising 1 year old pigs 2 york sows 3rd littvv due about time- ofjsale york sow i bred jan 1 york sow with 15 pigs open sow 1 50 per cent landrace hog 6 mos old 11 thrifty chunks weighing abo- 100 lbs 9 wcaners 8 w celts old 1 dairy eqvipmfnt 3 hp woods electric gram grinder 2- unit anderson milking machine i pump and pipui for 10 cows hay 20 tons of choice mixed hav baled tractor and implements massey harris nv 30 row crop trac- lo good conditio new 9m in ternational 3fitow plough on rub- ber new in liol massey harris 3- sett ion spriiic ttii iriow new m 19o new idea jiouc mower cut aiviut tii actes new idea side de- lvery like new kvly ryan power takeoff manure spreader now in spring iiv kutiher tred farm wag- on at hay nick tractor drawn stiff tooth ciiatir 4 section drag har- j rows massey karris 7foot binder i lverinc liiy loader iverng 13 disc s ed dlll stet 1 latd roller beub sleighs- flat i bo ton massey harris i 1row vvtate sprayir cickshutt row fimslier cockshutt moulder i massey harris sctiffler massey har- ris walkinc plough turrup sower j cutting box chatham fanning mill st o 2000 lb scales electric fencer gibbons in loving meiiioi v of my dear husband john gib bons who passed awiv ln h 1 1639 always remembered bv us loving wife and family gibbons in loving mnr my dear son pte john cil- bons who was killed in aiuui march a 1945 and is buried in grocsbeek canadian war eemet- ery lovingly remembered by his mo i marge and walter kabringfr- in loving tncmorv of a dear husband anton hat- ringer who passed awav febru ary 26 1955 i little knew when i awoke that morn the sorrow the day would bring the call was sudden the shock severe to part with one i loved so dear i wonder why you had to die without a chance to sav good bye no morning dawns no night re turns but that i think of you those left behind are very good but none replaces you many a silent tear us shed when r am all alone for one i loved so very mucl the one i railed my own lovingly remembered by wife jennings in loving memory of a dear wife and mother atrs john jennings who passed away suddenly march 6 1951 a silent thought a secret tear keeps her memory over dear time takes away the edge of grief but memorv turns back everv leaf ever remembered by husband and daughters ruth and fran ces for sale for sale phone 1m9j hp motor 60 evele a3l for sale astral refrigerator table model phono 471w acton miscellaneous painting und decorating estimates gladly furnished vfall- puper samples and uiiit available no job too largo or too small j 11 flank phone 377w acton 17 muin si s aeow commercial and dom est ic upholstering add look and comfort with skilled restyling your furniture can be handsome a new again low coat call us om week service phone 88 aclon- au kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup holstered tor as little as s99 re- finishing also rugs cleaned and re paired for prompt and efficient service call 103 acton one week service tf for rent for rent house mostly furnished at ii john st a 33 for rent 1 loomed heated ap- urtmeut at 142 guelph st ilioiu- 5511 t for rent trill imhiedlat 3a3w apiiilliieiu iv possession hi en- hnne 14 for rent heated apartment 3 rooms and bath immediate posses sion win mclwl phone 203 34 draperies custom made drahs and sli covers wide selection of libries t choose frmni price fntin ohc per yd free estlnmtea in your own innup without obligation phone collect neighborhood tiew nig centres georgetown til 7 wok cuelpli 62115 utf clearing auction sale farm implement poultry equip ment lumber etc o received for sale 1953 lino anthonvlittle lw kord custom motors phne a312 for sale 25 tons mixed baled hav chas davidson r r 3 acton phone 39j2 aa2 rawle1ghs products lor health and beauty rheta goodwin phone 128 acton a342 for sale red brand beef your choice of four quarters f e holmes and son phone 96w1 for sale 3 piece chesterfield suite 1 hall table 1 small pedestal iable r floor lamp 123 bower ave a 33 for sale inexpensive alumi num storm windows and doors for free estimates phone acton 438m a342 the undersigned n instructions from oliver repo to sell bv public miction at his farm bit 24 con 1 nds town ship of trafalgar 1 mile west of 4th line on lack concession on saturday march srd commencing at 1 30 oclock sharp the following farm implements fnrmall c traelor with hydraulic and 2- furrow plow int wll tractor on stool new holland baler model 66 with motor used 2 seasons int 7 ti power mower model 21 16 disc fertiliser grain drill with power lift on rubber used 2 seasons 14 plate lnt tractor disc 16 plate j d tractor disc lnt 3furrow tract or plow rubber tiled farm wagon and flat hay rack 3 bar int side rake lnt grain binder 7 f t oick shint manure spreader 4section drag cultivator 5soclion seed liar- rows cockshutt dump rake 2 steel wheel wagons 2 pair sloop sleighs 2 sets of platform scales 2 cream separators circular saw and frame fanning null extension ladder 30 it slings stool land roller hay fork water troughi oil barrels set of double harness forks shovels chains etc 1kultry equipment2 col ony houses 2 coal brooders 2 el ectric brooders oil brooders quan tity of chicken wire egg cases fountains feeders etc hay and grain- 10 ton mixed hav 700 bus oats lumber and timbersabout 7000 ft of now lumber consisting of 2 by 4 scantlings 2 by 6 pieces 2 by 8 pieces 2 umbers 8 by 8 by 20 ft a quantity of inch lumber pine and hemlock terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale no reserve as farm is sold and new truck tires at rock bot tom prices truck tiros repaired section in 825x20 14 00 new car tires lo per cent off tubeless tires repaired free delivery ok rubber welders 191 mill st milton tr 8- 23m a334 jproprirtnrts givrng up tarmmg i hindley and elliott for sale only 297 of for a 1 new surge milker unit vacuum pump and motor as low as 5 down on a surge milker unit pumps from 750 order now before the spring rush horace tomlmson 9 mclaughlin rd brampton phone 1872 atf ford rogers clerk auctioneers b332 clearing- auction sale tires good used car tires in mceachern in loving memory most sires from 3 50 recaps with or norman mcearlicrn who new tire guarante from 1050 passed away march 1 1954 i welding of 11 kinds of tires and as he lies in peaceful sleep i rubbers free delivery ok rubber his memory we shall always keep welders 191 mill st milton tr 8- sidly missed stewart jean and 23k4 n314 luorle j may be traced to such rhitdhovid i steel hoc selffeeder hog watering injurv which was not diagnosed- o j bow colony housc new condition treated at the time spinal imuries r 0n colony house 8x10 feeders i etc queensway iiiroroadet 1 light toadults arc more likely uv receive prompt attention the chiropractor is the ane bjfst qualified to assess and treat such chiropractic gets you well and keeps you well in acton yvour chiropractor is jwkenigan dc jofctnst phone s60 a34 v keys made while you wait hinton s 5c- 1 tore eiectric brooders all sraji household goods duo therm oil burner wingham clcpper cxok stove ge hotpoint electric range 2 bedsteads springs and mattresses dressers and washstand drop sidecuucfe convertible baby carnage congoleum rug and nume rous other artices auctioneers ntito this is a choice herd of homebred dya pur pose shorthorns a lot of tie im plornents are as guod as new do not fail to attend terms cash with clerk on day- of sale no reserve as the farm is sold wm a gibson aucuoneer phone guelph 743w r j mcenery clerk a4 mceachern in loving memory of a dear father and grandfather norman lames mceachornr who passhi awi two years ago march 1st- ever remembered by grahaii helen norriir and david j mceachern in memory of our friend norman mceachorn w ho passed iway march 1 1954 tunc goes oi with itany ehtiges toy svrr siiles uui tears bat our nierior we wijl choise with the passirg of the- years krl and vera mceachern in lortng laetvory or norinari mckiiclierri who passed away mrcn 1 1j54 god knows how much we rvss iit never siall iis tiieniory falc loving thoughts- shl ee der to the spot whervhe ii- i eer roaeti 1v mr mrs d a rissoll mceachern- hi loving rut of norrrar mceacherr pissd away march i 1im the world may change fo to year and friends from day to day but never will the ore we h fiorp meitory pass away alwavs uememtxrixi b wife ith vera doug and helen wanted wanted passengers dailv to oakville 4 pm tu 12 pm shift phone 392j a322 ma wanted reliable w look after 2 children win or works live in or out mills tls lorgfiold road to th- m 134 c who year md ed- snow i- lovirg memory of our dear son and brother kenneth who passed away march 4 1952 we ioim or har in silence 1 no eyes can sec us weep but many a silent tear is shed while others are asleep mother dad sisters and r brother halton poultry prod ucts poultry and eggs wanted p uiryrisom packed cleaned and cu up prono milton tr 8440 wanted to buy- house with acies or mure through vla all cash nlust be tu ar acton or cieiigi town description and pjic to rox 43 jr- pss a332 wanted willing tor inc children m their own h me aiu do light housework while mother works mondav through frdav from 7 till 530 oalv phone 2l3n a employment wanted man with s me experience iri plumbing low pressure boilers and maintenance would likework in factory or plant phone 16ti acton a34 of holstein guernsey and jersey cows and heifers hogs ford tractor farm implements etc the undersigned have received in structions from iavu clarke to sell by public auction at his farm 1 mile south of milton on 1st line township of trafalgar on rriiiay march 1g cuinint nciug at 130 oclock sharp the following iioc1s 2 mature york sows bred i one month h york chunks 4 york pigs 10 weeks old 1 york hog two j vears old hairy kquipment- cckshult j milkr 2 iiiits iiitli and piping for i rw cockshutt portable 6ctsir colr iaart electric chpiiers stron is pa is etc cattik 2 guernsey cows m time of sale b indlo cm iio tinu of sail 1 jers- y cow due tirrc of sab 3 citiernsev ciwy fresh foiir v tvs 1 lrs- cow fusli thrti weeks 1 gutrnsev c- v m full iflow mt uia 1 1 rsy cow r full ew not bred 1 hoktiin row in v flow nut bred 1 holstein cowr due n miv 1 histin cow dvic in jivc i- holstein cow in full bieri in octbr 3 jersev heifers bred for next fall frtsheiiins 3 guernsey lieifers bred for next fall freshening 5 guernsey heifers open 1 h lutein heifir open 7 heif er calves reg guernsey bull rising twi years old for rent 3ioomed heated npartilioiit und hath separate erit- ground floor yard write 2 flee ranee bo 5 floor less 34 income tax returns completed prrminal and ituslnru aceoiinliiig auditing lloik loeplug alfred j bishop n main st til geoi gtowii it- i i f lie mondays itiol y idavs utf real estate rockwood 9500 full price modern ranch hume largo 211 living room with stone fireplace 3 hiliioms 4- piee lialli knit banks morse oil furiiaet- on spaeious acre hit sin rounded hy tall pine trees in best resdential district terms 9600 full price 9 roomed two family solid stone homo on ap proximately 1 acre of land high way location in e inn- of village all modern conveniences includ ing oil heating iuge living room downstairs with fireplace 2000 down balance on easy terms contact john l kingshott broker harris st rock wood phone 177 or 4bj a notice to creditors a nil otiikkn in the fmt if flora immu hy- mon all pelbolllt iii l-sl- i liuvlug eliilma ugulrmt jllatasa4lmxa of the town uf ai- t hull n wlrt- symon lot ton ill llio dtuiily uw deceased who died till or mimiiii the 5th iluy uf december itllrj ra lurohy noflflnf lo bend in to ilia ulldei digued ll uoliil llnpi emiuuil ive of the blilil le4eabid mi ii liefiirts hie 1 1th day u mined mnil full iiiirtleulara if their eliitina linmd- iutely utter ihe bulil date tlia aald personal liepresiitnllti will ala- tilblite the aiisoto uf hit- nahl am- ceased imvlaig legunl only lo claim of which it tiliall then have notice dated at kuiilt st- mario ont- uilo llns 7lli day of feluiiury lofto natkinai trust company limited kxecutor 20 kintj st eubt toronto out hy hamilton cahmichael and nennett n323 tlmirsoliellora herein ieakin1 auction sale of keglntrreit and tirade oueraaey cattle llantrs klicrp ili imple iiiriiu iluy slmw iriln lkalry ioullry kulpmriit the undersigned lias received in- ntiuetlons to sell by public auction for jostllll m lutownkiikik at loi iii n 4 west thingua- cousy township oiu- mile iioi th tlf hiaiiiptoii unit four nules west of nil iii liigbwiiy on no 7 highway at mount pleasant on iii tllts day maim ii ihh at 1231 oloek sharp the following housks oh- pah of lilalk per- etleloll mllfes well matched iilot and well luokeii 1110 years old welgllllii llnllll lbs tills isi a real good lealll iiahnhss 1 sel of team bill loss guild iliiiimi of hoi se collars puis and siiilllp i yorkshire sow blel i yolkshlle sow 2 young sows ii weeks old ii weaii- elm 1 ueikk old tl suffolk ewos t oxford down ewes 1 suffolk ram hkc caltle hog cow 4 years iii full flow bled february 3 reg cow 3 years dry due april 21 reg eow 5 yeats frrsh hpr row tt years div imd oct 7 hog cow 3 eais in loll how bred doc 21 hog cow 4 years dry due april 17 hog cow 11 ycais in full flow bred dec 22 it g eow 3 years in full flow in ed aug 17 heg cow 5- years m lull flow brd sept i reg cow 4 yeais dry due april 3 heg a years dry brd sept 3 reg a years dry due tune nf sale eow ll years dry due april eow s years in full flow broil 17 reg eow 13 veins fresh eow 3 years fresii roe cow 5years fresili reg heifer 3 years broil feb reg heifer bred dec 4 hog heifer bred dec 4 hog heifer tired dec hi heg heifer hi d doe ltd hog heifer bled del 14 2 hg heifers open 4 ltijr heifers 10 ins heifers 7 mos li heg cow- cow heg reg dec heg 2 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years iii mos 2 reg heifer calves bo bo wen r tolott i real estate brokers 7500 full prick both sides s1m down double brick house with masonry finish 10 rooms bath heavy duty wiring insulated close to shop- piping and transportation 8000 asking price room bungalow- asbestos shingle wired garage hedge and trees hardwood and tile floor hot air heat laundry tubs tv aer and many extras go with this ex ceptionally wellcared for home 4900 1 hn bull 2 years oll well bred c ha 1k cattle 1 grade ciicrn- soy cow 3 years in full flow bred nov 2 i kiudc flihrnsey cow 6 years fresh 1 grade cueinsoy heif er 10 mos i grade holstein cow ft years in full flow bed oct 10 to hereford bull i guide hereford cow ti years dry duo april ii bred to hereford bull nolprthik rs a real choice yoimj herd of registered foiornsoy cattle they are all calf- hood vaccinated in case of bad weather cattle will bo sold under cover hay straw a chain ap- prux 401 biles of smfalfa arid tim othy hay apirx 1100 bales of tim othy hay approx 10 tons of wheat and tint straw loose approx 3w bus of heaver oats dairy and pouitiiy equip ment surge milker 2 single uiuts arid enough piping for 23 cows this milker has been used only eight months i aij single unit rrritk weighing scales woods flcan port able cooler good condition brood er house l7 ft 1 brooder house hi ft lijocmrie jamesway brooder 300 chick capacity 1 chick hoover number of fiid trotighsjlnd water fountains z- furniture painted bedroom suite one wmxlen bod 1 iron bed diesser fruit clipboard 2 kitchen tables larg- meat grinder butter churn 1 steel vamp cot lawn rhair and table lawn mower with grass attachment implements cockshutt 40 traetor on rubber with lights start- igbts oil front and rear i wtil asking price 150 down room stucco homo arranged so second storey can be rented kit- then facilities- on both floors 3 oilatliednveheuitijcliiisulau 1 ed new asphalt roof full base- is i lv miill tv aerial arid all floor tov- i pwr lakoff i his fr r is only vnngs go with llie house full v ars ool ii al oiiin mr- it ngtb sunrotuo ivcilm taxes less eii ntly located four possession in 2 than im con- j z 4 i ellilf f school shop ping and transportation on no 25 highway i bio asking in minutes walk to w tannery mason and ji room instil buck oig lot con vi nor ee for taxes 4 rooms storey rt ntd for 7900 jul cointiing forfi- shops iew garage s only 1ij7 rn srrnnd inintbl v riig tlinshiiic iriaehlne iulibr tins with bruiser wi rtleaner oiri 1 ft aupiii in al coridititi bit power takeoff 4 raier used 3 years one tiaitor 4 ha i c kshutt side rake mil 13-iiim- fitihr drill int 3- fiirnw tiieloi plow cockshutt double packet ii ft lift frost and wood oil bath nowei ni 4 ck- liitt rilanure spiadr ori rubbtr 1 crkliiitt ni 3 iiisb bin bv bad- j kb iiyhissll j-plati- iloubl -e- frfkbutt rutjher tired vann iieig uft dump rake int trar- sfe this for only 2 left new 4 io jungaiws near at ton no 2 hmhvay vi built t- sir el hiising tjos no salary rejini 8500 lak tjiick close itiirn f fica- nt hvrlrni v k v s dltrh h st rail ri wanted 0irl for typing and general of f icjtcoxk must be ac curate state qualifications and pre vious experience if anv mwriung to box 109 canadian champion milton om c334 cakds of thanks i would like to thank friends mohawk s5564 deadstock removed froo your farm promptly for sanitai disposal telephone col lee georgetown tr 72741 or elmlr and neighbors branch 197 canad ian legion dublin w i dr wair ler the nurses and staff of st josephs hospital guelph and al others for their many kindnesve during my recent illness this thoughtfalness will always be re membered- i w d barber gordon toung looted deadstock servlrcr ssoo tach for dead or disable horse or cows old horses it le for prompt service phone collee freeltoo 22r23 or hannon m3j j steve peconi tractor farm implements etc ford tractor 2furrow hy- drauiic plow ford tractor 51 mod- eli lights and tires loaded case vractor disc 2 tractor trailers land i packer mh manure spreader on steel mh grain dr ii 13 hm steel land roller md side rake 5lh j hay loader flat hay rack set of i drag culuvatufsr iscuffler set of seed harrows dump rake platform scales fanning mill hand poier clippers feed boxes number of oak i and steel barrels smaw quantity of molasses 1 electric fencers with j wire and posts cyclone seeder v 2 coal brooders 2 new wagon tong ues collars set of double harness i poultry feeders and fountains forks havels chains etc terms cash settlement with cleric on day of sale no reserve as farm is sold hindley tk elliott aucuoneers a- t woodleyclerk t2 low flexible down payment nla subdivision resale new 6 room brick attaclnd garage oil heat 4 piece bath hardwixd fioors n livng room and 3 bed rooms spacous viosels tibd fbmrs iri kitchtn arid bathrioni laundry tub arid recreation rm in basoracni lljcesaul ins uraheo paid fji thre years toi cultivator h ft loop sl-lgh- ike fka hav f sl of ttp bi rw ti ion li th ti t ii- 1 1 cbarki eplte ii kt 11111 kmilltll lolg nad irylier i iridl rlrvy b it w grar krikb r imii 1 1- tic pal hati fi f tractor r i oris of iddler itr tarims it eld r iitt and bangers ivddh st of aek 13 arnaka t attath- r luriii low plow ritf ptw i 2tf t oils ittrit year moffat nee stretcher niirutxr of ft r track and t airier track iittir carrier fill price 650 acre surveyed level wrl gravel drive partially fenced 22 front age to no 24 ilghway near ji pnnge th abovf homes all in arlew call 2uiy switcli new quantity uf wat er pip- and fittings 2 wire oates 12 ft 1 wrj catr 12 f bar truck ting hold r numlier rf stei posts 2 small rolls of woven wire ft bee niw 2 rolls of snow fence numiiei of cedar posts new keg of istoplts pile of summer wood i stewart kertrr cow clippfrg- tat- t- outfit bfnc of 2fj hop bottles ta- steel water trtughj two el ectric fences one oil drum with pimp electric pig- brooder quan- y f used lumber number of rtp- and leather show halters ikeing chains forks shovels and oth r articles too numerous to men- toll teams cash nothing to be- removed until set- jack holmes ii5s or no 84 church st e 1 bruce hodiins at pedigrees phone 308 acton retaharl auctioneer bs4 5nelfroyelrbotie vuxorim 22 m i qeorge currie cjerkv i

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