Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1956, p. 1

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f- puc puts water sewage in separate departments division of the towns water works and sewage systerji respon sibilities into two separate depart ments was announced at a meet- waterworks and sewage superin tendents good news for commission members came in a letter from the ln last week of the public utilit- i hepc the 13th power bill the lee commission under the now arrangement ef fective this monday j lambert will supervise the waterworks de- parttnenl while a buby wul lak charge of the sewage system and disposal plant decision to split tho department was first made at a special meeting of the puc earlier last week chairman p oakes who consid ered there were many kinks to be ironed out in the now arrange ment explained that the commls- slon thought the division a good move he said a uubys salary had been raised to 93700 weald interchange service waterworks superintendent j lambert asked if it was interfiled to hire any more help or how the division of personnel would go the chairman replied that in cases of emergencies in cither- depart ment thetwo superintendents would interchange their services ho also indicated there was thought of hiring a third man who would work between the water works and sewage departments kxchangc of tools and other equipment for each department was discussed it was noted there would be one truck each for the difference between estimated wholesale power purchased in 1955 and the actual amount purchased revealed a credit to the acton nmlilon of bft7q0ai plus 2858 interest a total of 3 81 879 secretary j mcgeaclitc read a report from the commissions pen sion plan administration for local employees he also passed on a re quest from h palmer who cleans the puc office every week for a 5 increase in his monthly wage the commission granted the in crease raising the monthly salary to 25 hydro superintendent d mason reported further on voltage trouble at the benrdmore and co plant the difficulty the superintendent maintained is in the compnnys jurisdiction however he added an engineer from the hamilton hydro office had been up to look into the mutter e van norman appeared to question if the commissions min imum service charge of 150 was sufficient to cover costs mr van norman noted os a private elect rician that he charged the same for service calls to domestic pow er consumers considerable dls- continued on pane three m p p bauds chambers role in service to town oven blast causes bums to face hair miss beryl flynn escaped with minor burns friday when ah ox- plosion occurred in the her home just south of acton miss flynn was lighting the pro pane jtas jet of her stove oven when the explosion took place she was burned about the face mid hair but covered herself quickly and called dr w kenney miss flynn said no property damage was caused by the explos ion tax rate drops nine in 56 last year seen as cause home school hears lawyer george el qc m native of hulton whose fam ily has resided in this grand old county for six generations stan hall mpp was guest speaker at the wednesday dinner meeting of acton chamber of commerce in a concise address mr hall expressed appreciation of the com- kitchen of j mini in service that the chamber mid similar civic minded bodies did in furthering the welfare of the community he sketched the hist ory of halton and finvc many in teresting facts he noted the pres ent development of hulton in the tremendous growth ot ontario mr hull in his tulk also stress ed the standards of life enjoyed under the freedom ot the british flag and felt that under no other form of democrucy could n nation such as canada have developed so soundly he was thuinked for his address on behalf of the group by william dnvey action on town signs etth d a in th matt o mull iluin three acton athletes leave here tonight for montreal where they will compete in the annual canadian amateur athletic union indoor meet left to riqht frank cooper frank wwiscak and emer son baxter are entered in juvenile and midget track events inine- reduction made possible by 395505 added assessment sunday fire in laing house two years to day after home burned tertained the acton home and erection of three signs at the ent- school members at the march meet- ranees to town appeared likely ing of the association monday even- i when the e l ruddy company ing with an interesting and amus- agreed to supply arid erect the ing talk he spoke to children and j three signs complete t a cost of the responsibility of parents to train under 900 this price was to be youngsters to cope with life as an confirmed by letter and the signs adult were to be of specification suitable miss e goodwin explained the to u town engineer who had de- teaching of music with the help of si the sketch submitted the pupils of miss andersons class i permission was given the com- the stage was set up as- a classroom mittec to canvass for the required nd a typical lesson conducted funds some organizations have al- a short business meeting included na arranged donations and in- nrs franklins report on the home dicnton were that the project and school play which is progress- i w have financial support ing the distribution and sale of civic night this year will see tickets was discussed atod it was representatives of all six municip- agreed that members of the associa- bodiesjal l thetcnjruier at the ap- tion would sell tickets this year in- ril meeting the may meeting is to stead of pupils be a social night with films and volunteers were asked to help program and refreshments supplied with the children at the music fes- d tlw hiram walker co tuvalin acton april 27 miss an- discussipn on time and davs of dewtmiv room won the picture with meetius resulted- in votes thatthe present total attendance was wednesday night date will contin- sniulay two years to the day after the same family was burned out of their esciiiesing township home flames attain forced the large fumily of mr and mrs wilr limn lning from their churchill road home smoke from a fire believed to have started in a bedroom rolled from the small frame- house as ac ton firemen arrived in time to save the home from going up in flames mr laing and four of the nine children were inside when the fire sunny skies steal springtime scenes sends snow slushy seasonably speaking wednes day was the first day of spring although the sun moved into aries tuesday n little ahead of time to make that day officially the first fit the green season whichever day it was wnrm sunshine this week has put the snow on the slushy run bronrlu temperatures by day up into the 40s and on top of that given the winter- weary something to look forward to better weather milder weather seems to tnke the tone of this weeks weather forecasts and the same bids for the last week of march when the easter weekend is due congregation to purchase land for new church the present united church will tie repaired nndrenovatel to some extent for future use as a sunday school buildinfi and the patrick properly at the corner of mill aid elgin sis will be purchased as a site for a future church a con gregational meeting derided mon day evening rev gordon adnrris choired the wellattended meeting when re- i on a actons growth in 1955 means a bonus for taxpayers in 195ft a bon us in the form of lower taxes last night workirfg with an assessment of 33112449 sifme 3f5505 more than last years figure of 2986944 council struck a mill rate of 81 this is a ninemill drop from 1955s rate of 70 where a mill iast year brought in only about 3000 to meet 209039 in net municipal expenditures this year the mill will raise closer to 3500 to meet the estimated 218742 in expenditures to be covered by -e- taxation roughly the nine mill drop acton family in qe auto crash six members of an acton fam ily involved in nn accident on the queen elizabeth highway late sun day wight were released from hos pital in onkville nfter all were examined and two treated for slight injuries mr and mrs hurry arbic ter esa arid danny and mr and mrs hay arbic were returning from toronto via the queen wiaheti nine means about a 12 reduction for every 100 in taxes paid inst year if you paid 100 last year youll pay around 88 this year if you paid 200 in 195a youll pay nhnut 76 in 1996 if your taxes in 55 were around the 300 brack et this year theyll be in the area of 264 actual percentage reduct ion is 1286 although taxes are down the towns estimated expenditures are not inst year it east a total of sa617 to rope with actons xprnses revenue against that way jiunday night when their car to 50057021 this year aetun will need to draw on a total of 291445211 t meet all estimated and fixed- disbursements however estimated revenue is up too to s7270262 stihtriitt with these inst extensive smoke and water dam age was caused the house how ever it was learned some insurance 1 was held by the guelph owner of the house and it is to be repaired j ports and discussion on march 18 1954 flames des church continued iroyed the frame house in whiclr4 several alternatives mr and mrs luing live on the third line of esqucsinr seven miles south of here the structure was com- pletely destroyed in this blaze i nothing was saved except a baby buggy water to fight the fire wns used the arinn hrignrtr pumper- cullideil with the rear of n vehicle making a lefthand turn into onk ville j mrs harry arhic suffered arm injuries and face cuts when her head hit the windshield and broke it on impact her son dannv asleep at the time in the front seal suffered lacerations to the face mr arbic was driving at the time the accident occurred while teresa and mr and mrs kay ar hic were in the back seat the onkville couple in the second car were reported slightly injured provincial police investigated the accident the front end of the x mr car was caused oonsidcrmlr damage in the collision new were debat- joint meeting held ed following the report of the rot arianc y maii building committee i nvhdliaili i b ivteil one suggestion to move from rotarians and ys men held a the present mill st site altogether joint meeting tuesday evening it is possible that would face toward was discovered f sbtorday- ate chil w bo rom to mrs laing in acton nursing nnd lrom tho n farm pond of home ir n brown was rejected new church elgin st rewirin of th churcj gin shortly repairs are also to be made to the foundation nnd brick work during the meeting members of both clubs learned representatives of theexo par its commission f expect signatures from members for a petition prior to the municipal vote on the commission setup sjawbysjajsawwmbwai mssrsksssp sskffi5ssmlssss tajcasmtsssa urban board pushes dog control humane society would serve three towns the north halton urban board meeting in milton friday evening pased a resolution which should beam a program of dog control in the north of the county by the onkville district humane society tne resolution moved by mayor j armstrong of georgetown and iecciitded by reeve s childs o geuchie informed board members that p merry of the humane soc iety who was asked to be present at the meeting could not come but hud telephoned with information for the board mr merry had told the secretary that the humane society could serve the three towns at a maximum cost of 3500 14 75 lunch was served legion here has busy weekend a weekend of busy activity is in store for tho acton branch of the canadian legion as members cele brate their branchs 25th annivers ary this weekend and open a alesaming new wing just added to 1 the main st quarters friday night a dance is scheduled to baptize the spacious new audit orium this will be tho legions anniversary ball saturday night a membership banquet will honor charter mem bers and others prominent in the local branch founding 25 years ago special guests are invited while speaker of the e7rssvih be major john anderson major and erson is a former minister at knoxchurch -here- sunday local and district resid ents are invited to an open house in the early afternoon when the new wing and facilities will be on view legion chaplain sey e jones will officiate at a dedication ceremony planned for sunday af ternoon ue but the hour of meeting will be changed to 6 pm if suitable ar rangements can be made with the caterer parks commission progress progress was being made it was reported in the forming of a parks commission under the public parks act the chamber started circulat ion of a petition to be presented to council to have a vote on the nec essary bylaw at the meeting a volunteer was secured to act in one of the polling booths reports on arrangements for the annual kish derby were discussed and on financial arrangements a special fund has been set up to carry on prorpotion directly bene ficial to the retail merchants of the town such as store hours etc this fund had a start with fjom the treasury of a former business mens association milton grants a contribution ot which would pay for a new truck 3000 a year to the society for the ns well as a parttime man to control of dogs in acton george- i spend two half days in each munic- tawn and milton the inspection in iipality the truck pointed out the each town to be twohalf days a 4 clerk would bemused solely for the week plus emergencies the 3o00 three towns unless in case of em- amont the will be divided evenly three municipalities at the outset of the twohour meeting in the milton council chambers board secretary j mc- a letter of congratulations was tot 3 dave fleming be sent to mac sprowl of the jun- wayne wilson and paul wolfe ior farmers debating team which scorers for the juveniles were recently carried off top honors for j jany 8 t barrager 10 f coop- province er 4 b thorarinson 6 w ciirrie 4 the ergency in the southern part of the county mayor armstrong immediately 1 asked what would happen if the three towns were to start a hum ane society of their own most of w s the members agreed it would cost a lot more thiui 3500 mnvor e y rariimc win 910 tyler of acton noted that the 1 daniams win oziy whlch vns purcha5cdbv pakville nnd trafalgar had been used in acton as well as the other two municipalities represented on the heard hew do we know our truck went be going into the rev of the iountyf he queried mayor r pcjiren of milton who is a member of the oakville dis trict humane j society informed mayor tyler that oakville and trafalgar didnt buy the truck that is in use there but the coun cils of oakville trafalgar and bronre hodpurchased the vehicle mayer pcaren noted that besides the profits from each of those councils the good neighbor fund helped out and tag days were held each year to take care of in cidentals mayor pearen added that last year a new heating system for j sale ol tags in milton the shelter meant a 1800 deficit the board also approved another the milton mayor suggested that j motion that the councils of acori if the three towns undertook the milton and georgetown be asked project a new shelter would be i to endorse a petition to the county needed because the one at oak- 1 council to hire an engineer cap- ville would not be sufficient to i able of building better roads handle the extra animals at the the motion followed brief dis- present time he said the oakville j cussion on the poor condition of shelter is overflowing with dogs some of the county roads and the being abandoned by their owners i work reported being done by the who are afraid of rabies county engineer commenting on the number cf the meeting chaired by coun- dogs in each town it was re j cillor c johnson of wilton was at- ported that there were 421 lags tended by four from actonr three i sold in georgetown 200 in acton from milton and four from george- and h00 was realized from the town two figures and the amount to be raised by taxilion 21874206 is left prom tho finance statement stud- ied before l56s rate was unanim ously adopted members noted a surplus brought over into this years revenue from 1955 of 41885 actual spending in 195fl has in creased 2182641 over last year about eight per cent establishment of the mill rate was not councils only important business at last nights special meeting pass new dog bylaw in one sweep seven bylaws which had pertained to dog control in town were rescinded and a new bylaw heavily armed for enforce ment put into effect before this came about members confirmed a resolution recommended by the fj hnltmi tjibdii duaul tu bring the services of the oakville and district humane society in acton for 41ooo per year the society nill be in acton two half days per vveck answer emergency calls pro vide use of its facilities and man power a new truck is to be bought to service the three north halton towns and a parttime employee taken on fulltime through this arrangement coun cil considered the new dog control bylaw has sharp teeth some- of the bylaws provisions provide that a dog can be picked tip nnd destroyed if its owners re fuse to pay the tax and allow it to run at large any dog not under control whether tagged or notcan be impounded and disposed of if not called for in the regulation period of thre days fines up to 50 are provided for infractions of the new bylaw penalty is also stipulated if dog owners do not obtain licenses by march 31 of each year the bylnw also states that any i dog known to be rabid killed immediately to be juveniles lose 7832 cton ys bantam basketball players counted a 2219 win over kitchener y saturday on the los ers ground the same day actons juvenile caters werent so able as thiy lost 7832 to galtyin that com munity in the bantam game dave flem- inc set up most of the plays with points going to don price 10 bill shannon 8 wayne wilson 4 line up included doti price peter new prx steorv ssss usv ssasva8ik morejontest honors for acton violinist even one monkey free rabies clinic vaccinates 600 pets an acton violinist well known in the town and district continues to earn honors in music competit ions and festivals sheila paul at last weeks strat ford kiwanis music festival won two firsts one in the 17 years and under and the other in the 19 years and under group also at stratford ln the same week sfiss paul won campbeltyiue dr c- e the perth county music teachers and dr j gleasoci and acton is not the only local- j a clinic was also set up in ity where the dog and cat populat- rock wood wednesday under the ion was treated yesterday to the supervision of the guelph district under preventative vaccine under the toronto district office of the fed eral health of animals division department of agriculture other clinics in north halton were con ducted in brookville campbeuville and georgetown in charge at brookville was dr l- cook at morgan dr t dr t l dales was in charge of inarians assisted the federal veter inarians in charge department of agriculture of ficials with officers of the county the acton clinic held in the town lhealth units continue to organize hall he was assisted by dr f g oakes and m maccormack of the toronto office town employees s tcnnant ahdj frank t also assisted clinics and preventative or control measures against the spread of rabies haftons rabies control committee is meeting regularly to tederation violin trophy and thespence and dr srubbsat george h w strudley scholarship of 25 i town in the inoculation of the pets car- chart progress of preventative steps ol tyler and- g musselle recorded in this county all pets vaccinated and issued cer- j siijee a case of rabies uucatesto owners j firmed at in the other centres where clin- ago no other i ics were carried out district veter- reported in or near halton -i- staff rbotv treasure chest coupons for ifketon merchants appreciation day draws have in the last fewf bdeilfjus monhs so fhiockd the barrel originally started with that a bigger barrel donated by a p green ither outbreak has been ltd was pressed info service last years rotary peanut queen frances oakes did the hpnort saturday when the tens of thousandsofcoupons were shovel leairito the bigger barrel- sv wkjmff y y v jslskidii

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