Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1956, p. 6

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4alkpbouk page six the acton ffteepresstacton ontario thursday march hnd ut rapertr and artku from haltons farmlands and farm organixationt t reelect wr hume as president of halton cooperative supplies the stewarttbwn hall waa filled to capacity for the annual mooting of halton cooperative supplies last week the financial statement showed a business turnover of 646253 this is quite a contract tb the early years of the organization whirl a corporals guard used to turn out frequently to learn that the years transactions had ended up in the red the directors of those earlier years ari also of l y are to be commenderfor the manner in which they stuck to the ship and brought her into port in short it was an excellent meeting well conducted and what warmed our heart was the large attend ance of interested men and women managers harold smell le and charles harris along with their staff members came in for some well deserved t leonard harmon assistant gen eral manager of the united form ers of ontario was the guest speaker today stated mr har mon there arc 156 coops across ontario in 1955 united co-operat- ives of ontario in toronto had a business turnover which gave one- halt million dollars of net earnings in short the cooperative move ment across ontario has come a long way in the past 20 years reference was made- by th may demand export market herds be listed judging by the comments which have been dropped at various live stock- annual meeting in recent speaxer to a relatively new hirer coop petroleum in 1865 stated mr harmon we distributed 10 million gallons of gasoline and fuel oils and we anticipate that by 1897 that this will bojncreased to 20 million gallons the board of directors of the halton coop supplies for 1066 arc as follows president w r- hume vicepresident john mcdonald secretary v j lawrence direct ors clarence ford denny charles albert g hunter david lawson fred nurse and spencer wilson months the day may not be too far removed when only cattle from listed herds willbo eligible for ex port to the united states rhnt would likely mean a test nnd slaughter program for biucollosis with i expect compensation for reactors ns in the case of tubercul osis furthermore the consensus ap pears to be that no area would be eligible for such a program until such area has been under a com pulsory cnlfhood vaccination pro gram for several years as wc see the picture halton cattle owncrs would be well advised to see to it that all of their heifer calves whe ther grades or pure breds are vaccinated at the proper age 6 to 8 months inclusive in our opinion the question of cnlfhood vaccination is sufficiently important that the cattle owner should sec to it himself that kb heifer calves are vaccinated at the proper age the veterinarians and inspectors are all busy men so dont blame them if your calves arc not vaccinated when at the proper age it is your responsibility passed test sherbrooke que cp dr g b loom is was on hand to con duct a straightfaced medical ex amination for 16 candidates given a rigorous initiation into the shci- brooke snowshoc club canadian farmers wise to reject parity support erin fence viewers pound keepers and valuators appointed at a recent meeting of erin township council members ap pointed the following men as fence viewers pound keepers and tuvestock valuators for 1956 fence viewers chester burt george c burt calvin aitken jesse mcenery archie mcenery arthur rowan and edward cox pound keepers robert a mceneiy elliott mcdowell wnrd hamilton hector pinkney morgan graham roy wheeler kenneth rcid david barbour wilfred awre norns sinclair and wilbort mcfbc livestock valuators clarence jbxyjin earl jessop gordon jack son david stewart delegates attending the good roads convention wore ordered paid expenses as follows harold griffin two days 20 r m bai- den one day 10 the account of the grand valley conservation authority regarding share of administration costs lev ied against the township for 1956 amounting to 203 70 was ordered paid council donated 25 to the wel lington county seed fair bert berry was appointed town- dr dorvhuntley charles mclnnis speakers at halton s seed fair top honors ted freeman rr 2 acton who is a student at the oac was suc cessful in winning first place in showing a gilt and then won the reserve championship in the swine division at the college royal on march 7 t hard to find lethbridge alta cp t r- lush city licence commissioner complained that every time the dog catcher wants to make a round up the weather turns cold and the dogs stay indoors useful lessons calgary cp students at the provincial institute of technol- osy prefer that persons who bring milton town hall their tadtos to school brang ones ihnt arent working so they can lenrn by fixing them the end of the current week will se haltons beed fair in mil ton unfortunately circumstances have arisen which will make it im possible for the hon f s thomas to be at milton as previously an nounced we understand from e rom segsworth president of the halton association that they have been fortunate in securing dr don huntley head of the field hus bandry department at guelph to pinchlilt for the hon mr thomas dr huntley is no stranger to halton farm operators and always has a worthwhile message the second speaker charles mclnnis is the veteran lender of the ontar io hok producers coopcrativc all officers and directors of the halton hog producers association swear by charlie mclnnis so the should sec a capacity crowd on saturday after noon lor comptet end reliable rial estate ettrvke se our local egenlt john w atkins ship trcasurci and collector for 1956 at a salary of 1000 as treas urer and 500 as collector the road superintendent wa in structed to advertise for tcndeis for 20000 cubic yards of gravel to be supplied crushed and delivered where required on the township roads in 1956 gravel to be not more than threequarter inch and 70 per cent stone accounts wore presented ind passed as follows general accounts- 74 26 relief accounts 786 25 road accounts 2943 73 soruun strain rr 1 milton markers monuments cemetery lettering f quotations by appointrnent phone milton tr 86522 mike coxe plumbing heating eavest roughing pipe fixtures fittings of all kinds beaut pressure systems water softeners american kitchen unit dealer phone 25 acton free estimates ontario and canadian farmers arc definitely in a squeeze operat ing in a high cost economy the canadian farm operator is up ag ainst a tough proposition surplus es created by lack of satisfactory distribution and marketing facilit ies is the bottleneck press reports would indicate that in general the 1500 farmers who met in a twoday conference in toronto last week really hud their feet on uic ground and that they took a sane sound view of thy oltujitmn wc w mt to note that they were not asking for parity support prices one has only to look at the sit uation in the united states to real ize that a parity support program is not the answer if it wont work in a country with an income 15 times greater than ours and with exports only about onehalf as im portant relative to her income as ours is to us then such a parity price program has no place in our economy vfe were also interested to note that at last organized labor is wakening up to the fact that if in dustry and labor arc to continue to enjov prosperity that something must be done to strengthen the weak spoke in the wheel agricul ture the writer is not an econom ist but frankly wc fail to sec just how labors brief to the premier of ontario ties in with labors appar ent policy of continued strikes for higher wages the latter smacks too much of the old fable killing the goose that laid the golden egg however be that as it may we were interested to note in the press release of the farm meeting- con vened by the ontario federation of agriculture that while the quest ion of marketing and distribution is st never ii itiless it was pointed out that there are other factors which also require attent ion that brings us to the dairy herd improvement program which is so popular with the 72 halton members the annual meeting of the halton association is schedul ed for milton on wednesday march 28 j b nelson associate director of the farm economics branch is to be the special speak er the latter part of the after noon will be spent visiting one of the d h ia operators near milton who in the past two years has cut his cost of producing milk by 1 78 per cwt and thereby increased the net returns from his herd by over 2200 this should be an interest ing meeting clearing auction sale of tractors tracter equipment farm implements farnlt etc the undersigned has received in structions from the proprietor of graham farms lot 12 con 7 twp of esqucsing on 7th line half mile north of sh- gtnre 3 miles south of george vm to sell on saturday march 31st at i oclock the following farm machinery etc mo- cormlck farmall m tractor mc cormick farmall h tractor mc- cormick 7 ft tractor mower mc- cormick fertilizer drill 15 disc power lift cockshutt tractor bind er 10 ft cockshutt tractor man ure spreader mccormick 2row corn planter with fertilizer at tachment mccornuck tractor 2- row corn scuffler mccormick 3 furrow tractor plow circular sjk and frame woods gram grinder 3 hp hornet chain saw tractor chains foi 38 bv ii tires 2 foim wagons with 16 ft flat racks cockshutt side delivery rake crtsffln separator 2 t2-ft- chum harrows steel land rollers hog scales 40 ft extension ladder cider press sump pump with 18 ft of piping 28 bus feed cart on rubber act of double harness high top col lars stewart electric clippers snnd stone cow blankets a quali ty of heavy jute material for blankets 2 new pine rack sills 16 ft- by 4 by 10 a no of pieces of rod oak by 4 quantity of new lumber cedar posts snow fence milk pails strainers stable milk cart with scales beams and desk water pails feed buckets grain bats juts bags cow halters forks shovels chains numerous other articles hay 2000 bales of good qualit hay furniture etc- piece oak dinnig room suite like new chest terfield and 2 chairs to match ex tension table and 6 chairs side board large extension table witn lo boards thor washing machine frith new motor wine studio couch radio electrohome combin ation radio and record player con sole with records childs record player with records 4 double beds and springs 1 single steel beds 5 dressers kitchen cupboard new wash tubs annex stove in white enamel coal or wood large oak easy chair no of rocking chairs black leather couch lamps odd chairs pictures lawnmower num emus other small household effects terms cash day of sale no reserve as farm is sold and the well known graham farm jer sey herd is being sold privately frank fetch hindley and elliott auctieneers george currle clerk gerald graham proprietor georgetown 1372 h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph p television and di0 service r w grant phone acton 594 collect lpcated at watsons music store here they are imurmitian t w spm s e iujwi m hmvmwjem mt- mml h bmbimfcr tterwmrt pathfinder pathfinder deluxe laurentian come arid see them tins is ijmcost luur as oue nnor seen it before these brilliant new 56 pontiaos present a magnificent new approach to exterior staling from the massive new contoured bumpers through pontiaca ditinctiel jong andjlow silhouette to the cruiserlike rear dccl sxta oull see the most sweeping selection of colors and combinations in the industry today come and drive them there u fubuluu ne feeling of might to these lowpriced beauties a flunl feeling of controlled power and safe certain per formance thats our- onw with the 56 pontiaos because pontiacs steppedup povwr is mightier l fur than a in other car in its class es from behind the w heel as to the e e pontiac for 1956 stands supreme in us glamour and unequalled in its go v come and buy them compare tlirl ot ponliuo feature for feature with any other ear on the road todax youll lind that dollar for dollar they offer unbeatable alue iroin the true econoim of thepathiinders to the distinctive puthlinders- deluxe aol th luxurious ueatlty and power of the laurentians pontiac gives ou the most for your money standsheadandshouldere in value above all ctrtn petition aolmauul luxurious nrw interiors feature depeatel comfort in both front and roar eats more lea and hip room full uxpaaaenger moraine in the width asnpla head and elbow ruotn you get so much more for so much lessl x oraat waya t gal qmm your uanaiama- aion from improved synchromull miaul optional muluruvc overdrive or opuoaiil powersboc auiomattir- 1 maw pawrar- tanallng laajiana brilliant k 148 hp sttosathe itehp or ltoh p mratoflaih v8 and the irjortacal ur205bp strato- nao205vb ntw imaaaaal snra- vialan haaeulshta with mater raase of so feet ire unproved visibility for night driving plua better badrather viaaoa a weil bpecul numenl cap cnu driver tare ftrskln- 0lv csstrsl reftre noacvdivitu in wl ties hops by full v jmn eoo- iinueti pa rater rvmbiffrf re duced chatnc of lucked bumxnts j a motots valut waa poab -firfni- 11 paavar taaa three avrat nevr traafc jmobi and three nevr raarrr- in a total of 3 a k itr at safata- tmklaa pontiar brakea have eitra larga dnaana with m nv- yon to maiimnm hawaas er ana arf ace for a apal part arrnrnarara pravaal optlaaa inclaaa power laac power slaeriag pawar brafcea mmviawal pick tsar pov b4jhornjij u powar r this is your year to change to lorne garner main at bower acton motors r phdne mwiihmwa llfola

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