Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1956, p. 4

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page fovr the acton free press acton ontario thursday march hh im lt- present dump may become part town subdividet in agreement the mnyor also usserlcd that on- continuea rom page one councillo s brunelle reported on newer committee mectins noted it was the recommtiidatton thatmaterial to start spring instull- atinoa in ljikevlcw be ordered right away and that mtinaell nellis be hired to do the work two letters from the ljikcview contractors robert hudson con struction ld were held over for a later meeting the mayor repeal ed that the drawnout brimikiewicz road disagreement seemed l an end mr briinklewiet hits reported ly signed n aijreemcnt tfrhlch lire yet to- be signed by the subidivis- ion builders us well with nn agreement between the three nortrntrrt towns mid tliu ouk- ville dlatrul humane sotlety in view it was remrlcd u timl inn hnd be y in acton tiusduy by a societ truck the cleikjiujd 10 logs fpoin acton and giniikc town hndtlm- picked up tlie clerk also commented that he- selling a lul t dog lairs hie- days councillor w cmk observe the dok cutche visit was quite a surprise in olenlcn i mayor tltr utiiiounrod hint ar rangemenb linve been made to buy a used gnrbngc truck in kit chener to replace the towns pres ent agint truck an cxtruct from the municipal act was reud dealing with inspect- ioii of nilimles it was minted out jjlflt nny citlrcnmay gel conies of minutes or municipal papers for u typing fee of 10 cents hr lot words or at n rule set by council council endorsed a million front the north hnlton urban bnnrd that county council hire on onulnecr capable of bulldlnk bettei roads this motion caused scvernl com ments it was noted that some 410 000 was spent in 10s5 on hultons 150 miles of couiit roads vluit are we gettlni the money siet on county roads deputyreovo w wilsoh iisktsl fight for better raarffar mnvoi tylci said he is mitisfied better reuils can lie built la thc county foi the imioiint of none spent he iilso claimed the count road committee lias to fitilit with the present iiikitifei to kct better win k on roads dime ginecr r smith seems to be woik- jnit jor the townships nuir jliuii for the county in u year councillor c lindsay wondered out loud how much money the county engineer makes in a year another councillor said he un derstood the eriginecrsjiud been in- strueted not to wov jfor the townshifts but he stilpdoes it comments trnlled off and the resolution also sent t milton and georgetown councils was cndeirs- ed the clerk read letters acknowled ging motions endorsed us this council ti increases to old age pen sions mid on cdticiitlonal giants last months sunmiiiiy of fines was i end and a letter f i out flie hal ton county health unit lend dcnltiik with n local house iccent- ly damaged bv flic winch was mud to im not in entiiely sittisfacton condition council acknowleinel notice of the animal fire hiefs naming course ulso refused an application from ouelph oeneial hospital foi an niligiit patient account rompllmenl for council lowe president ef the hate ii pavers association complimented council on the mill rate reduction foi i0m he also drew attention to the deterioration of some road ai eas in olenlea and asked if some of the id ruts could lie scraped a way mr lowe was nssured that the ronci committer would take what steps are reasnnnhle al this tune of yeai to improve the road conditions a bylaw was rend spiting the mill rate nt 01 for 1051 the hv law stipulated may 1 june is aug ust 15 and october is is due dates for qunrtcrlv instalments of nuiuicr pal taxes councillor e footltt passed on a request from the loud legion that council deolnre the urea in front of the legion building lis a no parking area he also urged that more attention he paid to the con dition of the crescent lull road which requires regulai siindini ceitincilliti riunelle liskiil uhal further iirokrcv was beini made in the search for more watoi the nmvol ropllcci that work was con linuiiik out thcic weie no cm l cut developments 11vj skating i okokoktown akkna i kvry saturday alienate and evening altuith mo chilltrkw ma music and movement display shows benefit of seeming play seconds over world record farmers file complaints about gas trunk route tuesday maicli 27 mrs eileen duekncr held open house foi parents and friends of the children in hei music and movement classes in tne jvnox tkhixil loom with mn itoboi tu men nn at the pluno before i each item mis bucknei explamel i the lessons behind the uppnicnt iiluy the classes ait- especially suited foi vouugcr jumps of children of five to seven cu six to eight years of age to liilioctiuc them to llimlim and sound and to let uicrn kpeilcncc music hefole thc em- iiiii k on foi iiinl lessons on the pluno oi othel musical lilsti iiiiicntj ilv actually nuiiehink i tinning skipping etc tli children build musical sentences and so approach music as a iii inn language i helen lleiitou unci andiew knox sung solos v i tli good lone iuulitt and c leal du hon the percussion band pi ogi essi cl fiom simple lull sii y i hypies to classical beethoven mrs bucknei spoke of oomuiii dlffcicnt mteresus e luldren have nowndays and strissed the fundi- inemital iiihi to ti am thein to make iise of then leisui e h lcadiui good litemiiture land enjo iiik fine stall pllil certificate of mcrir was presented lo the acton branch by the cailadiaii legions ooniimoii chairman e buiejess seconi trom right saturday night at a banquet to mark tlie lefcal hi din hi 25lh aiiniveisary and opennig of then lenovaleii quaiteis lioni the led are past president g beat maor john andci son formei legion chaplnui and lli guest speakei president vir palnck mr burgess g musselle chairman ior the evening aaaoi aeideison is ne3weftipldiri at the royal military college i- i continued fiom page clnei out of the 21 contiicts were sign ed when queried again on running the pipe hue diagonals through esquming tawiuship mr dutton aoid that the typogriph of the land the inwei exense to bis coin pony and the nearness to the an thony wells were the reasons at that xlit oeorge e elliott qc of milton who was repres enting about 25 of the farmers call on william booth of teatulg mr booth told the board tliiit this proposed lino would run through the best part of his land that which is mosl iluubic thit is no gemkl to me he said mr elliott then questioned mi dutton on onie- points mentioned in his earlier questioning mr el liott noted that tn the contracts which some- farmers hnd signed there was no reference to d to trees oi v atei lines iliisugrev meat illous ttieni to la the lines anvwhere on the property he sold comnieiitiiir furthei on the line running dironll ncross proper ty mr elliott made it clear that this ruimitik across diagoniih is completely imfur to the esquesing landowners tlie solicitor isked again about the potential subdivisions in the disuicl but m evans inte to complain that the hearing was netting out of hand when they dis cussed subdivisions nobody knew anything about mr elliott replied that good money was being effered for land on the north and east of milton which could prove to be potential subdivision land woeald alter plan considerable discussion followexl on the marshall farm northeast of milton until mr dutton and mr evans agroed that the plan would be altered on that propcrt solicitoi illiolt presented seven landowners to voio their object ions to the proposed plan wilfrid lawrence of trafalgar testified that his land was valued nt 550 an acre bill booth of trafalgar who liviv ilniost across the road testified that his farm was worth 450 an acre j rice of ksquesmg told the board that he owned a stone quarry and the proposed gas line ran riglil through it mr dutton assured htm that the line would be altered to avoid inconveruencing him reford garihouse testified that the line on his 300 acre farm would be a rteat inconvenience and i dony feel flfe proposed agreement will compensate me he said he paid 70000 for his farm in 1953 and he wouldnt have purchased it if there had been gas lines through it me mentioned the presence of pipe linos through the property would have a definite effect on the resale value of his land mac sprowl who lives a half mile east of acton explained to the board that his land might be pot- entlal subdivision land as the property across the road from hun 05 acres had sold for 7oo0 jmei e were now soo homes- there he pointed out mr sprowl who recently won honors for his debating ability talked with the board and the two solicitors for nearly 10 minutes on the pros and cons of this line run ning through his property a defries who owns jf acres three acton athletes who com peted in the annual canadian am ateur athletic union indoor meet tit montreal made creditable show ings indeed frank cooper placed tlnici in 500 aids and third in the cinud lun open following hod harding the canadian champion and doug whalen of st jean olympic club across the lino coopers time was 4 10 of a seond ovei the world record krank manic ak placed fourth in the midget fioo yards j knoon baxter plawd fourth in the- juven lie 500 yards and third in tlie 611 yjerds no perfect card in naming stars music and of uhut a social asset i icdirting trie stars has lire night 11 can he- when tlie tune conies fei i pavse s to lh- roxy theatre foi two young people to leave home if ac ion men thev are the winners ton concession 0 informed the the are able to join an oi c hesti i m t contest to outguess the acacl iboard that the line through ills or sing in a choir e in al hollywood in nam inn the i farm was planned to i mi through u during the mtiiwi mis he nay winm is of tin acade m aw uds i bush mi dutton assured lum that spoke of the uoik of miss i lien i nobody of all those wlitxt i this was possiblv nil errcu and andeison the missionio ami i nam cl cuitl all the vunnrs would he- remedied iiluction was titkeii up for this sec one pi ie- unit to mike- huist of daniel jones expressed weill v use 2h ai linn st ho was nw ardd a thi two miuugtst memheis f six montlis pjss to the shew belt the classes i auric lane lionsiclt ft two tim d pi ie was won by i mid michael wdfirpreiented mrs c r heard or v0 john st he re i jmcnan with an liistei gift t leved u llu e months pass for two childien tikmgc pint were su- i jinne adams i3nv id armstrong call barbeau peter bnrrntt gwen diane i andrew knox beuuiii rutliauu leat hilur put mayfair restaurant acton f on no 7 highway- open daily from 800 am to 3 00 a m breakfasts lunches dinners special lunches daily steaks and chops a specialty good food at riasonable prices we deliver changes made for town office aclon a town off n e hus iinctt i gone a facelifting dcaignc 1 to add sorely needed apace and utilize existing space lo better il anligc itecenlly at ulred wns aiiotbe i rcmiio fiom the ymoa it the eui of the offies a door has bet n knckkitl thiough and the huge v iii n im ling table movetl into this mini ulong with sorrwr of f it e com puling eeiuipiniiil i 11 memtx is will galher in this room in future clerk tit sine l 1 mcljejeble is now eiiseoiised in a sepai ate offic e after a pilition of h wood unci glasi wis huill around hlr eieik in the main office a wie k i paititiou backed hy she lvcs has be en built on the front counter new iiamt in both looms will nipletx the c hingie which in c hide nrw mastic tile flcmring b he imd he itobble bucknei john davidson paul cary anil rudj ilryber blllj linn anne over the distill haiue of his lnml the protection and the replace ment for dmiiage mr dutton pio nused to visit mi jones and dis cuss all nuitters v tli him d m trimdgold of the fuel boird suggested that perhaps the- ffn rnmpim could n their lin es on a northsouth niigle elthet imtween tht poiiith and fifth lines oi between the fifth and sixth i hues of escpiesmg then branch off am jl hurst laurie jane and to georgetown and ctno mr croiei askenl when mr dut j ton couid linve his new survey of such a plan completed and april 6 was the date decided mr evans ask eel if the boird could give them permission to go ahead with the a i of the uati m trafulgar we dont want to he hogged down with tcchrncnlitiis now he said if we cm get that trafalgar line in while we ire still making ag reements in esquesing it would speed up operations he noted thnt his company must supply the gas bv july4 mr crorier could not consent to this however as the application for the certificate was a joint np- plirntinn denllnp with both tovun- slephtn and michael wolfe symonp sally wilsud ind paul younghlut h s holden optometrist eyes examined dlasses fitted 7 dououis gueiph 11 t all your insurance requirements composite homeowners policy greater coverage 1 discount up lo 10 allowed 1 one renewal date one premium 3 not necessary to cancel present policies 4 instalment payment annually if desired 5 building losses adjusted on rasis of replacement cost 6 one policy to cover ail insurance enabling you to amalgamate your insurance into one policy fire windstorm liability burglary residential glass also applicable to commercial other linos 61 general insurance see f l wright realtor 20 wilbur st n insuror appraisor t phono 95 hey kids tf look what the easter ships hintonts 5c to si store les payne typewriter engineer charles hotel milton tr 89952 c43 acton welding and repair expert welding at roasonabl ratos oes 0rourke rr 4 acton actons leading variety store r where you are always assured of the largest selection the best quality and the lowest prices see our selections of easter gifts greeting cards candies and easter novelties also easter rowers and plants new spring wearing apparel for men ladies boys and girls make hintons your shopping headquarters for all your personal and household needs house paints andsupplies garden centre 1 housecleaning sundries small hardware etc give your home a fresh spring lift with new plastic curtains and drapes pictures table oilcloth mats and rugs table lamps window screens etc bunny has arranged for free for every boy and girl in town and country free free a giant disneyrama bring yock mom and dad along theyll luut the show too hintons 5c to 100 store invites you to 100 minutes television v and radio service r w grant phone acton 594 collect located at watsons music store at hintons 5c to 1j store alteration are continuing to provide a larger main store shopping area and a basement store for your greater con venience and more efficient service we are en larging our yards goods and pattern department to fill this local need we trust our patrons will not be too greatly inconvtbdeoced by these alterations invitation to hintons easter bunny party hintons 5c to 1 store invites you to be their guest at the roxy theatre easter monday at 130 pm to a matinee showing of disneyrama of fun and fancy i chats nav bo obtained fro at hintons 5 to 100 store on request without any admission at the roxy theatre will bo on a firs s basis easter monday matinee at 130 pjm at your an au disney wonder show of cartoons s comedies plcs the three stooges extra walt di8net featcbe the alaskan eskimo i i v i if

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