Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1956, p. 8

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page eight -u- the acton free prjess acton ontario t thursday marcit tffit tbst owue march 19 chrome with j turk- oszs 717 and b rodys 668 offsetting l masales 680 and s towmleys 628 made it two and totals from up- per leather rolling room aire crowding the leaders with a seven point win from you know who b morton worked hard for the losers with 667 despite a 700 tricpunt from g masales curry bowed out to beamhouse for the short end of a 52 go a white 678 and j mo- lody 686 paced the winners other mentionable triples were j dennis 641 h lambert 612 and j dunn 604 league standing upper leather 41 rolling room 37 chrome 33 curry 28 beamhouse 27 cutsole 2 lesion ladles march 19 fireflies whomped the league leading half wits fur two- games but just fell short of taking totals with s turkosz rapping out a 668 triple dim wits slapped doodle bugs around for two and to tals making with the singles were k james 214 p angell 234 and j mcknight 205 league standing half wits 98 fireflies 78 doodle bugs 76 dim wits 74 ledgers iga march 19 his revived their old jinx on the hers and walked off with the big side of a 52 go best scores came in the singles and it was e duffield 233 a bastell 279 g oakes 227 and l hutchinson 215 league standing his 103 hers 72 yjmca ladles auxiliary march 20 its a case of pay your money and take your choice with the y ladies anything can happen now and probably will as skunk ed the cs and took over top spot ys did likewise to ms and leaped from last to second place i mar tins 662 tricount was tops in the triple bracket coming up with the singles were j bullough 235 b armstrong 210 d earle 211 g barr 221 p angell 204 and m cooney 208 league standing as 79 vs 78 ms 74 cs 74 mason knit- march 20 the stitch and knit sals were in a shutout mood and bouncers ramblers and gofers took the works from hot shots krazy katz and pin toppers in that order in the first spasm d earle 697 and h lesueur 625 featured the play in the second canto d townsley 628 and j masales 710 tonpedthefiejd no triples in the third go e for effort in the singles went to l turkosz 222 r goodwin 212 a chew 205 and j mccrea 219 league standing bouncers 117 krazy katz 100 gofers 93 ramb lers 92 pin tumblers 87 hot shots 58 aeton mixed march 20dirty skunks increased their lead by a three game win from the pin clippers thistles hung onto second place with a two and totals win from the shamrocks high hol lers scrambled into contention with a like win from terriers top triples were trundled by d grein 813 h townsend 613 c ryan 673 j cun ningham 768 308 g masales 632 league standing dirty skunks 321 thistles 27v high rollers 24 pin clippers 22 shamrocks 21 ter riers 20 baxter lab march 21 athletics determined to hang onto tnetr lead went out and picked up the works from the brav es tigers unsheathed their claws and set the indians down with nary a point dodgers made it two from yankees but failed to pick up the singleton for totals the gang must have had trouble finding the head- pin only one triple ed landsbor- oughs 603 might have some singles yup here they are f fryer 203 r morton 201 a robinson 245 e hufnagel 218 and r hoare 206 league standing athletics 107 s indians 91 yankees 88 braves 82 tigers 79 dodgers 77 acton ladies march 21 hep cats pulled a mild upset on the front running lucky strikes when they took them for two and totals i marjtin 664 p ballentine 609 and d earle 664 were the best in this go sloppy spares made every game a winning one against thejltterbugs singles of 228 and 220 from c holmes and el goodwin were best in this one gogetters were on the go and zeroed the pin tumblers e bairds 009 tricount and v varcys 224 single were tops for this affair league standing lucky strikes izt hep cats j04sloppy spares 100 gogetters 75 jitterbugs 63 pin tumblers 4k acton major march 22 with triples of 715 755 713 and 658 from n morton d grvin w allen and l masales do minion hotel had little trouble in disposing of carrolls for the works w skilling gave it the old college try for the grand union outfit with a 670 count vagabonds upset tiger cats little red wagon in the first but the cats rallied to snare the last two cantos and totals c ryans 611 was thebest for this one combin es have to wait till the firemen ful fill their engagement before theyll know how they fared however c spires 731 and h earles 704 will give the hose toters something to shoot for league standing dominion hotel 60 tiger cats 43 combines 32 fire men 28 yagabojnjjs 26 carrolls 10 comaaerclalindastruk march 22 yipe heres another snafu league ridsdales hanging on to first place by virtue of two and totals win from goy cartage ink spots scrambling for a place in the sun on the strength of an allout win from ramblers micro plastie deked a p green for the works to remain in the second spot tops in triples were b williams 657 m scoyne 642 h coles 673 a schupp 43 b lazenby 620 d deforest 674 and h deforest 681 league standing ridsdales 101 mcro 90 ink spots 83 a p green noon luncheon at greenock wl mrs ralph mckeown was host ess for the march meeting of greenock womens institute which was convened by the historical and the grandmothers group a special feature was the noon luncheon of hot scalloped potatoes macaroni and cheese meat loaf salads jel- los cookies tarts pie and tea served by the hostess and the cap able lunch committee to over 20 ladies and several children following this happy time to gether the president mrs e pai- tersonr called the meeting to order scripture was read by mrs robert allah the roll- call was well an swered by the showing of child hood keepsakes the minutes and treasurers report were read by mrs e johnston it was decided to hold the next meeting in the school in the even ing of april 6 when children and the men may come along for a civil defence local responsibility tjme xst games together tneii all join in a sandwich and pie social mrs near and mrs cole gave some good ideas on the washing and ironing of some of the newer fabrics 1 mrs j l allan took over at this time and told about the tweeds- muir histories mrs c aitken gave current events miss elva pearen gave an interesting reading about the mclaren castle in caledon near bclfountain telling its comp lete history from the days of crown lands until now mrs bal lentine gave a humorous irish reading mrs h reid dressed in old- fashioned toggery sang two songs in keeping with the occasion ac companied by mrs pearen mrs robert allan read a poem the good old grandmother after the singing of the queen the tweeds- muir history was shown this is proving to be a very interesting book all agreed that an enjoyable afternoon had been spent together fifth in a series of 24 articles most of the operational details the transfer of plans into hard work and sweat fall on the shoul ders of the municipalities the fed eral and provincial levels of gov ernments must provide the plan only the people can carry it out and the ideal government the mayor or reeve and his councillors are the officials in closest coh- tact with the people tjhe threat of disaster whether from any enemy attacking with h- bombs or from flood hurricane or fire makes the need of an organ ization in every community cap able of minimizing the effects of disaster obviously important this says some rel are hard to find edmonton cp jerry ier says relics of canadas seem to be fast disappearing mr ethier property manager for the edmonton recreation commis sions show varieties of 1956 spent weeks in a fruitless search for a fireplace spit on which in the old days meat was roasted ov er open fires he combed antique shops with out success some owners recalled having had spits at one time oth ers hndnt even heard of a spit jerry finally gave up his search he is having an iron works firm make one 83 goy cartage 83 ramblers 76 glenleagne march 23 the boys had a stag num said teenagers march 23 outside of the first place- bulls eyes the small fry arc having themselvesa ball scrambling for the playoff spots tumbling teens took the works from hot shots eagles made it one and to tals from robins while bulls eyes had their way for one and totals orioles snared their winning game by one pin top doubles were post ed by b stewart 409 this included a 309 single t jennings racked up the other double a 405 top singles weiv trundled by f oakes 221 a williams 200 b agnew 202 r mor ton 216 a roach 201 r clow 211 j fryer 215 b kirkness 206 g hulford 243 league standing bulls eyes 89 tumbling teens 60 orioles 58 hot shots 57 robins 56 eagles 55 disss and data with the weekly award winners don yuh gotta hit em grein with an 813 triple picks up the gord mc- cutcheon haberdashery the car rolls award went to john cunning ham for his 308 single ivy mar tin with a 676 triple wins the tops cleaners award a 299 single by jackie chew wins the iga food stuffs the coca cola reinharts and 7up awards for hidden scores were won by carol goodwin lefty dedels gary walker and barry kirkness intercounty gang won the works from oakville westsides last saturday putting them in first place next saturday the gang trek to carters in oakville that cleans the cuff so adios amigos can be set up only by each com- rrunity for only a communitys in habitants can assess how its facil ities its lay of the land and so on mev best be used to protect itself from the dangers an enemy attack would bring the first thing any organization needs is direction so the initial step a community must take to ward a civil defence organization is to set up a control committee with possibly the mayor or reeve as chairman it must provide the guidance for citizens willing to help make the cd plan work to direct the plans developed by the committee a civil defence dir ector must be appointed he would be a fulltime or parttjme official or volunteer depending on the size of the community his duties of course would be as varied as the needs of a city compared to a town a town compared to a villaro most canadian towns and vil lages fall into two categories for civil defence purposes mutual aid areas or mobile support- and ro- eption areas the mutual aid ar- lea is the region around a target- area usually the large cities j whose communities are organized eth- to provide help where needed past i when disaster strikes the mobile support and reception area is out side the mutual aid area and is organized to receive longterm ev acuees and casualties and to send help to a target area a communitys cd plan would be determined therefore by the areaclassification under which it falls to develop its plan a com munity should form a civil de fence planning committee its members would include heads of each civic government department concerned with civil defence per sons representing transportation industry labor the police and fre chiefs the town engineer the med ical officer of health the cd dir ector would be chairman officials of churches service clubs welfare agencies and so on also may be included on the com mittee in short anyone who can help organize the communitys fac ilities for whatever purpose disast er will require of them whether for emergency feeding shelter first aid even to baby sit for children separated from their par ents the community- civil defence director and his staff must make surveys of the resources available they must know the condition roads the amount nf sleej space available for evacuees from bombed cities the food supplies available could their community provide emergency water supplies for another town could they pro vide fire fighting equipment how much hospital space has the com munity how many doctors nurs es where can they be reached the cd director and his organ ization must keep in touch with civil defence officials in neighbor ing communities so that their ef forts can be coordinated in time of disaster just as the federal and provincial cd organizations aim at using all existing agencies to meet disaster supplementing them with volun teers so should the community or ganization most civil def o ganizations are broken down into these services headquarters fire police health welfare warden en gineering and public utility restor ation rescue and ambulance every community has the nuc leus of these services already in existence the purpose therefore of the community civil defence or ganization is to provide direction for existing services and to expand them through recruiting and train ing of volunteers the i importance of the volunteers the storekeeper service station operator farmer housewife can hardly be exaggerated for the call on each cd service will increase in direct proportion to the scale of whatever disaster may come list main causes for delinquency st stephen nb- cpl a panel discussion here decided that idleness and jack of proper disc ipline are the main causes of juvenile delinquency harry mallory viceprincipal of the high school here cited three points which make a child a delin quent a broken home too much leisure time lack of proper guid ance other members of the panel were donald middlemics county superintendent of schools county magistrate harry m groom rev h f gille rector of holy rosary church dr l w brownrigg and w d march x man galled peter comejsjtq roxy here remember the good old days when pictures used to touch the heart as well as the head ancl we could all have an old fashioned cry we used to call those pictures three- handkerchief films theres one picture that could be called a six- handkerchief picture a man call ed peter which will reach your heart and the roxy theatre acton next monday its the story of a remarkable man peter marshall a scottish immigrant boy who gave his life to god without losing his humaneness and his sense of humor the country generally didnt know too much about peter mar shall until his death his wife catherine hod never written any thing but schoolgirl compositions but she wanted the world to know what a great man her husband was she wrote his story which became a best seller and still is this man called peter was a dyn- arnic man who drove his car at top speed he never walked when he could run he spoke the name of jesus christ with authority and re verence as though talking about a good friend he died in 1949 at the age of 46 pollock and campbell manufacturers cf high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 204 bowl w l i drop in anytime for coffee i k leave your cares behind i pick up and go bowling open bowling fridays and saturdays acton bowling lanes phone 697 lomafns prks dc tg massing h3 electric vjtkci royal canadian mounted police i e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 130600 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 eastertime is a time for delicious cant y easter treats assorted easter treats chocolates boxed by page and shaw mows neilsons watson phone 14 acton travel treats for pbngwrtvi see your- local agent for all lqs angeles 9165 miami 6185 vancouver 8975 round trip by bus bus travel information harold wiles pbone vn a ctok serves all canada the force provides a challenge to qualified young men who are willing and able to meet the demands of a law enforcement career the prime requisites of a member of the royal canadian mounted police are intelligence loyalty integrity and courage service requirements frequently entail long hours inconvenience and personal danger service benefits and advantages include a certain prestige good comradeship a measure of adventure and satisfaction through service to canada i if you are- interested in a career in the force some offher qualifications are age between 18 and 30 years height between 58 and 6 5 british subject or canadian citizen unmarried good physical condition ability to pat an education test based on a grade x level if you feel that you possess the basic qualifications you ore invited to apply at the nearest rcm police off ice or write tk comijissioier lch nhice ottmm 1j1

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