Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1956, p. 2

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kstiijisfet i s pack two the acton free press acton- ontario tiuihsday aliih idtli tiltto- ghp arton jrrrr jjitbb the only paper ever pabualm in aetea founded ia i7s and published tvery thurs day at 86 nil st r acton ont member of the audit btireau of circulation the cw na and the ontarioquebec division of the cwjta advertisutc rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six months 375 tingle copies 7c authorized as second class mail post offioe department ottawa rabushed by the rrhatbac aad rabuahsx oe uaalfctd g a dills bdltoria chlat david r- dills production manager james a dills john black associate editors b m editorial office ph mm acton credit or censure rather interesting was the discussion carried on last week at council meeting of who or what deserved the credit for a reduction of nine mills in actons tax rate last year when fhe rate went up 1 1 mills osi the previous year no one ap- peared to assume the credit for the change in fact the positioh of a member pf council was not in enviable one- we heard from no group or any individual who wanted to take credit but of course members of council were expected to give all the explanations and assume all the blame end they did it with good grace as we recall looking on from the outside we could give a lengthy review ofthe factors whtdi make a high or low tax rate but it would be just as involved as that old argument ofwhtch came first the hen or the egg if might be just as well to say how ever that if council gets the blame for raising the tax rate they might in all fairness get credit for rry reduction actually it is public demand for municipal expenditure and services and rising ccsts divided over the number of taxpayers which govern the tax amount levied each year incidentally we might point out that next year there is every likelihood that there should be a further drop in the mill rate in acton but it does not necessarily follow that there will be a de crease in the amount of tax money required to carry on municipal services in line with the equalised assessment of the county acton is due for an increased assessment on its entire assess able properties but no council can go on providing more moneyfor educational purposes better services find needed improvements with higher costs on ess tax money tax monies are not in the field of the magician but sometimes the quickness of thve hand or tongue may confuse the audience the biggest the smallest the biggest business in the united states is small business says the cincinnati inquirer nine tyeight per cent of all retail firms in the us employ less than 20 persons earn n per cent of all wholesale firms in the nation em ploy less than 20 persons each ninetyseven per cent of al service businesses employ less than 20 persons each indeed the vast maprity of the businesses in all three categories employ less now you do and dont there ken competition among towns to stcui new industries these clays and the recant experience of dot ham is a story that points up the tact that new industries are rather elusive an friojlish firm planned to open a factoiy to make airplane parts in durham materials had been ci dered f or a new building and stationery had been secured giving durham as the address of the firm machines for the plant were on order from england and the united states s and then let us quote from the durham chronicle the sad story of the one that gotawayr last friday afternoon mr martin and mr holt who were staying at the seaway hotel in toronto went out for a drive on highway 401 they stopped at a restaurant another person in the restaurant heard their english accent and join ed them when they spoke of worries about de- livery date the stranger invited them to a factory that was vacant in collingwood the plant was inspected it was exactly what they wanted saturday morning they signed the papers and bought it and then telephoned the news to call off all operations at durham that evening a group from durham met mr martin and aar holt and all had dinner together in the seaway dining room the four from durham didnt have much appetite and sparred with knife and fork trying to salvage something out of the deal mr martin mnd mr holt werent exactly happy about the meeting they didnt order anything to eat just sat for an hour drinking tea spare those trees anyone who has glanced under a clump of trees in recent weeks will understand what basic steps must be taken in rftost of canada if spring floods are lo be brought under control says the financial post out in the open where the sun can blaie on if the winter snow disappears fast often in a matter of hours and with tht ground fro2en hard there is only one way for the water from that melting snow to go down the nearest stream in a flood carrying away valuable top soil and ary other real estate that gets in the way in the shade under the trees on the other riioti ly kaitlirr tatloi playpen podium seems to label the gist of this picture which catches an embryonic conductor in trie act of holding his un seen orchestra on a hanging crescendo before the crashing finale dignity has suffered a bit where the shirt front seems to have started to roll up or maybe something else is slipping down the bible rev c5 r parson s od upper c bible society l remember those qood old 2o v i england 1 his report of bible dis tribution and use in france or bocknor claimed no diffieully is encountered from the side of the harvd the snow lingers deep tor days sometimes j church or state- there km over for weeks after the open fields are bare meltinq i hrro has been true- ami i complete freedom of religion he slowly water from it has a chance to soak into the stated tie admitted that in the ground where it is badly needed both by farmers provinces of alsace and lorraine priests pstnrs presidents of and watershort municipalities or at least makes churches anil ecclesiastical rfieois its way down stream gradually with little risk to lri- appoints by the state n-ver- t even here there is cuisev rc- the towns and cities below i jtionship between- cluinli and biij l i sinti than ever before ush land and marsh act as a sponge for sur many nt n1 m plus spring water when this natural protection j the roman catholic ttyiuriti 11 i t i i france are usinc protestant has been cleared away wholesale as is the case m too many aeas of canada we are simply ask ing for trouble every spring the bible is becoming common write then- appreciation of this sei ground for lloman catholics vice smne priests luivc added in and protestants in france this their loiters that thov have chiuik- fact was stressed bv m le pasteur ed tin- hour of mus in their dr man- bocencr formerly pies- churches in order to hear this ident of tho protestant churches of broadcast france at a united bible societies t djff encountered conference- nc haywnni heath 1111 distribution today accord four persons there are some morals to be rran cran from the statistics the first one we think s that rhe health and welfare of the small busi- ress of foremost concern to the entire nations economy suggests he inquirer lower meat prices lambinabaskel 21c lb pork roast 30c t- r bone steak 59c meat prices recently have been plumbing levels as low as these now with lent and the easter season over- consumers hopes for continued rockbottom meat prices rest with developments in the upcoming spiin nia s i some factors have appeared which lend firm- ness to the meat price picture but says the fin- jsmjdl post currently seems they will be no j more than sufficient to balance the depressing i effect of heavy supplies in fact theres still no assurance that heavy i j hog marketings in the near future wont push j prices below the federal floor of s23 cwt in 7o- i lonto and montreal its been hovering at or close f the floor for months bibles published bv the british and for eign bible society today tucause roman catholic translations an- sometimes mt of print anl very expensive this use is not only per mitted but encouraged bv t he ro man catholic church puruu the past five or six years thro new roman catholic translations of the bible hivc- ap peared in french one translation is that made bv the monks t nar- edsous in belgium another is by licnnrt bishop of lille this is the cheapest roman catholic translat ion in french and has had over 200 000 enpirs put i c inc to or bookncr is through lack of bible colporteurs men who ko from door to door sellink them he sees a tragic iruny in the fact that to franco the country of the huguenots many of whom uave their lives for the sak- of the bible the clun eh of the huguenots ipro- testantm seems to he falling behind the konian tatliolie chureh in stressuii th hiblos importanet and rittiilalwtii suyiiestthl renduiks tor the week sundav melirews 1 i 12s monday hebrews k 12v tuesdiiy acts lit lii wednesday acts kl 2w thursday ajts 15 112 frulay acts lo 111 41 r satiinhiv acts hi i- egg within an egg found in hens pen an era within an out and both perfectly formed was the discov ery made by chicken hatchery owner allan hall oundas high way its the most bizarre thinu ive ever seen in 20 years in the busin- iss siid mr hall ive only- heard of one pii-i- chk i back in 1936 tawrn from hi imun ot thv kri prmw thuraday arll 21 ittm at 1144 pin inst ultiht hi ii k hohiitsou was liroutfht from the mine in moose itlvci nova seotln anil ll minutes inter ills eoinpiuiloii alfritl oeannlhh won lirouiiht from tile mine alive and in uiod condit ion connlderlhh they had been n- tonilieil there since the tiluht of aiiil 12 the body of lleniuui mc- olll vyns broiiitht ti the mirfuce nliorlly nfler by leaiuein who had striven throuuh hkk mul earth for 10 uuvs iut week mr lainua chulniii n recvlvett two modiiln for nuivlies lie laid rendered th unileti states neiivlv 40 years ajo one wim for mivlco in the war with spain in ibm and the other was inscribed army of occupation 1w hub mr chalmers is also entitled to a lienslon at the aniuiul iiiiklini of the llalton ruiinl yoiiutl lvsijiles an- sihiatlon held in trii aurliniltuiitl office- milton wnltii llnhnm wits elected president for the year at council- meotluit monday it was decided to have the town ad opt some system of liiiihuuc col lect inn durinj the ttlsciission eoun- illliir f j mcciitehcon stated there were 4tm iioiimos in acton just eijjht without electric llitht and ttt coiumerclnl uiul biislniss lilacis the clerk was to write to olhcr centres to impure nbniit kiirtiaie collection there lniprove- nient anif repairs tt streits were also il iscusscd there was a tfooil turnout of prossnective players at the meeting lormmk the iltti hull club a vote of t hunks was movent to mr krnie coles for his unliriuk efforts in looking after the job tif secrelaiv- tieasurer tlie ball chili will lose a kicit booster as krmc movtl to ilrampton vinelv and an msitiht into the aiietis of local uilcnt was pio- vldejl when tlie acton minor ball clul presented their alllocal tal ent show in the town hall mrk k rare the president of the cluh was- rhairiiian and the orchestra was under the leadership nf mr it spulvokel tlir last of the ice disapiirarrd on kali y lake on anl 111 which is a rtcord for latiness back in 1906 iukrn from llir lamic at uie prtio itom thurwuy april lm the provincial itviiineiit win hlven to understand liial weilneii- ilnv that the people of ontario ru tlioroiiithlv in eiunenl lit tlie mat ter of eheiip iiectrlc iowii fur tlw piovinco premier wlilliiuy dtxlar- itl he woulil not deuurt from hi pulley tti commit unulnoem aiui ap point a eoimiilwiluii power enn ih niiniillotl for ac- ttm from between j0 to 33 pr lunse power aclou in ualnn about 7a0 hore mwer at iriiil the iidoptlon of the lower nchotno wik- eil for would iiiuan the having of over 10000 a year for aetoit u hiiiii more than the akurotfute of our taxua the coniiieyiitloii of churchill ilimicll were uiven an imtuuul treat lujit thursday niuht iielnu favormt with a vlhit by a real llvo mlulon- nry from africa rev walter cur- ric niumronai v pioneer unit cxplor- 01- in the dark continent in in can ada after 20 veins lie hua witneaa- il the horrors of the slave trade which in not yet pinned clean ho litis witnessed the evils of fellah mid witchcraft street commissioner warren should proceed without iflny to- iwive the mill and church st moc- ndams scraped clean if the winter accumulations are left to dry there tlie dust will be unliearilble in a week or so the concert in the town hall moinlav eveiiiiii under tile auspic es of the cornel hand wan 11 buc- rcss as regards the nroirruni andt the lame number of loynl eitlens eiijovifl the eveiiuiii fully iren- idtiit fraiitis presided uiid omonic those takliik pari in th- prouram were mrs a t brown rcadln the misses mason durtk mr jo coleman iluliiinn solos mr jna kwaii haitpipis the spinsters tea 111 hie town hidl this evening t stathaiu and sons sold iso iloen hot x buns coihi friday iniirmni the bin spi iiik on the arch mr- plierson fiirm is yielding tlie first iimiiair water cress as usual pitching and mateliiim eiipmrn 111 th vicinity of the hotels lias been a favorite amusement latery thin form of unmhline is as lllcknl an mire pieletittiitis methods and may ltt tlie players into trouble professional directory and travellers guide 0 atk1hcai rtai dr va g c kfnney j physician and surgeon office 111 syinini block 43a mill st k aeton office phone 78 rrsidener iis church st k ihonr isa dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow nd itiver sts kntrinco river streit acton ontario ihonr 23 i dr robert d buckner just spring promise aaaybe iust the usual spring breakup but there appears tobe more than rhe usual interest ard action m county council over rhe halton county road system latest move at the last meeting of county council gives the towns an ad ditional 15 per cent of the county levy to use on their own roads which it is claimed are not get ting proper attention that change neans of course that there will be 15 per cent less available for township roads thre were prior to this rumblings from the town ships that county roads were not up to the stand ard desired there was rather a wide statement made at last county council meeting that m the opinion of one member w are not getting valine for the money we spend nomination meetings and re solutions from various council have indicated a desired trend for a change and better service aembers of county council seem fully aware of the general femg throughout rhe county judging by rhe reports of county council proceed ings in these days of super hghwavs running all over halton county the coomy roads have stiff competition for comparative purposes it s not ke tnat rhe change n the urban re- hare viii re the final settlement of haiton county icad iaries hafcnians will watcn vi irh keen nteresl rre next- jpcroach by county council o triis marker which s today of most v cncem its to be hoped trie good resolutions of early spring will not fade way as the days of summer approach brief comment a third is a very good new trans lation produced by the dominican fathers of a school at jerusalem thus today many thousands of ro man catholics have the bible in their hands in france a protestant radio broadcast ser vice is aired each sunday morning between 830 and 900 am inrreas- lncly bible tendtrrrb and meditat ions from this broadcast art- used by roman catholics priests often the pen in the morning and thru was in rileys believe it or not column an nvernfic crc was located within an overlylarkc erfi and tin discovery was made in the same pen that al has found two other extraordinarily large ccrs hes tint sure whether its the ime hen layinc the inrre and freak crrs or not but one think f- certain he never knows what lo look for next when he steps into rhysician ana xurgron 39 wellinkton st acton ont phonr 679 office hours 6- p in c f leathfrland qc itarrimrr a knliritor notary pumie office hours id iii a in 12 00 am i ho pin 5 0t nm satuiflavs by appointment only office tl phone kis ill acton lever hoskin chartrrrd arrountantu m main st hrampton phmiies 247lt n 44 victoria st tronto km 49131 dental mate two grins grow where there was only a grouch before hubbard evidence of the approach of the summer j season is the intimation that daylight saving time will become effective a week from next sunday i april 29th j every time a member of the provincial legis- 1 lature makes a speech he brags about the amount ct money the province is spending i ont postexpress united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avetiue i phone 00 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 8 television programs sometimes take the place of light fiction but they do not often take the place of rfonfiction reading the barrie public lib rary has discovered barrie ont examiner sundai april 22nd 1956 napariee 050 arrtjwnior church 955 am church school 1115 am morning worship pm evening prayer presbyterian church in canada knox chircii acton rfv robert h armstrong wa bn mlnkter suvday april i2nd 1956 9 45 am church school 1100 am gideon service 200 pm church school teach ers workshop 7 00 pm divine worship 8 15 pm parents nirht they that waj upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you roo a recent apple test showed that a blindfolded person chose the apples that tasted the sweetest i and when his blinkers were removed he found he had picked fruit with green skin on the other hnd persons choosing by sight bought the pples afh the reddest skins ignoring the sweet er cu greener fruit the anglican church of canada st albans clinch acton ont rev evan h jones ba lxh baptist church actort raj h costerui pasior parsonage 115 bower ave phone 20j- sector rev 1s56 sunday april 22nd 1 easter 1ih 830 am holy communion 9 45 a m church school 1100 arn beginners class sackville nb tribunepost i- am- morning prayer 700m evrnirig prayer r s lohns church- rockwood i me tact that prominent men in the field of am mornmjs prayer cdc3tpr- are expressing concern is a healrny cign for ricacver good the educational sstem low rental homes cr on ssein rna be there s jlvas room for- ktipvx bc 1cp1 city improvement and few things are so important to c pnrrhisc fipr of projhtty for constructing cdriaoi s future and the lives of its people as nv rcnta homes for pensmn- i suntay april 22nd 195 i 1000 am sunday schoo 1100 am morning worship frewea guest speaker 7 00 pm evening worship 8 15 pm bypu wednesday 8 p m midweek ser vice dr a j buchanan dental burxeon offict irishman block mill st office hiiurs b a m to 6 p m xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office cornrr mill and frederick streets office hours 9 a m to 6 pm telephone 19 acton optkai e l buchner ro optometrist 4 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 600 pm evenings by appointment veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian officand residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bv sc c l young dvm veterinary aeaas office brookvill- ontario phone miltu ttt b9tt m r manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary iubllc 4 main st s phone trinnglc 72464 miscellaneous rumley funeral hoaie llealrd amhulaqre phone 699 night or lny serving the community for 46 years olive m lampard a t c m r m t teacher of plana acton studio st albans iarish hail 14 parkave gueiph phqhc 296 traveuers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eaalbound 63flamh5flam1133 am 20 208 pm 5 06 pm 8 33 pm 8x3 pm 10 0 pm isun and llcil 1 wrstbormd ia27 am 12 52 v m 257 5 27 pm 7 27 pm 2 1132 pm 112 am 1 frl sat and h0i1 pm pm sun real estate and insurance j 930 acton pentecostal assmbir meeting in lol hill crewwrs corners j pir rev k j reid conk strtt lephoiie 649w f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insnranre w r bracten j raj estate insurance phone 26 acton 1 1st ynir firny tusiniss or hoise canadian national railways sundard tlnle eaatboand daily 6 0 a m daily except sua- ciays 10 00 a m 7 ib pm sunday nv rot pm daily exrpt sun- 1 day flyer at georgetown 9 62 am rtl p ti daly flyer at george levvn 10 1 pm si with us faciltt wo dai education pembroke ont observer ersi a service club rotir raising money for the plan srndyy aprilscnd sm kiiviai surnv s-hh- 1100 am morning rorhp 7 30 p m evangelistic service 1 wednesday 8 pm ccittage prayj er micting ind iuwe siiv nv ti y oil j usv ur sint ifcur a purrh avr trp ir opcrty r- f 3ean limited real estate and launranre 3 miil st acton phone 5s5 wetbooixr y k44 pm daily except k s am 655 pxn iflag- 7 49 p m saturday onty ih sunday only 9 43 am fla- snlay inly flyer at guelph 705 pm daily except sat and sun to detrain passengert from west toronto and byond j 610 pjn daily except sac and sun flyer at guelph 630 pm r- t-

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