Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1956, p. 5

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thursday april 19th 1958 the acton free press acton ontario page ftvb dew worms for sale apply 149 roceford terrace opening may 1 campbeuviue william coulter jr named head of kirk club executive for year building for sale or rent with option to buy 70x34x 14j4 brick and block construction sjfiow room and adequate parking space five room with bath modern apartment above oil heating entirely automatic located ortno 7 highway in town of acton suitable for auto body or auto parts business farm machinery or light manufacturing business for full particulars contact edgar bilton 785 rockway drive kitchener or phone sh 5k41 want ad page where old friends meet tax notice 1956 municipality of actqn first instalment now due attention is drawn to tin payment of 1956 taxes which are now payable in four instalments taxes arc payable to the municipal treasurer at the acton public utilities office instalments are due as follows first instalment second instalment third instalment fourth instalment may 1 june 15 august 15 october 15 according to trie tax collection bylaw a penalty of v4 of 1 per cent per month will be added on the amount remaining un paid after the first day of may this penalty applies to each instalment in a similar manner the attention of ratepayers is directed to the penalties and other clauses as printed on the reverse side of every tax notice and explained in detail on every tax bill make payment now and take your tax notice with you when making payment j aacgeachie collector mr edward dredge presided ov er the kirk club meeting of nassa gaweya and st davids presbyter ian churches in st davids base ment on monday evening mr bill elliot gave the secretarys report and slate of officers for 195857 they are as follows president william coulter jr vicepresident harris elliot secretary treasurer kenneth moore program commit tee george irigls wilfrid green- ices elmer dredge bruce eaton lunch committee roy parker lloyd crawford duncan camp bell donald mclean rev mr lowrie of st pauls united church burlington was guest speaker and chose canada as his topic which was very inter esting mrs bruce eaton and mrs j rosabeck favored with piano duet selections neil halstcad violin selections mrs- john watson read ings and miss donna mcmillan was soloist- arid all were accompan ied by mrs lloyd crawford after the business and program the kirk club members served a delicious lunch final party the final progressive party of the season was held at ss no 1 school on tuesday evening with mr and mrs albert tompkins and mr and mrs robert hurren in charge prizes were awarded to mrs george inglis mrs campbell agnew amos mathies and camp bell agnew a picnic will be held on july 5 with mr and mrs amos mathics mr and mrs bruce small mr and mrs william pickett and mr and mrs c agnew in charge severely burned mrs william coulter sr was badly burned in her home on sat urday evening when fat on the el ectric stove took fire dr mcdon ald of kilbride treated her for severe burns on the arm face and ileg we wish her a speedy recov ery surprise party mr robert inglis was surprised at his home last tuesday evening by friends and relatives on the oc casion of his blrthday progressive euchre was enjoyed festival eliminations ss no 10 music festival elimin ations were held in brookville hall on friday evening murray crawford co started to saw iors this week we noticed mr joe fcrrier is operating r it 3 campbellville mail route now it was formerly operated by mr john dcwhtirst mrs samuel cairns is now con valescing at the flynn nursing home acton we wish her a speedy recovery wanted to buy hard maple logs or- standing timber telephone or write to woodmosaic limited woodstock ontario telephone lennox 75591 missionary sings hymns in dialect bullinafads easter thankoffering service was held in the church on sunday evening april 15 with the president of the womens mission ary society presiding after the opening hymn bonnie cotton and ross shortill took the devotional part of the service the mission band sang two cho ruses and gave two readings mrs f j shortill sang a solo mrs stan sinclair and mrs norm sin clair sang a duet mrs ken cotton gave a reading on stewardship miss hilts introduced the guest speaker rev o h getty of bram pton he gave an interesting des cription of sis work as a mission ary in india and sang some hymns in the language of that part of the country he hopes to return to ind ia some day his main objective is to win those people for christ after a hymn mr townsend closed the meeting with prayer limehouse customs of india related by speakers mrs gill of norval was guest speaker at the thankoffering meet ing of the wms held at the home of mrs mitchell on thursday even ing being the daughter of a presby terian missionary in india mrs gill told some very interesting facts concerning life and customs there speaking of the superstitions of these extremely poor people she said that education helps but that christianity does a great deal more in spite of money raised for mission ary work overseas not enough vol unteers are available our sons go to war but not to the mission field we give our children guns to play with but do not hang an angel on the wall she said she displayed dolls dressed in native costume made by the women of india as well as garments worn by them selves mrs a norton and mrs w wil son sang a duet whispering hope scripture was read by miss ivens and mrs wilson led in prayer faith was the text word used in a verse ufscripturifor roll call the vice- president mrs roughley was in the chair a social hour was enjoyed at the close halton manor junior band gives concert for residents the spirit of youth pervaded the dining room of hiilton manor on monday evening april 9 when about 25 members of milton junior band came to the manor to enter tain the residents they were ac companied by their talented and genial leader mr bill santor and by mrs santor who played the piano accompaniments or the in strumental and vocal numbers in very talented fashion after the band had been warmly welcomed to the manor by mr clarke mr santor announced and conducted a varied program con sisting of band selections and in strumental arid vocal numbers the band numbers ranged from stirring marches to the sweet old hymn abide with me each number was played in very acceptable fashion and mr santor proved himself to be a very capable leader the instrumental and vocal num bers were also much admired miss carol stevenson plnyedji piccolo solo the captive bird miss stev enson and donald wilson played a flute duet the enchanted isle mr bill brush sang two solos song of the bow nnd down here ah these numbers were accompanied by mrs santor ns pianist on behalf of the residents mr clarke thanked these talented young people for a very entertain ing evening and invited them to come again in the near future new project the 10th meeting of the hobby class was held in the dining room of the manor on wednesday after noon april 11 with 19 ladies in cluding mrs clarke in attendance several ladies began the new project of knitting strips for a cush ion to match the afghan that was knitted earlier the rest of the ladies continued working on the projects that have occupied their attention during the current series of meetings sermon on parable two faithful friends of the res idents of hnlton manor came to the manor on sunday afternoon april 15 to conduct the afternoon service these friends were rev d a powel rector of grace angli visitors mrs mclaren of cliellculuim with can church milton and mrs hay the james nobles waters mr powell conducted the waters played the accompaniments for the hymns after reading the 25th chapter mr john wood of toronto with service and mrs his daughter mrs karl scott hus band and family mrs d s mcdonald and keith with the gisuys with the pattersons and the sin clairs sunday were mr and mrs herbert sinclair gloria and don of hamiltno mr and mrs russel pat terson and carol misses balc and catherine roszell of acton mrs robert patterson and mr and mrs roy mckcown and barry of bur lington paul turner celebrated his sev enth birthday with a party at his home recently mrs c a foster spent part of last week with her sister mrs earl howard in niagara falls ny mrs gisby and fred and mrs d s mcdonald and keith visited mrs ella judge in toronto on sunday little freddie anthony is home from hospital in toronto following an operation diane and grace mcdonald had tonsils removed in st josephs hos pital guelph last week mr and mrs f t c brown open ed their home for a wi euchre on verses 113 of st matthews gos pel ns the scripture lesson mr powell preached a fine sermon on the parable of the five wise and the five foolish virgins he pointed out that this parable was taught to the disciples at this time because they were concerned about the second coming of christ this parable can be understood more readily if we know something about the eastern customs concern ing weddings at the time of christs ministry after describing these customs mr powell went on to say that spiritual preparations for christs coming should be prac tised in our daily lives and that if we do so we will find a rich and rewarding spiritual experience mrs steve coxe rockwood silverwood presented with gift dies suddenly mrs elmer coxe was hostess for the regular meeting of the busy a 1 clivl tvr- bces institute the president mrs a i ocllool lool steve coxevopenpd the meeting the community was shocked last with the mary stewart collect after tuesday when word was nnjtounc- which correspondence was read ed that mrs j d bell expired roll call was answered by paying of suddenly at the door of the public fees for next year school previous to the afternoon the report of the directors meet- session studies ing at milton was given by mrs mrs bell had been at the school stan robinson the district annual during the forenoon assisting in is to be held at bethel church fin school work her sudden passing so may 24 the hostesses to be hornby soon after the death of her broth- wl this was fallowed by a dis- er john a little meant another cussion on milton hospital and the break in the family circle a sis- sending othvtr delegates to guelph tor mrs r h robinson of tpr- to meet mrs barry of australia onto is a surviving member of the mrs r lindsay took the chairi well known family her father for the election of officers for the rev john little was also well coming year honorary president known in the district mrs stan robinson president mrs the funeral took place friday oscar locker firsf vicepresident with a service in the united church mrs roy lindsay second vice-pro- with rev john dilts in clfargc sident mrs flmer coxe secretary- numerous floral wreaths bore stl- treasurer mrs alf allen district cnt tribute to the memory of the lirectormrs s robinson deceased interment took place in branch directors mrs roy lind- greenwood cemetery orangeville say mrs clarence dodds auditors beside her late partner jn life mrs roy lindsay mrs elmer coxe j tall on blrd standing conveners agriculture and i wednesday evening the mens canadian industries mrs i little club of the united church held citizenship and education mrs r their last monthly meeting for the lindsay historical research mrs e season gordon ostrnnder opened coxe home economics and health the meeting with a hymn dave mrs p mnclenn community activi- benham at the piano ross gordon liis and public relations mrs c led in prayer following consider able discussion on club matters mr grover mtack of tpe bird sanc tuary near eden mills gave a splendid talk on bird lore and other lines of wild life including snakes also displaying the skins of the some kinds of snakes mfr wm black was present and contributed mrs lindsay favored with a read- a vocal- number with mrs black at ing saturday night mrs steve the piano refreshments were coxe who is leaving was presented served and a social time enjoyed with a gift of two cups and saucers i tiro concerto the address was road by mrs o owing to other attractions dur- locker and mrs e coxe presented ing the evening the salvation ar- the gift mr o locker the newly my of ruelph at the town hall to elected president closed the meet- put on a varied program were m h 0 i greeted with a small turnout a this being the last meeting of the concert at the stone church was on year a pot luck lunch was enjoyed the same evening with talent from by the members mrs s coxe guelph so that some from the vil- thankid the hostess for the use of were present there her home and hospitality a change in time of church ser- vires is due for the summer sea son as mr douglas black con ducts service it eden mills sunday morning at lo am and rockwood 11 15 am at presbyterian churches i at st johns rhurrh commencing next sundav service will be at d 30 iam till fall i since the- high water of two mrs robert ilurren was hostess to weeks ago the limbers used to the indies aki on wednesday ar- k th wi 1 1jp hnv dcon lei noon of last week mrs craw- r j pce including two new ford president opened the meeting irngths to replace those broken with a poem rest where you are when the ice went out at hortops mrs menzies cheer secretary re- mill clam pflrted having sent 17 easter cards recent and weekend visitors- arid booklets to sick and shutins mrs roy kuvan and children of and read some thank you notes hamilton mr and mrs george several items of business were dis- waller of ristowel cussed liiul left with the executive i mr and mrs dave d gray re- look after turned home the early part of last after the singing or an easter week from a trip by boat to south hymn mrs parker read part of the america and other points on the 15th chapter of mark prayer was way also through the west ind- offered by president mrs m mc- les riinl presented the secretarys re port ancftne financial report was given by mrs greenlees dodds cards and flowers mrs p mnclean quilt conveners mrs o locker mrs r lindsay mrs j maclean hospitalization mrs k coxe it was decided to hold the meet ings thi- second thursday of month campbellville ladies aid hears mrs william manon april meeting held of silverwood wi the april meeting of the wi was m c5i n nationwidevalueevenf free merchandise on the one in ten plan every 10th customer will have a free choice of any article in a group of 15 useful hardware items friday and saturday only ton fifteen adults and six children were present roll call was the payment of dues and naming the month preferred to be hostess for the coming year the conveners reports for the s evening firau we won i held at the home of mrs marching- by mr s robin and mrs w string- er and mrs w f turner j congratulations to betty ann brown who topped her class for i vocal soo at the esqucsing rural school musical festival on tuesday i as well as the many other local ones wl read and mrs corbctt who did well but not quite well bavt l re on the recent district i enough for thejinals meeting at miltdn the auditors report was given and a discussion was made jto have the making of salads as an extension service as officers hold posts for two years no election was held except to name mrs w norton to look after the flower and fruit fund and mrs george henderson who has been acting secretarytreasurer since mrs batkins illness to that post a social halfhour followed with mrs henderson sr and mrs d lindsay serving tea of the 3685o00 families in can ada at june 1 1155000 were child- less cubs win shield i last friday at guelph armor ios the rockwood cubs accomp- the guest speaker mrs william nniod by thoir lcildcr martin mahon gave a very fine easter mes- bauer j won a krade c sh sag stressing the point of being in competition at the cub display more christlike in our lives doing six boys represented the pack da- the litthp thinfis around us even to v schneider weslay darou tailing on a lonely person or writ- ricky hodgson michael jolliffe ing of a letter these are little robin peacock and ted vincent things that everyone can do if they dr and mrs r o jolliffe are dont think they are too busy mrs in stratford where their daughter mahon left many other worthwhile mary is director of publicity in thoughts connection with the stratford mission band festival t april meeting of the grace sunday afternoon the fire alarm ai1h111111 band was held in thc-sun- was sounded to attend a grass fire day school room on saturday after- on division st on a lot adjoining noon janet mitchell opened the the residence of mr and mrs mar- meeting with the call to worship tin bauer no serious damage re- a hymn was sung and the scripture suited lesson was read by bonnie inglis j linda walton gave a prayer j beverley kooerts was in charge i obituary i- mi- i twijr a m m ad t margaret mc- was born married greenlees gave the store hours for two days 8 am to 9 im all fishing tackle during hardware week i 919 phone 16 rockwood television and radio service by r w grant phone acton 594 colkct located at music store ww t son s rockwood store in big promotion root hardware rockwood will participate in one of canadas big gest national promotions the event hardware week will involve the biggest advertising and mcrchanbis- of entertainment the secretarys report was rei phail mrs mannekervad charge of nassagaweya twp the primary children and gave them a resident of neepawa for over a story from the study book the 3 years mrs zimmerman 87 singing secret mrs greenlees had wu of arthur m zimmerman charge of the juniors using the died at her home monday march study book bright pathways- the 26 following a long illness offering was received and dedicated she was a sister of mrs duncan with one vtrse of a hymn the waldie of acton birthday song was sung for two funeral service was held from members the meeting closed with knox presbyterian church see the lords prayer and lunch was pwa wednesday march 28 with served i ugnyoufrerin scotch block kernels bake graham muffins the second meeting otthe scotch black kernels was held atthchorne ing campaign ever conceived by the s and beuv sanmiya on hardware industry i- april 14 with trie leader miss tur- hardttare week is being ob- and i7 present miss tur- servid throughout the continent n cmonstrated the mixing and april 121 by almost woflo inde- j graham muffins which pendent hardware stores- in cana da almosl2000 member stores of the canadian retail hardware as sociation will lead the campaign mike coxe plumbing hearing eaves t roughing pipe fixtures fittings of all kinds beatty press system r water softeners- v american kitchen unit dealer phone 25 actori 1 free estimates kv rev douglas anderson conducting the service pallbearers were roy birnie paul eros charles martin gordon mccullough w h adams and walter greenhalgh burial was made in the family plot riverside cemetery the former margaret jane sav ers was born at nassagaweya and there she received her education her marriage to mr zimmerman took place on april 15 1908 at nassagaweya and later they came to manitoba residing in foxwar- ren for some years before taking up residence in neepawa in 1924 mrs zimmerman was a member of knox presbyterian church surviving are her husband afterwards proved a pleasant addi tinn to thiclpsirg social cup of tea i the home assignment was direct- ed towards fmdinfc the best methods sr tw 0 of buying and storing cereals and a i m it renwick comparison of prices f three cook- t ed and three uncooked cereals sistermrs duncan waldie acton david howden audrey brown ont there are four grandchildren rpevpddfc o ugny school narhe predeceased her in 1932 enter the finals in the music festival on friday good luck to all j t m chapters at rr h i i o d e convention mr and mrs vern cole and son the two cha the iode david guelph visited with mr and herc represented at the prov- mrs davenport on sunday uicia chapter of ontario s annual i convention of the imperial order j mrs ernie gooch ancaster spent daughters of the empire- at- the h rval cormaught hotel in hamil- andirss j brown ton on wednesday thursdav and mrs jack irving held a home ijriday this week official deleg- products demonstration at her home ates of the lakeside chapter are recently mrs bill dumarch and mrs rao guests with mr and mrs edgar west delegate from the duki of howden and family on sunday devonshire chapter is mrs robert were mr and mrs j j kennedy buckner mrs bert mowat is a and misses pearl and marie of mil- nominee for provincial councillor ton mr and mrs kennedy were t- icelebrating their wedding annivers- people buy the free pres to read a- and read the free press to buy

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