Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1956, p. 6

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talking about page six the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 19th 1959 reports and articles from hattons farmlands and farm oraanlxenons haltonjenlry is top drama group in five counties finals at oag sugar and spice presented bj norval junior farmers represent ing halton county took the top award in the drama festival at the ontario agricultural couege last week jean petersqn president of the halton juniors was the able chairman of the festival in which five counties halton huron peel waterloo and wellington particip ated not onl did the halton entrv win the qrburn shield but mildred johnson received the award for the best actress and ross austin the award for the best actor the bel wood junior farmers representing wellington counfv presented the monkevs paw a drama in three scenes the second drama of the evening moon up was the presentation of the caled- on junior farmers of peel count following this came the presentat ion of sugar and spice buie norval junior farmers members of the cast this was a corned directed b howson rnddell assisted b mrs graydon chester the members of the cast were thelma brown fras er mcnabb eveljn bird rosa aus tin and mildred johnson elmer jbird and ralph cunningham were ihe production staff all plaenj gave a finished performance and received much commendation from the adjudicator john r binks of hamilton i the fourth pla- of the cxening the perfect gentleman was pre scnted b the woolwich township junior farmers of waterloo coun ty bobb pulls up her socks was the final presentation of the evening b the clinton junior farmers of huron count it would too unfortunate if we left the 1 impression that the other four counties were outclassed the w eren t b am means it w as a fine evenings entertainment and a real credit to all five groups naturallv the haltomtes present were proud of their representatives from norval other jounc people from the countv who participated un the program were doris and bettv anderson and mr baker whose v lolin selections were a source of delight to all music lov ers john w picket pastpresident of the halton juniors extended the thanks of the large audience to i john r binks for his helpful kind- lv and constructive adjudication roadside weed control goes on wild carrot is still troublesome wild carrot control for mans vears has been the bugbear of township road superintendents this is practicallv the orilv weed which has proven resistant to 2 4d applications on roadside in the hope of riv ing ome leadership to the problem hilton s agricultural committer convened t meeting in the farmers building in milton last week reeve r service chaired the informative program which in eluded contribution from countv engineer rov smith whoe countv oad svsttrr- from the standpoint of weed control came in for jeril well doerv ed tributes agricultural representatve j e whitelock es quesing tow nship road superintend crvf wm tow nends prof f h montgorpcrv and dr c xi sw itzer of the botanv dept at the oac h martin and kenneth falhs of t field crops branch toronto reeve robert marshill of trifal gar and deputv reevt george cur rie of esqaesng dr sw ltror mtlined i research program in w lld eirrot control which ha oven milnud it the col lege while far fom conclusive it has alreadv revealed information which points to seviral species of wild carrot some of which are more resisant than others this re search program will be continued and in addition the bo t anv depart ment at the dic wh be coopor aung with anv projects laid down bv the haltnn soil and crop im provement association on vsuld c-ar- r t control in 1956 bronte 10000 suit dismissed mr justice e g moorhouse last week dismissed a 10000 law suit ajfsinst reeve tnoirtas mirf ward of bronte and assessed costs of the action against the comp lainant ex councillor john david son in an ontario supreme court hearing at milton in assessing the costs estimated in excess of asoo against mr dav idson justice moorhouse said mr davidsons hesitancy and ev asion and general attitude with regard to the facts was not favor able he said that reeve millward gave his testimonv in a business like manner in instances of conflicting evid ence 1 choose reeve mill wards testimony he continued he said that bv his interpretation of the procedural bvlaw basis for the suit it was improper conduct bv davidson not to vacate his chair when told to he said that mr davidson should not have been al lowed to take his seat on council again at anv meeting after the breach unless an apology was made and accepted the suit was instituted bv j councillor dav idson after a council meeting august 15 last year the councillor had been ordered from the meeting after he told the reeve to shut up duxauillhe course of a debate mr davidson vias refused his seat until after he apologized and the apologv was accepted by i the majoritv of council he made one apology that was not accepted j the suit against reeve millward i was instituted on the grounds he had wrongtullv- expelled and ex- eluded councillor dav idson from a council meeting i i present knowledge would lndic- ate the w isdom of countj engineer rov smith continuing his program w h ich in volv es the use of atlacidc ind 24d mine or in other words the mcrae mixture on the town ship roads due to the lick ofspra equipment which will handle the mcrae mixture the discussion would indicitc the likelihood of i them swinging over to a brushkill application at around txvo pounds of acid to the acre this is the onlv material aside from the mcrae mixture and sod ium chlorite which in tc avorjl- yellow rocket is on increase yellow rocket is fast becoming one of haltons troublesome weeds during the last voar yellow rocket 1 has been reclassified as a primary noxious weed therefore those yvha i bu no 1 seed should have mere protection against this weed than his been the case in former vears it is an early bloomer and the appearance of its vellow mustard like flowers are frequently the first indication that the farm opcr- ntor has of its arriv al on his farm i at that stage it is too late to think about spraying and the onl alter native is either to cut and ensile or pull or plow it down most infest ations show up in meadows con taining legumes and any spray program at that season would be injurious to the legumes such as alfalfa research work in the u s indic ates that legume plants should be completclv dormant at tunc of spraying experiments in southern michigan indicate that october and carl november is the best time to spray with 24d or mcp in wisconsin the have found that treatment in the early spring be fore the legumes break dormancy would avoid legume injury if con trol could be obtained at this time there is a strong likelihood that the halton soil and crop im provement association may try some tests during the current week with the hope of- getting more data on the subject in the meantime any farm operator who notices only a few plants on his farm would be well advised to pull them yellow rocket is a prolific seeder and a perennial further more judging by specimens brought to the weed meeting in milton last week bv medforth pew- tress it has a tremendous root svstem so don t let it get ahead of xou if it can be avoided scores apathy towards prices paid to hog market managers t i under our present and project- ed marketing programs in the pro vince of ontario farmers arc de monstrating that they no longer in tend to randomly dump their pro ducts without a set prioe at the doors of the processors but instead they arc collectively delivering their products to the highest bid der according to charles mclnnis president of the ontario hon pro ducers association mr mclnnis was addressing the cjrey county hog producers as sociation at markdale in order to carry out these pro grams effectively mr mclnnis said we have to select personnel for our marketing agencies who arc asi well trained and who have as thprough a knowledge of the pro duct market outlets and trade practices as do the buyers the hiig association president said that the remuneration paid the general manager of the hog producers marketing agency is far less than that paid to the officials of some packing firms with which he is dealing every day and in some instances it is a fact that his salary is less than half of their in come our generalmanager receiv es for managing the business of 40000 hog producers about one- halt cent per hog some transport ers receive 1 per hog or more if they keep the hogs away from the open market and deliver them dir ect to the packers these under- thetable payments might average about 7500 per market day for hogs produced in ontario on janury 25 some large pack ers openly declared that 23 cents mr mclnnis continued was all they were willing to pay the pro ducer for hogs nevertheless we are getting onehalf cent per pound above the 23 cent figure and in some instances even more the half cent amounts to 6 000 per market day earned for the farmer 4hers brave fog fleet 1956 officers an enthusiastic crowd of 4 ii members parents and leaders gatb ered at the county court house in milton on april 3 to hold their organisational meeting there were 21 members of the beef and dual purpose calf club prctcnl despite the fog leader sandy buchanan and assistant leader hoy coulter took over the election of officers with the following results presld cnt lynnc coulter vice president kay merrv secretary evelyn mi- kay the secretary also acts ia press reporter sandy buchan m read the rules and regulations then gave out rec ord books to the members the president suggested lets all try to be present for every meeting and have 100 per cent completion mackenzie news anyway its qood weather to work around rlse house there are many inexpensive improvements yotj could make to your home a new stainless steel kitchen sink with crumb cup and stopper costs only 2195 single size or 4895 for a doubt sink sufficient sandran vinyl counter topping for 8 ft of counter is only 510 or 65c per run ning foot now nonrub aluminum counter edg ing is 31 per ft or 375 for 12 ft lengrfh peerless concrete paint in attractive colourr for your basement walls sells for 335 per gal lon it would appear to be a good week to work on your income tax returns and ponder how it all tumed out to be outgo of the halton soil and crop im provement ssociatuvn has given invthing like satjsfactorv wild car rot control on roadsides during the past two vears this should not be interpreted bv private land ovvnurs to mean that it is useless to use 2 4d for w lid carrot control on their farms experience over the ears would indicate that 24d when used the first time on a field will eliminate 85 to so per cent of the carrot halton holstein breeders plan twilight meet haltln holstein breeders are to be honored bv a visit from f c eligh president of the hobtcin- friesian association of canada and george m clemons secretarv manager of the association on fri da mav 18 states r c alexand er president of the halton assoc- lation husbands wives weak rundown old tboasssd of eomla am weik fired lc magj sad pare sy fed nmdova ou be- m bodkaftct inn it 40 so 60 try oattam tbslrtmeestody sappfjt -ot-rqimhilrd- foft top rath fuel oils and service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at home and save washington atlantic city 2670 see your local agent for all bus travel information ha rold wiles phone 207 acton this w ill be the occasion of the annual twilight meeting of the halton club which is scheduled for hajs sales arena near trafalgar j mr clemons left on sunday even ing last for mexico arid the halton black and white enthusiasts will lilcelv be the first to be privileged with an illustrated address on that cojuntrv on his return failing this mr clemons will present an illus trated address based on a recent trip to spain and ital i despite the real estate boom which is definitely haing a react- ion on halton agriculture hajs sales arena should be well filled for the visit of these two leading officials of the national holstein association c0- plumbing he ati n6 hardware electric ph 1 3 b rockwood kerrigan chiropractic office 6 john st acton open daily 9 30 a m to 5 00 p m monday wednesday and friday evenings until 9 free consultation for appointments call 550 acton wktivgywp the bank of nova scotias personal security program now 2 years old tzncgertt psp broadens coverage to bring its benefits to even more canadians two years ago th fellow who couldnt save a nickel whose bank book waa flatter than a sliced dime discovered psp and told other canadians about it since then more and more canadian have come to the bank of nova scotia to take advantage of this exclusive program that makes saving so much easier surer more regular you just decide to make a small monthly instal- im only 2 years old but already ive made a lot of friends ment in your psp account and heres the real payoff theres a guarantee if you were to die the beneficiary would get the full amount of your sat ingi- goal even if youd only made one payment and now psp broadens its scope the age limit for participants in the program goes up from 46 to 51 learn all about this easier way to save ask at your nearest bns branch iprk dcug massing acton welding and j i repair xpert welding at raasonabl vales des 0rourke jt 4 acton rr a shame thcy dont make mom two dollar bills tmermsomahoy rataumrt fifty cents worth of amythwo s fo miv b manning egsss youorr more for u tout money there thamjmty other y te e e o ps sss uimted cpitl p psp ccount tow 1 000 each nnun h ortxr bene- kttn to pe tbem elvct n protee towd buying -oe- station alre uur each iccount- aa m m chslby with a paper route a paying ss monthly into a 250 psp account he figures on helping his widowed mother to pat him through school he has since opened another ac count of si 00 as a sure cowards fundi for tjiutersity jm t3p- bank of nova scotia your bns njfanager is a go6d man tp know lnactoohebwawoodburn iagy lajjsatara

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