Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1956, p. 2

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mly i raobtwe the actonr free press acton ontario thursday may 3rd lo mil- acton wxttrbb tke axy paper avar aabllsbed la aetan founded in iiwt nn publishe every thura- cay at 36 mill st r acton onlmembw i the audit bureau of circulation the cw na and the ontnriocjtirbec division at the cwna advertising rates ou rcqutit sub scriptions payable in milvtieco wwi in canada 400 in the united state nix months 175 single copies c aulhuriseti as second class mall post office department ottawa pahllshad by uu dills mating and raaltahtag cw uaaltad g a otua kttut cmt jjf david r dill lnyjuetloa manager james a ihltajomn hiack associate ximux business and editorial ottuv ph mo acton tor the most use same procedure always ever since th white nn tcsa vvsi horn the indians to settle and develop canada if txxsn an early spring job to fertilise the land in those early days w presume the methods weie primi tive with oxt and carts and plenty of hard labor these were later replaced with the manure spreader when the farmers reckoned their crops tntermsof bushels to the acre and their earnings hn what the land yielded back at harvest time still later alongcame the soil analysis and the commercial fertilizers and bigger crops as the soils were studied and deficiencies were applied today in this section the spring farm topic more often discussed is in the terms of not how many bushels to the acre but rather how many building lots to the acre this crop of subdivisions yields much greater returns tha the rais of grain of which there is now a surplus in canada with the change of crops come new methods a switch in tne spring chore of spreading fertilizer is necessary matter of fact a new kind qfjertil- izer to grow bigger and better subdivisions is necessary its not known as fertilizer or manure any longer and more liable to be called promo tion but no matter what the land is called upon to yield the spring time task of making the land yield more by a liberal spreading of spring time promotion seems to yield more lots jut as a plentiful spreading of barnyard manure used to increase the grain yield per acre springtime and harvest the land has always yielded well n matter what is demanded of it methods and crops may alter but the same basic requirements are needed in the progress of man kind haltons senior editor tonight a representative group of citizens of the town of burlington the county of halton and newspapermen from other parts will gather to honor t ne men w c there will boktren interest in tho courxclldo- clion and consideration of mora paved street irt rather than a conllnurtnco of costly yearly maintenance now that water and sower lines have been installed in present builtup auctions irul the toad bttls hove had a chance to compll- wlnte the proposal of permanent road surfaces on iiiger scale would seem well advised undei the ninipnl plan and tho aftiouiit l tialfic carried on our sheets the slieets arts never n good condition v the same costs are requited very year ami iheie is year ground dissatisfaction with which equipment can nejvur keep up the ieclion laid last year was small but it turned a iy bad position into a fine piece of road iheie is no town service which serves so iaiiy citizens than its roads in manycases side walks could be delayed if there is a good hard surface on tho road true we need ample school funding municipal equipment fire equipment iiiiviiipal buildings and all the town services but what will serve more of our people and leave a tettei impression on the casual caller than a town with good roadways costs cannot be absorbed in one year to make good start but spread over a debenture of 15 years acton not only now and during the life of the debentures can be a cleaner and more attrac tive place in which to reside and it will be snore attractive to new industry and new citizens vith an extensive program of permanent road ways back it up public service often comes in for more criti cism quite often than public help which might well be accorded the halton humane society which recently took over the control of dogs in acton milton and georgetown is apparently making some progress on the problem which has laffled the authorities for some time we had turned over to us recently a letter re vived by the society from an unsigned individ ual editors often get such letters for publication which have to be discarded because the writer hasnt the courage to sign his name to the com plaint we believe if the unsigned writer of the letter would be a little more explicit about the com plaint and furnish the humane society with sign ed complaints they would receive prompt atten tion a little more helpfulness and a little less indiscriminate criticism woultl help the new arrangement to give the service all desire hu mane society officers are in the same position as an editor on unsigned complaints definitely the nuisance of garbage pail snoop ing is improving the new service is desirous of being efficient it needs your help in making it effective f lwwtvwvhwhw remember those mtmwwtmwmwmt plum iiy kollin tavlr the month of aaay usually sefes the warmer seasons full dress debut when foliage grows green spring f lowers bloom in full and warmer weather puis a lighter lone on life that covers over winters tired memories airy and bright scenes like this make a keen putlineoflhemhought the bible rev g p parson district secretary daf upper canada bible society one of the happiest women in the world js an 82ycarold mis sionarys widow in eritrea she is cheeking the final proofs of the bible in the trigrinya tongue mrs a windquist whose hus band started reducing the language to writ inn over 00 years ago and translating the scriptures from tin- hebrew and greek recently fin ished this task herself for 50 years since his death she has worked on tire monumental manuscript which is currently in process of publicat ion by the british and foreign bible society as she sits pourink over the quaint characters her heart beats a bit fasur as she passes from page to page multitudinous mem- ories well up in her mind the i seemin endless search for tin translated from the original tongu es into the one newly reduced to writing at least 60 scripts are used today to publish the bible suggested readings for the week sunday acts 22 130 monday acts 23 135 tuesday arts 24 1- 27 wednesday acts 25 127 thur sday acts 26 132 friday acts 27 120 saturday acts 27 2144 a notable share and are closing an en news- paper career messrs elgin and george harris of burlington fiftyseven years ago the burlington gazette was founded by elgin a harris he has been associated with it through all those years for 37 years his son george has been his right hand man a gratifying note is that a grandson rich ard harris will be associated in the hew company which is now in charge of the burlington gazette elgin harris is the senior editor of halton county we have known him for well over 40 of those years and wondered artd admired the en ergy and aggressiveness which he has put into not only his pper but his town and country and the canada wide association of weekly news- papers in those early days there were seven newspapers in halton oakville had three papers nd milton two there were then as now one in burlington acton and georgetown halton and its towns have seen great changes in those years and perhaps the harris father and son may find leisure now to compile a story of their town from their fund of knowledge we carj- not imaginethem not being busy and we wish for them both many years of leisure among their townsmen whom they have served so well how much is yours at this moment canadians have to square up to the not too pleasant fact that well over one- third of every one hundred dollars we make is spent by government in the last 25 years spend ing atall government levels has jumped from 19 per cent of our national income to over 35 per cent expenditures on health and social welfare alone has gone up in the last 10 years from 794 million to close to two billion soaring costs of productidri stand as a chief threat to stability and employment hamilton spectator this week april 29 to may 5is known as mental health week in these days when municipal mill rates are ii higher it is perhaps unique that in all three north haljdn towns the rate has either been held the earn or lowered as long as its interesting we are not alone in the weekly newspaper field when we find it necessary to make changes of features and items from their regular position in th p bearlpri nmftho like to find the i best word to express the true bibli- cnl meaning and the constant checking to express the right idea sweep back over a hiilf century of ceaseless effort v the print dances on the table be fore her very eyes she can hardly believe what she sees it is ii dream come true- a strange peace and sat isfaction floods through her soul a lifes ambition is realized according to rev w j brad- nock ma london england who reports mrs windqwists present activity translation work is now being caned on in 230 languages around the world each of these will require from 10 to 40 years to completerttiu work will be done- by teams of bible society secret- arics and missionaries of many de- i poets i co r n e r just a boy lot to understand the lad lies nnl eager to be bad if tho rixht lie always knew various departments every week in the same posi tion a recent survey in an ontario weekly show ed that the want ad page was the most widely read page everyone has his own idea of where people read most and first the fact is they are all wroog and they are all right a study of reading habits of hundreds df towns made by the bureau of advertising found iriat all pages of the newspaper are read in fact left hand pages got one per cent more readers than right hand pages a lot of women buy readytowear who read the food pages and they purchase cosmetics from the druggist who insists on the farm news page position the fact is and this is shown by the above study that the page arild the position on the page make not one whit of difference in capturing readers it is what the advertisement says how it says it and how it is presented that gets read ers i many pages in the study showed that ad vertising got twice the number of readers received by news stories on the same page make adver tising interesting anchhepeople interested in the merchandise advertised will flock to its position in the newspaper ftrief comment there are more than 57000 alcoholics in on tario most are employed family men 3545 years of age more new alcoholics develop an nually in ontario than can now be treated j ontarios rejection of help from- ottawa to build the new skyway at burlington indicates that lhe provincial coffers are not as empty as often claimed and that the introduction of toll highways in this province is imminent orangeville voted four to one to put artificial ice in the arena there and will seek permission to issue debentures and in brampton the council de cided to instal sprinklers and heating in trie arena in town nominations working w ills hi nat- lves the translator must go about asking over and over again what is that he will query at every turn on securing a sound he must rnake a symbol to represent it on pnjier when there is no writ ten form available an alphabet or syllabic system must be discovered or invented or vocabulary made bf the combination of their sounds a dictionary and grammar must be worked out then the bible is i hi would he us old as you were he now exceeding wise hed be jul about your size when he does things that annoy dont forget hes just a by 1 could he know and understand i he would need no guiding hand but hes young and hasnt learned how lifes corners must be turn- i ed doesnt know from day to day there is more to life than play more to face than selfish joy i dont forget hes just a boy being just a boy hell do muchyou will not want him to tleltbc careless of his ways have his disobedient days wilful wild and headstrong too back in 1936 taken from tho luiift uf thfi vtrt irciu of thursday may 7 1930 at the monthly inietiiik of al ton nehool hoard the need of hav ing n mliitol mime in alton on u whole or iiu i lime ban in wan din eiiumeil the tont of nliib u benefit won pointed out an nn handicap to the new nervier whlrli it wan felt would lie ii ureal benefit to the children and community an a whole the advlmiblllty of mimic education in the ncllool wait alno puliited out the changing of the bridge on main st mill the filling in of the gully along the aide of the road will goon be completed tho course of tho ritreum ban been diverted may day was tho occasion of a very pleasant social function at the united church on friday it wan a may day ten served in the base ment of the church taking part in the program were mrs 11 cald well and john aar mid marjory bllton sang tea waa poured by mrs g it brown arid mrs w j akliis a mun who had tecii on relief for some time was informed that inn allowance would be lessened on the first of- may to which he re plied im through ill go look for a job on thursday evening last duf- ferin badminton club visited acton badinitrt coupl came down to play a inixed tourna ment three or four of ttie early bird have been swiiiuninii in fairy lake an exhibition halt game has been arranged for saturday aclon and campbrllville will he tin- op posing teams mr nelson anderson of nassag- aweya lost a fine lnrse last week from an attack of the flu on friday evening the citizens of hock wood and district turned out to the town hall to do honor to a former rockwood boy mr frank ouild of new york who gave a delightful concert on behalf of the public and continuation schools weve had a taste of the good old summertime the drinking fountain was put into use again and was much in demand for a few days the trees are beginning to come out in tud back in 1906 taken from thr laaur of the pre irhu of thursday may a 1m tin- marathon iliicc tho groatest vifir of tin- olympian games wan won by a aniiiliaii win hlicrrlng of hamilton inurent in the rare uvirluiitowecl everything the wltule population of athena and mitiiirlin xouie lmo00 filled the stadium and the niirroiindlnkioadji crown prince coniilanthfc ran ul shrrrltig at the endcof thn race wticu he came before king george and cjuaen olgn ladles showered gifla and jlowem on hlhi f iff irla 1 auditor ianglcy acnt in hln report a most exhaustive docu ment to the oakville council lie showed u deficit of ten thousand lolliim left over by last yearn council oakville stifr thtry miint have a pretty lively town down there where did the money o with no fire protection no lectric light no waterworks no lakeside park how did they spend the bixnlle wtnn acton uwn bowling club wan organized a resolution was ad- optifl permitting ladles hi join when the committee of munage- meat decided their admission would be desirable on monday a delegation wtttted- on the chairman and a special meeting was held the matter will be held in abey ance until a membership canvass is completed local fihtrrrmn were tt in full forceal the beginning of the i season it is reported that the boys with their indifferent bamboo rods and cheap tackle made the biggest catches uf all the concert of moving pictures and illustrated songs presented by j the sunday school orchestra were mucti appreciated the moving pietiircs were excellent the rail- j way wreck and the lost child were i especially full of merit mfr roy j carey sang the holy city and i llciu central give mc heaven i tbcrc was absolutely nothing of an iindisirable character about the ev enings entertainment with the passing away on thurs day morning of mrs buck wife of ir anson buck of palermo this ciintv has lost one of its oldest native rtsidents the public park is the scene of enjoyable lecreatiohil activity them- fine sprmg evenings professional directory 1 and travellers g ectory i guide medica i hell need guidance kind and j true things of value hell destroy but reflect hes just a boy just a buy who needs a friend patient kindly to the end needs a father who will show him the things he wants to know tnke him with you wljlefi you walk listen when he wants to talk his companionship enjoy dont forget hes just a boy dr w g c kenney phynlclan and surgeon office in symon bhck 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 154 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d bucknpr physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton unt phone 679 office hours 6b p m legal c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary pubue office hours 1000 am 1200 a1 1 00 p m- 500 paa saturdays by appointment onjgr office 22 phone res 131 acton lever 8 hoskin chartered accountants si main st n rirampton phones 2478 44 victoria st toroerto em 49181 jfl manderson ba dental barrister solicitor notary public 4 main st s phone titiangle 7 at tht united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adams ma b d minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday may 6th 1956 900 am morning prayer 1000 am junior church and church school 1115 ajn morning worship eenins prayer cancelled presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bl minister sunday may 8th 1956 945 am church school 1100 am norning worship 700 pm divine worship they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you the anglican church of canada st albany chareh acton oat baptist church acton a ray h costerus pastor parsonage j715 bower ave phone 208w rev evan h jones ba rccur lth sunday may 6th 1956 i rogation sunday 830 am holy communion 945 am- church skhool r hoo am beginners class 1100 am choral communion 45 pm holy baptism 7o0 pm evensong i sunday may th 1956 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship i 815 pmbypu i wednesday 8 p m midweek ser- vice acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons corners ptor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone 9w a radioactive isotope is being used to trace the mo of nut rients within trees t the petawa- wa out forest experimental stst- ion of the for e y branch de partment of northern affairs and national sunday may 6th 1956 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pan svangeustic service wednesday 8 putt cmtac pray- r meettajj aat dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office irishman block mill st office hours 9 a m to 6 p m xray telephone 14ft dr h leib dental surgeon offtce corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 a m to 6 p m telephone 19 acton miscellaneous ruaaley funeral howe heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for optica i e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 6 00 pm evenings by appointment 40 years olive m lampard atcm r mt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave glelth phone 296 travellers guide veterin ary a f g oakes bv sc j veterinarian i office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d younfijb v sc c l young dvm i veterinary sur a office brookviue onuno phone milton tr 89177 real estate and insurance gray coach lines coaches leave acton dayliht saving tins eastboond i 63j am 58 am 1133 am 2m 2 ok pm 508 pm 633 pm 8j3 pm lowi prp sun andhoi- wes4band 10 27 am 12 52 pm 2 37 pat 5 27 pm 7 27 pm 9 12 mjn 1132 pm i 12 am ifri sat sua and hoi i e l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 5 appraiser real estate w r bracken real estate phone 26 acton list your farms business or bouse with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchaser for your property r f bean limited j3 atjtll st acton canadian national j railways i standard tlaac j eaatboand daily 40 am daily except sun- i days 10 00 am 7 13 pm sunday nly 8 01 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 8 02 an 837 pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm t daily 1144 pan daily except sunday 848 am 855 pjn saav stop 74 pjn saturday only 113 pjn sunday only ms ajts fllag- stepi sunday only flyer at coelph 7jos pjn daily except sat and son to detrain pnmtujrs from west torxmsta ani sytaad stan flyer at quelyu 9st a

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