Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1956, p. 4

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paoi four the acton free press acton ontario tkvb30ay may 3rd mm christening party at courtney home maureen ruth the daughter oi mr arid mrs morris coustney oi 116 guelph st was baptised oat sunday april in st albania church by rev kvan joevas a christening party fallowed at the parents home vv itti guests from toronto kemlworth belwwxt and acton thsepe werji three generations at the fflitheruig including the bahjs two srandfathers mr sam huhbell of acton and mr v courtne xt belwood obituary mrs edward ryder iii several years resident of aotvm for st vearv mrs edward ktei vvsod svvx on wednesdjo vvf li veeh at ciuelht general hvvpital ssv had been u 111 health feu the v3ut two or three- years but through all this ion illness bore hex uftvruvs with iit- lence and unconinlairtuik mrs rxder was tnfow iiimtiirv isabella f millu- i daughter of the late mr and mrs john millar and was born in dundee scotland comirik from the old land about 6t years ago the familx resided in port hope and woodstock before coming to acton 54 vears ago i fiftxone years ago she married edwar rvvder vvho with a fanul of three remain to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother the marriage was solemnized in toron to with rex login goggie officiat ing the famil remaining are miss i marguerite and donald of acton and glenn txf milton six grand children also sur f e her two children dorothx and roderick predeceased her and tw o brothers john and joseph also passed aw ax earlier mrs rxder w as a xx man x hoe s wis her castle but xxhixse thoujshtlulnes extended to other homes where she was a kindlx neighbor helpful in trouble and de lighting in her spreading of neigh borlmesa she wa a member of the precox tenan church and in earlier x ears of good health found time or service and jox in thi fellowship manx old friends in acton will miss her and join with husband and fimilx in sxmpathetic understanding the funeral w is held on satur- da afternoon xv lth service con ducted bx her minister rev r h armstrong of knox church at the rurolcv funeral home here manx- friends joined in tribute and a wealth of floral tributes also bore- testimonx of svmpathx and esteem burial was in fairx lew eemeterv with sons glenn and donald grandsons ronald and robert s b anderson of islington and bud- olph spielvogel of acton acting as pallbearers sum photn first- aid course conducted by the st johns ambulance corps uegan at milton armouries on thursday evening of last week for 45 graduates of the recent civil defense training course shown in the above picture is instructor j rogers of the st johns pointing to oscar the chatt skeleton as he outlines the bones in the body unfair education costs debated government petition is requested banrtoclcburn wi holds final euchre the final euchre of the season held by- bannockbum womens in stitute in the school was very suc- cessful there were 17 tables plaxj ing prizes awarded were ladies first hrs cam mcenery ladies second mrs stan matthews with consolation going to mrs wm bal- lentune men s first went to fred mccutcheon mens second cam lcithman and consolation to cam i mcenerj the luckj score of 65 was won b mr s robin on a cut concern about the high cost of education in the rural ureti was the reason for the erimosa mhool board edlliivs a meeting of neigh boring school boirdsmd toxmiship officials to discuss the question hnrrx wort on mh john root ml a and henrx hosking mp xx ere present david grax was appointed vhur min of the meeting w nil george dix eramosa school secretarj act ing as secretirx for the meeting a suggestion irom the floor dec lared that assessments should be more equitable taxes m proposit ion to value duncan mupbedran chairman of the framom board thanked the townships foi turning out so xx ell ind presented trie era ioi problem he said that enrol nent xx is outstripping acconimod at on and in eramosa a decisison must btjndf immediatelx xxhethei to modernirt the old schools v hich in manx cvsos are dilapidated and would not m commodate the enrol nent or to build central schools folloxvinc discussion mr hosk- ing congritulated the men on their rasp of the problem he said you are the sami tx pe of men xx ho met to form confederation there is the same good sense in ex idence you have come to face facts and seek a solution he brieflx sketched the laws pertaining to education in the bx v and said that these laxvs could not be changed for one prov ince he encouraged the farmers not to be downcast conditions change and in farming in the past it had been bust and boom about ex cry 30 xears john root m l a informed the meeting that municipalities now get 40 per cent of the provincial budget and of this 20 per cent is for education he made the comp arison that in 1946 eight million xx as paid in grants and in 1956 84 million was paid the total budget is 117 million s possible solutions he mentioned provincial grants and changing the assessment act but he felt that assessment of houses alone would be a burden to the urban dweller mr worton said that this was not a meeting to offer criticism of either government but to recognize a problem and seek a solution in his opinion the municipal govern 4 j acton high school news a luuj c piu was wuii by i rncnt won the front porch of gov r um pa umuiavlarj bv nell benton on tuesdax afternoon the annual cross countrx run xxas held biuce ndi oav s of acton i as the xx inner with delmar watson second the two mid a half mile course was laid out on the farms of mr r n brow n and mr george somer- ville the record tune xvis 2 nmi- utes 17 9 seconds v vollexball schedule has been draw ii up for the boxs teams this spring not too niiuh plav ing his been done as xet but now that the i ross couiytrx is ox ei thei e xx ill be more baseball vollexball and track and field practices ire being held in the phvsical training periods the boxs and girls will be in the o c plaxdax which this xear is held on max 17 quite a number are roing up from acton to com pete hope thej can carrx off some of the honors there will be a square dance en fridax night here at the school ks x s c j without asking for more there is a time to sax no and that time is now discussion from the floor ap- proxed finding out about lower building cost the question was asked if grants are raised after a school has been built would any benefit come to that school mr hosking said that legislation was rarelj retroactive but the opinion of some others in the meeting did not agree with this mr grav again called for a res- olution and after discussion id 1 pearen made a motion that the school boards and the township councils prepare a resolution to take to the county council thfe resolution proposed by er nie benham and seconded by joe mrs fred kentner lunch was served and time was enjoyed bj all ernment and they should govern you cant be taking all the i time he declared now is the time to solxe your own problems personal notes of acton ians visiting oirtoftown points and of visitors in acton homes mrs r m mcdonald spent the w cek end in toronto mr and mis stanley coy willow dale i lsited fnends heru and in gait on saturdax mrs wm landsborough is visit ing with mr and mrs john crosb of kent st guelph miss sandra cox willowdale spent saturday w ith her aunt and uneus air and mrs ross robertson mr and mrs dirk van goozen john and marv of hamilton visit- 1 ed with mr and mrs arthur swackhamer and sir and mrs leslie swackhamer on sundix dr and mrs robert buckner- and their son robbie are taking a motor trip to the maritimes thex will be vi their d uaks was tormulated as follows a resolution passed by the school boards and tpwnship officials of eramosa erin pushnch and guelph request that the welling ton county council petition the pro vincial government to take proper steps to relieve unfair education cost on farm lands andturther if wellington qounty council approve the resolution that they urge neighboring county councils to take similar action miss jean buckner in montreal during the holidax a former acton resident mrs w h stewart of toronto observed her 89th birthday with a fannl gathering on sundaj among those extending congratulations were mr and mrs daxid dills mr nd mrs b veldhuis mr and mrs l o johnston and mrs eur- 80 attend reception on 25tk anniversary dave and bob richardson enter tained at i reception saturday april it thpguijd inn scarj- borqwgtt in honor oltheir parents silver wedding anniversary so guests attended including friends from detroit montreal ottawa st catharines and acton bum peggy brooks of radio and television entertained during the evening inger attended the 25th wed ding aniuversarx reception for mr and mrs daxe richardson at the guild inn scarboro on saturday ev enmg mr and mrs clauda hume and children of parrx sound and mrs gordon dennis and daughter lynne spent the weekend with mrs hume and mrs dennis par ents mr and mrs james rolston on the occasion of their 40th wed ding anniversary mr and mrs a l buck and ed mr and mrs l burger uns bren- da of waterloo mr and mrs m e buck toronto and mr and mrs r l buek and janet home on leave from burma7w here mr buck is employed with unfaoj visited at the home of mrs a k mann and familv ox or the week end always fresh available af ledgers i g a spring bridetqbe feted at showers miss joan chlsholm was the guest of honor at showers mid a presentation prior to her mmrlnge inst week mrs keith dowling xvns hostess nt n nilscellnneous sliower miss kittv mccilolall nlso held n shower of iiiiseelliineous gifts- mnnr lovely articles were present ed to the bridetobe fi lends nt the hell telephone of fice presented miss ch minim with an electric ten kettle and u pair of blankets ladies aid to buy furniture flooring mis a l rlclheison was host ess to the lnriics aid of ktiox church on tuosdnv ilfteiuonn vvlttv mrs a j muiuiv convonei pie- siding the worship woivlee lu- cludeil the hv inn the loiil is mv shepheid sciiptuie lesson bv mis mini ax smith and pinxei bv mis ii mnlnpi ie mis k miciiteheon led the bus iness which iiu luiled n hint con to glxe a doiution foi the junior chou gowns the niiiustoi s vestiv had been nevvlv decorated so iiiiiingenients xveie made to pinchiise some fuin- ltme and have a suitable ftooi covei ing luid there a good used el ectric stove fnw been puicliised and installed m the basement kit chen a delegntnti was appointed to meet with the iiinnngers to discuss business of the rhuicli a livmn and the lords pi ixei in unison closed this pnt of the meeting mir mm i n knv e a reading the ladies atd of the old church an interesting contest was eiijoxod with mrs mnmpiie being the vv ni ne refreshments woie served and the usual friendlv social period was enjoved ulrs w mileod e- piessed the nppieciitnn to mrs mcpheison and the woikmg com mittee for a pleasant afternoon an invitation was extended to miet at mis f micutcheons foi the next meeting rk ori tremors springhill n s lol the 1edeiil depai tm lit of mines ind teilmicil siiivovs has installed a seismograph in the post office here to lecoid tiemois oi iginating fiom mining activities in the aiea suni- lu tests aie undo vvav in western canada s33msm c ii i t tic the united church ca1t mot in the sunday aclmoljroom tuoi dnv tho meetliik npeneil with the fin pose a new ineiiiber vornii cliurelilll was lntihltiehl to tho gionp miss tloves uhi in tho gulli es alveiin hill km oil dnmm iitul itoseiiuu v skilling conducted the vvoiililp misi hinvstluiw tiliowtd the ifioup hoxv to innko nripklii rings ill ll it of kiiov ehureh met on rvtiittdniexonliik ill the slllidnv school loom i he gionp lopentiil thcli iliipuse mill siiiik their livmn out till the biislntss thev made fin thei plans foi the mothei null uiiuglitei biuuiint mill mls h du vldsoii novo out camp folileis to the gills ann wntklivi unve the iiikioiv of the dirfeieiit titlirn or iudliuih in tho tlii ix davs itutli spielvogel luled us ii loving kliiutei visiting the stxt notions irserve nt iliiint- foul itluinii mekiililii gnve lu- fouiuilion on the xvoi k of the chin flies xv lth the cliiiadliin luil inns mis 11 diivldsmi umducted the vvoislup serviij- ann wntklna read u psalili bv an aniet icun indian anil hhonii mi kiicliern rend the seript- ui e lesson itiilh spielvogel gave a pi aver of nnvnjo ilidinii betty lemon setved lunih to the gfoup bob ridsdale suggests twist tweeds from the land of the shamrock lighter smarter more com fortable in our nexv trim look style hand cut and tailored to measure by tip tqp tailors club clathes 4995 2 pe tip top clothes tm995 2 pc fleet street clothes 7250 2 pe bob ridsdale quality clothes for dad and the lad hear donald c mocdonald mla sat may 5 at 730 pm oddfellows hall weslayan st everyone wacome question period sponsored by hilton ccf association reliable taxi vvvv 430 24 hours a day phone promptness is a keynote of our servicr were as close as the phone ww doffee and snacks to take out wc deliver fish and chips our specialty v 9 main st acton for top rated fuel oils amd service call 69 thompson fuel service prompt delivery by meter pump deal at home and save jntmur sprorating for expert color scheme suggestions superior workmanship and ihe latest sunworthy waterfas wallpapers call ijhtl ii siti decorator rockwooo 51 ring 5 bonus special ladies shortie coats 19 95 vnlun s al i price 15 5 60 gaug nylom i ii si quality llcjlit iliido siii v lb ii spiciai 90 satfontv 9bc mildred bell ladies and childrens wear mill st across from the y time no w to change winter oil and have your car checked and greased for spring driving oil change 4 qoam only 550 grease job repairs to all tires large and small tubeless or regular a fully qualified mechanic now employed to serve you at all times see your chryslerplymouth dealer grant s motors phone 85 anytime acton never before an oil burner like this th sficticul new model r160 l0wpressue su fmi oil cm ht drira cmlmf i on pm m w om itw tirawrf priwc replsce your old unit with thli wholly new oondrpt of burner design dtpwidabtuty aeonomy come in er phont for full feet root hardware oicabrpljm bex yzjg want ad page where old friejids meet new at the holland shop granojjraw for a super deluxe top quality vacuum cleaner displayed in our window at a value of 7995 amd an electric tea kettle of i ei joe n hoimh juarojiue ly ted figg died tr 89782 o fib ovi s t m lljn mak valued at 1 or s famous value in other merchandise how to win customers receive a ticket for every two dollars of merchandise bought af our store tickets cannot be allowed by adding the purchase of one of day to another to fill the amount necessary draw topt held august 3 at 9 pm tickets ready for distribu tion around may 5 ifs free and you have as much a chance as anyone else to win one of the hand some prizes j drop in this week and see some tjf our new delft blue pottery and beautiful wall tapestries fathers with mothers day near you are certain to find a suitable gift at the holland shop- something different that will stnke the right note in a womans heart tantalizing aroaaas will arise when you make your soup with the well known aaaggi soup mix for more flavbr add a few drops of aaaggi s aroma i special this week buy a candy caka and receive another for one cent holland rusks good for young and old 2 for 29c see our big line of home made cookies and shortbreads tnere will be something you can use in your household from our dry goods department wives treat your husband to his favorite brand dutchcigar andyoarkiddies toawholesome chocolate bar then on your own behalf come down and pick something out yourself j4fottrf0s4far e huisman prop mill st acton

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