Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1956, p. 6

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f fcjmmi page six the acton free press acton ontario n thursday scat 3rd 1106 rojaorts and arhttaw from haltons farmlands and farm organization soil and crop association t aheaqkfo ambitious 56 program publicity from the inmbum coun t and the norlhcastci n states we note the donne arruultiuil sit ice rotomimiids it foi permanent pastures in tin north iisnni st it os ccordiiir u them it is not as piodiutim as alfalfa but it will krou on lind too rt for alfalfa and maint i jc ind iohroi th in tidmo tin fhi thei state th it despite the cold backward birdsfoot trefoil this legume spring the officers of the halton continues to get a lot of favorable soil and crop improvement assoc iation arc still looking forward to initiating the projects planned for 1956 these include the following i vernal alfalfa and climax tim othy vs commob sorts this project involves a test comparing vernal alfalfa climix timoth and brome with one tomposed of common al f alfa commprttimothv ind hramej this test is being laid down in 10- opciation with fied nurse of sh- krove vernal is a new ariet di- eloped m wisconsin and actoidin to dr we tossell of the depiit- ment of field husbandr and oth er authorities has more wilt resist ance is somewhat higher moldmn and hardier thin our grimm audi ontario variegated strains climin timoth is a stnin developed at ot tawa and it much leafier conse quent- is much superior to thet common timoth variety tests with oats on the farms of brock harris low tile mac alexander norval and w h biggar and sons trafalgar town ship one half acre blocks of each of the follow ing varieties of oats will be tested side by side garr rodney simcoe and beaver fertiliser test on winter wheat this test was laid down last fall on the farm of brock harris at low- viue the purpose of this test is to demonstrate the economics of var ious rates of fertilizer application acre blocks at 0160 lbs 240 lbs and 320 lb rates were laid dow n yields will be deter- j during july j and drought ver well etc etc ihev admit one problem willi ti ifoil is that its hard to rit a stand started this lias been oui ispcrumi to date llie hilton as soiuition in opei itttl on twu tels umi ago these vveie lnlir down v ith f hoss st givx m th near a- plib and loin h misltnw at lov ille neitliei test limiktil m rixhi 1 im fill lint m ii liopi fi the b st 1 he ot im liimtplo it i out blor h is lftvti viitmi iioiletl irrtxitnrl inocvititinn mrt i ft- otrttr mirrnls ri iiiir hit d foot tiefoil ul is so if ou m ti inn it niamfiins i ktiivd stand foi nan biukfoot tioftil ptihips it uoitlil sens en w iimi hi iil gi ied bi viell to lontiit tin iiiuiillui it its winter lunk and suiies hi it of fu i m milton fiim former korean missionary tells presbyterial meeting of need mrs w a dutbldge secretary of the affiliated explorer groups hamilton conference branch and former korean missionary address td the 27th niuiunl meeting of the haluin unhed clmreli presbyterial at millgrove united church speaking on hr work as a mis slonai mis burbidge stressed tlio need for clntlilnr mid ftxtd for the people in knrui a setond spealtei nil this oitas ion was miss rturh it i it ill of all piople s chin th i if hamilton iiiim d im lu topic who is thy neigfilmiur tin woiship siin wits mihiigt of tin killiiiili auxilnrv among tltomfukmg pail in tin meeting win mis w n urnwn m tips on touring by carol lane civil defence iff a target city side ty side mined b a combine methods of seeding laid down a year ago on the farm of a t woodley the test involves some lo or 12 different methods of sowing small seeds according to the pop ular add the plots varied mater- tally both last fall and this spring he is planning to cut and bale each plot separately in order to secure definite data on the method of seeding which produced the most hay lone tc witi at another five acre block of an unproved long term pasture is being planned for the farm of j c marshall in the omagh district this will be very similar to the- demonstration laid down with george r sonterville and son of acton in 1964 and with ken ella and sons of hornby in 1955 data relative to the carrying capacity and the amount of milk produced on each of the two latter pastures will be determined by the respect ive cooperators 4h grain elataa the association is sponsoring three 4h grain clubs and all will be trying out that highly recommended new var iety garry the second year club will he checking garry against rodney in all 42 4hrs have en rolled in the project and we under stand there is still seed of the gar ry variety available for three more lads or lassies between the ages of 12 and 20 years inclusive cherokee potatoes this is a newly licensed variety of earlv potatoes it is reported to be a varie eighth of a series of 24 articles the mechanization of war has made cfties where factories and in dustrial plants are most densek concentrated the likeliest targets in a nuclear war federal civil defence officials estimate that one hbomb with the destructive force of 5 000 000 tons of tnt w ould ob literate everything in an area of about 27 square miles that woulclnt leave much of an canadian city and there is there fore onlv one sure means of sur- vial for the people living in such a cit not to be there when the bomb goes off a basic plan of ev acuation that can be adapted to an canadian city has been worked out by federal civil defence ex perts bricfl it is this phase a enough warning of an attack is expected so that about a third of the population can be tak en out to communities up to 100 miles away this would include children up to high school age mothers with small children pat ients and staffs of hospitals and others who have key work to do phase b planned withdrawal of changes driftwood to fine ornaments edmonton cp francisca zischka an immigrant from czech oslovakia is finding beauty in gnarled pieces of driftwood she turns them into lamps wall brack ets and fireplace ornaments in europe nobody cares for driftwood she said but while she w as w orking at banff she picked up her first piece of driftwood it was all crooked but there was so much beauty i kept it when she left banff for edmon ton she had 300 pounds of drift wood lajsalt took her three j ears of exper imenting to find a process for pre serving the wood so it wouldnt dis integrate w hen exposed to changing temperatures light and air she then learned to polish her speci mens one of the first roots she picked up reminded her of a cave she set a white china figure into the cav ity the rest of the population when at- to represent a shrine and into an- tack appears certain every avail- other contour placed a chmese fig- mucri smoouier variety than ttnr old reliable irish cobbler and also iod able means of transportation would be used this requires a carefully worked out plan for which the provinces and municipalities are responsible a city must be divided into sectors each with its exit route no traffic would be allowed to cross exit routes and incoming traffic would be stopped at least 25 miles out of the cit police and civil defence volunteers must pro vide the vast amount of supervis ion required for carrying out the evacuation phase c civil defence authorit ies must instruct the public on whatever additional survival act ion should be taken as the bomb explodes everjone must remain in shelters or if on an evacuation route keep going until directed to shelter these directions would be given bj rndij through traffic of ficers and civi defence wardens phmi d urine holding a fishing rod lake driftwood is best because it is washed out and hardened by min erals after years in the water ac cording to the collector she says her hobby has one oc cupational hazard i always catch cold because when i see the right bit of wood i just paddle in after it and i always know exactly what i am going to do with a piece the minute i get it out of the wat er the hobby has its surprises she once pulled out a petrified buffalo head while she was looking for wood more resistant to scab the test is also being run as a 4h club pro ject with some 10 members each club member is being supplied v ith a bag of fertilizer by the crop as sociation grain corn competition the hal ton association is also sponsoring anothet grain corn competition in short the competitors will be out to beat fred nurses record yield of 114 bus pei acre of 1955 each competitor villi be required to grow a minimum of three acres and is at liberty to plant any var- iet and use any fertility program desired the top award will again be a gold watch donated by the milton milling co in addition there will be 70 in cash awards plus some bushel lots of seed corn of the dekalb funks and pio neer varieties donated by messsr john c richardson spencer wil son and rayner bros wild carrot control like the weed wild carrot we are persis tent and we are going to take an other whirl at trying to kill wild carrot on our roadsides this ear dr c h svmtzer of the botany department at the o a c will be cooperating with the project ban tri all being well there will be anotner one day bus trip again in early june just where and when has not as yet been det ernuned but we have every cv pectation tht it will include some farms in western ontario where there is something to learn as in former years the bus trip is open to all members of the halton as sociation t 4s n sssa how many bushels of rodney pefacre there appears to be a difference of opinion re the rate of seeding for rodney oats some growers in west- j era ontario say rodneys are great stoolers and that one bushel is plenty and not over six pecks we checked with on don hunt ley of the field husbandry de partment at the oac and he ajg- tees that in favorable spring sax pecks per acre is enough for most of the oat varieties but in a spring when seeding is late there is not the normal amount of stooling tak es place and therefore in a year like this two bushels per should be about right hi tub pustbumb p hundreds of thousands of compensation of employees in canada in 1929 was 2 9 billion 61 i per cent of national income in 1954 compensation of employees w as 12 3 pillion fill 3 tier rent of national income people w ill be scattered outside the cit in small communities people mav be separated from families and must be brought together again thev must be kept informed given food shelter and clothing and pro tection against radioactive fallout the dangerous dust from the pul verized citv sitting down from the skv an hour or sq after the blast the rehabilitation period that followed would not be handled bv civil defence alone but bv all gov ernment agencies and all the people of canada to carr out such an immenselv detailed plan these essential steps arc recommended w ellorgahi7cfl civ il defence force including auxiltarv personnel for police and fire duties and war dens about one to everj 150 fam ilies to supply the v ital link be tween the people and the citv s mam c d organization development of an operational plan for evacuation the city civil defence director should set up w orking teams to find solutions to every problem then the plan must be tried out f f worthmgton federal civil defence co ordinator w as not ex aggerating when he said evacuat ion of a large cit will work well onlv- when a great deal of planning and testing has been done h s holden optometrist j eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelprl womens irorei authority i iv o friends rec t utlv i imc to me itli identical prob lems should they bin i trailer house ind i helped each mik up his mind w ith this advice j r don t actuall bu i trailer until ouve had a chance i to discover if ou w ill really liki trailer lfe i advised both friends eithir to i borrow a trailer from a friend or rent one from a trailer agency and i take an actual shakedown j trip to 1 find the answer they did and this is what they discovered alex m took off with his wife and voungster on a three week trip through the west while ri chard r and his wife made a sw ing through ontario at the end of 10 divs alex and his familv called i halt to the trail er experiment and couldnt get home fast enough they were sick and tired of trailer living and ev i er thing that went with it but j richard and his wife made an ex actly different discovery the loved the free vagabond life they were crazy about it they had discovered a new life the trick of taking a shake down trip before buying paid off for both these couples one couple i had definite proof they really wanted a trailer the other couple had equally positive proof that buying a trailer would have been a major mistake both couples i thanked me warmly ridge georgetown and mrs c les ter president of millgrove wms who opened the meeting mrs m m curdle of streetsville who read the minutes mrs watt of oakville assisted by mrs a e plekard of bronte who conducted the in mem- oriam service the iioniintilink report was given by mrs f wood of pnlermo and the officers wire installed by mrs ross patterson of hamilton conference board ilii litis slate of officers cflllmsts of tin following mrs w n brown- ndgi p ist pusideiit mrs a harris pi suit nt mrs f wood mrs g r stan v mrs e gray mrs jjmis kukwood v- lie presidents mrs f it ill molding scirctarv mrs e m lt kiiumi mir sponding secritary mrs koss st gsworth treasurer mis cleoigi- itiownriilge christian shtwirilihuy mrs u coulter set re- tirv of tin affiliated cgit groups mis n miljmiild of the mission l mil mrs m b mncrostie if baby hand mis iurnt h imiltmi soc- i it mi mbtr mis e b clements suuplv secretary mrs j faton c tinstiui friendship mrs m l itaner literature mrs c dick missionary monthly and world fritnds mrs t clissen christian tihizinship mrs c r livingston piess sicretarv miss a blanchard candidate adviser and sirs a kerr and mrs j mcniven membecs with out portfolio 3 kerrigan chiropractic o f f i c c 7 6 john st acton open daily 9 30 a m to 5 00 p m monday wednesday and ffidsy evenings until 9 4 free consultation for appointments call 550 acton another select cape cod dwelling six rooms consisting of large hving room modern kitchen with ample cupboards two bedrooms and bath on first floor second floor being completed with two bedrooms andbath with linen closets and clothes closets in each large basement with warm air oil furnace large jot well laridscaped with flowers and shrubs schools and safe playgrounds close by owner moving f l wright realtor appraisor insuroft 70 wilbur st 9 canadas finest shoes for men are now available at quality clothes for dad an the lad appointed exclusive dealer for acton shortill sheet metal piumung heatinq gar wood furnaces eavostrawghing 114 churchill road phono 464 we build em small may is safety monthdrive safeum pvaaim 175bomonnr vs fwio kb tractor aid tnotr theres a fargo truck to fit your job rk dcio manning from karamonbartd oo dubmhs with mannings w z now fargo offers 3 express models mton 10i- whoajbas modal mm 7 ions 49- widobody uton 116- whaalbasa modal has 90 long 54- wtdbody 1ton 125- hai 1 os long 34wua body choose the one you need watch climixshowe of stan weekly o tv chock your newspaper for dale and time ptmrs hi casts are down tints trip favft tracts mfo roooe far you t new highor power the right power and the right truck save you time on every trip 12- volt electrical system means faster starting greater capacity for accessories new bisflor paylood t 5000 lbs g vw to 46000 lbs gv w up to 65000 lbs gcw 6s and v8s from 125 to 220 htptmore payload more profit per trip new handling eas shortest turning trucks of all power brakes available all models new chassis foaturas increased capacity springs and axles on many models tubeless tires standard see yow fargo dealer now i chryler corporation of c anada limited i trucks built to fit your job 5000 lbs g vw 46000 lbs svw up to 65000 lbs cow hust 2 ton stake eityloadtac farto bmotmpantl grants motors 252 quaam st a cton 3

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