Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1956, p. 7

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r thtjbsday mat 3rd ims the acton free press acton ontario pachbvsbvkn- wmmmmmmmwmmmmimi pi- j j i ada jor don timmings prop phone 242 v oakville plans milton pines neighbors plan big things to observe town centennial in 1956 dates lor observance of the milton centennial established last year are june 26 to july 1 1957 but beyond the appointment of a committee of milton council this year no other action lias been tak en the following report from an k-ville- newspaper indicates the activities already underway there oakville town council has made an interim grant of 1500 to the committee handling arrangements for oakviues centennial next year f enjo sum this year equip your homo with aluminum holl- mar tripletrack storms and icrtiw and a hollmar door for 1 suburban aluminum door with screen and sash door closer and 12 grille 1 aluminum triple track combina tion ac a and storm sash for 1 small window 4 for average size windows up to 29 14x55 i 1 for picture window up to 46x70 in size above installed for 1 1 monthly pay ments of 2200 and a twelfth pay ment of 670 or 479 per week nonet fall you pull up the screens and push down rise storm sash and hhat takes car of the chore of nutting on your storm sash and stori you nets e for the s i john- t caulf ield smith chairman announced at a meeting of the committee in the council chamber monday evening attended by 2ft representatives of local groups an historical pageant was favor ed as one of the main features of the weeks celebrations which will start on saturday june 29 1957 according to present plans other suggestions put forward at the meeting included a band tattoo and parade a street dance fireworks display a jamboree for scouts cubs guides and brownies parade of antique cars a painting exhibit a spelling bee and a display of flowerboxes in front of business places martin brown of oakville yacht squadron said the squadron could arrange to have 50 or 60 craft in the harbor during the celebrations the sports program will include water sports herman smith local coordinafor of the antique auto mobile club of americ to the gathering a parade of oldfashion ed cars would be organized by his group harold kelly representing oak ville orange lodge stated thai plans were being considered for a convention- of lodges from several countries in oakville just after the centennial and asked that the dec orations be left up for the event- artificial trees with oak leaves acton welding and repair expert welding at reasonable rates des orourke rrr 4 acton will be considered as street decor ations we will try and get in touch with people whose ancestors lived in oakville said mr smith com mittee chairman discussing public ity and advertising arrangements ten thousand brochures advertis- ing the centennial will be publish ed and distributed they will con tain greetings from the mayor of oakville and reeve of trafalgar the prime minister of canada and premier of ontario and historical facts and information on different phases of oakvilles life committee chairman are as fol lows acting chairman john caul- field smith budget gordon sny der editorial hugh mcdlarmid pnvlichjrg rwiigln yilvei rr advertising harry red foster pub licity bill edwards- reception mrs morley keegan sports ollie john son regatta martin brown music frank locksley industrial l a jones service clubs jack corn wall armed forces major l burl eson art and drama w davison fireworks fire chiefs fred shaw and george wright traffic and parking police chiefs w l brown and fred oliver first aid vincent dunston improving method of handling food prince albert sask cp- the prince albert region has taken a hand in educating food caterers in proper and safe handling of food a special school for those interest ed in catering was conducted by the health region under a senior sani tary health region employee the public is becoming more aware of the need for better food handling methods said a a ball senior sanitarian particular stress was placed on members of groups who occasionally rater to service club and church groups people buy the free pres to read and rend the free press to buy railway superintendents agree oh halton weed control program as a result of recent v meetings- held county weed inspector t bradley was authorized by the county agricultural committee and the crops branch of the de partment of agriculture to person ally interview the four railway superintendents with regard to weed control on their righthptof way through halton county he has just completed this mis sion and reports progress he found the superintendents very in terested and sympathetic to the problem they stated that while they were not charged with the full responsibility of formulating the weed control program for their respective railways they would exercise- every means at their dis posal to effect a satisfactory weed program this year mr bradley feels that is an ac complishment the superintendents appreciated his efforts to stimulate a cooperative program from all levels of authority by way of dis uresand sending same with a rec ommendation to the legislative committee this type of action they stated could only cause unneces sary embarrassment for all con cerned because railway superin tendents are charged with the res ponsibility of efficientrailway ser- vice across ontario and therefore could not be expected to see the county problem from the same perspective as local citizens until it was fully explained to them now that the county has taken this approach to the problem it is hoped the response on behalf o the railways will prove to be just- ified letter to the editor telephbneracket from us here now the can chamber of commerce montreal que apr 25 1956 the trade union courier dear sir because there is evidence of re newed activity on the part of rep resentatives of the trade union courier we repeat- below our cir cular letter of august 10 1953 during the past few months the presidents of a number of promin ent companies in canada have been called long distance from new york by persons representing the trade union courier allegedly sponsored by the american feder ation of labor seeking funds for combating communism among un- cussitm-rathetmhan-by-taking-piet- i this union paper is sought either the garden tools ips out in the garden say interest rates determine exchange on canadian dollar the exchange rate between the canadian dollar and its us coun terpart in 1956 will likely be deter mined by the spread in interest rates between the two countries states the bank of montreal in its april busriiess review just issued under the heading the canad ian dollar the b of m notes thit after twice dipping to a discount in the late months of 1955 the can adiqn dollar has hovered at level marginally above that of the u s for the past five months this stab ility of the exchange rate and the narrowness of the fluctuations for this period of time are unparallel ed since the canadian dollar wa sot free in 1951 neat operator calgary cp the man who stole a 5 piee of equipment from a vinegar company hero broke i window to kail entry swept up ll the glass tidiid the office and pill r piece if cardboard in the window barn blockade kerrobert sask cp abe wright found his barn door frozen shut each morning by manure pack- l ed carefully against the door and i frozen a nniskrat had moved into i the barn and senlod the door against draught a aa jwteadlr stapl tank spayf ttevy t li afrraalmaa it l uj twmul cardcn caw t t met at wheelbarrow ml ar lm mam vi aal ray mi ttvfc amlaaj iaaai l mmlmimf dandelion ak ty fmbll iisfiajr ataal caawa jsthss 39 ss9 v4ei uwh omank wm mahahtt ljhibm no i lawn seed town ft country 1r 74 6rokoteo tan amtag shady nook tn4nm bow rake snmi ntahmi 1prong cultivator extra 14 c taatti t li a n 4 l mn ta aat l a aly 219 1v4 lhi aaaai af tsjiut idsfr m 4 cultivator lawnmaster mm 1 dsxr ul ataa wwhtt smears cahan rtaal atokwiiocr j torau jr vuiiwa labaai skal 41 waawr tfcabi j tss cardcn hoc k rt 27 dtch hoe 7- mm t standard 139 st lawn roller caroih stade tiif 7 11 a jo wtor r4a4 a ce 11 219 room ro sm o hens value 50ft plastic hose 2 69 complete with couplings f vi corrosateo rurber ifostt caasataa tfevi miaga a far ilaai npraji al- af ja eacaamaaal 2sfr 249 419 monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and mirkers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 qutm st w brampton shop phono mi0j res 313 rep tom nicol phone bctmpton 603w robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone gueiph 1924 58 st gootgos square in the companys- name or in name of a friend of labor mr percy r bcngough presid ent of canadian trade and labor congress was approached with a view to ascertaining the bona fides of the organisation and the fol lowing quotations from a letter from mr bengough are selfex planatory i took up the subject matter of your letter of the 7th instant with president mcnny of the american federation o labor his reply con tains really astounding inforrriat- ion this racket has been going on throughout the united states since the sprinc of 1950 large industrial ists in every state have been tele phoned originally the telephone story of the trade union courier was the collecting of funds to build better management labor relations in 1953 the story was changed to seeking funds for combating communism apparently few ques tions were asked as lo how this racket in new york could possibly fulfil their claims and it is unbe- livenble the gullibility and simplic ity that prevails among those bet ter informed the a f of l circularized their affiliated state federations and city central bodies in 1950 and the better business bureaux from information 1 have now received 1 would judge that their present canadian campaign covers all of our iarer industries and sections of the country i am under the impress ion that the cm a rind chambers of com merce should all te notifiod the above information is warded to yon so that you have full ixissession of the should you be contacted in connection yours sincerely d l morrcll general manager geologist finds people enthused in new searches renfrew onc cp dr w d harding has this ottawa valley town of 7000 all hepped up about minerals j dr harding a geologist of the ontario department of mines re- cently conducted a prospecting school here each evening about 100 farmers hunters fishermen and school boys went to his class in the kcnirew joiiegiate institute even some of the towns house wives took in the lectures so they would be able to recognize valu able mineral deposits on their out door expeditions aim of the lect ures was to teach them how the geologist pointed to nearby halcys station as an example the station n6w has substantial mag nesium deposits that were originally dug up by plowing farmers the farmers had sworn at the rocks for years until someone came along and told them the rocks were magnesium ore investigation prov ed the deposit substantial enough to establish a plant dr harding said graphite feld spar iron molybdenum and beryl are the minerals most likely to be discovered in the renfrew district there are other possibilities too such as uranium and smalltite the formation which contains cobalt for- will facts 1b is haiton manor hobby classes finish season another very pleasant social ev ent in the activities of the halton manor hobby class took place in the dining room of the manor on wednesday afternoon of last week this social meet nig was the jeloaing meeting in the scries that began on february 8 and has continued on one afternoon or evening each week since that time there were 23 indies present including mrs clarke the matron of the manor and director of the class the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and a col lection taken at the close of the business part of the meeting mis harriett met calfe rend an address to mrs clarke in which mr clarke was thanked for her originality effic iency and kindness while acting as director of the class mrs clarke was asked to accept a gft of hos- iery and a gif t of candpresented to her by mrs catherine smith on behalf of all the ladies in apprec iation of her unselfish work for the class these gifts carried with them best wishes for a happy birthday which mrs clarke celeb rated on april 27 the remainder of the afternoon was spent by the majority of the ladies in playing games of crokin- ole checkers and pickupsticks a few of the ladies continued work ing on their projects to be able to show the completed article before the series of meetings ended delicious refreshments of ice cream and small cakes brought the- very plensant meeting to a close the ladies were joined at refresh ment time by two gentlemen al fred baker who was celebrating his birthday at the time and nor man viggers whose knitted socks had been part of the handicraft display on march 28 mrs clarke announced that she hoped to begin another series of handicraft meetings in the fall pro bably in september enjoy movie on friday evening april 27 the residents of the manor went to the movies in their own dining room when four short films were shown hy means of the manors own projector mr clarke ran the projector and during the intermis sions between the films mrs clarke passed around treats of ap ples and candy two of the four films shown were in color and two in black and whit the colored films were seasidle holiday and newfound land stnc seaside holiday show ed the beauty spots and the places of political significance of prince edward island canadas smallest province the newfoundland scene showed the activities of the men who go out from newfound lands little seaside ports in search of whnles seals and fish the two films in black and white were a very amusing film sing a little in which allan mills of radio fame was shnwn singing u number of the folk songs for which he is famous and the voice of a choir which showed the scenes and played the music of the famous bach choir of the moravian church at bethlehem pennsylvania this choir specializes in the singing of the music of johann s bach and the musical numbers heard were very lovely sunday servke beautiful music and an excel lent sermon made the sunday af ternoon service in the chapel of the manor on april 29 a very inspiring service for the residents the ser vice was conducted toy rev e orshnm of knox presbyterian church milton mrs s- lockie was at the piano to accompany the musical part of the service in her own very acomplished manner a beautiful quartette it is well with my soul was sung by bars t bradley mrs c cannon bill lock ie and david lockie bill and da vid are the sons of mr and mrs s lockie mr orsborn preached an excel lent sermon on verses 3838 of the eighth chapter of homans these verses beginning with the words for i am persuaded are among the most forceful and powerful verses in the bible here paul tells us that neither death nor anything in life can separate is from the love of god many things can sep arate human beings from each other such as death time or chang ed circumstances but there is noth ing that can separate the human soul from the love of god travel treats for pfrnofcimrte t ajajaaajajajjajaaajajq n cfldddinn tire associate store ssv milton tr 85552 georgetown tr 74965 plenty of free parking jajjaaaj detroit st louis new orleans 1170 2900 no see youx local agent for ail 811 travel miformation ahold wiles ac 4 n prtz i5s93p59

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