Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1956, p. 1

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4 eightyfirst yearno 44 acton ontario thursday aaay jolh 1956 fourteen pages seven cents stuff ihilo goioen wedding ceubrants and mrs a w norton who have been residents of limehouse for 4 1 years last week marked their 50th anniversary they are shown her admiring one of the many bouquets received from friends and family they were feted at a family dinner and reception believed to be high grade find oil in esquesing natural gas well call tenders for new fire station tenders are being sought by the town this week for construction of a proposed new fire station to be annexed to the rear of the present nail general specifications read at a ncent meeting of council call for a building approximately 65 feet long 48 feet wide at the front and about 54 feet wide at the rear it would be o concrete block con struction one storey high and a brick facing on the front where three sectional overhead doors will admit to the equipment area interior ot the building is to be finished in asbestos board in the equipment room while walls and ceilings of the proposed boiler room are to bet double lath with plaster bunk room lavatory kit chen and hall arc to be finished in standard lath aad plaster the new building would face bower ave plans show the row o doors to stand out about 10 feet further than trie present fire hall entry to the rear the hall will extend 19 feet past the south edce of the present town hall the specifications also stipulate the moving of the wood building which now houses the old fire truck over to the south side of the townball to face willow st j oil was reported found hist week- end in the latest capped has well drilled by anthony gas v oil ex plorations ltd in esquesini town ship tony seynuck acton president district police reported two acnf the yerold company which re erin men involved in two car mishaps paving program for roads gets further council study possibility that a major part of actons 18 miles of streets may be paved this year was given further fuvciruble study in council tuesday night as members heard a report from the road committee on the economy and worth of the cold patch method of hardlopping uiist saturday the road commit tee with mayor k tyler nindttii trip to beaverton where cold patch paving was done last year com mittee chairman it n brown told council of the characteristics tit this type of paving uml its apparent durability it was mentioned that cost per yeur for cold patch paving could j work out to u bout half the tost of hoi hurdtopping members discussed the extent of grants if a general paving program were initiated this year a meeting is u be held early next weekwith a department of highways engin eer to discuss the grant setup as well as other considerations in the proposed paving dbiplraitcd with progress keiads in the crowing uakcvicw subdivision caine uifor energetic discussion later in the meeting the contractors told council that cm iic was displeased with the towits progress on roads in inkevicw to serve the first 2r houses ceiuncll talked this over general ly agreed that work was being done as inckly as soil conditions would allow two residents of laikcvicw i at the nietting as spectators spoke i hrii- fly on tin- lopir they holli sxitiy utilities commissioners vote to pay themselves cidents in this area during the week both involved erin men albert sliiter erin was arrested and charged with impaired driving after an accident saturday evening about two miles east of acton on no 7 highway where his car crash ed off the road and into some ced ar trees a 125 collision occurred wed nesday evening on no 7 highway at the silvercreek hill the emer gency brake on a car driven by douglas mearlhur erin slipped causing the car to roll into a car driven by philip sctuire of tor onto delegates report on iode gathering reports of the annual meeting of the provincial chapter were given by lakeside chapter iodes two delegates at the chapter meeting in the legion hall tuesday evening cently signed a gas supply contract with the united suburban gas co ltd of hamilton said this week that hijh grade oil was found in the no h well when a residue check was made saturday for water in the shafts sunday mr seynuck with tech nical assistant ii it murphy took samples of the oil to ohio for test ing by thy dow chemical co ltd mr murphy of the maryland firm of wightman and murphy said lab oratory texls are now being made on thesamples and equipment will be moved in shortly from ohio to acidize the find when this is com pleted fuller data on grade poten tial and extent of the oil will be known ho koui this oil could prove to be one of the richest finds in the county mr murphy added he explained that this area lies over trenton limestone which characterizes a geological formation known in canada as the ontario arch the arch begins in the nor- mmibers of actons public util ities commission last week took steps to pay themselves for their duties on the basis of 24 meetings per year the amount will likely be fixed at 8 per member per meet ing with the chairman netting 2 extra per meeting council must take the legal act ion to fix the amounts payable to puc members it was pointed out by information from the hkpc regional office half the remuner ation will be charged ugainst hyd ro the other half against water works chairman k oakes wondered why council must set the- rati- of pay he opined that must council members are ignorant of the amount of work puc members do mayor k tyler mentioned that coiiiioi4 members as well would likely wonder why the matter had to ho passed through their hands lias free arena following an inquiry about the commissions legal position on dom estic meter access the llepc re plied with a quotation from the ap plication for electric lighting ser vice which is a part of consumer contracts it read in pirt the i agreed conditions were bad but un derstood it was useless to ruiiip gravel only to have it disappcur into mud holes mayor tyler said there was only so much money to spend mi these roads and the town has no intention of wasting the money of gravel lust in stilluiuddy holes during this discussion council veered off the subject to discusti the engineer frank pallesens reach nf authority in carrying through road work a short argument developed on whether or not the engineitr vus 1 getting suffic icnlujhtriiclious from f council committees to cfftct ills j work entangled an kvrr i tin- hrjuikiewkv case is still us entangled as ever early in the meeting ioiincillnr s llriinclle re ported on a meeting with the ltuli- ert hudson co ltd the town failed to iet any committment fritm i the sulidiyidcis for a share in rx- proprialmg costs on a house in tin j way of a straight rad i council agreed to let this luteal complexity hi tin- confused ense i ride until further word is henrd from the contractors j a irwin appeared at the meeting lo request a donation toward j coration day expenses council moving their said meters wires and other material and appliances tile letter went on to suggest that those customers giving diffic ulty be advised of this agreement this information was sought after objections were heard by the acton j voted toiiay for tin- printing of fiio- commission from o loll lea residents grams tor this years service on who complained about the meter i one i readers manner of entry i during the riacling of accounts secretary j mcgenchie reported touiuillor minn lie asked if a per- the bell telephone- company has iodic check or inventory could in agreid to pay a reasonable portion of the cost of replacing a broken water line near t hrankicwic property this was broken while hell workers were digging in the arei the commission directed the company be billed for fit wr cent of the line replacement cost vlalt to the seaway chairman oakes delivered a lenithy report on a tour taken hy mayor tyler and himself with oth er municipal officials from the tor onto area of the huge st lawr ence seaway power project this tour was sponsored last week hy onljirm hydro the secretary read a judgement from an ottawa court dealing with a suit by a private firm for inter est on a consumer hydro deposit kept on small miinual equipment in each town department he said he i felt that proper can- was not al ways being lakin of this type- of i equipment tin idea of a mock control meth od was broached but not discussed seriously the mayor suggested each coinmitlee look after its own equipment claims fence dinucril mrs m mcculloiigh also appn ed at flic meeting to demand action from the town to improve the con dition of a fence on her ptnprtv mrs mfculluugli claimed lie fence was damaged ilia ring load work by tin- town on churchill oid fviayor tyler promised the complaint would properly authorized agents of the tms ise the claimant lost corporation shall at all reasonable members agreed to include hours have free access to the said premises for the purpose of read ing examining repairing or re- big green monster is parking attendant at local cemetery its getting pretty hard for teenagers who like to enjoy the warmer air of spring nights in u car to park in pence these dnys bearing hill out is the fantas tic tale of a gciulish green mon ster some nine feet tall with claws and drooling fangs which supposedly sprang out of a gruveyard tomb last week thats the vny nw of the dor ies went anyway another had two escapee from the reformatory in disguise us- mg the ctemttcry lis u hideout the storied even went no far that local police took u look for themselves hut they went uwuy fairly certiuii that the activity was no more than some indiscreet teenagers playing peekaboo on other teenagers whose car hud as hie saying goes run out of gas on dark rtimtery lane board approves land purchase at georgetown at a special meeting in milton monday evening the north halton district high school bourd gave tentative uppruval of a settlement of the purchase of additional lands at georgetown on the present site of the buildings the lands involv ed are a trifle over five acre and expropriation proceedings have been underway the bourd agreed on a price of 15000 and cost- totalling 9192310 now involved after hearing a re view of the case from mr ord the solicitor othirr concessions arc a strip of land when required by the town of jmrgrlown for putting in j a street to the rear of the property i it was also proposed to do some interior decorating and make ini- rprovcmcnls in the lighting at the milton school quotations were to he serurid so tliat the board might decide what amount miftht be spent within the budget mrs mcfji-e- was engaged to teach music at the milton school at j the same rate as occasional teach- ers copy of a letter sent from the ii k f continued on fay tlircr ayt- mrs w dumarch and mrs it i them section of halton extends southwest under lake erie and into ohio and i it is one to 25 miles wide in places mr murphy pointed out that from the trenton limestone area in these two states part of the same arch that starts here there have been over 610 million barrels of oil taken from fiihc hvl west told of the various addresses suggestions rind ceremonies the regent mrs sonny jocque presided projects were discussed during the business meeting and refreshments concluded the even ing car exhaust fumes kill mechanic at silvercreek gerry fraier a 27yearold gar age mechanic employed at the gar age owned by bert mcmenemy no 7 highway at the silvercreek hill was found asphyxiated in his car outside the garage early yesterday i wednesday morning his body was found by the gar- sujct owner and a neighbor bill hanson at 845 am opp con stable george moore who investig ated said frazer apparently fell asleep in thc vehicle which was still running when he was found there were holes in the floor of the car caused by rust and the car had a defective muffler county coroner dr j chamber lain reported the man died of as the consulting geological firm of roberts t hcssen an american firm which investigated results by tony seynuck before the acton company was formed is said to have indicated strong suspicions of oil in this area chief enumerator addresses rotarians phyxiation it is not known whether or not the crown attorney will the chief enumerator for halton order an inquest into the median- county for the coming census art ics death i padbury spoke on his work to the frazcr formerly of the parry i rotary club at their meeting on sound district was employed at i tuesday the garage since january 1 he ladies night and peanut day are could not acknowledge same for ex lived at the rear of the service i currently being planned by the i tra pay it was further agreed that station i group j extra pay would be made only as aeluii public school will have at least two rooms for every grade next term it was learned at a meeting last week of tho public school trustees principal g w mckcnzie report- per schedule 50 for each certificate with a maximum of three he adams was appointed to the library board to succeed uev it armstrong the chairman of the property cd there will be two kindergarten committee reported that it had primary classes three crade is been necessary to have repairs on hs the mlikcr worm ihr- tii tv i v and two each of grades iv v vi i the secretary reported receipt if vii and viii the principal was al- g nonresident fees 337752 legis- so assured by the board that there i lalive grant on 6 average daily at- would be establishment of an indus- tendance also 15000 part of legis- he attended t irnl asked tin committee to imk aftir it final reading was given a bylaw which grants a partial tax exemp tion to the local branch of the uri- adian i cgion clerk j mcciachie submitte levy schedule fnm the cvca so read the summary if fines fiioige how iiifin will again head the acton night school committee uraneli the resolution snurrrt luieuce wrlkins is sereretary treater per capita grants ffir smaller mlss jiiih lsriiewich treasur- i municipalities i other cornmitee members are council granted a business assess- i mrv w catty miss fkllamaye merit writeoff ti s g smallwoiki m ilarbani wood mrs j ltd totalling 33423 on the bnlauue av a1 nen if the year folleiwing cessation of suggestions for courses arc wcl- operations at thiri plant march j coined by those in the group who i permission was granted the as- als expressed their interest in i sessor to attend the- annual c-ori- i ln of mty teachers who might be- avmuihlc for next fall i courses that inipht hih n- set new courses j for night school public school to have at least i two classes for every grade vcnlion in north bay p iff s app trial arts room for next year the principal presented a requisi tion for sporting goods which was approved the annual trip to toronto for grade viii pupils was authorized princpial mckcnzic advised that certain teaching aids were desirable for retarded children the board directed that these be procured members agreed to pay a registra- lative grant a finance statement of 62857 was approved and payment authorized group hears record at monday meeting i mrs roy arnold was hostess to the acton music study group on monday evening cesar franck was tion fee of 5 for teachers taking the the composer under consideration oneweek social studies ciiurse but and the group heard a recording of his symphonic variations plans were made for the next meeting and refreshments served u iiji v vi consultative committee hearin pros cons for breakup of district h s area heard in public a motion from the iuc to pro vide for remuneration to its mur- bers on the basis of 24 meetings jier year was read out council con curred passed a motion aprovink per meeting to the chairman e to members i wonder if this will affect the rates councillor barbeau askerl no replied the mayor itll come out of current revenue actons share of the county assess ment was noted for 1956 total is s1691225 of this amount 9031 14 i fr general expenses 7 for depewous here council acknowledged a revised shorter version of the national buildingcodc from the national he- search council briefly discussed was the possibility of the town re- i vising its own building bylaw us- ing the national code as a basis nej i definite proposal was made how- ever i council accepted season if enrol nieiit is sufficient in clude kmockirik silk screen print ing upholstering millinery ceram ics clothing tailoring art typing shop work shlleraft leather carv ing jewellery stone jewellery enamelling lino block printing drama club public speaking cop per tooling copper jewellery and uuilting several of these were taught last year i the committee is hoping to have i more ideas passed on to them before concrete manning for the term commences they arc anxious to in- boy recovering after hit by car fouryearold john seclen son of mr and mrs j seelen of acton was reported last night to be in an indigent improved condition following an patient account also heard the last accident sunday afternoon when i urban board minutes read and the young lad was struck by a car authorized an interim share pay- at the corner of mill and ma i v j- fc uiv wi i it i if jviij1 mho lliri brown secretary of the north sought clarification on whether the s icvtorw aprt s oi cion s levy for 1956 the seelen youngster was cross- explaining grants briefs for and against changes in miltons brief indicating arguments if he realized this would adversely o the organization of the north hal- in support of division of the present affect the grants this was realized halton high school district board- main question under studv was the i u c ton high school district board area but it was thought the grants might notel nelson and trafalgar had not hi wit nw aethm on taxe f mg the corner with his f iye-yeur- werc submitted to the consultative at the opening of the hearing be altered to suit geographical at any time provided transportation sion ol tnc north halton board the clerk informed members that brother whcii ia car driven by committee on high schools at the there were no other municipalities points to milton school should it continue on the present court action is scheduled this week j f uf hamilton struck onlv scheduled public meeting jofaschool boards or individuals seeking inspector johnson pointed out the chairman mcconachie redefined basis seems to be the main ques- vv tne towns attempt to collect doy andknoched him to the thit group in the court house ml- a hearing majority of assessment in the two the purpose of the committee for tion the chairman explained jack taxes due from a former pavement the car was travelling ton wednesdav tight later in the meeting deputy southern townships was in the those who arrived late he noted p m sna dustry here plastonics ltd ouui on main btrrtt at the time evniiinmo brank mr 1tndsay counciiror e footitt requested taken for medical attention al- was use of the town hall wednesday i most ediatcly by the driver capital nights for band practice this was uc n boy tbs rushed to the organization in halton and as one ted jointly by the two councils big assessment which they would if amination he defined zvrl he also pass on a lutij if f member of the committee com- the townships suggested that if a portion came into theatitton dis- n pickett memoer of the north m irfhon5 x l 1 plat from a ctzen about an open p he hospt- mented the bujgest problems seem- the consultative committee reeom- trict he pointed out halton crd tndtcvted i thi riz wpil sacfitlosd receive m itsstl h h0m w s on cmc l to be in the north of the county mended breaking up the present mr macnab questioned further if idea of the board was to have one where f now receive onb00 water in th d de i e driver of the car accoranan chairman of the committee d a area they suggest establishment of any attempt would be made to central school at spevside since receves only sioo water mt the building inspector v j mcconachie told the small audience four districts one in each of the transport north nelson and north growth made this plan not feasible john hau muton representauve ls ok into this complaint ln l l 2 z it was honed the report would be urban centres of milton acton and trafalgar pupils to milton col g he suggested there was concern n north halton board exprta- councillor brown asked if there i j h i7- prepared lor presentauon at the georgetown and one in the town- i whether this was the right method sc f feeling there was a an further thoughts on put- v june meeting of county council ships without a school this mr n b tendency to be sectional although tm vices down the third iine y members of the committee ap- j currie pointed- out wouldamow the pointed by the county are d a townships to send their mcconachie k c undsay high nearest urban school on per pup there seemed a need for more spec- municipal- hcrey said ildajlow the i v i k vv the board endeavors to work to- this year mayor tyler replied if a ptlpilstothe death of niflkt fir ther ks 8 he personally recommend- petition for water and sewer lines ato botv fxnatlrinn vper pupil eaci or inigni mre ed the establishment of three as obtained the town would likely j muiq dooy cxpanolfig rther accom- hmr flj hltifa lil ss parate districts put down services t tr l- school inspector johnston public j payment basis untilfurthcr accom- damanac aflirklic3i i ialized attenion n each school inspector u u skuce andm 1 modation vias not available the laltiages oatenouse attenion in each ml robinson mr robinson was not townships then might construct the wail of the lire siren at four put down services to a by councillor to two locations present at the meeting j their own high school at no representations or submissions term saving to ratepayers i ir- v a to a question liu ie wan or me ore siren fll our mv ta c aeshorsd u the corrtmis brunelc the mayor said an enfi- acton auto body is expanding iu long am tuesday morning turned re- arms forthcoming on business acordirs to iu wrner iewed that his council hd asked w0u consfdering academic as lne sea for more water no represeniauons or suomissions enm auvuis iu ratepayers men ana a nanaiui oi ugnt sleepers r r n w rfminictnii i i ki were made on behalf of souther the totmshup brief recommended out of their teds to a sraokey j estabushment of the consulutive j wu avadnjmtratiye andancial reeve hargrave asked if the war municipaliues but esquesing and retaining the present organiiauon blaie at the wool combing corp committee to tell them which p v nssagaweya entered strong objec- j for five years at which time it might plant tions to any change in the present be reviewed or in a shorter time if the gatehouse of the plant caught i area milton recommended division i conditions warranted fire while watchman c withers of the present area into three areas brucemacnab questioned if the i was on rounds when he noticed lloyd bulmcr he is takihe ove some buildings on the flyira farm mtetan tschsol ind wathos i j mested it would b a and cement flooring i beini laid 15 ac i no rsi w good idea to put it into periodic use there this wee o districts around the three urban georgetown indicated they woomlliketo see uiematter studied aad acton was not represented dr c a martin former high school board cfaiirman submitted committee was also to review trans portation be pointed out that mil ton should be the nucleus of the one area and serve parts ot kelson and trafalgar to save on transportation chairman mcconachie questioned the smoke firemen were called but they arrived too late to save the small structure front extensive damage firemen did not state the cause of the blaze would be the best method of opera tion his council he indicated had t fiood idea to put st pe thcre weel not formed any opinions for or j the meehng might consider ac- and added he felv the supply in- an enclosed wrecking yard and ademie sta creases through use this sugges- used car lot will be mcludd on the he reviewed that georgetown had only entered the area because of economy and riot through any real satisfaction with the method of operalon r r parker acton ratepayer the chairman suggested the com mittee was interested in the aca demic problems only as far as pro vision of the physical facilities for the courses and not with the actual teaching tion is to be taken to the puc at the close of the meeting conn new site staff has expanded from three to five j vi uiv iiikvmii ueu- iprww live if cil appointed j creighfon to servef the auto body will beoperating on the north halton high school from two locations oo main st district board following the resig- j south and on the highway la nation of c cook i about two weeks- ill

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