Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1956, p. 2

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page two the acton free press acton ontario thursday hay 10th 1069 2ilc arton ttt jrpbb the only piper ever pufcfilked in acton founded in 1075 and published every thurs day at stfltill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulations the cw na and the ontnrloquebec division of the cwjf a advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 9400 in the united states six months 175 ingle copies 7c authorized mi second class mail post office departmant ottawa tralilhahil j hiii nub prlattsic an- rvfcuslua c uashm s g a dills edltori chief david r dttls tfttducilbtt kansger jame ab john black associate editors business sad editorial office ph 600 acton serving the most citizens in spite of the fact that a new community centre was turned down by the voters at the last lectiotvjtjppears that part of the program of municipal buildings is to be put into effect this year tenders have been called lor a new fire hall which we presume is to be financed by a debent ure issue details of the proposed new building are given in the newsjcolumns and the proposal has been under consideration by council there is no doubt that a fire hall or a new municipal building or better equipment and more buildings to store it or artificial ice are de sirous but there is a question of which things are the most urgently required and will serve the majority of citizens for 1 5 years the residents of cameron street have appealed for a sidewalk to enable them to get to the shopping centre with out walking in the mud most everyone would enjoy more hard surfaced roads in new and old er sections of town the annual maintenance of roadways is very unsatisfactory at municipal nominations it is very frequently mentioned that the municipal staff is not suffic ient for the work required the matter of some salary adjustments is constantly before the meet ings of municipal bodies of course educational expenditure is constantly on the increase with no brakes to apply in the present structure we fully appreciate the position of those in charge of municipal affairs in their constant strug gle to appease all groups and still maintain a level of taxes we wonder however if we do not need at the present a little more maintenance of what we have and less addition of new build ings and new equipment in due course most years in this month of may and sometim es even earlier there is a warmth in the air and a feeling that is an urge to start spring cleanup even that urge to go fishing isnt just the same when spring is delayed this year spring is late and with a delayed season comes a delayed ac tion in the usual spring duties a late season of course has its reaction on spring business winter clothing is not shed for the spring toggery the garden tools and the urge to do outside work around the home or on the land is lacking not only the land but those who work it require the warm spring sunshine we ought at this time of year to be writing items urging spring cleanup painting up and getting ready for summer but even writers need the sun to shine on both sides of the fence the trees to come in bud and the grass to look green to pass on the admonition for spring cleanup the weather may be backward but always there are the seasons in the turn and as long as we can recall they have not been too regular in making their appearance blame it ori what you will the weather is always a safe topic it never argues but just comes and goes as it pleases without manmade regularity big trade abroad well over 50000 canadians visited britain last year staying on an average 61 days and spending at least 25 millions for those who would like te see canada build up more trade with the united kingdom these facts are signifi cant here is a british export to canada that could be greatly expanded with little or no disturbance to established canadian markers or industries says the financial post every dollar spent by canadians in britain mostly for transportation food and hotel servjees is exactly the same so far as international account ing is concerned as a dollar spent for british goods imported into- canada the more canadian tourist dollars are left in britain the more dollars there are for british con sumers to spend on canadian newsprint lumber wheat aluminum and scores of other products we would like to exportand it should not be very difficult to boost- this canadian tourist spending in great britain almost indefinitely because it is a natural developments bad retaliation that was a badly unfounded and biased statement that unionized printers of orttario made last week against premier frosts government according to a news article a resolution passed the annual conference of unionized printing trad es which states printing contracts for voterstists are let to printers on the basis the printers will make a re bate or kickback direct to the returning officer of about 25 per cent ormore of the lineage rates as determined by the government such practices are in effect graft and are known and condoned by the provincial government in the years we have been in business we have printed voters lists foe all parties never once has a kick back been suggested or paid we received the regular rates for such printing on a straight businesslike basis the accusation undoubtedly is the r of premier frosts governments recent stand when he refused to bow to union demands that all gov ernment printing must bear the union label and be done in unionized shops if he had acceded to this demand every printer in every smalltown would have been barred from doing any printing for the ontario government the printing trades unions have shown themselves to be narrow and prejudiced in making the statement reported maybe they would like to see the time come when nonunion printers could not eat in the same restaurants as those who belonged to a printing union as aprinter who for years was a union mem ber and holds arf honorable withdrawal card we fear present day leadership is at a pretty low ebb not a healthy growth latest estimates of the number of alcoholics in canada released recently by the alcoholism re search fou pi ontario plaee the total at 18200 this is a projection to the end of 1956 and it represents an increase of 30000 over the last three years the figure previously used in foundation publication was 152000 alcoholics in canada at the end of 1953 according to foundation statisticians there is not only an increase in gross numbers of alcoholic canadians but in the rate of alcoholism occurring in the population as well the rate for 1953 was 1670 alcoholics per 100000 canadians age 20 and older the projected rate for 1 956 stands at 1850 per 100000 canadians age 20 and older the foundation reports an estimated 76000 alcoholics in the province of ontario in 1956 as compared with 57000 in 1953 and an ontario rate for 1956 of 2210 alcoholics per 100000 adult population as against 1780 per 100000 ontario adults in 1953 the new estimates place the alcoholic popula tion of york county toronto and environs at 25700 and the york county rate af26t0 per 1 00000 adults middlesex county london regis ters a higher rate than york 3160 per 100000 adults and carleton county ottawa trails york with 2540 per 100000 adults it is quite clear that canada does not need the stimulus of mom liquor advertising to make its citizens better end more able to develop this country the years bring changes a new newspaper group has come into being in ha i ton the past week a group of burlington businessmen have taken over publication of the burlington gazette upon the retirement of messrs elgin and george harris who have operated it for 57 years with fine community spirit tribute was paid the harris father and son at a testimonial dinner in burlington last thursday there is also regret ahd reminiscence in the changing scene as human frailties demand the dropping of arduous duties we couldnt help but feel this as we realized that this left your editor now the senior editor in halton county time marches on and we v to welcome the new owners and the production staff of the burlington paper into the weekly newspaper field of halton whose papers have long and successful histories miltons canadian champion goes back to 1860 and actons free press to 1875 as the two oldest continuing names in haltons newspaper history seniority is something which is not sought but comer in spite of oneself photo bt kthcr tyl when spring comes and ponds are high fed by rushing crekes the call to young mariners is too insistent to be shrug ged off the sailing season is back and not only rafts but miniature schooners like the one above are now taking to the waters piloted by young sailors the bible rev g v far80n district secretary upper canada bible society the dressed only from down except for the sacred cord tied diagonally across his chest from the right shoulder a visitor stood hesitatingly outside the house of a canadian baptist mission ev angelist in sampctn india his face was clean shaven as was his head all but a tuft of holy hair at the back 4 according to n long established custom in india the visitor indicat ed his presence by coughing in stead of knocking the evangelist could hardly con ceal his surprise- when he saw be fore him this young brahman priest to such a high caste ortho dox hindu contact with a christ ian who had been converted f rorri the untouchable outcast should be unthinkable even more cause for surprise were the strangers first wards greetings sir i have come to see you because i want to learn about your christian relig ion surya narayama patro was the visitors name the first part of it meant god is the light of the aun jfc wastrip family priest of the rajah of jalantra a village five miles away when not performing religious rites in the temple he conducted a small school a few months before a book sell er had called at the school and ask ed permission to sell copies of the christian scriptures to the pupils the priest bought two books these he showedtohishostthey were well worn and indicated the priests sincere interest in the gos- ple story he was anxious to learn more on a following visit the priest met rev dr g p barrs a canad ian baptist missionary dr barrs gave him a copy of the complete bible after reading john 3 16 he exclaimed how different this is from the vague speculations of hin duism patro eventually forsook the waist worship of hindu idols and despite terrible consequences and severe persecution he became a sincere christian worker the sublime truths of the sacred word had proven their power once more suggested readings for the week sunday acts i2b 131 monday psalms 148 114 tuesday psalms 8 19 wednesday psalms 66 120 thursday psalms vi- 124 friday psalms 72 120 saturday psalms 92 115 m- i poets cor jm er my mom is for my mother kind honest and true o is that ill own hex my whole life through t is for her tender heart precious and pure as gold h is for her guiding hand that i would often hold e is foreverlasting love she shares with everyone r shes real and wonderful god bless her shes my mom haoel laurie 414 main st acton einestarts here heres a special spring lleanup warning from the fire department fire the kind that hurts and destroys has favorite starting plac es like the home with the attic basement arid closets stuffed with old clothes useless furniture and other rubbish fire likes to get go ing too in yards and empty lots cluttered with trash dried grass and brush dont you give fire a place to start look safe feel safe be safe from fire clean up ajaa4aaaaaaaaa4j at tr down through the centuries famous men down through the ages have written about mothers and their influence but for this mothers day of 1956 we like the referehce made by macauley about 100 years ago which is just as apt as it was in the 180fjs in which he liv ed children look in those eyes listen to that clear voice notice the feeling of even a single touch that is bestowed upon you by that gentle hand makernjjch of while yet you have that most precious of all good gifts a loving mother read the unfathomable love of those eyes- the kind anxiety of that tone and look however slight your pain in after life you may have friends fond dear friends but never will you have again the inexpressible love and gentleness lavished upon you which none but a mother bestows mothers day is on sunday aaay 1 3th what more could we add united church of canada acton omtarla rev gordon adams mabb minister parsonage 29 bover avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday may 13th 1956 900 am morning prayer 10 00 am junior church and churchschool 1115 am morning worship evening prayer- cancelled presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bj minister sunday may 13th 1956 christian family sunday 1100 am childrens service bap tisms 700 p m evening worship a warm welcome awaits you the anglican church of canada st albana church acton out rev evan h jones ba uth rector sunday may 13th 1956 sunday after ascension 430 am holy communion 945 am church school 1100 am beginners class ii 00 am morning prayer k no evening service on the second sunday of the month special beaver grand falls nfld cp the- department of mines and re sources is conducting a survey to learnmore about newfoundlands bearveri which arc not the same as beavers elsewhere on the north american continent carcasses are being examined to leam more about breeding cycles baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 26w sunday mav 13th 1956 1000 am sunday school 1100 ajn morning worship 700 pm combined service with knox churohfor farewell ser vice 815 pm bypu wednesday 8 pjn midweek ser vice acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lou ball crewsons corners ptor rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone 649w sunday may 13th 1996 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pm cottage prayer meeting and bible study monday may 14 sectional rail service in st albums par hall at 8 pm remember those xvwvvvvvwvvl twenty years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday may 14 mm according to the assessors roll which has just been returned ac ton has a population this year of 1393 these figures include of course only that section within the towns boundary it is an increase over last year of about eight council continued to discuss the advisability of having garbage col lection in town the municipal of ficer was instructed to purchase a new hand lawn mower as the pres ent one was worn out the annual high school com mencement exercises were held in the town hall on monday night principal d a macrae deplored the lack of scholarships to help the pupils keep up their interest in the various departments vernon ag new who was the gold medallist at the halton music festival gave a selection hazel wilson gave the early history of our community kny chapman presented a mono logue norman braida gave an account of- the musical activities at the school patricia horrop as a crys tal gazer predicted the future of the members of the graduating class the girls choir sang mr j m mcdonald chairman of the school board presented diplo mas to margaret arnold eileen brcen helen campbell helen lamb etta swackhamer roderick ryder harvey mccutcheon george switzcr charles henderson fred turner john dennis ted hansen and howard turner the valedictory was given by helen lamb the ymca circus on friday and saturday evenings proved a novel form of entertainment it was remarkable to note the pro gress made in the few months the y has been in operation under sec retary a maclarcn win ecclcshall in the boxing and wrestling ring featured some of his boys w ecclcshall jr fred turner roy denny harry norton ken hassard and lome masters there were songs drills tumbling and dances the clowns were ver non agnew charles tyler how ard norton and donald ryder fifty years ago taken from the tame of the prae press thunday may it 1mi several petitions for permanent pavements were received by cil the annual meeting of the mens institute for the election of officers was held in the town hall last friday the new president is mrs a t brown vicepresident mrs h p moore secretary sin george haviu directors mis dr gray mr j cameron and lira j mclam miss clara moore and mrs t perryman press commit tee the pretty dandelions have cone out again mr r gibbons is out again with tragedian hla 84000 blood stal lion watch acton grow theres build ing no all hands and the population continues to increase it was reported at council that boys were tampering with the guy ropes of the electric lamps on the streets arrests will follow prompt ly any further meddling for morcthan a year county council has been considering the matter of initiating steps towards providing better roads for halton in this connection an exhibition and test of atone crushers and steam road rollers was held ia milton last thursday attended by hundreds of councillors municipal officers and citizens from all parts of hnlton as well as wentworth and peel ontario has two sensations just now the new silvermining camp at cobalt and the agitation over niagara falls power it is becoming clearer daybyday that hydroel ectric energy in to be the great motive power of the next half cen tury and likely to displace coal wherever it is easily available the news tlint there will be no protracted strike of the 160x000 hard coal miners will be very grat ifying to the people of ontario who were already beginning to seel that next winters supply of fuel was rather precarious the recom mendation of an increase in wfbgm of 5 per cent was accepted garden weds 20 packets for 26c the meat shops have adopted early closing professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and burgeon office in symon block 43a hill st e acton office p 78 residence 14s church 81 e phone 1m dr u a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 838 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pjn legal c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary ftomae office hours 1000 ajn1200 aun 1 00 pm- 500 am saturdays by appointment onfer roffice22 phone res 1 acton lever 8 hoskin chartered accountants 51 main st n brampton phones 2478 44 victoria st toronto- em4ots1 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 ajn to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 a m to 6 p m telephone 19 acton optical e l buchner ro optometrist mill sle phone 115 office hours wednesdays 130 6 00 pm evenings by appointment aa e aaamderson ba barrliter solicitor and notary public 4 main st s phone triangle 72484 miscellaneous rumley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive av laaapard at cm rmt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bv sc c l young dvaa veterinary surgeons office brockville ontario phone milton tr 89177 seal estate and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser steal w r bracken real estate to phone 26 acton list your farms business or house with us we invite you to use facilities in securing a purchaser for your property 9ei r f bean limited teal estate and laauraact 83 mill st acton phone 585 gray coach unes coaches leave acton dayliihft saving eaitbound 638 ajn 858 ajn 1133 ajn smc 208 pm 508 pm 633 pjn ft pm 10 08 pm sun and hoi westbound 1027 am 1252 pjn xsl 5 27 p m 727 pm 913 1 1 32 pm 1 12 m fri sat and ho canadian national railways standard ttate eaitbaund j daily 540 ann daily except sun days 1000 ajn 713 pjn stsaday only 801 pjn daily except sun day flyer at geor 903 aan 837 pjn daily flyer at george town 1011 pjn daily 1144 pjn daily except our jsutfday 848 am 655 pin fkas- stop 740 pjn saturday only xjx pjn sunday only bjos ajn nag- stop sunday only flyer at ghtelph 705 pjai daily except sat and sun to detrain from west toronto 531 pjn daily except sat asdt sun flyer at cuelph 557

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