Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1956, p. 2

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page two the acton fbee press cton ontario m hubsdav may 17th 1066 ghje acton jflrer irrbb the only papetvcteramisked la axtan founded in 1875 and published every thurs day at 54 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulations the cw nj and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request sub scriptions payable in advapce 300 in canada 400 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7cl authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa published by the dilla printing- and pablbhinr co united g a dills editorin chief vi david r dills production manager james a dills john black associate editors business and editorial office ph 600 acton victoria day on monday victoria day that first public holiday of the early summer is scheduled for observance on monday departing from a custom that made this holiday the 24th of may for over a generation we have the holiday now observed on the monday nearest the 24th which this year brings it on may 21st perhaps if switching holidays to weekends finds general approval and convenience we may find other holidays changed to the weekend or monday observance aaany of us can recall when business was not badly disrupted by a midweek holiday that was in the days of small industrial establishments and this country was a group of individuals more de pendent on the land in those days too holidays meant a days less pay in the envelope and there was quite a divergence of opinion on whether to work or stay at home yve didnt have the means of rapid travel either and a holiday just meant a day around home or a trip to a nearby stream that still had some trout in it we used to spend quite a deal of time in those days too in decorating the exterior of homes and business places with flags bunting etc the present times provide ard demand a dif ferent type of observance we havent time for home and businesjs decoration we have to go someplace we must all get on the highways we cannot say that a public holiday is more enjoyable or more restful in the present trend but its dif ferent and appears to suit observance on a long weekend for those who still want just a day of leisure what difference does it make whether it is monday or thursday or wednesday or tuesdays or friday just so long as it isnt the saturday or sunday the days that we presently have who pays your pension the ontario teachers pension fund is down 90 millions below current needs according to the provincial auditor unless this is made up promptly he adds in 15 years more money will be- going out than is coming in this is not the only teachers pension fund in canada that has been shown to be actuarially unsound declares the financial post and some others like those of the federal civil service and for certain groups of municipal employees have had to be heavily- subsidized by the taxpayers from time to time to keep them afloat the plain fact is that in many of these schem es covering teachers and othergovernment work ers either contributions from the employed have not been big enough or pensions paid out to the retired have been larger than the contributions justified private industries simply cannot operate their pension schemes that way if their funds got be- hind there would be no handout from the gener al taxpayer that is the way it should be for others too we need some practical as well as theoretical application in bur administration of pension funds you cant get out more than you put in too many irons a few years ago the canadian national rail way undertook to build a hotel in the city of montreal about that time the nonoperating railway unions succeeded in expanding their membership to include the employees of all hotels operated by railway companies the unionshext step was to persuade the powers that be to rule that the employees of railwayoperated hotels are railway employees and must be paid railway wages which are much higher than competing hotels- hae to pay this was a blow the cnr had nouexpecfed it opened the- companys eyes to the fact thai hotel keeping arid railway operating dont mix and that the fewer hotels it operates the better it will be for the railway it decided not to operate any more hotels than it already had ori its hands and it made a deal by which the new hotel in montreal would be operated by a hotel company that is not in the railway business it also began to look about for opportunities to dispose of some of iti other hotel properties the rural scene a great achievement on monday ontario hydro marked 50 years of service to ontario municipalities it was on may 14 1906 that the first 14 municipalities around kitchener received royal assent to create the ontario hydroelectric power commission but all the pioneering was not over when the commission was formed many of us recall the years which followed when sir adam beck carried on the campaign withhisfollowers to get acceptance of the new power by ontario municipalities then as now old customs and methods hung on tenaciously there was the doubt in manyrninds that electric ity generated at niagara falls could be carried to serve the province folks didnt like the flicker of 25 cycle power that was made available by hy dro it was an uphill campaign for adam beck and his associates to convince ontario towns and villages of the feasibility of the bold plan it was six years later before hydro came into the townsin north haltqn and there were many bit ter arguments along every step it was perhaps the biggest achievement in the upbuilding- of the province of ontario fifty years later every town and rural home enjoys the bene fits of hydro the fasf half century has seen an industrial growth in this province that certainly could not have been achieved without hydro may 14 190c marked a proud achievement for ontario and 50 years later we find hydro still forging ahead developing the great waterways of the province and making ontario a better place in which to live and work wwwwwwtmm embarrassing the governorgeneral of canada has been embarrassed by the public appeal for patrons of the drama to buy a certain kind of whisky to sup port the arts it seems to have beerrpubkc know ledge however that the distiller on whose behalf a few thousand letters were sent out contributed between 20000 and 25000 to the drama fes tival if such letters were sent out for all the support to projects given by distillers and brewers many more patrons of very commendable projects would also be very embarassed there are many enterprises both in communities and in provincial and dominion spheres in which the brewers and distillers try to win prestige by their liberal dona tions nothing much is said about it until it flares up in the open but always the contributions are tinned at winning public favor ludging by the crop of alcoholics we have today the expenditure of big sums is paying off for the advancement of the products of the liquor trade it seems to take a lifetime to sink in on the public mind that whoever pays the piper calls the tune but isnt it shocking and embarrassing when the public learns all about what keeps our culture and advancement oiled and going maybe itwould be well to examine the list of donors to the organizations to which we all be long to make sure that we too will not be embar rassed if the spotlight is turned on other activities there are no free drinks on the house some day there may be more letters sent out asking for tangible returns adjust to what l the fashionable remedy for many an ill nowa days is to adjust taxpayers who include most citizeris are exhorted to adjust to prevailing levels of taxation trade union members are threatened with dire consequences if they fail to adjust to what their superiors the labor bosses think is good for them heads of families are caioled by government to mortgage their very life insurance to buy homes which most of them will never live to call their own television set owners are deftly guided towards being more re conciled to the cot fare even doctors and psy chiatrists belong to the cult of conformity urging their nervefrazzled patients most of whom are the victims of the conformity treadmill to ad- just fortunately there are still a few staunch non conformists left economic non conformists politi cal nonconformists cultural non conformists and lust plain cantankerous folk its a good thing there are the hardy few who refusing to adjust themselves keep making the old college try at forcing circumstances to be changed and better ed the printed word rememberv those fad qusbcufa soaae fish bite and some fish dont but these two lone angl ers hardly seem to care as they drift lazily over the quiet waters of point wolf river in furidy national park new brunswick at least the scenery is something if the fishing isnt photo from the canadian government trave bureau the bible rev g p parson district secretary tdatf upper canada bible society cyprus is in the news as perhaps never before the calibre of the bible colriorteurs who travel from place to place and call house to house with the book of books in the midst of the explosive situation there is illustrated in the story or nicholas although of greek parentage nicholas was born and raised in the polyglot community of cairo at 19 he volunteered to oppose the ital ian invasion of greece and saw some of the fiercest firhtink in the midst of the sufferinr of the bitter winter in the wild hills of albania with comrades wounded and dying all about him he resolv ed that he would spend his post war life seeking to bring peace to people however he could when the tide of war turned in favor of the allies and he was stationed near thebes one day in a house whore he was billeted he found a new testament in ancient and modern greek printed in 1839 over a century before by the brit ish and foreign bible society nicholas began to peruse it idly until one after another passage caught his attention the book be gan to fire his imagination he re fused to be disturbed even when food and cigarettes were offered to him he read on and on for days after demobilization he was offer ed a position as a colporteur and gladly nccepted he was sent to cyprus at the age of 33 now as he tramps the streets and hills of the city and country he carries not only a supply of bibles for distribution but the more than century old copy that had sparked his own interest in the holy scriptures suggested readinrs for the week sundav psalms 104 135 mon day psalms 113 19 tuesday psalms 147 120 wednesday col ossians l 12 thursday colos- sians 2 124 friday colossians 3 125 saturday colossians 4 118 niiaetauiaiiiiiakiiibuiiaiiiinihiibiiaigiihmim flhsmwbiiwiswaiwbiilwiieb ii m s ulysses j by alistair maclean youre likely to be cold all the time von road hms ulysses by alistair maclxan a new war novel that has been very popular in brit- am its chilling in two ways first its a war story of unusually tragic dimensions secondly the story takes place on the convoy route to murmansk in russia this run was notorious for its hardships j with a dying captain and simply exhausted crew 11 ms ulysses was assigned to convoy duty north of the arctic acircle again back to the continuous cold even below decks and to devastating air and sea at tack tragedy was inevitable and the men of the roval navy knew it v twenty years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 21 1936 the program for the four weeks celebration of the diamond jubilee of the united church acton as an nounced tentatively this week pro mises one of the outstanding events of the year a quiet may wedding was sol emnized on saturday afternoon when miss lcrnn elizabeth daugh ter of mrs and the late frank e kennedy became the bride of mr joseph nelson reidson of mrs reid and the late robert heid all of acton the ceremony was per formed by rev e milton morrow in the united church parsonage the bride was charmingly gowned in a powder blue georgette dress and her bridal bouquet was pink roses with babys breath st albans young peoples as sociation marked the close of its activities until the fall with a ban quet wednesday night the parish hall was bright with streamers of blue and white two important numbers on the program were the presentations made by mr lowrie and mrs ritchie to mrs buchanan and charles kirknessfor the help with their play for petes sake summer sports got away to a real start but the summer gardens suf fered a setback with the severe frost this week the lady bowlers met at the club house wednesday evening last the following officers were elected honorary president mrs j jvt mc donald president mrs d h lind say firsi vicepresident mrs e ryder second vicepresident mrs s rushmere third vicepresident mrs h elliott secretarytreasurer miss m ryder assistant secretary- treasurer miss v ramshaw seeking a reserve or replacement for the veteran goalkeeper george hainsworth toronto maple leafs paid 8000 i record price for a minor leaguer for detroit olym pics star walter broda milton has two- cases of diptheria reported acton scouts will attend the jam boree in milton on the weekend fifty years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 17 1m6 the confirmation services of st albnns church are always ery impressive and interesting and are invariably well attended at the service on thursday evening his lordship the bishop of niagara confirmed 11 candidates whom the rector rev wilson had prepared miss ettie laird who has been librarian sine the opening of the library eight years ago has resign ed it has jecn some time since aa alarm of fire has been rung ia the town but on saturday night at 030 the fire bell rang and the tanaery whistles shrieked and in n tew minutes the heavens were illuaain- atcd with a lurid glare and it was soon ascertained beardmore and tos sole leather tannery was oa fire the beardmore fire cornpnny and acton kiro brigade poured tons of water on the flames and in half an hour or so had the fire un der control the insurance ad justers were here on tuesday and the loss appraised at 5000 divided between some 23 companies the illegal practice of some shop keepers of sweeping their refuse on the streets continues as a result the streets have an untidy and un kempt appearance isnt it about time the fire and light committee jjot that hydrant in for water for sprinkling the streets mr chairman please get a hustle on the dust is getting un bearable again signs of sprinn there are sprouts on the onions junk dealers now are her there is rubbish for the rag man and eggsnrc not so dear at the last pay day the wages of the men at the tanneries was in creased a dollar per week thw are now receiving 9 a week they tag all the dogs in oakville an attempt to run sunday cars hotvronforl william and port ar thur has been stopped by the awth- orit ics senator forrct reports that frerirh capital is being sent to can- aria for investment due to unrest in that countrv professional directory and travellers quide medical ifdai the auto hasnt completely re placed the horse you havent yet seen a bronze statue of a man sit ting undr a steering wheel alltime record set by chrysler chrysler corporation of canada ltd today reported an alltime re cord production for passenger cars during the month of april corporation president and gener al manager e c row announced a 263 per cent increase in its pro duction of pasenger cars over the same month in 1955 the 11132 cars produced rep resent the highest april production in chrysler of canada history bringing otir total production for the first four months of this year to 41959 this he added is also an alltime record for that fourmonth period and an 18 per cent increase over the same january- april per iod in 1955 dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d buckinipr physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 6h pm c f leatherland qc itarrlstrr solicitor notary pnblle office hours 1010 a m 1200 am mm p m 500 pm saturdays by appointment only offic 2 phone lies 151 acton tever hoskin charter acc 1 main st n hrimptun phones 247a 44 victoria st tornnto- fm 49131 dental aa e manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 4 main st s phorfetriangle at the dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office lcishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon offlci coiner mill and frederick strelmica office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton miscellaneous optical united church of canada acton ontario rev cirdon adams ma b d minister parsonage 29 bower avemie phone 80 mr george elliott organist and chair leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 brief comment late or early the outdoor evidence of spring time is always welcome- the spring flowers the budding trees the new grass and the weather that permits one to be outofdoors are always things to be eagerly anticipated slnday may 20th 1956 900 am morning prayer 10 00 nrn junior church church school 5115 am morning worship evening prayer cancelled presyterian church in canada knox church acton rfv robert ii armstrong va bt minister slnday may 20th 195 945 a m church school 1100 am- morning worship 7 00 pin- evening worship a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonige 115 bower ave phre 206 w the powassan news last week entered its fit- tieth yeir of publication with the founder of the pajber- j blake still going istrong congratijla- j tiofn on a notable anniversary to both i galling all husbands time to clean up 1 maybe you will end up with a sore back from all your efforts but you 11 be mighty pleased with the trim air your property will acquire a little sales talk to the wife will convince her that a few hours with the rake may mean a better arrange ment of her poundage but be diplomatic gren- fell sasksun the anglican church of canada st albans church arton ont rev evan h jones bk cth rector sunday may 20th 1956 whitsunday 830 am holy communion 945 am church school 1100 am beginners class 11 00 am choral communion 700 pm evening prayer slkbay may 20th 19o6 1 11100 am sunday scrw 11 00 am morning worship 7 00 pm evening worship 815 pm b ypu l wednesday 8 p m midweek ser- i vice e l buchner ro optometrist 4 mill st f phono office hours wednesdays 1 30 6 00 p m evenings by appointment veterinary f g oakes bv so veterinarian office and rsidence24 kn actoil phone 3 av ruaaley funeral hoaae heated ambulance phone 699 nikht or day strving the community for 46 years olive- aa lampard a t c m r m t teacher of piano acton stcnio st a loans parish hall 14 hark ave guelih lhiu- 21i travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton dayllxht savin- tim kasthound h 58 am 1133am 20 p m 633 pm 8 33 t m a m 2 iv p r p rr id tfa b d oung bv sc c l oung dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone- milton tr s9177 p ri sun and hoi abound in 21 am 57 prr 1 1 32 p m md he i pm 27 p m 1 12 am fri 2 5 pm 9 1z pm sat sun kftai estate and isstrance acton pentecostal assembly meeting in l ox hall crew9ons corners ptor rev k j reid t 81 cook st telephone h9w- pay for repairs sunday may 20th 1956 moncton nb tcp mayor 10 00 am sunday school hugh joyce told council that loal 1100 am morning worship contractors damaging tire hydrants 7 30 pm evangelisticservice while removing snow would have wednesday 8 pm cpttage prayer to pay the repair bill j meeting and bible study f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insurance w r bracken real estate insurance phone 26 action list your farms business- air house with us we- invite you to use our facilities in securing n purchaser for your property canadian national railways standard time eaktbound daily 5 40 a m dailyeiccrm sun day s hi oci m 7 13 p m sunday only so pm daily except sun day flyer atciforgeiown 9 02 a jn 6 37 p r itoily flyer at george town 10 11 pm wrsttxund 11 m p rri daily except j bert wqoo general ma ufo k phone 585 77 mill st daily- sunday 8 48 am 55 pm i flag- stop i 740 pm saturday only 19 pm sunday only 008 am flag- stop i sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pm daily except sat and sun to detrain passengers from west toronto and beyond sj1 prn dally except- sat and sun- flyer at guelph 57 pjn ffinsiaigii

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