Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1956, p. 5

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thursday may 17th dm the acton free press acton ontxro page eleven mike coxe plumbing heating- eavestroughing pipe fixtures fittings of all kinds i beatty pressure systems j vater softemers american kitchen unit dealer phone 25 acton free estimates shop friday nights till 9 pm 9 mill street ac to ritz ohsibtdps 16oz pko kv 1202 can monarch swext mixed b0rde1t8 pickles plaoi or qablio 16oz j alt elsie rolls 8 0z roll 35c 33c 19c 27c tfuovs iax miracle whip 1b-oz- jak sia0 smjso o0 sc salad dressing kraft swanky swigs 43c 4ob jab ksxlkanirfl real mayonnaise hot dog relish hamburg relish mustard 2 teoz jar mcitaetfs 12 oz jab heinz 12oz ja 8ob jabs stuarts 000o cello lunch bc stuabmj 2e sspr39e nescafe 57c good luck 1lb pko margarine 35c magic foil k tilbe8t peanuts 47c allbweet margarine i 27c swifts meat fob babies 2 45c bhbbb proctob and qambik vii cel fienr 39c 10c off cashmere toilet tissue 8im0niz now bcwft lkmnd wax- fob 21c free flower seed qt players cigarettes 289 free bonis prkm11m fireking ovenwajte start- now to collect yolr complete set of this exciting ovenwware pte plates cake para casseroles etc seven units in all each one absolutely free for only 15m worth of cl green cash register slim this week receive a r free rpie mate florida huf s9r red ripe watermelon quarter 33c each 109 florida grapefruit slac 96 5 for 33c canada no 1 hot house cucumbers mch 19c hybrid tea climbers and poly antra rose bushes a fall line of flowering sarahs ch69c institute problems projects are qnagencla at rwio meeting tlje mtny womens institute numbers in this area wi be inter ested in the agendo of the spring board meeting of the federated womens institutes of ontario at the ontario agricultural college last week mrs gordon macphatter presid ent presided mrs macphatter es pecially welcomed miss helen mc- kercher director of the extension branch home economics service ontario department of agriculture who was attending the session for the first time and who she said had shown a keen interest in the promotion of womens institute work she also thanked the mem bers for their cooperation miss barbara taylor of jamaica who is stduying at the college un der the fwio scholarship and now in her second year was mak ing good progress reported mrs macphatter mrs gord maynard executive secretarytreasurer reported over 7000 had been sent in frora the ontario branches for the delegates fund to ceylon 051 twcedsmuir history books were now in pro gress an increase in membership e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 1 306 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 of 267 was noted tor the year with a total membership now of 41047 mrs e v thompson convener of conference and hollduy re ported many nppllcntlons had been received for the wi holiday to be held at the oac july lfl to 20 nnd more hum 300 arc expected to attend county university the country womens univer sity is n term frequently used to describe the progress of the w i brunch nnd home economic ser vice of the ontario department of agriculture said miss helen mc- kercher in her address miss mc- kercher reported the department is most anxious to promote local lender training schools to further its work the program followed is quite extensive it helps women ac quire sound and approved practices for greater home efficiency to dis cover stimulate and train leader ship the courses and conferences ore quite diversified 41 full time and 15 part time persons ore on the staff 1 two copied of hume and coun try the organizations mngazine were issued inst yenr nnd 47000 copies of each issue were distribut ed to the members 411 clubs suld miss mckerchor among the young people nrc proving very popular and over 1u0o0 local lenders and assistant leaders are guiding these young women in their club work county honor pins nnd certificates were awnrded in 1055 to 457 mem bers who hd completed six 411 homemaking club units nnd to 83 members who had completed 12 4- ii homemnking units mrs mncphntter gave a compre hensive report on tlio recent fw i o sunexecutive meeting she re ported a womens organization in belgium wns so impressed with the wi that they had asked the fw lo for their constitution the cit izens fniunt asked the fwio to consider the following subjects fur future discussion women in bank ing standardized curriculum ac ross canada how far run ciuivers- atlon go and should canada have two sets of policy the federated womens institut es of ontario were born in the horse and buggy days there were the days loo when men were am used at the forays of women into public life however bo years later there are po000 members in can ada 19000 of them in ontario and in the world association five and a half million known as the assoc iated countrywomen of the world tlio board that met inst week in ouelph is the governing body of the institutes and the members are el ected by branch members at area conventions these eleeted repres- entnllves bring to the board the problems opinions and requests from their own subdivisions there are 27 subdivisions in ontario and also two representative from the junior institutes the board ucts lis a clearing house for nil institute problems the spring session of the fw lo is frequently a period of co ordinating activities thnt were set in motion at the november meet ing plans are made for the board members to go out to ihe district annual nnd give out first hand in formation to the ontario work the resolutions convener reports on the progress of resolutions sent from the fall board meeting to the vnr- ious points concerned closely con nected with the institutes is the home economics service extens ion branch department of agricul ture with miss helen m mcker- eher director tlio women who formed the or ganization an years ago understood the basic qualities needed to devel op leadership the methods of pro moting their objectives change somewhat with the years but the foundation is the same to help women acquire sound and npproved practices for greater home efficiency to discover stim ulate and train leadership to dev elop a more nbundunt life in our rural communities and deeper ap preciation of the tli inn near at bund to develop better happier and more useful citizens safety record st stephen n ii ci a liuui- marking i50imm munlioiirs worked without accident was uwarded to the new hiiiiisvyick el ectric power commission nt a cere mony here ha i ton- chapter three years old llnlton chuoter no 280 eastern star celebrated their third birth day last week tiie meeting in the town hall auditorium with 201 members and visitors present was also grand officers and matrons night sister olive adnms grand wor thy matron of the province of ont ario was present past worthy oriind matron sister pearl mcdon- uldtwna one of- the distinguished guests as was worthy grand sen tinel joe whitfield and tlranri chuplain w smith worthy mat rons and latriins nnd visitors from chapters in oikville burlington peel caledonia grimsby hngers- villtv hamilton cuyiigu and duii- dns were present one of the highlights of the ev ening was ii presentation of an honorary membership in iliiltoif chapter 2110 to the worthy grand matron sister olivu adams the presentntioli wns made by sister kdith chisholm worthy matron of the llnlton chapter sister chlsliulm expressed her pleasure in welcoming the worthy drum mulron iiientioning the fuet that they were both members of the dundiis chapter sister ida j or vis post worthy matron of hal- ton chapter made a presentation from the chapter to the worthy ii mid mulron two members of the flock bro thers gave several musical numbers which were well received mrs origgs of carlisle gave several readings to delight the audience a splundid lunch including a birthday cuke brought n elose to a very pleasant evening keep kids away keep your youngsters away from any outdoor fires thats the local fire chiefs special spring cleanup advice to mothers trash fires and unsupervised bonfires can be dan gerous both to lift and property its a good idea to teach your child ren not only to stay away from any outdoor fires but also to report these fires to yon nt once at the power- look at the poweri in any model you choose you can have a traditionally finer ahortstroke v8 by the worlds leading v8 builder in any model from f100 to f500 you can have a v8 or canadas newest shortstroke six the ownerproved roadproved cost cutter six whichever you choose v8 or six you get the industrys greatest lineup of engineering advancements with modern shortstroke power you get more power per dollar more go from every gallon of gas look at the safety the comfort ford trucks bring you lifeguard design with safety steering wheel arid safotyhold door latches as builtin features plus new nylon seat belts and plastic padding for instrument panel and sun visors as lowcost options look at the capacities ford trucks offer higher capacities right through the line stronger springs axles aw frames look at the price tagi compare ford trucks model for model feature for feature price for price with any others youll find you get mora frock for your money when you go fordi you get mom you pay less when you choose chronicles of ginger farm written specialty for th jcfon hee press b gwendoline p clark me you pokdmonarch dealh thompson motors phone 69 acton ontario heck your cap- check accidents m b safety mow e you can see steer and stop safely lets see now where dor we start this week 1recious utile farm act ivity t report a veal coif gone out and n dropped calf brought in thunderstorms power breaks ruin anil sill i- more ruin ditches and creeks running over the cul verts and thermometer finally rlimbini into the seventies that too presents a problem too hot with the furnace goinu too dump to let it iiu4 oh well lets forget the weather there me iilenty of other tilings to write ahout in fact i almost jieed- ii newspaper to myself licit week was just one thing after another until wednesday i was quietly en joying myself with david no that isnt quite right either you couldnt enjoy yourself quietly not with i3uve mound however we were prepared to keep him for a week or two then- came a wire could i at tend w 1 conference at ouelph special delivery letter to follow actually tliere was no reuson why i shouldnt joy would lie quite willing to look lifter dave if i took him down to onkville i phoned her und that is what wa decided hut the best laid plans of mice and men it just so happened i couldnt get away bo joy had to iome and gel dave then my hiecial delivery letter hud ih wrung initial and was de livered five miles up country i wenl after that hut hud to take lo the dltcli lo get in and out of our place a truck hud broken down null at the entraiicv to our farm afler supper i intended gst- li myself iiljl house and part ners supplies in order ready for the next iwo dnys and then the power went off now i nskyou what ex- ira jobs run out do in a llg house wilh only cundles to work by it was hopeless mo we went to bed anil got u i 1 1 y next morning lint the eicmliiis were still at work stock nigs developed n run as i put them on one strand of u double slrinn of pearls hrokn in my hand and wlun i was finally on my way i fiaiiml 1 had forgotten my gloves however i ivimitimlly gol to the onfiierne and only ii minutes lute now i iiiii nol going i give you a del il led account w i bruntlies will get a full report from their fielegotes so 1 will just stick to my impressions there was tin audic nr over wk rural women young old and iniddlenged and you could tell- iom llieir fnces thiy wire enjoy ing themselves that tluy were genuinely iilereited in ihe husiness of the day imslly jottllitf down notes so they could take buck a full report tn their fellow mem bers and vvlint an orderly aud ience an occasional lalecomer of course or someone leaving early to catch a i iih hut never thrr con tinual romim and going that we sometimes find at other meetings and which is so distracting there well the officers ind dir ectorate whi were taking part in the program friendly capable gracious wiiniri anxious from then vasl store of exiiunce to pass on thejr knowledge to ill who ueje eidvlo accept it miss helen mckerchcr ilirertor of kxleniioll services mlrccssor to the foiincr miss anno i lwis al most iinrncdiiilely won a place for herself in warts of tin- deleft- itcs mrs jordon maclhaiier soon to vacate the office as kwio president was her usual chorminif and unpretentious self before the conference ended padre young mood beside mrs macphatter on the platform his arm around her shoulders and led the audience in singing with genui affection let me call you sweetheart in deed mrs macphatter wilh her simplicity and charm has endear ed herself to almost every mem ber of the w i with whom she has come in contact and has done much to promote unity and under standing to know mrs macphat ter is to love her mrs h k houck brampton del egate to the united nations in a wonderful address made us feel that we really had a stake in the affairs of the united nations mrs 1 r futchcr a past pres ident in her review bf officers conferences past present and fut ure pivtius a pretty good idea of the tremendous planning that is necessary for this annual event it must ccrtanyiv be a great satisfact ion to mrs futcher to know her efforts in primotingthis nex ven ture have bcn o successful and so well appreciated jw there were also officials rontthe provincial government whose ad dresses were well received espec ially as they were brief as well as hieing informal and p nightcnirii and there was or margaret nix from mcflill itnivcrsity who gave us wellbalanced doses of lehse and nonsense but even the nonsense had sense if you know what i mean an excellent shot m the arm for those who were developing a slight weariness finally there was entertainment recitations vocal duets and won derful singing by the junior farmers choir from ontario coun ty yes it was r most successful and enjoyable conference and l now another treat is in store for us mrs alice berry president of the ac w w is visiting various parts of ontario in june who wouldnt be a wi member the human body is remarkably sensitive pat s man on the back and his head swells

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